<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace GraphQL\Tests\Validator; use GraphQL\Error\FormattedError; use GraphQL\Language\SourceLocation; use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\LoneAnonymousOperation; class LoneAnonymousOperationTest extends ValidatorTestCase { // Validate: Anonymous operation must be alone /** * @see it('no operations') */ public function testNoOperations() : void { $this->expectPassesRule( new LoneAnonymousOperation(), ' fragment fragA on Type { field } ' ); } /** * @see it('one anon operation') */ public function testOneAnonOperation() : void { $this->expectPassesRule( new LoneAnonymousOperation(), ' { field } ' ); } /** * @see it('multiple named operations') */ public function testMultipleNamedOperations() : void { $this->expectPassesRule( new LoneAnonymousOperation(), ' query Foo { field } query Bar { field } ' ); } /** * @see it('anon operation with fragment') */ public function testAnonOperationWithFragment() : void { $this->expectPassesRule( new LoneAnonymousOperation(), ' { ...Foo } fragment Foo on Type { field } ' ); } /** * @see it('multiple anon operations') */ public function testMultipleAnonOperations() : void { $this->expectFailsRule( new LoneAnonymousOperation(), ' { fieldA } { fieldB } ', [ $this->anonNotAlone(2, 7), $this->anonNotAlone(5, 7), ] ); } private function anonNotAlone($line, $column) { return FormattedError::create( LoneAnonymousOperation::anonOperationNotAloneMessage(), [new SourceLocation($line, $column)] ); } /** * @see it('anon operation with a mutation') */ public function testAnonOperationWithMutation() : void { $this->expectFailsRule( new LoneAnonymousOperation(), ' { fieldA } mutation Foo { fieldB } ', [ $this->anonNotAlone(2, 7), ] ); } /** * @see it('anon operation with a subscription') */ public function testAnonOperationWithSubscription() : void { $this->expectFailsRule( new LoneAnonymousOperation(), ' { fieldA } subscription Foo { fieldB } ', [ $this->anonNotAlone(2, 7), ] ); } }