<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace GraphQL\Tests\Executor; use Exception; use GraphQL\Deferred; use GraphQL\Error\FormattedError; use GraphQL\Error\UserError; use GraphQL\Executor\Executor; use GraphQL\Language\Parser; use GraphQL\Language\SourceLocation; use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType; use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type; use GraphQL\Type\Schema; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class NonNullTest extends TestCase { /** @var Exception */ public $syncError; /** @var Exception */ public $syncNonNullError; /** @var Exception */ public $promiseError; /** @var Exception */ public $promiseNonNullError; /** @var callable[] */ public $throwingData; /** @var callable[] */ public $nullingData; /** @var Schema */ public $schema; public function setUp() { $this->syncError = new UserError('sync'); $this->syncNonNullError = new UserError('syncNonNull'); $this->promiseError = new UserError('promise'); $this->promiseNonNullError = new UserError('promiseNonNull'); $this->throwingData = [ 'sync' => function () { throw $this->syncError; }, 'syncNonNull' => function () { throw $this->syncNonNullError; }, 'promise' => function () { return new Deferred(function () { throw $this->promiseError; }); }, 'promiseNonNull' => function () { return new Deferred(function () { throw $this->promiseNonNullError; }); }, 'syncNest' => function () { return $this->throwingData; }, 'syncNonNullNest' => function () { return $this->throwingData; }, 'promiseNest' => function () { return new Deferred(function () { return $this->throwingData; }); }, 'promiseNonNullNest' => function () { return new Deferred(function () { return $this->throwingData; }); }, ]; $this->nullingData = [ 'sync' => static function () { return null; }, 'syncNonNull' => static function () { return null; }, 'promise' => static function () { return new Deferred(static function () { return null; }); }, 'promiseNonNull' => static function () { return new Deferred(static function () { return null; }); }, 'syncNest' => function () { return $this->nullingData; }, 'syncNonNullNest' => function () { return $this->nullingData; }, 'promiseNest' => function () { return new Deferred(function () { return $this->nullingData; }); }, 'promiseNonNullNest' => function () { return new Deferred(function () { return $this->nullingData; }); }, ]; $dataType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'DataType', 'fields' => static function () use (&$dataType) { return [ 'sync' => ['type' => Type::string()], 'syncNonNull' => ['type' => Type::nonNull(Type::string())], 'promise' => Type::string(), 'promiseNonNull' => Type::nonNull(Type::string()), 'syncNest' => $dataType, 'syncNonNullNest' => Type::nonNull($dataType), 'promiseNest' => $dataType, 'promiseNonNullNest' => Type::nonNull($dataType), ]; }, ]); $this->schema = new Schema(['query' => $dataType]); } // Execute: handles non-nullable types /** * @see it('nulls a nullable field that throws synchronously') */ public function testNullsANullableFieldThatThrowsSynchronously() : void { $doc = ' query Q { sync } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'data' => ['sync' => null], 'errors' => [ FormattedError::create( $this->syncError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(3, 9)] ), ], ]; self::assertArraySubset( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->throwingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray() ); } public function testNullsANullableFieldThatThrowsInAPromise() : void { $doc = ' query Q { promise } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'data' => ['promise' => null], 'errors' => [ FormattedError::create( $this->promiseError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(3, 9)] ), ], ]; self::assertArraySubset( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->throwingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray() ); } public function testNullsASynchronouslyReturnedObjectThatContainsANonNullableFieldThatThrowsSynchronously() : void { // nulls a synchronously returned object that contains a non-nullable field that throws synchronously $doc = ' query Q { syncNest { syncNonNull, } } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'data' => ['syncNest' => null], 'errors' => [ FormattedError::create($this->syncNonNullError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(4, 11)]), ], ]; self::assertArraySubset( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->throwingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray() ); } public function testNullsAsynchronouslyReturnedObjectThatContainsANonNullableFieldThatThrowsInAPromise() : void { $doc = ' query Q { syncNest { promiseNonNull, } } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'data' => ['syncNest' => null], 'errors' => [ FormattedError::create($this->promiseNonNullError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(4, 11)]), ], ]; self::assertArraySubset( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->throwingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray() ); } public function testNullsAnObjectReturnedInAPromiseThatContainsANonNullableFieldThatThrowsSynchronously() : void { $doc = ' query Q { promiseNest { syncNonNull, } } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'data' => ['promiseNest' => null], 'errors' => [ FormattedError::create($this->syncNonNullError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(4, 11)]), ], ]; self::assertArraySubset( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->throwingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray() ); } public function testNullsAnObjectReturnedInAPromiseThatContainsANonNullableFieldThatThrowsInAPromise() : void { $doc = ' query Q { promiseNest { promiseNonNull, } } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'data' => ['promiseNest' => null], 'errors' => [ FormattedError::create($this->promiseNonNullError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(4, 11)]), ], ]; self::assertArraySubset( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->throwingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray() ); } /** * @see it('nulls a complex tree of nullable fields that throw') */ public function testNullsAComplexTreeOfNullableFieldsThatThrow() : void { $doc = ' query Q { syncNest { sync promise syncNest { sync promise } promiseNest { sync promise } } promiseNest { sync promise syncNest { sync promise } promiseNest { sync promise } } } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'data' => [ 'syncNest' => [ 'sync' => null, 'promise' => null, 'syncNest' => [ 'sync' => null, 'promise' => null, ], 'promiseNest' => [ 'sync' => null, 'promise' => null, ], ], 'promiseNest' => [ 'sync' => null, 'promise' => null, 'syncNest' => [ 'sync' => null, 'promise' => null, ], 'promiseNest' => [ 'sync' => null, 'promise' => null, ], ], ], 'errors' => [ FormattedError::create($this->syncError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(4, 11)]), FormattedError::create($this->syncError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(7, 13)]), FormattedError::create($this->syncError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(11, 13)]), FormattedError::create($this->syncError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(16, 11)]), FormattedError::create($this->syncError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(19, 13)]), FormattedError::create($this->promiseError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(5, 11)]), FormattedError::create($this->promiseError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(8, 13)]), FormattedError::create($this->syncError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(23, 13)]), FormattedError::create($this->promiseError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(12, 13)]), FormattedError::create($this->promiseError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(17, 11)]), FormattedError::create($this->promiseError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(20, 13)]), FormattedError::create($this->promiseError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(24, 13)]), ], ]; self::assertArraySubset( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->throwingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray() ); } public function testNullsTheFirstNullableObjectAfterAFieldThrowsInALongChainOfFieldsThatAreNonNull() : void { $doc = ' query Q { syncNest { syncNonNullNest { promiseNonNullNest { syncNonNullNest { promiseNonNullNest { syncNonNull } } } } } promiseNest { syncNonNullNest { promiseNonNullNest { syncNonNullNest { promiseNonNullNest { syncNonNull } } } } } anotherNest: syncNest { syncNonNullNest { promiseNonNullNest { syncNonNullNest { promiseNonNullNest { promiseNonNull } } } } } anotherPromiseNest: promiseNest { syncNonNullNest { promiseNonNullNest { syncNonNullNest { promiseNonNullNest { promiseNonNull } } } } } } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'data' => [ 'syncNest' => null, 'promiseNest' => null, 'anotherNest' => null, 'anotherPromiseNest' => null, ], 'errors' => [ FormattedError::create($this->syncNonNullError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(8, 19)]), FormattedError::create($this->syncNonNullError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(19, 19)]), FormattedError::create($this->promiseNonNullError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(30, 19)]), FormattedError::create($this->promiseNonNullError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(41, 19)]), ], ]; self::assertArraySubset( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->throwingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray() ); } public function testNullsANullableFieldThatSynchronouslyReturnsNull() : void { $doc = ' query Q { sync } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'data' => ['sync' => null], ]; self::assertEquals( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->nullingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray() ); } public function testNullsANullableFieldThatReturnsNullInAPromise() : void { $doc = ' query Q { promise } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'data' => ['promise' => null], ]; self::assertArraySubset( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->nullingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray() ); } public function testNullsASynchronouslyReturnedObjectThatContainsANonNullableFieldThatReturnsNullSynchronously() : void { $doc = ' query Q { syncNest { syncNonNull, } } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'data' => ['syncNest' => null], 'errors' => [ [ 'debugMessage' => 'Cannot return null for non-nullable field DataType.syncNonNull.', 'locations' => [['line' => 4, 'column' => 11]], ], ], ]; self::assertArraySubset( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->nullingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray(true) ); } public function testNullsASynchronouslyReturnedObjectThatContainsANonNullableFieldThatReturnsNullInAPromise() : void { $doc = ' query Q { syncNest { promiseNonNull, } } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'data' => ['syncNest' => null], 'errors' => [ [ 'debugMessage' => 'Cannot return null for non-nullable field DataType.promiseNonNull.', 'locations' => [['line' => 4, 'column' => 11]], ], ], ]; self::assertArraySubset( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->nullingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray(true) ); } public function testNullsAnObjectReturnedInAPromiseThatContainsANonNullableFieldThatReturnsNullSynchronously() : void { $doc = ' query Q { promiseNest { syncNonNull, } } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'data' => ['promiseNest' => null], 'errors' => [ [ 'debugMessage' => 'Cannot return null for non-nullable field DataType.syncNonNull.', 'locations' => [['line' => 4, 'column' => 11]], ], ], ]; self::assertArraySubset( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->nullingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray(true) ); } public function testNullsAnObjectReturnedInAPromiseThatContainsANonNullableFieldThatReturnsNullInaAPromise() : void { $doc = ' query Q { promiseNest { promiseNonNull, } } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'data' => ['promiseNest' => null], 'errors' => [ [ 'debugMessage' => 'Cannot return null for non-nullable field DataType.promiseNonNull.', 'locations' => [['line' => 4, 'column' => 11]], ], ], ]; self::assertArraySubset( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->nullingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray(true) ); } public function testNullsAComplexTreeOfNullableFieldsThatReturnNull() : void { $doc = ' query Q { syncNest { sync promise syncNest { sync promise } promiseNest { sync promise } } promiseNest { sync promise syncNest { sync promise } promiseNest { sync promise } } } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'data' => [ 'syncNest' => [ 'sync' => null, 'promise' => null, 'syncNest' => [ 'sync' => null, 'promise' => null, ], 'promiseNest' => [ 'sync' => null, 'promise' => null, ], ], 'promiseNest' => [ 'sync' => null, 'promise' => null, 'syncNest' => [ 'sync' => null, 'promise' => null, ], 'promiseNest' => [ 'sync' => null, 'promise' => null, ], ], ], ]; $actual = Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->nullingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray(); self::assertEquals($expected, $actual); } public function testNullsTheFirstNullableObjectAfterAFieldReturnsNullInALongChainOfFieldsThatAreNonNull() : void { $doc = ' query Q { syncNest { syncNonNullNest { promiseNonNullNest { syncNonNullNest { promiseNonNullNest { syncNonNull } } } } } promiseNest { syncNonNullNest { promiseNonNullNest { syncNonNullNest { promiseNonNullNest { syncNonNull } } } } } anotherNest: syncNest { syncNonNullNest { promiseNonNullNest { syncNonNullNest { promiseNonNullNest { promiseNonNull } } } } } anotherPromiseNest: promiseNest { syncNonNullNest { promiseNonNullNest { syncNonNullNest { promiseNonNullNest { promiseNonNull } } } } } } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'data' => [ 'syncNest' => null, 'promiseNest' => null, 'anotherNest' => null, 'anotherPromiseNest' => null, ], 'errors' => [ ['debugMessage' => 'Cannot return null for non-nullable field DataType.syncNonNull.', 'locations' => [['line' => 8, 'column' => 19]]], ['debugMessage' => 'Cannot return null for non-nullable field DataType.syncNonNull.', 'locations' => [['line' => 19, 'column' => 19]]], ['debugMessage' => 'Cannot return null for non-nullable field DataType.promiseNonNull.', 'locations' => [['line' => 30, 'column' => 19]]], ['debugMessage' => 'Cannot return null for non-nullable field DataType.promiseNonNull.', 'locations' => [['line' => 41, 'column' => 19]]], ], ]; self::assertArraySubset( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->nullingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray(true) ); } /** * @see it('nulls the top level if sync non-nullable field throws') */ public function testNullsTheTopLevelIfSyncNonNullableFieldThrows() : void { $doc = ' query Q { syncNonNull } '; $expected = [ 'errors' => [ FormattedError::create($this->syncNonNullError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(2, 17)]), ], ]; $actual = Executor::execute($this->schema, Parser::parse($doc), $this->throwingData)->toArray(); self::assertArraySubset($expected, $actual); } public function testNullsTheTopLevelIfAsyncNonNullableFieldErrors() : void { $doc = ' query Q { promiseNonNull } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'errors' => [ FormattedError::create($this->promiseNonNullError->getMessage(), [new SourceLocation(2, 17)]), ], ]; self::assertArraySubset( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->throwingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray() ); } public function testNullsTheTopLevelIfSyncNonNullableFieldReturnsNull() : void { // nulls the top level if sync non-nullable field returns null $doc = ' query Q { syncNonNull } '; $expected = [ 'errors' => [ [ 'debugMessage' => 'Cannot return null for non-nullable field DataType.syncNonNull.', 'locations' => [['line' => 2, 'column' => 17]], ], ], ]; self::assertArraySubset( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, Parser::parse($doc), $this->nullingData)->toArray(true) ); } public function testNullsTheTopLevelIfAsyncNonNullableFieldResolvesNull() : void { $doc = ' query Q { promiseNonNull } '; $ast = Parser::parse($doc); $expected = [ 'errors' => [ [ 'debugMessage' => 'Cannot return null for non-nullable field DataType.promiseNonNull.', 'locations' => [['line' => 2, 'column' => 17]], ], ], ]; self::assertArraySubset( $expected, Executor::execute($this->schema, $ast, $this->nullingData, null, [], 'Q')->toArray(true) ); } }