<?php namespace GraphQL\Tests\Server; use GraphQL\Server\Helper; use GraphQL\Server\OperationParams; class RequestValidationTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testSimpleRequestShouldValidate() { $query = '{my q}'; $variables = ['a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd']; $operation = 'op'; $parsedBody = OperationParams::create([ 'query' => $query, 'variables' => $variables, 'operation' => $operation, ]); $this->assertValid($parsedBody); } public function testRequestWithQueryIdShouldValidate() { $queryId = 'some-query-id'; $variables = ['a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd']; $operation = 'op'; $parsedBody = OperationParams::create([ 'queryId' => $queryId, 'variables' => $variables, 'operation' => $operation, ]); $this->assertValid($parsedBody); } public function testRequiresQueryOrQueryId() { $parsedBody = OperationParams::create([ 'variables' => ['foo' => 'bar'], 'operation' => 'op', ]); $this->assertInputError( $parsedBody, 'GraphQL Request must include at least one of those two parameters: "query" or "queryId"' ); } public function testFailsWhenBothQueryAndQueryIdArePresent() { $parsedBody = OperationParams::create([ 'query' => '{my query}', 'queryId' => 'my-query-id', ]); $this->assertInputError( $parsedBody, 'GraphQL Request parameters "query" and "queryId" are mutually exclusive' ); } public function testFailsWhenQueryParameterIsNotString() { $parsedBody = OperationParams::create([ 'query' => ['t' => '{my query}'] ]); $this->assertInputError( $parsedBody, 'GraphQL Request parameter "query" must be string, but got object with first key: "t"' ); } public function testFailsWhenQueryIdParameterIsNotString() { $parsedBody = OperationParams::create([ 'queryId' => ['t' => '{my query}'] ]); $this->assertInputError( $parsedBody, 'GraphQL Request parameter "queryId" must be string, but got object with first key: "t"' ); } public function testFailsWhenOperationParameterIsNotString() { $parsedBody = OperationParams::create([ 'query' => '{my query}', 'operation' => [] ]); $this->assertInputError( $parsedBody, 'GraphQL Request parameter "operation" must be string, but got array(0)' ); } /** * @see https://github.com/webonyx/graphql-php/issues/156 */ public function testIgnoresNullAndEmptyStringVariables() { $query = '{my q}'; $parsedBody = OperationParams::create([ 'query' => $query, 'variables' => null ]); $this->assertValid($parsedBody); $variables = ""; $parsedBody = OperationParams::create([ 'query' => $query, 'variables' => $variables ]); $this->assertValid($parsedBody); } public function testFailsWhenVariablesParameterIsNotObject() { $parsedBody = OperationParams::create([ 'query' => '{my query}', 'variables' => 0 ]); $this->assertInputError( $parsedBody, 'GraphQL Request parameter "variables" must be object or JSON string parsed to object, but got 0' ); } private function assertValid($parsedRequest) { $helper = new Helper(); $errors = $helper->validateOperationParams($parsedRequest); if (!empty($errors)) { throw $errors[0]; } } private function assertInputError($parsedRequest, $expectedMessage) { $helper = new Helper(); $errors = $helper->validateOperationParams($parsedRequest); if (!empty($errors[0])) { $this->assertEquals($expectedMessage, $errors[0]->getMessage()); } else { $this->fail('Expected error not returned'); } } }