<?php namespace GraphQL\Examples\Blog\Data; /** * Class DataSource * * This is just a simple in-memory data holder for the sake of example. * Data layer for real app may use Doctrine or query the database directly (e.g. in CQRS style) * * @package GraphQL\Examples\Blog */ class DataSource { private static $users = []; private static $stories = []; private static $storyLikes = []; private static $comments = []; private static $storyComments = []; private static $commentReplies = []; private static $storyMentions = []; public static function init() { self::$users = [ '1' => new User([ 'id' => '1', 'email' => 'john@example.com', 'firstName' => 'John', 'lastName' => 'Doe' ]), '2' => new User([ 'id' => '2', 'email' => 'jane@example.com', 'firstName' => 'Jane', 'lastName' => 'Doe' ]), '3' => new User([ 'id' => '3', 'email' => 'john@example.com', 'firstName' => 'John', 'lastName' => 'Doe' ]), ]; self::$stories = [ '1' => new Story(['id' => '1', 'authorId' => '1', 'body' => '<h1>GraphQL is awesome!</h1>']), '2' => new Story(['id' => '2', 'authorId' => '1', 'body' => '<a>Test this</a>']), '3' => new Story(['id' => '3', 'authorId' => '3', 'body' => "This\n<br>story\n<br>spans\n<br>newlines"]), ]; self::$storyLikes = [ '1' => ['1', '2', '3'], '2' => [], '3' => ['1'] ]; self::$comments = [ // thread #1: '100' => new Comment(['id' => '100', 'authorId' => '3', 'storyId' => '1', 'body' => 'Likes']), '110' => new Comment(['id' =>'110', 'authorId' =>'2', 'storyId' => '1', 'body' => 'Reply <b>#1</b>', 'parentId' => '100']), '111' => new Comment(['id' => '111', 'authorId' => '1', 'storyId' => '1', 'body' => 'Reply #1-1', 'parentId' => '110']), '112' => new Comment(['id' => '112', 'authorId' => '3', 'storyId' => '1', 'body' => 'Reply #1-2', 'parentId' => '110']), '113' => new Comment(['id' => '113', 'authorId' => '2', 'storyId' => '1', 'body' => 'Reply #1-3', 'parentId' => '110']), '114' => new Comment(['id' => '114', 'authorId' => '1', 'storyId' => '1', 'body' => 'Reply #1-4', 'parentId' => '110']), '115' => new Comment(['id' => '115', 'authorId' => '3', 'storyId' => '1', 'body' => 'Reply #1-5', 'parentId' => '110']), '116' => new Comment(['id' => '116', 'authorId' => '1', 'storyId' => '1', 'body' => 'Reply #1-6', 'parentId' => '110']), '117' => new Comment(['id' => '117', 'authorId' => '2', 'storyId' => '1', 'body' => 'Reply #1-7', 'parentId' => '110']), '120' => new Comment(['id' => '120', 'authorId' => '3', 'storyId' => '1', 'body' => 'Reply #2', 'parentId' => '100']), '130' => new Comment(['id' => '130', 'authorId' => '3', 'storyId' => '1', 'body' => 'Reply #3', 'parentId' => '100']), '200' => new Comment(['id' => '200', 'authorId' => '2', 'storyId' => '1', 'body' => 'Me2']), '300' => new Comment(['id' => '300', 'authorId' => '3', 'storyId' => '1', 'body' => 'U2']), # thread #2: '400' => new Comment(['id' => '400', 'authorId' => '2', 'storyId' => '2', 'body' => 'Me too']), '500' => new Comment(['id' => '500', 'authorId' => '2', 'storyId' => '2', 'body' => 'Nice!']), ]; self::$storyComments = [ '1' => ['100', '200', '300'], '2' => ['400', '500'] ]; self::$commentReplies = [ '100' => ['110', '120', '130'], '110' => ['111', '112', '113', '114', '115', '116', '117'], ]; self::$storyMentions = [ '1' => [ self::$users['2'] ], '2' => [ self::$stories['1'], self::$users['3'] ] ]; } public static function findUser($id) { return isset(self::$users[$id]) ? self::$users[$id] : null; } public static function findStory($id) { return isset(self::$stories[$id]) ? self::$stories[$id] : null; } public static function findComment($id) { return isset(self::$comments[$id]) ? self::$comments[$id] : null; } public static function findLastStoryFor($authorId) { $storiesFound = array_filter(self::$stories, function(Story $story) use ($authorId) { return $story->authorId == $authorId; }); return !empty($storiesFound) ? $storiesFound[count($storiesFound) - 1] : null; } public static function findLikes($storyId, $limit) { $likes = isset(self::$storyLikes[$storyId]) ? self::$storyLikes[$storyId] : []; $result = array_map( function($userId) { return self::$users[$userId]; }, $likes ); return array_slice($result, 0, $limit); } public static function isLikedBy($storyId, $userId) { $subscribers = isset(self::$storyLikes[$storyId]) ? self::$storyLikes[$storyId] : []; return in_array($userId, $subscribers); } public static function getUserPhoto($userId, $size) { return new Image([ 'id' => $userId, 'type' => Image::TYPE_USERPIC, 'size' => $size, 'width' => rand(100, 200), 'height' => rand(100, 200) ]); } public static function findLatestStory() { return array_pop(self::$stories); } public static function findStories($limit, $afterId = null) { $start = $afterId ? (int) array_search($afterId, array_keys(self::$stories)) + 1 : 0; return array_slice(array_values(self::$stories), $start, $limit); } public static function findComments($storyId, $limit = 5, $afterId = null) { $storyComments = isset(self::$storyComments[$storyId]) ? self::$storyComments[$storyId] : []; $start = isset($after) ? (int) array_search($afterId, $storyComments) + 1 : 0; $storyComments = array_slice($storyComments, $start, $limit); return array_map( function($commentId) { return self::$comments[$commentId]; }, $storyComments ); } public static function findReplies($commentId, $limit = 5, $afterId = null) { $commentReplies = isset(self::$commentReplies[$commentId]) ? self::$commentReplies[$commentId] : []; $start = isset($after) ? (int) array_search($afterId, $commentReplies) + 1: 0; $commentReplies = array_slice($commentReplies, $start, $limit); return array_map( function($replyId) { return self::$comments[$replyId]; }, $commentReplies ); } public static function countComments($storyId) { return isset(self::$storyComments[$storyId]) ? count(self::$storyComments[$storyId]) : 0; } public static function countReplies($commentId) { return isset(self::$commentReplies[$commentId]) ? count(self::$commentReplies[$commentId]) : 0; } public static function findStoryMentions($storyId) { return isset(self::$storyMentions[$storyId]) ? self::$storyMentions[$storyId] :[]; } }