<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace GraphQL\Tests; use function array_map; class StarWarsData { /** * Helper function to get a character by ID. */ public static function getCharacter($id) { $humans = self::humans(); $droids = self::droids(); if (isset($humans[$id])) { return $humans[$id]; } if (isset($droids[$id])) { return $droids[$id]; } return null; } public static function humans() { return [ '1000' => self::luke(), '1001' => self::vader(), '1002' => self::han(), '1003' => self::leia(), '1004' => self::tarkin(), ]; } private static function luke() { return [ 'id' => '1000', 'name' => 'Luke Skywalker', 'friends' => ['1002', '1003', '2000', '2001'], 'appearsIn' => [4, 5, 6], 'homePlanet' => 'Tatooine', ]; } private static function vader() { return [ 'id' => '1001', 'name' => 'Darth Vader', 'friends' => ['1004'], 'appearsIn' => [4, 5, 6], 'homePlanet' => 'Tatooine', ]; } private static function han() { return [ 'id' => '1002', 'name' => 'Han Solo', 'friends' => ['1000', '1003', '2001'], 'appearsIn' => [4, 5, 6], ]; } private static function leia() { return [ 'id' => '1003', 'name' => 'Leia Organa', 'friends' => ['1000', '1002', '2000', '2001'], 'appearsIn' => [4, 5, 6], 'homePlanet' => 'Alderaan', ]; } private static function tarkin() { return [ 'id' => '1004', 'name' => 'Wilhuff Tarkin', 'friends' => ['1001'], 'appearsIn' => [4], ]; } public static function droids() { return [ '2000' => self::threepio(), '2001' => self::artoo(), ]; } private static function threepio() { return [ 'id' => '2000', 'name' => 'C-3PO', 'friends' => ['1000', '1002', '1003', '2001'], 'appearsIn' => [4, 5, 6], 'primaryFunction' => 'Protocol', ]; } /** * We export artoo directly because the schema returns him * from a root field, and hence needs to reference him. */ private static function artoo() { return [ 'id' => '2001', 'name' => 'R2-D2', 'friends' => ['1000', '1002', '1003'], 'appearsIn' => [4, 5, 6], 'primaryFunction' => 'Astromech', ]; } /** * Allows us to query for a character's friends. */ public static function getFriends($character) { return array_map([self::class, 'getCharacter'], $character['friends']); } /** * @param int $episode * * @return mixed[] */ public static function getHero($episode) { if ($episode === 5) { // Luke is the hero of Episode V. return self::luke(); } // Artoo is the hero otherwise. return self::artoo(); } /** * @param string $id * * @return mixed|null */ public static function getHuman($id) { $humans = self::humans(); return $humans[$id] ?? null; } /** * @param string $id * * @return mixed|null */ public static function getDroid($id) { $droids = self::droids(); return $droids[$id] ?? null; } }