new UniqueOperationNames(), 'LoneAnonymousOperation' => new LoneAnonymousOperation(), 'KnownTypeNames' => new KnownTypeNames(), 'FragmentsOnCompositeTypes' => new FragmentsOnCompositeTypes(), 'VariablesAreInputTypes' => new VariablesAreInputTypes(), 'ScalarLeafs' => new ScalarLeafs(), 'FieldsOnCorrectType' => new FieldsOnCorrectType(), // 'UniqueFragmentNames' => new UniqueFragmentNames(), 'KnownFragmentNames' => new KnownFragmentNames(), 'NoUnusedFragments' => new NoUnusedFragments(), 'PossibleFragmentSpreads' => new PossibleFragmentSpreads(), 'NoFragmentCycles' => new NoFragmentCycles(), // 'UniqueVariableNames' => new UniqueVariableNames(), 'NoUndefinedVariables' => new NoUndefinedVariables(), 'NoUnusedVariables' => new NoUnusedVariables(), 'KnownDirectives' => new KnownDirectives(), 'KnownArgumentNames' => new KnownArgumentNames(), // 'UniqueArgumentNames' => new UniqueArgumentNames(), 'ArgumentsOfCorrectType' => new ArgumentsOfCorrectType(), 'ProvidedNonNullArguments' => new ProvidedNonNullArguments(), 'DefaultValuesOfCorrectType' => new DefaultValuesOfCorrectType(), 'VariablesInAllowedPosition' => new VariablesInAllowedPosition(), 'OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged' => new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged(), // 'UniqueInputFieldNames' => new UniqueInputFieldNames(), // Query Security 'QueryDepth' => new QueryDepth(QueryDepth::DISABLED), // default disabled 'QueryComplexity' => new QueryComplexity(QueryComplexity::DISABLED), // default disabled ]; } return self::$defaultRules; } public static function getRule($name) { $rules = static::allRules(); return isset($rules[$name]) ? $rules[$name] : null ; } public static function addRule($name, callable $rule) { self::$rules[$name] = $rule; } public static function validate(Schema $schema, Document $ast, array $rules = null) { $typeInfo = new TypeInfo($schema); $errors = static::visitUsingRules($schema, $typeInfo, $ast, $rules ?: static::allRules()); return $errors; } public static function isError($value) { return is_array($value) ? count(array_filter($value, function($item) { return $item instanceof \Exception;})) === count($value) : $value instanceof \Exception; } public static function append(&$arr, $items) { if (is_array($items)) { $arr = array_merge($arr, $items); } else { $arr[] = $items; } return $arr; } /** * Utility for validators which determines if a value literal AST is valid given * an input type. * * Note that this only validates literal values, variables are assumed to * provide values of the correct type. * * @return array */ public static function isValidLiteralValue(Type $type, $valueAST) { // A value must be provided if the type is non-null. if ($type instanceof NonNull) { $wrappedType = $type->getWrappedType(); if (!$valueAST) { if ($wrappedType->name) { return [ "Expected \"{$wrappedType->name}!\", found null." ]; } return ['Expected non-null value, found null.']; } return static::isValidLiteralValue($wrappedType, $valueAST); } if (!$valueAST) { return []; } // This function only tests literals, and assumes variables will provide // values of the correct type. if ($valueAST instanceof Variable) { return []; } // Lists accept a non-list value as a list of one. if ($type instanceof ListOfType) { $itemType = $type->getWrappedType(); if ($valueAST instanceof ListValue) { $errors = []; foreach($valueAST->values as $index => $itemAST) { $tmp = static::isValidLiteralValue($itemType, $itemAST); if ($tmp) { $errors = array_merge($errors, Utils::map($tmp, function($error) use ($index) { return "In element #$index: $error"; })); } } return $errors; } else { return static::isValidLiteralValue($itemType, $valueAST); } } // Input objects check each defined field and look for undefined fields. if ($type instanceof InputObjectType) { if ($valueAST->kind !== Node::OBJECT) { return [ "Expected \"{$type->name}\", found not an object." ]; } $fields = $type->getFields(); $errors = []; // Ensure every provided field is defined. $fieldASTs = $valueAST->fields; foreach ($fieldASTs as $providedFieldAST) { if (empty($fields[$providedFieldAST->name->value])) { $errors[] = "In field \"{$providedFieldAST->name->value}\": Unknown field."; } } // Ensure every defined field is valid. $fieldASTMap = Utils::keyMap($fieldASTs, function($fieldAST) {return $fieldAST->name->value;}); foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $field) { $result = static::isValidLiteralValue( $field->getType(), isset($fieldASTMap[$fieldName]) ? $fieldASTMap[$fieldName]->value : null ); if ($result) { $errors = array_merge($errors, Utils::map($result, function($error) use ($fieldName) { return "In field \"$fieldName\": $error"; })); } } return $errors; } Utils::invariant( $type instanceof ScalarType || $type instanceof EnumType, 'Must be input type' ); // Scalar/Enum input checks to ensure the type can parse the value to // a non-null value. $parseResult = $type->parseLiteral($valueAST); if (null === $parseResult) { $printed = Printer::doPrint($valueAST); return [ "Expected type \"{$type->name}\", found $printed." ]; } return []; } /** * This uses a specialized visitor which runs multiple visitors in parallel, * while maintaining the visitor skip and break API. * * @param Schema $schema * @param TypeInfo $typeInfo * @param Document $documentAST * @param array $rules * @return array */ public static function visitUsingRules(Schema $schema, TypeInfo $typeInfo, Document $documentAST, array $rules) { $context = new ValidationContext($schema, $documentAST, $typeInfo); $visitors = []; foreach ($rules as $rule) { $visitors[] = $rule($context); } Visitor::visit($documentAST, Visitor::visitWithTypeInfo($typeInfo, Visitor::visitInParallel($visitors))); return $context->getErrors(); $errors = []; // TODO: convert to class $visitInstances = function($ast, $instances) use ($typeInfo, $context, &$errors, &$visitInstances) { $skipUntil = new \SplFixedArray(count($instances)); $skipCount = 0; Visitor::visit($ast, [ 'enter' => function ($node, $key) use ($typeInfo, $instances, $skipUntil, &$skipCount, &$errors, $context, $visitInstances) { $typeInfo->enter($node); for ($i = 0; $i < count($instances); $i++) { // Do not visit this instance if it returned false for a previous node if ($skipUntil[$i]) { continue; } $result = null; // Do not visit top level fragment definitions if this instance will // visit those fragments inline because it // provided `visitSpreadFragments`. if ($node->kind === Node::FRAGMENT_DEFINITION && $key !== null && !empty($instances[$i]['visitSpreadFragments'])) { $result = Visitor::skipNode(); } else { $enter = Visitor::getVisitFn($instances[$i], $node->kind, false); if ($enter instanceof \Closure) { // $enter = $enter->bindTo($instances[$i]); $result = call_user_func_array($enter, func_get_args()); } else { $result = null; } } if ($result instanceof VisitorOperation) { if ($result->doContinue) { $skipUntil[$i] = $node; $skipCount++; // If all instances are being skipped over, skip deeper traversal if ($skipCount === count($instances)) { for ($k = 0; $k < count($instances); $k++) { if ($skipUntil[$k] === $node) { $skipUntil[$k] = null; $skipCount--; } } return Visitor::skipNode(); } } else if ($result->doBreak) { $instances[$i] = null; } } else if ($result && static::isError($result)) { static::append($errors, $result); for ($j = $i - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) { $leaveFn = Visitor::getVisitFn($instances[$j], $node->kind, true); if ($leaveFn) { // $leaveFn = $leaveFn->bindTo($instances[$j]) $result = call_user_func_array($leaveFn, func_get_args()); if ($result instanceof VisitorOperation) { if ($result->doBreak) { $instances[$j] = null; } } else if (static::isError($result)) { static::append($errors, $result); } else if ($result !== null) { throw new \Exception("Config cannot edit document."); } } } $typeInfo->leave($node); return Visitor::skipNode(); } else if ($result !== null) { throw new \Exception("Config cannot edit document."); } } // If any validation instances provide the flag `visitSpreadFragments` // and this node is a fragment spread, validate the fragment from // this point. if ($node instanceof FragmentSpread) { $fragment = $context->getFragment($node->name->value); if ($fragment) { $fragVisitingInstances = []; foreach ($instances as $idx => $inst) { if (!empty($inst['visitSpreadFragments']) && !$skipUntil[$idx]) { $fragVisitingInstances[] = $inst; } } if (!empty($fragVisitingInstances)) { $visitInstances($fragment, $fragVisitingInstances); } } } }, 'leave' => function ($node) use ($instances, $typeInfo, $skipUntil, &$skipCount, &$errors) { for ($i = count($instances) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { if ($skipUntil[$i]) { if ($skipUntil[$i] === $node) { $skipUntil[$i] = null; $skipCount--; } continue; } $leaveFn = Visitor::getVisitFn($instances[$i], $node->kind, true); if ($leaveFn) { // $leaveFn = $leaveFn.bindTo($instances[$i]); $result = call_user_func_array($leaveFn, func_get_args()); if ($result instanceof VisitorOperation) { if ($result->doBreak) { $instances[$i] = null; } } else if (static::isError($result)) { static::append($errors, $result); } else if ($result !== null) { throw new \Exception("Config cannot edit document."); } } } $typeInfo->leave($node); } ]); }; // Visit the whole document with instances of all provided rules. $allRuleInstances = []; foreach ($rules as $rule) { $allRuleInstances[] = call_user_func_array($rule, [$context]); } $visitInstances($documentAST, $allRuleInstances); return $errors; } }