source = $source; $this->options = $options; $this->lastToken = $startOfFileToken; $this->token = $startOfFileToken; $this->line = 1; $this->lineStart = 0; $this->position = $this->byteStreamPosition = 0; } /** * @return Token */ public function advance() { $this->lastToken = $this->token; return $this->token = $this->lookahead(); } public function lookahead() { $token = $this->token; if ($token->kind !== Token::EOF) { do { $token = $token->next ?: ($token->next = $this->readToken($token)); } while ($token->kind === Token::COMMENT); } return $token; } /** * @return Token * * @throws SyntaxError */ private function readToken(Token $prev) { $bodyLength = $this->source->length; $this->positionAfterWhitespace(); $position = $this->position; $line = $this->line; $col = 1 + $position - $this->lineStart; if ($position >= $bodyLength) { return new Token(Token::EOF, $bodyLength, $bodyLength, $line, $col, $prev); } // Read next char and advance string cursor: [, $code, $bytes] = $this->readChar(true); switch ($code) { case 33: // ! return new Token(Token::BANG, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev); case 35: // # $this->moveStringCursor(-1, -1 * $bytes); return $this->readComment($line, $col, $prev); case 36: // $ return new Token(Token::DOLLAR, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev); case 38: // & return new Token(Token::AMP, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev); case 40: // ( return new Token(Token::PAREN_L, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev); case 41: // ) return new Token(Token::PAREN_R, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev); case 46: // . [, $charCode1] = $this->readChar(true); [, $charCode2] = $this->readChar(true); if ($charCode1 === 46 && $charCode2 === 46) { return new Token(Token::SPREAD, $position, $position + 3, $line, $col, $prev); } break; case 58: // : return new Token(Token::COLON, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev); case 61: // = return new Token(Token::EQUALS, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev); case 64: // @ return new Token(Token::AT, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev); case 91: // [ return new Token(Token::BRACKET_L, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev); case 93: // ] return new Token(Token::BRACKET_R, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev); case 123: // { return new Token(Token::BRACE_L, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev); case 124: // | return new Token(Token::PIPE, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev); case 125: // } return new Token(Token::BRACE_R, $position, $position + 1, $line, $col, $prev); // A-Z case 65: case 66: case 67: case 68: case 69: case 70: case 71: case 72: case 73: case 74: case 75: case 76: case 77: case 78: case 79: case 80: case 81: case 82: case 83: case 84: case 85: case 86: case 87: case 88: case 89: case 90: // _ case 95: // a-z case 97: case 98: case 99: case 100: case 101: case 102: case 103: case 104: case 105: case 106: case 107: case 108: case 109: case 110: case 111: case 112: case 113: case 114: case 115: case 116: case 117: case 118: case 119: case 120: case 121: case 122: return $this->moveStringCursor(-1, -1 * $bytes) ->readName($line, $col, $prev); // - case 45: // 0-9 case 48: case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: return $this->moveStringCursor(-1, -1 * $bytes) ->readNumber($line, $col, $prev); // " case 34: [, $nextCode] = $this->readChar(); [, $nextNextCode] = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar(); if ($nextCode === 34 && $nextNextCode === 34) { return $this->moveStringCursor(-2, (-1 * $bytes) - 1) ->readBlockString($line, $col, $prev); } return $this->moveStringCursor(-2, (-1 * $bytes) - 1) ->readString($line, $col, $prev); } throw new SyntaxError( $this->source, $position, $this->unexpectedCharacterMessage($code) ); } private function unexpectedCharacterMessage($code) { // SourceCharacter if ($code < 0x0020 && $code !== 0x0009 && $code !== 0x000A && $code !== 0x000D) { return 'Cannot contain the invalid character ' . Utils::printCharCode($code); } if ($code === 39) { return "Unexpected single quote character ('), did you mean to use " . 'a double quote (")?'; } return 'Cannot parse the unexpected character ' . Utils::printCharCode($code) . '.'; } /** * Reads an alphanumeric + underscore name from the source. * * [_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]* * * @param int $line * @param int $col * * @return Token */ private function readName($line, $col, Token $prev) { $value = ''; $start = $this->position; [$char, $code] = $this->readChar(); while ($code && ( $code === 95 || // _ $code >= 48 && $code <= 57 || // 0-9 $code >= 65 && $code <= 90 || // A-Z $code >= 97 && $code <= 122 // a-z )) { $value .= $char; [$char, $code] = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar(); } return new Token( Token::NAME, $start, $this->position, $line, $col, $prev, $value ); } /** * Reads a number token from the source file, either a float * or an int depending on whether a decimal point appears. * * Int: -?(0|[1-9][0-9]*) * Float: -?(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]+)?((E|e)(+|-)?[0-9]+)? * * @param int $line * @param int $col * * @return Token * * @throws SyntaxError */ private function readNumber($line, $col, Token $prev) { $value = ''; $start = $this->position; [$char, $code] = $this->readChar(); $isFloat = false; if ($code === 45) { // - $value .= $char; [$char, $code] = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar(); } // guard against leading zero's if ($code === 48) { // 0 $value .= $char; [$char, $code] = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar(); if ($code >= 48 && $code <= 57) { throw new SyntaxError( $this->source, $this->position, 'Invalid number, unexpected digit after 0: ' . Utils::printCharCode($code) ); } } else { $value .= $this->readDigits(); [$char, $code] = $this->readChar(); } if ($code === 46) { // . $isFloat = true; $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1); $value .= $char; $value .= $this->readDigits(); [$char, $code] = $this->readChar(); } if ($code === 69 || $code === 101) { // E e $isFloat = true; $value .= $char; [$char, $code] = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar(); if ($code === 43 || $code === 45) { // + - $value .= $char; $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1); } $value .= $this->readDigits(); } return new Token( $isFloat ? Token::FLOAT : Token::INT, $start, $this->position, $line, $col, $prev, $value ); } /** * Returns string with all digits + changes current string cursor position to point to the first char after digits */ private function readDigits() { [$char, $code] = $this->readChar(); if ($code >= 48 && $code <= 57) { // 0 - 9 $value = ''; do { $value .= $char; [$char, $code] = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar(); } while ($code >= 48 && $code <= 57); // 0 - 9 return $value; } if ($this->position > $this->source->length - 1) { $code = null; } throw new SyntaxError( $this->source, $this->position, 'Invalid number, expected digit but got: ' . Utils::printCharCode($code) ); } /** * @param int $line * @param int $col * * @return Token * * @throws SyntaxError */ private function readString($line, $col, Token $prev) { $start = $this->position; // Skip leading quote and read first string char: [$char, $code, $bytes] = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar(); $chunk = ''; $value = ''; while ($code !== null && // not LineTerminator $code !== 10 && $code !== 13 ) { // Closing Quote (") if ($code === 34) { $value .= $chunk; // Skip quote $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1); return new Token( Token::STRING, $start, $this->position, $line, $col, $prev, $value ); } $this->assertValidStringCharacterCode($code, $this->position); $this->moveStringCursor(1, $bytes); if ($code === 92) { // \ $value .= $chunk; [, $code] = $this->readChar(true); switch ($code) { case 34: $value .= '"'; break; case 47: $value .= '/'; break; case 92: $value .= '\\'; break; case 98: $value .= chr(8); break; // \b (backspace) case 102: $value .= "\f"; break; case 110: $value .= "\n"; break; case 114: $value .= "\r"; break; case 116: $value .= "\t"; break; case 117: $position = $this->position; [$hex] = $this->readChars(4, true); if (! preg_match('/[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/', $hex)) { throw new SyntaxError( $this->source, $position - 1, 'Invalid character escape sequence: \\u' . $hex ); } $code = hexdec($hex); $this->assertValidStringCharacterCode($code, $position - 2); $value .= Utils::chr($code); break; default: throw new SyntaxError( $this->source, $this->position - 1, 'Invalid character escape sequence: \\' . Utils::chr($code) ); } $chunk = ''; } else { $chunk .= $char; } [$char, $code, $bytes] = $this->readChar(); } throw new SyntaxError( $this->source, $this->position, 'Unterminated string.' ); } /** * Reads a block string token from the source file. * * """("?"?(\\"""|\\(?!=""")|[^"\\]))*""" */ private function readBlockString($line, $col, Token $prev) { $start = $this->position; // Skip leading quotes and read first string char: [$char, $code, $bytes] = $this->moveStringCursor(3, 3)->readChar(); $chunk = ''; $value = ''; while ($code !== null) { // Closing Triple-Quote (""") if ($code === 34) { // Move 2 quotes [, $nextCode] = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar(); [, $nextNextCode] = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar(); if ($nextCode === 34 && $nextNextCode === 34) { $value .= $chunk; $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1); return new Token( Token::BLOCK_STRING, $start, $this->position, $line, $col, $prev, BlockString::value($value) ); } else { // move cursor back to before the first quote $this->moveStringCursor(-2, -2); } } $this->assertValidBlockStringCharacterCode($code, $this->position); $this->moveStringCursor(1, $bytes); [, $nextCode] = $this->readChar(); [, $nextNextCode] = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar(); [, $nextNextNextCode] = $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1)->readChar(); // Escape Triple-Quote (\""") if ($code === 92 && $nextCode === 34 && $nextNextCode === 34 && $nextNextNextCode === 34 ) { $this->moveStringCursor(1, 1); $value .= $chunk . '"""'; $chunk = ''; } else { $this->moveStringCursor(-2, -2); $chunk .= $char; } [$char, $code, $bytes] = $this->readChar(); } throw new SyntaxError( $this->source, $this->position, 'Unterminated string.' ); } private function assertValidStringCharacterCode($code, $position) { // SourceCharacter if ($code < 0x0020 && $code !== 0x0009) { throw new SyntaxError( $this->source, $position, 'Invalid character within String: ' . Utils::printCharCode($code) ); } } private function assertValidBlockStringCharacterCode($code, $position) { // SourceCharacter if ($code < 0x0020 && $code !== 0x0009 && $code !== 0x000A && $code !== 0x000D) { throw new SyntaxError( $this->source, $position, 'Invalid character within String: ' . Utils::printCharCode($code) ); } } /** * Reads from body starting at startPosition until it finds a non-whitespace * or commented character, then places cursor to the position of that character. */ private function positionAfterWhitespace() { while ($this->position < $this->source->length) { [, $code, $bytes] = $this->readChar(); // Skip whitespace // tab | space | comma | BOM if ($code === 9 || $code === 32 || $code === 44 || $code === 0xFEFF) { $this->moveStringCursor(1, $bytes); } elseif ($code === 10) { // new line $this->moveStringCursor(1, $bytes); $this->line++; $this->lineStart = $this->position; } elseif ($code === 13) { // carriage return [, $nextCode, $nextBytes] = $this->moveStringCursor(1, $bytes)->readChar(); if ($nextCode === 10) { // lf after cr $this->moveStringCursor(1, $nextBytes); } $this->line++; $this->lineStart = $this->position; } else { break; } } } /** * Reads a comment token from the source file. * * #[\u0009\u0020-\uFFFF]* * * @param int $line * @param int $col * * @return Token */ private function readComment($line, $col, Token $prev) { $start = $this->position; $value = ''; $bytes = 1; do { [$char, $code, $bytes] = $this->moveStringCursor(1, $bytes)->readChar(); $value .= $char; } while ($code && // SourceCharacter but not LineTerminator ($code > 0x001F || $code === 0x0009) ); return new Token( Token::COMMENT, $start, $this->position, $line, $col, $prev, $value ); } /** * Reads next UTF8Character from the byte stream, starting from $byteStreamPosition. * * @param bool $advance * @param int $byteStreamPosition * * @return (string|int)[] */ private function readChar($advance = false, $byteStreamPosition = null) { if ($byteStreamPosition === null) { $byteStreamPosition = $this->byteStreamPosition; } $code = null; $utf8char = ''; $bytes = 0; $positionOffset = 0; if (isset($this->source->body[$byteStreamPosition])) { $ord = ord($this->source->body[$byteStreamPosition]); if ($ord < 128) { $bytes = 1; } elseif ($ord < 224) { $bytes = 2; } elseif ($ord < 240) { $bytes = 3; } else { $bytes = 4; } $utf8char = ''; for ($pos = $byteStreamPosition; $pos < $byteStreamPosition + $bytes; $pos++) { $utf8char .= $this->source->body[$pos]; } $positionOffset = 1; $code = $bytes === 1 ? $ord : Utils::ord($utf8char); } if ($advance) { $this->moveStringCursor($positionOffset, $bytes); } return [$utf8char, $code, $bytes]; } /** * Reads next $numberOfChars UTF8 characters from the byte stream, starting from $byteStreamPosition. * * @param int $charCount * @param bool $advance * @param null $byteStreamPosition * * @return (string|int)[] */ private function readChars($charCount, $advance = false, $byteStreamPosition = null) { $result = ''; $totalBytes = 0; $byteOffset = $byteStreamPosition ?: $this->byteStreamPosition; for ($i = 0; $i < $charCount; $i++) { [$char, $code, $bytes] = $this->readChar(false, $byteOffset); $totalBytes += $bytes; $byteOffset += $bytes; $result .= $char; } if ($advance) { $this->moveStringCursor($charCount, $totalBytes); } return [$result, $totalBytes]; } /** * Moves internal string cursor position * * @param int $positionOffset * @param int $byteStreamOffset * * @return self */ private function moveStringCursor($positionOffset, $byteStreamOffset) { $this->position += $positionOffset; $this->byteStreamPosition += $byteStreamOffset; return $this; } }