<?php namespace GraphQL\Tests\Validator; use GraphQL\Error\FormattedError; use GraphQL\Language\SourceLocation; use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\UniqueFragmentNames; class UniqueFragmentNamesTest extends TestCase { // Validate: Unique fragment names /** * @it no fragments */ public function testNoFragments() { $this->expectPassesRule(new UniqueFragmentNames(), ' { field } '); } /** * @it one fragment */ public function testOneFragment() { $this->expectPassesRule(new UniqueFragmentNames, ' { ...fragA } fragment fragA on Type { field } '); } /** * @it many fragments */ public function testManyFragments() { $this->expectPassesRule(new UniqueFragmentNames, ' { ...fragA ...fragB ...fragC } fragment fragA on Type { fieldA } fragment fragB on Type { fieldB } fragment fragC on Type { fieldC } '); } /** * @it inline fragments are always unique */ public function testInlineFragmentsAreAlwaysUnique() { $this->expectPassesRule(new UniqueFragmentNames, ' { ...on Type { fieldA } ...on Type { fieldB } } '); } /** * @it fragment and operation named the same */ public function testFragmentAndOperationNamedTheSame() { $this->expectPassesRule(new UniqueFragmentNames, ' query Foo { ...Foo } fragment Foo on Type { field } '); } /** * @it fragments named the same */ public function testFragmentsNamedTheSame() { $this->expectFailsRule(new UniqueFragmentNames, ' { ...fragA } fragment fragA on Type { fieldA } fragment fragA on Type { fieldB } ', [ $this->duplicateFrag('fragA', 5, 16, 8, 16) ]); } /** * @it fragments named the same without being referenced */ public function testFragmentsNamedTheSameWithoutBeingReferenced() { $this->expectFailsRule(new UniqueFragmentNames, ' fragment fragA on Type { fieldA } fragment fragA on Type { fieldB } ', [ $this->duplicateFrag('fragA', 2, 16, 5, 16) ]); } private function duplicateFrag($fragName, $l1, $c1, $l2, $c2) { return FormattedError::create( UniqueFragmentNames::duplicateFragmentNameMessage($fragName), [new SourceLocation($l1, $c1), new SourceLocation($l2, $c2)] ); } }