<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace GraphQL\Tests\Language; use GraphQL\Language\AST\DocumentNode; use GraphQL\Language\AST\FieldNode; use GraphQL\Language\AST\NameNode; use GraphQL\Language\AST\Node; use GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeKind; use GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeList; use GraphQL\Language\AST\OperationDefinitionNode; use GraphQL\Language\AST\SelectionSetNode; use GraphQL\Language\Parser; use GraphQL\Language\Printer; use GraphQL\Language\Visitor; use GraphQL\Tests\Validator\ValidatorTestCase; use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type; use GraphQL\Utils\TypeInfo; use function array_keys; use function array_slice; use function count; use function file_get_contents; use function func_get_args; use function gettype; use function is_array; use function iterator_to_array; class VisitorTest extends ValidatorTestCase { private function getNodeByPath(DocumentNode $ast, $path) { $result = $ast; foreach ($path as $key) { $resultArray = $result instanceof NodeList ? iterator_to_array($result) : $result->toArray(); $this->assertArrayHasKey($key, $resultArray); $result = $resultArray[$key]; } return $result; } private function checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, $args, $isEdited = false) { /** @var Node $node */ list($node, $key, $parent, $path, $ancestors) = $args; $parentArray = $parent && ! is_array($parent) ? ($parent instanceof NodeList ? iterator_to_array($parent) : $parent->toArray()) : $parent; $this->assertInstanceOf(Node::class, $node); $this->assertContains($node->kind, array_keys(NodeKind::$classMap)); $isRoot = $key === null; if ($isRoot) { if (! $isEdited) { $this->assertEquals($ast, $node); } $this->assertEquals(null, $parent); $this->assertEquals([], $path); $this->assertEquals([], $ancestors); return; } $this->assertContains(gettype($key), ['integer', 'string']); $this->assertArrayHasKey($key, $parentArray); $this->assertInternalType('array', $path); $this->assertEquals($key, $path[count($path) - 1]); $this->assertInternalType('array', $ancestors); $this->assertCount(count($path) - 1, $ancestors); if ($isEdited) { return; } $this->assertEquals($node, $parentArray[$key]); $this->assertEquals($node, $this->getNodeByPath($ast, $path)); $ancestorsLength = count($ancestors); for ($i = 0; $i < $ancestorsLength; ++$i) { $ancestorPath = array_slice($path, 0, $i); $this->assertEquals($ancestors[$i], $this->getNodeByPath($ast, $ancestorPath)); } } public function testValidatesPathArgument() : void { $visited = []; $ast = Parser::parse('{ a }', ['noLocation' => true]); Visitor::visit($ast, [ 'enter' => function ($node, $key, $parent, $path) use ($ast, &$visited) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['enter', $path]; }, 'leave' => function ($node, $key, $parent, $path) use ($ast, &$visited) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['leave', $path]; }, ]); $expected = [ ['enter', []], ['enter', ['definitions', 0]], ['enter', ['definitions', 0, 'selectionSet']], ['enter', ['definitions', 0, 'selectionSet', 'selections', 0]], ['enter', ['definitions', 0, 'selectionSet', 'selections', 0, 'name']], ['leave', ['definitions', 0, 'selectionSet', 'selections', 0, 'name']], ['leave', ['definitions', 0, 'selectionSet', 'selections', 0]], ['leave', ['definitions', 0, 'selectionSet']], ['leave', ['definitions', 0]], ['leave', []], ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $visited); } public function testAllowsEditingNodeOnEnterAndOnLeave() : void { $ast = Parser::parse('{ a, b, c { a, b, c } }', [ 'noLocation' => true ]); $selectionSet = null; $editedAst = Visitor::visit($ast, [ NodeKind::OPERATION_DEFINITION => [ 'enter' => function (OperationDefinitionNode $node) use (&$selectionSet, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $selectionSet = $node->selectionSet; $newNode = clone $node; $newNode->selectionSet = new SelectionSetNode([ 'selections' => [], ]); $newNode->didEnter = true; return $newNode; }, 'leave' => function (OperationDefinitionNode $node) use (&$selectionSet, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args(), true); $newNode = clone $node; $newNode->selectionSet = $selectionSet; $newNode->didLeave = true; return $newNode; }, ], ]); $this->assertNotEquals($ast, $editedAst); $expected = $ast->cloneDeep(); $expected->definitions[0]->didEnter = true; $expected->definitions[0]->didLeave = true; $this->assertEquals($expected, $editedAst); } public function testAllowsEditingRootNodeOnEnterAndLeave() : void { $ast = Parser::parse('{ a, b, c { a, b, c } }', [ 'noLocation' => true ]); $definitions = $ast->definitions; $editedAst = Visitor::visit($ast, [ NodeKind::DOCUMENT => [ 'enter' => function (DocumentNode $node) use ($ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $tmp = clone $node; $tmp->definitions = []; $tmp->didEnter = true; return $tmp; }, 'leave' => function (DocumentNode $node) use ($definitions, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args(), true); $node->definitions = $definitions; $node->didLeave = true; }, ], ]); $this->assertNotEquals($ast, $editedAst); $tmp = $ast->cloneDeep(); $tmp->didEnter = true; $tmp->didLeave = true; $this->assertEquals($tmp, $editedAst); } public function testAllowsForEditingOnEnter() : void { $ast = Parser::parse('{ a, b, c { a, b, c } }', ['noLocation' => true]); $editedAst = Visitor::visit($ast, [ 'enter' => function ($node) use ($ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); if ($node instanceof FieldNode && $node->name->value === 'b') { return Visitor::removeNode(); } }, ]); $this->assertEquals( Parser::parse('{ a, b, c { a, b, c } }', ['noLocation' => true]), $ast ); $this->assertEquals( Parser::parse('{ a, c { a, c } }', ['noLocation' => true]), $editedAst ); } public function testAllowsForEditingOnLeave() : void { $ast = Parser::parse('{ a, b, c { a, b, c } }', ['noLocation' => true]); $editedAst = Visitor::visit($ast, [ 'leave' => function ($node) use ($ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args(), true); if ($node instanceof FieldNode && $node->name->value === 'b') { return Visitor::removeNode(); } }, ]); $this->assertEquals( Parser::parse('{ a, b, c { a, b, c } }', ['noLocation' => true]), $ast ); $this->assertEquals( Parser::parse('{ a, c { a, c } }', ['noLocation' => true]), $editedAst ); } public function testVisitsEditedNode() : void { $addedField = new FieldNode([ 'name' => new NameNode(['value' => '__typename']), ]); $didVisitAddedField = false; $ast = Parser::parse('{ a { x } }', ['noLocation' => true]); Visitor::visit($ast, [ 'enter' => function ($node) use ($addedField, &$didVisitAddedField, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args(), true); if ($node instanceof FieldNode && $node->name->value === 'a') { return new FieldNode([ 'selectionSet' => new SelectionSetNode([ 'selections' => NodeList::create([$addedField])->merge($node->selectionSet->selections), ]), ]); } if ($node !== $addedField) { return; } $didVisitAddedField = true; }, ]); $this->assertTrue($didVisitAddedField); } public function testAllowsSkippingASubTree() : void { $visited = []; $ast = Parser::parse('{ a, b { x }, c }', ['noLocation' => true]); Visitor::visit($ast, [ 'enter' => function (Node $node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['enter', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; if ($node instanceof FieldNode && $node->name->value === 'b') { return Visitor::skipNode(); } }, 'leave' => function (Node $node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['leave', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; }, ]); $expected = [ [ 'enter', 'Document', null ], [ 'enter', 'OperationDefinition', null ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'c' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'c' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'leave', 'OperationDefinition', null ], [ 'leave', 'Document', null ], ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $visited); } public function testAllowsEarlyExitWhileVisiting() : void { $visited = []; $ast = Parser::parse('{ a, b { x }, c }', ['noLocation' => true]); Visitor::visit($ast, [ 'enter' => function (Node $node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['enter', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; if ($node instanceof NameNode && $node->value === 'x') { return Visitor::stop(); } }, 'leave' => function (Node $node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['leave', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; }, ]); $expected = [ [ 'enter', 'Document', null ], [ 'enter', 'OperationDefinition', null ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'b' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'b' ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'x' ], ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $visited); } public function testAllowsEarlyExitWhileLeaving() : void { $visited = []; $ast = Parser::parse('{ a, b { x }, c }', ['noLocation' => true]); Visitor::visit($ast, [ 'enter' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['enter', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; }, 'leave' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['leave', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; if ($node->kind === NodeKind::NAME && $node->value === 'x') { return Visitor::stop(); } }, ]); $this->assertEquals($visited, [ [ 'enter', 'Document', null ], [ 'enter', 'OperationDefinition', null ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'b' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'b' ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'x' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'x' ], ]); } public function testAllowsANamedFunctionsVisitorAPI() : void { $visited = []; $ast = Parser::parse('{ a, b { x }, c }', ['noLocation' => true]); Visitor::visit($ast, [ NodeKind::NAME => function (NameNode $node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['enter', $node->kind, $node->value]; }, NodeKind::SELECTION_SET => [ 'enter' => function (SelectionSetNode $node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['enter', $node->kind, null]; }, 'leave' => function (SelectionSetNode $node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['leave', $node->kind, null]; }, ], ]); $expected = [ [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'b' ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'x' ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'c' ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', null ], ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $visited); } public function testExperimentalVisitsVariablesDefinedInFragments() : void { $ast = Parser::parse( 'fragment a($v: Boolean = false) on t { f }', [ 'noLocation' => true, 'experimentalFragmentVariables' => true, ] ); $visited = []; Visitor::visit($ast, [ 'enter' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['enter', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; }, 'leave' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['leave', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; }, ]); $expected = [ ['enter', 'Document', null], ['enter', 'FragmentDefinition', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'a'], ['leave', 'Name', 'a'], ['enter', 'VariableDefinition', null], ['enter', 'Variable', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'v'], ['leave', 'Name', 'v'], ['leave', 'Variable', null], ['enter', 'NamedType', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'Boolean'], ['leave', 'Name', 'Boolean'], ['leave', 'NamedType', null], ['enter', 'BooleanValue', false], ['leave', 'BooleanValue', false], ['leave', 'VariableDefinition', null], ['enter', 'NamedType', null], ['enter', 'Name', 't'], ['leave', 'Name', 't'], ['leave', 'NamedType', null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null], ['enter', 'Field', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'f'], ['leave', 'Name', 'f'], ['leave', 'Field', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null], ['leave', 'FragmentDefinition', null], ['leave', 'Document', null], ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $visited); } public function testVisitsKitchenSink() : void { $kitchenSink = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/kitchen-sink.graphql'); $ast = Parser::parse($kitchenSink); $visited = []; Visitor::visit($ast, [ 'enter' => function (Node $node, $key, $parent) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $r = ['enter', $node->kind, $key, $parent instanceof Node ? $parent->kind : null]; $visited[] = $r; }, 'leave' => function (Node $node, $key, $parent) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $r = ['leave', $node->kind, $key, $parent instanceof Node ? $parent->kind : null]; $visited[] = $r; }, ]); $expected = [ [ 'enter', 'Document', null, null ], [ 'enter', 'OperationDefinition', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'OperationDefinition' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'OperationDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'VariableDefinition', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Variable', 'variable', 'VariableDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Variable', 'variable', 'VariableDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'NamedType', 'type', 'VariableDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'NamedType' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'NamedType' ], [ 'leave', 'NamedType', 'type', 'VariableDefinition' ], [ 'leave', 'VariableDefinition', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'VariableDefinition', 1, null ], [ 'enter', 'Variable', 'variable', 'VariableDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Variable', 'variable', 'VariableDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'NamedType', 'type', 'VariableDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'NamedType' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'NamedType' ], [ 'leave', 'NamedType', 'type', 'VariableDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'EnumValue', 'defaultValue', 'VariableDefinition' ], [ 'leave', 'EnumValue', 'defaultValue', 'VariableDefinition' ], [ 'leave', 'VariableDefinition', 1, null ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'OperationDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'alias', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'alias', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'Argument', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'ListValue', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'IntValue', 0, null ], [ 'leave', 'IntValue', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'IntValue', 1, null ], [ 'leave', 'IntValue', 1, null ], [ 'leave', 'ListValue', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Argument', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'InlineFragment', 1, null ], [ 'enter', 'NamedType', 'typeCondition', 'InlineFragment' ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'NamedType' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'NamedType' ], [ 'leave', 'NamedType', 'typeCondition', 'InlineFragment' ], [ 'enter', 'Directive', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Directive' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Directive' ], [ 'leave', 'Directive', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'InlineFragment' ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 1, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'alias', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'alias', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'Argument', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'IntValue', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'IntValue', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Argument', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Argument', 1, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'Variable', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Variable', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Argument', 1, null ], [ 'enter', 'Directive', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Directive' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Directive' ], [ 'enter', 'Argument', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'Variable', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Variable', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Argument', 0, null ], [ 'leave', 'Directive', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'FragmentSpread', 1, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'FragmentSpread' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'FragmentSpread' ], [ 'leave', 'FragmentSpread', 1, null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 1, null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'InlineFragment' ], [ 'leave', 'InlineFragment', 1, null ], [ 'enter', 'InlineFragment', 2, null ], [ 'enter', 'Directive', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Directive' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Directive' ], [ 'enter', 'Argument', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'Variable', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Variable', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Argument', 0, null ], [ 'leave', 'Directive', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'InlineFragment' ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'InlineFragment' ], [ 'leave', 'InlineFragment', 2, null ], [ 'enter', 'InlineFragment', 3, null ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'InlineFragment' ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'InlineFragment' ], [ 'leave', 'InlineFragment', 3, null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'OperationDefinition' ], [ 'leave', 'OperationDefinition', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'OperationDefinition', 1, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'OperationDefinition' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'OperationDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'OperationDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'Argument', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'IntValue', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'IntValue', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Argument', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Directive', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Directive' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Directive' ], [ 'leave', 'Directive', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'OperationDefinition' ], [ 'leave', 'OperationDefinition', 1, null ], [ 'enter', 'OperationDefinition', 2, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'OperationDefinition' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'OperationDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'VariableDefinition', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Variable', 'variable', 'VariableDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Variable', 'variable', 'VariableDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'NamedType', 'type', 'VariableDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'NamedType' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'NamedType' ], [ 'leave', 'NamedType', 'type', 'VariableDefinition' ], [ 'leave', 'VariableDefinition', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'OperationDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'Argument', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'Variable', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Variable', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Argument', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 1, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 1, null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'OperationDefinition' ], [ 'leave', 'OperationDefinition', 2, null ], [ 'enter', 'FragmentDefinition', 3, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'FragmentDefinition' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'FragmentDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'NamedType', 'typeCondition', 'FragmentDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'NamedType' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'NamedType' ], [ 'leave', 'NamedType', 'typeCondition', 'FragmentDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'FragmentDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'Argument', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'Variable', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Variable', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Argument', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Argument', 1, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'Variable', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Variable' ], [ 'leave', 'Variable', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Argument', 1, null ], [ 'enter', 'Argument', 2, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'ObjectValue', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'ObjectField', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'ObjectField' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'ObjectField' ], [ 'enter', 'StringValue', 'value', 'ObjectField' ], [ 'leave', 'StringValue', 'value', 'ObjectField' ], [ 'leave', 'ObjectField', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'ObjectField', 1, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'ObjectField' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'ObjectField' ], [ 'enter', 'StringValue', 'value', 'ObjectField' ], [ 'leave', 'StringValue', 'value', 'ObjectField' ], [ 'leave', 'ObjectField', 1, null ], [ 'leave', 'ObjectValue', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Argument', 2, null ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'FragmentDefinition' ], [ 'leave', 'FragmentDefinition', 3, null ], [ 'enter', 'OperationDefinition', 4, null ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'OperationDefinition' ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'enter', 'Argument', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'BooleanValue', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'BooleanValue', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Argument', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Argument', 1, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'BooleanValue', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'BooleanValue', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Argument', 1, null ], [ 'enter', 'Argument', 2, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Argument' ], [ 'enter', 'NullValue', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'NullValue', 'value', 'Argument' ], [ 'leave', 'Argument', 2, null ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 0, null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', 1, null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Field' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', 1, null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', 'selectionSet', 'OperationDefinition' ], [ 'leave', 'OperationDefinition', 4, null ], [ 'leave', 'Document', null, null ], ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $visited); } /** * Describe: visitInParallel * Note: nearly identical to the above test of the same test but using visitInParallel. */ public function testAllowsSkippingSubTree() : void { $visited = []; $ast = Parser::parse('{ a, b { x }, c }'); Visitor::visit($ast, Visitor::visitInParallel([ [ 'enter' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = [ 'enter', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; if ($node->kind === 'Field' && isset($node->name->value) && $node->name->value === 'b') { return Visitor::skipNode(); } }, 'leave' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['leave', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; }, ], ])); $this->assertEquals([ [ 'enter', 'Document', null ], [ 'enter', 'OperationDefinition', null ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'c' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'c' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'leave', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'leave', 'OperationDefinition', null ], [ 'leave', 'Document', null ], ], $visited); } public function testAllowsSkippingDifferentSubTrees() : void { $visited = []; $ast = Parser::parse('{ a { x }, b { y} }'); Visitor::visit($ast, Visitor::visitInParallel([ [ 'enter' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['no-a', 'enter', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; if ($node->kind === 'Field' && isset($node->name->value) && $node->name->value === 'a') { return Visitor::skipNode(); } }, 'leave' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = [ 'no-a', 'leave', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null ]; }, ], [ 'enter' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['no-b', 'enter', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; if ($node->kind === 'Field' && isset($node->name->value) && $node->name->value === 'b') { return Visitor::skipNode(); } }, 'leave' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['no-b', 'leave', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; }, ], ])); $this->assertEquals([ [ 'no-a', 'enter', 'Document', null ], [ 'no-b', 'enter', 'Document', null ], [ 'no-a', 'enter', 'OperationDefinition', null ], [ 'no-b', 'enter', 'OperationDefinition', null ], [ 'no-a', 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'no-b', 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'no-a', 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'no-b', 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'no-b', 'enter', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'no-b', 'leave', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'no-b', 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'no-b', 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'no-b', 'enter', 'Name', 'x' ], [ 'no-b', 'leave', 'Name', 'x' ], [ 'no-b', 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'no-b', 'leave', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'no-b', 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'no-a', 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'no-b', 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'no-a', 'enter', 'Name', 'b' ], [ 'no-a', 'leave', 'Name', 'b' ], [ 'no-a', 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'no-a', 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'no-a', 'enter', 'Name', 'y' ], [ 'no-a', 'leave', 'Name', 'y' ], [ 'no-a', 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'no-a', 'leave', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'no-a', 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'no-a', 'leave', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'no-b', 'leave', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'no-a', 'leave', 'OperationDefinition', null ], [ 'no-b', 'leave', 'OperationDefinition', null ], [ 'no-a', 'leave', 'Document', null ], [ 'no-b', 'leave', 'Document', null ], ], $visited); } public function testAllowsEarlyExitWhileVisiting2() : void { $visited = []; $ast = Parser::parse('{ a, b { x }, c }'); Visitor::visit($ast, Visitor::visitInParallel([ [ 'enter' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $value = $node->value ?? null; $visited[] = ['enter', $node->kind, $value]; if ($node->kind === 'Name' && $value === 'x') { return Visitor::stop(); } }, 'leave' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['leave', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; }, ], ])); $this->assertEquals([ [ 'enter', 'Document', null ], [ 'enter', 'OperationDefinition', null ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'b' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'b' ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'x' ], ], $visited); } public function testAllowsEarlyExitFromDifferentPoints() : void { $visited = []; $ast = Parser::parse('{ a { y }, b { x } }'); Visitor::visit($ast, Visitor::visitInParallel([ [ 'enter' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $value = $node->value ?? null; $visited[] = ['break-a', 'enter', $node->kind, $value]; if ($node->kind === 'Name' && $value === 'a') { return Visitor::stop(); } }, 'leave' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = [ 'break-a', 'leave', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null ]; }, ], [ 'enter' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $value = $node->value ?? null; $visited[] = ['break-b', 'enter', $node->kind, $value]; if ($node->kind === 'Name' && $value === 'b') { return Visitor::stop(); } }, 'leave' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['break-b', 'leave', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; }, ], ])); $this->assertEquals([ [ 'break-a', 'enter', 'Document', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'Document', null ], [ 'break-a', 'enter', 'OperationDefinition', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'OperationDefinition', null ], [ 'break-a', 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'break-a', 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'break-a', 'enter', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'break-b', 'leave', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'Name', 'y' ], [ 'break-b', 'leave', 'Name', 'y' ], [ 'break-b', 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'break-b', 'leave', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'break-b', 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'Name', 'b' ], ], $visited); } public function testAllowsEarlyExitWhileLeaving2() : void { $visited = []; $ast = Parser::parse('{ a, b { x }, c }'); Visitor::visit($ast, Visitor::visitInParallel([ [ 'enter' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['enter', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; }, 'leave' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $value = $node->value ?? null; $visited[] = ['leave', $node->kind, $value]; if ($node->kind === 'Name' && $value === 'x') { return Visitor::stop(); } }, ], ])); $this->assertEquals([ [ 'enter', 'Document', null ], [ 'enter', 'OperationDefinition', null ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'b' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'b' ], [ 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'enter', 'Name', 'x' ], [ 'leave', 'Name', 'x' ], ], $visited); } public function testAllowsEarlyExitFromLeavingDifferentPoints() : void { $visited = []; $ast = Parser::parse('{ a { y }, b { x } }'); Visitor::visit($ast, Visitor::visitInParallel([ [ 'enter' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['break-a', 'enter', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; }, 'leave' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['break-a', 'leave', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; if ($node->kind === 'Field' && isset($node->name->value) && $node->name->value === 'a') { return Visitor::stop(); } }, ], [ 'enter' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['break-b', 'enter', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; }, 'leave' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['break-b', 'leave', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; if ($node->kind === 'Field' && isset($node->name->value) && $node->name->value === 'b') { return Visitor::stop(); } }, ], ])); $this->assertEquals([ [ 'break-a', 'enter', 'Document', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'Document', null ], [ 'break-a', 'enter', 'OperationDefinition', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'OperationDefinition', null ], [ 'break-a', 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'break-a', 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'break-a', 'enter', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'break-a', 'leave', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'break-b', 'leave', 'Name', 'a' ], [ 'break-a', 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'break-a', 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'break-a', 'enter', 'Name', 'y' ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'Name', 'y' ], [ 'break-a', 'leave', 'Name', 'y' ], [ 'break-b', 'leave', 'Name', 'y' ], [ 'break-a', 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'break-b', 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'break-a', 'leave', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'break-b', 'leave', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'break-a', 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'break-b', 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'Name', 'b' ], [ 'break-b', 'leave', 'Name', 'b' ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'Field', null ], [ 'break-b', 'enter', 'Name', 'x' ], [ 'break-b', 'leave', 'Name', 'x' ], [ 'break-b', 'leave', 'Field', null ], [ 'break-b', 'leave', 'SelectionSet', null ], [ 'break-b', 'leave', 'Field', null ], ], $visited); } public function testAllowsForEditingOnEnter2() : void { $visited = []; $ast = Parser::parse('{ a, b, c { a, b, c } }', ['noLocation' => true]); $editedAst = Visitor::visit($ast, Visitor::visitInParallel([ [ 'enter' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); if ($node->kind === 'Field' && isset($node->name->value) && $node->name->value === 'b') { return Visitor::removeNode(); } }, ], [ 'enter' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['enter', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; }, 'leave' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args(), true); $visited[] = ['leave', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; }, ], ])); $this->assertEquals( Parser::parse('{ a, b, c { a, b, c } }', ['noLocation' => true]), $ast ); $this->assertEquals( Parser::parse('{ a, c { a, c } }', ['noLocation' => true]), $editedAst ); $this->assertEquals([ ['enter', 'Document', null], ['enter', 'OperationDefinition', null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null], ['enter', 'Field', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'a'], ['leave', 'Name', 'a'], ['leave', 'Field', null], ['enter', 'Field', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'c'], ['leave', 'Name', 'c'], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null], ['enter', 'Field', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'a'], ['leave', 'Name', 'a'], ['leave', 'Field', null], ['enter', 'Field', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'c'], ['leave', 'Name', 'c'], ['leave', 'Field', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null], ['leave', 'Field', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null], ['leave', 'OperationDefinition', null], ['leave', 'Document', null], ], $visited); } public function testAllowsForEditingOnLeave2() : void { $visited = []; $ast = Parser::parse('{ a, b, c { a, b, c } }', ['noLocation' => true]); $editedAst = Visitor::visit($ast, Visitor::visitInParallel([ [ 'leave' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args(), true); if ($node->kind === 'Field' && isset($node->name->value) && $node->name->value === 'b') { return Visitor::removeNode(); } }, ], [ 'enter' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $visited[] = ['enter', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; }, 'leave' => function ($node) use (&$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args(), true); $visited[] = ['leave', $node->kind, $node->value ?? null]; }, ], ])); $this->assertEquals( Parser::parse('{ a, b, c { a, b, c } }', ['noLocation' => true]), $ast ); $this->assertEquals( Parser::parse('{ a, c { a, c } }', ['noLocation' => true]), $editedAst ); $this->assertEquals([ ['enter', 'Document', null], ['enter', 'OperationDefinition', null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null], ['enter', 'Field', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'a'], ['leave', 'Name', 'a'], ['leave', 'Field', null], ['enter', 'Field', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'b'], ['leave', 'Name', 'b'], ['enter', 'Field', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'c'], ['leave', 'Name', 'c'], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null], ['enter', 'Field', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'a'], ['leave', 'Name', 'a'], ['leave', 'Field', null], ['enter', 'Field', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'b'], ['leave', 'Name', 'b'], ['enter', 'Field', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'c'], ['leave', 'Name', 'c'], ['leave', 'Field', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null], ['leave', 'Field', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null], ['leave', 'OperationDefinition', null], ['leave', 'Document', null], ], $visited); } /** * Describe: visitWithTypeInfo */ public function testMaintainsTypeInfoDuringVisit() : void { $visited = []; $typeInfo = new TypeInfo(ValidatorTestCase::getTestSchema()); $ast = Parser::parse('{ human(id: 4) { name, pets { ... { name } }, unknown } }'); Visitor::visit($ast, Visitor::visitWithTypeInfo($typeInfo, [ 'enter' => function ($node) use ($typeInfo, &$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $parentType = $typeInfo->getParentType(); $type = $typeInfo->getType(); $inputType = $typeInfo->getInputType(); $visited[] = [ 'enter', $node->kind, $node->kind === 'Name' ? $node->value : null, $parentType ? (string) $parentType : null, $type ? (string) $type : null, $inputType ? (string) $inputType : null, ]; }, 'leave' => function ($node) use ($typeInfo, &$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args()); $parentType = $typeInfo->getParentType(); $type = $typeInfo->getType(); $inputType = $typeInfo->getInputType(); $visited[] = [ 'leave', $node->kind, $node->kind === 'Name' ? $node->value : null, $parentType ? (string) $parentType : null, $type ? (string) $type : null, $inputType ? (string) $inputType : null, ]; }, ])); $this->assertEquals([ ['enter', 'Document', null, null, null, null], ['enter', 'OperationDefinition', null, null, 'QueryRoot', null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null, 'QueryRoot', 'QueryRoot', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'human', 'QueryRoot', 'Human', null], ['leave', 'Name', 'human', 'QueryRoot', 'Human', null], ['enter', 'Argument', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['enter', 'Name', 'id', 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['leave', 'Name', 'id', 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['enter', 'IntValue', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['leave', 'IntValue', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['leave', 'Argument', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Human', 'Human', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'Human', 'String', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Human', 'String', null], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Human', 'String', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'Human', 'String', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'Human', '[Pet]', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'pets', 'Human', '[Pet]', null], ['leave', 'Name', 'pets', 'Human', '[Pet]', null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Pet', '[Pet]', null], ['enter', 'InlineFragment', null, 'Pet', 'Pet', null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Pet', 'Pet', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'Pet', 'String', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Pet', 'String', null], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Pet', 'String', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'Pet', 'String', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Pet', 'Pet', null], ['leave', 'InlineFragment', null, 'Pet', 'Pet', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Pet', '[Pet]', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'Human', '[Pet]', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'Human', null, null], ['enter', 'Name', 'unknown', 'Human', null, null], ['leave', 'Name', 'unknown', 'Human', null, null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'Human', null, null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Human', 'Human', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null, 'QueryRoot', 'QueryRoot', null], ['leave', 'OperationDefinition', null, null, 'QueryRoot', null], ['leave', 'Document', null, null, null, null], ], $visited); } public function testMaintainsTypeInfoDuringEdit() : void { $visited = []; $typeInfo = new TypeInfo(ValidatorTestCase::getTestSchema()); $ast = Parser::parse( '{ human(id: 4) { name, pets }, alien }' ); $editedAst = Visitor::visit($ast, Visitor::visitWithTypeInfo($typeInfo, [ 'enter' => function ($node) use ($typeInfo, &$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args(), true); $parentType = $typeInfo->getParentType(); $type = $typeInfo->getType(); $inputType = $typeInfo->getInputType(); $visited[] = [ 'enter', $node->kind, $node->kind === 'Name' ? $node->value : null, $parentType ? (string) $parentType : null, $type ? (string) $type : null, $inputType ? (string) $inputType : null, ]; // Make a query valid by adding missing selection sets. if ($node->kind === 'Field' && ! $node->selectionSet && Type::isCompositeType(Type::getNamedType($type)) ) { return new FieldNode([ 'alias' => $node->alias, 'name' => $node->name, 'arguments' => $node->arguments, 'directives' => $node->directives, 'selectionSet' => new SelectionSetNode([ 'kind' => 'SelectionSet', 'selections' => [new FieldNode([ 'name' => new NameNode(['value' => '__typename']), ]), ], ]), ]); } }, 'leave' => function ($node) use ($typeInfo, &$visited, $ast) { $this->checkVisitorFnArgs($ast, func_get_args(), true); $parentType = $typeInfo->getParentType(); $type = $typeInfo->getType(); $inputType = $typeInfo->getInputType(); $visited[] = [ 'leave', $node->kind, $node->kind === 'Name' ? $node->value : null, $parentType ? (string) $parentType : null, $type ? (string) $type : null, $inputType ? (string) $inputType : null, ]; }, ])); $this->assertEquals(Printer::doPrint(Parser::parse( '{ human(id: 4) { name, pets }, alien }' )), Printer::doPrint($ast)); $this->assertEquals(Printer::doPrint(Parser::parse( '{ human(id: 4) { name, pets { __typename } }, alien { __typename } }' )), Printer::doPrint($editedAst)); $this->assertEquals([ ['enter', 'Document', null, null, null, null], ['enter', 'OperationDefinition', null, null, 'QueryRoot', null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null, 'QueryRoot', 'QueryRoot', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'human', 'QueryRoot', 'Human', null], ['leave', 'Name', 'human', 'QueryRoot', 'Human', null], ['enter', 'Argument', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['enter', 'Name', 'id', 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['leave', 'Name', 'id', 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['enter', 'IntValue', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['leave', 'IntValue', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['leave', 'Argument', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', 'ID'], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Human', 'Human', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'Human', 'String', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'name', 'Human', 'String', null], ['leave', 'Name', 'name', 'Human', 'String', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'Human', 'String', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'Human', '[Pet]', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'pets', 'Human', '[Pet]', null], ['leave', 'Name', 'pets', 'Human', '[Pet]', null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Pet', '[Pet]', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'Pet', 'String!', null], ['enter', 'Name', '__typename', 'Pet', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'Name', '__typename', 'Pet', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'Pet', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Pet', '[Pet]', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'Human', '[Pet]', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Human', 'Human', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Human', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Alien', null], ['enter', 'Name', 'alien', 'QueryRoot', 'Alien', null], ['leave', 'Name', 'alien', 'QueryRoot', 'Alien', null], ['enter', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Alien', 'Alien', null], ['enter', 'Field', null, 'Alien', 'String!', null], ['enter', 'Name', '__typename', 'Alien', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'Name', '__typename', 'Alien', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'Alien', 'String!', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null, 'Alien', 'Alien', null], ['leave', 'Field', null, 'QueryRoot', 'Alien', null], ['leave', 'SelectionSet', null, 'QueryRoot', 'QueryRoot', null], ['leave', 'OperationDefinition', null, null, 'QueryRoot', null], ['leave', 'Document', null, null, null, null], ], $visited); } }