typeDefintionsMap = $typeDefintionsMap; $this->options = $options; $this->resolveType = $resolveType; $this->cache = Type::getAllBuiltInTypes(); } /** * @param Type $innerType * @param TypeNode|ListTypeNode|NonNullTypeNode $inputTypeNode * @return Type */ private function buildWrappedType(Type $innerType, TypeNode $inputTypeNode) { if ($inputTypeNode->kind == NodeKind::LIST_TYPE) { return Type::listOf($this->buildWrappedType($innerType, $inputTypeNode->type)); } if ($inputTypeNode->kind == NodeKind::NON_NULL_TYPE) { $wrappedType = $this->buildWrappedType($innerType, $inputTypeNode->type); Utils::invariant(!($wrappedType instanceof NonNull), 'No nesting nonnull.'); return Type::nonNull($wrappedType); } return $innerType; } /** * @param TypeNode|ListTypeNode|NonNullTypeNode $typeNode * @return TypeNode */ private function getNamedTypeNode(TypeNode $typeNode) { $namedType = $typeNode; while ($namedType->kind === NodeKind::LIST_TYPE || $namedType->kind === NodeKind::NON_NULL_TYPE) { $namedType = $namedType->type; } return $namedType; } /** * @param string $typeName * @param NamedTypeNode|null $typeNode * @return Type * @throws Error */ private function internalBuildType($typeName, $typeNode = null) { if (!isset($this->cache[$typeName])) { if (isset($this->typeDefintionsMap[$typeName])) { $this->cache[$typeName] = $this->makeSchemaDef($this->typeDefintionsMap[$typeName]); } else { $fn = $this->resolveType; $this->cache[$typeName] = $fn($typeName, $typeNode); } } return $this->cache[$typeName]; } /** * @param string|NamedTypeNode $ref * @return Type * @throws Error */ public function buildType($ref) { if (is_string($ref)) { return $this->internalBuildType($ref); } return $this->internalBuildType($ref->name->value, $ref); } /** * @param TypeNode $typeNode * @return InputType|Type * @throws Error */ public function buildInputType(TypeNode $typeNode) { $type = $this->internalBuildWrappedType($typeNode); Utils::invariant(Type::isInputType($type), 'Expected Input type.'); return $type; } /** * @param TypeNode $typeNode * @return OutputType|Type * @throws Error */ public function buildOutputType(TypeNode $typeNode) { $type = $this->internalBuildWrappedType($typeNode); Utils::invariant(Type::isOutputType($type), 'Expected Output type.'); return $type; } /** * @param TypeNode|string $typeNode * @return ObjectType|Type * @throws Error */ public function buildObjectType($typeNode) { $type = $this->buildType($typeNode); Utils::invariant($type instanceof ObjectType, 'Expected Object type.' . get_class($type)); return $type; } /** * @param TypeNode|string $typeNode * @return InterfaceType|Type * @throws Error */ public function buildInterfaceType($typeNode) { $type = $this->buildType($typeNode); Utils::invariant($type instanceof InterfaceType, 'Expected Interface type.'); return $type; } /** * @param TypeNode $typeNode * @return Type * @throws Error */ private function internalBuildWrappedType(TypeNode $typeNode) { $typeDef = $this->buildType($this->getNamedTypeNode($typeNode)); return $this->buildWrappedType($typeDef, $typeNode); } public function buildDirective(DirectiveDefinitionNode $directiveNode) { return new Directive([ 'name' => $directiveNode->name->value, 'description' => $this->getDescription($directiveNode), 'locations' => Utils::map($directiveNode->locations, function ($node) { return $node->value; }), 'args' => $directiveNode->arguments ? FieldArgument::createMap($this->makeInputValues($directiveNode->arguments)) : null, 'astNode' => $directiveNode, ]); } public function buildField(FieldDefinitionNode $field) { return [ 'type' => $this->buildOutputType($field->type), 'description' => $this->getDescription($field), 'args' => $field->arguments ? $this->makeInputValues($field->arguments) : null, 'deprecationReason' => $this->getDeprecationReason($field), 'astNode' => $field, ]; } private function makeSchemaDef($def) { if (!$def) { throw new Error('def must be defined.'); } switch ($def->kind) { case NodeKind::OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION: return $this->makeTypeDef($def); case NodeKind::INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION: return $this->makeInterfaceDef($def); case NodeKind::ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION: return $this->makeEnumDef($def); case NodeKind::UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION: return $this->makeUnionDef($def); case NodeKind::SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION: return $this->makeScalarDef($def); case NodeKind::INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION: return $this->makeInputObjectDef($def); default: throw new Error("Type kind of {$def->kind} not supported."); } } private function makeTypeDef(ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $def) { $typeName = $def->name->value; return new ObjectType([ 'name' => $typeName, 'description' => $this->getDescription($def), 'fields' => function () use ($def) { return $this->makeFieldDefMap($def); }, 'interfaces' => function () use ($def) { return $this->makeImplementedInterfaces($def); }, 'astNode' => $def ]); } private function makeFieldDefMap($def) { return Utils::keyValMap( $def->fields, function ($field) { return $field->name->value; }, function ($field) { return $this->buildField($field); } ); } private function makeImplementedInterfaces(ObjectTypeDefinitionNode $def) { if (isset($def->interfaces)) { return Utils::map($def->interfaces, function ($iface) { return $this->buildInterfaceType($iface); }); } return null; } private function makeInputValues($values) { return Utils::keyValMap( $values, function ($value) { return $value->name->value; }, function ($value) { $type = $this->buildInputType($value->type); $config = [ 'name' => $value->name->value, 'type' => $type, 'description' => $this->getDescription($value), 'astNode' => $value ]; if (isset($value->defaultValue)) { $config['defaultValue'] = AST::valueFromAST($value->defaultValue, $type); } return $config; } ); } private function makeInterfaceDef(InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode $def) { $typeName = $def->name->value; return new InterfaceType([ 'name' => $typeName, 'description' => $this->getDescription($def), 'fields' => function () use ($def) { return $this->makeFieldDefMap($def); }, 'astNode' => $def ]); } private function makeEnumDef(EnumTypeDefinitionNode $def) { return new EnumType([ 'name' => $def->name->value, 'description' => $this->getDescription($def), 'astNode' => $def, 'values' => Utils::keyValMap( $def->values, function ($enumValue) { return $enumValue->name->value; }, function ($enumValue) { return [ 'description' => $this->getDescription($enumValue), 'deprecationReason' => $this->getDeprecationReason($enumValue), 'astNode' => $enumValue ]; } ) ]); } private function makeUnionDef(UnionTypeDefinitionNode $def) { return new UnionType([ 'name' => $def->name->value, 'description' => $this->getDescription($def), 'types' => Utils::map($def->types, function ($typeNode) { return $this->buildObjectType($typeNode); }), 'astNode' => $def ]); } private function makeScalarDef(ScalarTypeDefinitionNode $def) { return new CustomScalarType([ 'name' => $def->name->value, 'description' => $this->getDescription($def), 'astNode' => $def, 'serialize' => function($value) { return $value; }, ]); } private function makeInputObjectDef(InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode $def) { return new InputObjectType([ 'name' => $def->name->value, 'description' => $this->getDescription($def), 'fields' => function () use ($def) { return $this->makeInputValues($def->fields); }, 'astNode' => $def, ]); } /** * Given a collection of directives, returns the string value for the * deprecation reason. * * @param EnumValueDefinitionNode | FieldDefinitionNode $node * @return string */ private function getDeprecationReason($node) { $deprecated = Values::getDirectiveValues(Directive::deprecatedDirective(), $node); return isset($deprecated['reason']) ? $deprecated['reason'] : null; } /** * Given an ast node, returns its string description. */ private function getDescription($node) { if ($node->description) { return $node->description->value; } if (isset($this->options['commentDescriptions'])) { $rawValue = $this->getLeadingCommentBlock($node); if ($rawValue !== null) { return BlockString::value("\n" . $rawValue); } } return null; } private function getLeadingCommentBlock($node) { $loc = $node->loc; if (!$loc || !$loc->startToken) { return; } $comments = []; $token = $loc->startToken->prev; while ( $token && $token->kind === Token::COMMENT && $token->next && $token->prev && $token->line + 1 === $token->next->line && $token->line !== $token->prev->line ) { $value = $token->value; $comments[] = $value; $token = $token->prev; } return implode("\n", array_reverse($comments)); } }