queryType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Query', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), ], ], ]); } //DESCRIBE: findBreakingChanges /** * @see it('should detect if a type was removed or not') */ public function testShouldDetectIfTypeWasRemovedOrNot() : void { $type1 = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => ['type' => Type::string()], ], ]); $type2 = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type2', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => ['type' => Type::string()], ], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$type1, $type2], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$type2], ]); $expected = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_TYPE_REMOVED, 'description' => 'Type1 was removed.', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expected, BreakingChangesFinder::findRemovedTypes($oldSchema, $newSchema) ); self::assertEquals([], BreakingChangesFinder::findRemovedTypes($oldSchema, $oldSchema)); } /** * @see it('should detect if a type changed its type') */ public function testShouldDetectIfATypeChangedItsType() : void { $objectType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'ObjectType', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => ['type' => Type::string()], ], ]); $interfaceType = new InterfaceType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => ['type' => Type::string()], ], ]); $unionType = new UnionType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'types' => [$objectType], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$interfaceType], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$unionType], ]); $expected = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_TYPE_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1 changed from an Interface type to a Union type.', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expected, BreakingChangesFinder::findTypesThatChangedKind($oldSchema, $newSchema) ); } /** * We need to compare type of class A (old type) and type of class B (new type) * Class B extends A but are evaluated as same types (if all properties match). * The reason is that when constructing schema from remote schema, * we have no certain way to get information about our classes. * Thus object types from remote schema are constructed as Object Type * while their local counterparts are usually a subclass of Object Type. * * @see https://github.com/webonyx/graphql-php/pull/431 */ public function testShouldNotMarkTypesWithInheritedClassesAsChanged() : void { $objectTypeConstructedFromRemoteSchema = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'ObjectType', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => ['type' => Type::string()], ], ]); $localObjectType = new class([ 'name' => 'ObjectType', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => ['type' => Type::string()], ], ]) extends ObjectType{ }; $schemaA = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$objectTypeConstructedFromRemoteSchema], ]); $schemaB = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$localObjectType], ]); self::assertEmpty(BreakingChangesFinder::findTypesThatChangedKind($schemaA, $schemaB)); self::assertEmpty(BreakingChangesFinder::findTypesThatChangedKind($schemaB, $schemaA)); } /** * @see it('should detect if a field on a type was deleted or changed type') */ public function testShouldDetectIfAFieldOnATypeWasDeletedOrChangedType() : void { $typeA = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'TypeA', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => ['type' => Type::string()], ], ]); // logically equivalent to TypeA; findBreakingFieldChanges shouldn't // treat this as different than TypeA $typeA2 = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'TypeA', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => ['type' => Type::string()], ], ]); $typeB = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'TypeB', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => ['type' => Type::string()], ], ]); $oldType1 = new InterfaceType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => ['type' => $typeA], 'field2' => ['type' => Type::string()], 'field3' => ['type' => Type::string()], 'field4' => ['type' => $typeA], 'field6' => ['type' => Type::string()], 'field7' => ['type' => Type::listOf(Type::string())], 'field8' => ['type' => Type::int()], 'field9' => ['type' => Type::nonNull(Type::int())], 'field10' => ['type' => Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::int()))], 'field11' => ['type' => Type::int()], 'field12' => ['type' => Type::listOf(Type::int())], 'field13' => ['type' => Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::int()))], 'field14' => ['type' => Type::listOf(Type::int())], 'field15' => ['type' => Type::listOf(Type::listOf(Type::int()))], 'field16' => ['type' => Type::nonNull(Type::int())], 'field17' => ['type' => Type::listOf(Type::int())], 'field18' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(Type::nonNull( Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::int())) )), ], ], ]); $newType1 = new InterfaceType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => ['type' => $typeA2], 'field3' => ['type' => Type::boolean()], 'field4' => ['type' => $typeB], 'field5' => ['type' => Type::string()], 'field6' => ['type' => Type::listOf(Type::string())], 'field7' => ['type' => Type::string()], 'field8' => ['type' => Type::nonNull(Type::int())], 'field9' => ['type' => Type::int()], 'field10' => ['type' => Type::listOf(Type::int())], 'field11' => ['type' => Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::int()))], 'field12' => ['type' => Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::int()))], 'field13' => ['type' => Type::listOf(Type::int())], 'field14' => ['type' => Type::listOf(Type::listOf(Type::int()))], 'field15' => ['type' => Type::listOf(Type::int())], 'field16' => ['type' => Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::int()))], 'field17' => ['type' => Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::int()))], 'field18' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf( Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::int())) ), ], ], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$oldType1], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$newType1], ]); $expectedFieldChanges = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_REMOVED, 'description' => 'Type1.field2 was removed.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field3 changed type from String to Boolean.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field4 changed type from TypeA to TypeB.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field6 changed type from String to [String].', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field7 changed type from [String] to String.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field9 changed type from Int! to Int.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field10 changed type from [Int]! to [Int].', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field11 changed type from Int to [Int]!.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field13 changed type from [Int!] to [Int].', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field14 changed type from [Int] to [[Int]].', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field15 changed type from [[Int]] to [Int].', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field16 changed type from Int! to [Int]!.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field18 changed type from [[Int!]!] to [[Int!]].', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expectedFieldChanges, BreakingChangesFinder::findFieldsThatChangedTypeOnObjectOrInterfaceTypes($oldSchema, $newSchema) ); } /** * @see it('should detect if fields on input types changed kind or were removed') */ public function testShouldDetectIfFieldsOnInputTypesChangedKindOrWereRemoved() : void { $oldInputType = new InputObjectType([ 'name' => 'InputType1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), ], 'field2' => [ 'type' => Type::boolean(), ], 'field3' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(Type::string()), ], 'field4' => [ 'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::string()), ], 'field5' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), ], 'field6' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(Type::int()), ], 'field7' => [ 'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::int())), ], 'field8' => [ 'type' => Type::int(), ], 'field9' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(Type::int()), ], 'field10' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::int())), ], 'field11' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(Type::int()), ], 'field12' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(Type::listOf(Type::int())), ], 'field13' => [ 'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::int()), ], 'field14' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::int()))), ], 'field15' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::int()))), ], ], ]); $newInputType = new InputObjectType([ 'name' => 'InputType1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::int(), ], 'field3' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), ], 'field4' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), ], 'field5' => [ 'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::string()), ], 'field6' => [ 'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::int())), ], 'field7' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(Type::int()), ], 'field8' => [ 'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::int())), ], 'field9' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::int())), ], 'field10' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(Type::int()), ], 'field11' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(Type::listOf(Type::int())), ], 'field12' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(Type::int()), ], 'field13' => [ 'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::int())), ], 'field14' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(Type::listOf(Type::int())), ], 'field15' => [ 'type' => Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::int())))), ], ], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$oldInputType], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$newInputType], ]); $expectedFieldChanges = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'InputType1.field1 changed type from String to Int.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_REMOVED, 'description' => 'InputType1.field2 was removed.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'InputType1.field3 changed type from [String] to String.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'InputType1.field5 changed type from String to String!.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'InputType1.field6 changed type from [Int] to [Int]!.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'InputType1.field8 changed type from Int to [Int]!.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'InputType1.field9 changed type from [Int] to [Int!].', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'InputType1.field11 changed type from [Int] to [[Int]].', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'InputType1.field12 changed type from [[Int]] to [Int].', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'InputType1.field13 changed type from Int! to [Int]!.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'InputType1.field15 changed type from [[Int]!] to [[Int!]!].', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expectedFieldChanges, BreakingChangesFinder::findFieldsThatChangedTypeOnInputObjectTypes( $oldSchema, $newSchema )['breakingChanges'] ); } /** * @see it('should detect if a non-null field is added to an input type') */ public function testShouldDetectIfANonNullFieldIsAddedToAnInputType() : void { $oldInputType = new InputObjectType([ 'name' => 'InputType1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $newInputType = new InputObjectType([ 'name' => 'InputType1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), 'requiredField' => Type::nonNull(Type::int()), 'optionalField' => Type::boolean(), ], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$oldInputType], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$newInputType], ]); $expected = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_NON_NULL_INPUT_FIELD_ADDED, 'description' => 'A non-null field requiredField on input type InputType1 was added.', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expected, BreakingChangesFinder::findFieldsThatChangedTypeOnInputObjectTypes( $oldSchema, $newSchema )['breakingChanges'] ); } /** * @see it('should detect if a type was removed from a union type') */ public function testShouldRetectIfATypeWasRemovedFromAUnionType() : void { $type1 = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); // logially equivalent to type1; findTypesRemovedFromUnions should not // treat this as different than type1 $type1a = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $type2 = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type2', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $type3 = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type3', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $oldUnionType = new UnionType([ 'name' => 'UnionType1', 'types' => [$type1, $type2], ]); $newUnionType = new UnionType([ 'name' => 'UnionType1', 'types' => [$type1a, $type3], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$oldUnionType], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$newUnionType], ]); $expected = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_TYPE_REMOVED_FROM_UNION, 'description' => 'Type2 was removed from union type UnionType1.', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expected, BreakingChangesFinder::findTypesRemovedFromUnions($oldSchema, $newSchema) ); } /** * @see it('should detect if a value was removed from an enum type') */ public function testShouldDetectIfAValueWasRemovedFromAnEnumType() : void { $oldEnumType = new EnumType([ 'name' => 'EnumType1', 'values' => [ 'VALUE0' => 0, 'VALUE1' => 1, 'VALUE2' => 2, ], ]); $newEnumType = new EnumType([ 'name' => 'EnumType1', 'values' => [ 'VALUE0' => 0, 'VALUE2' => 1, 'VALUE3' => 2, ], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$oldEnumType], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$newEnumType], ]); $expected = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_VALUE_REMOVED_FROM_ENUM, 'description' => 'VALUE1 was removed from enum type EnumType1.', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expected, BreakingChangesFinder::findValuesRemovedFromEnums($oldSchema, $newSchema) ); } /** * @see it('should detect if a field argument was removed') */ public function testShouldDetectIfAFieldArgumentWasRemoved() : void { $oldType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'args' => [ 'name' => Type::string(), ], ], ], ]); $inputType = new InputObjectType([ 'name' => 'InputType1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $oldInterfaceType = new InterfaceType([ 'name' => 'Interface1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'args' => [ 'arg1' => Type::boolean(), 'objectArg' => $inputType, ], ], ], ]); $newType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'args' => [], ], ], ]); $newInterfaceType = new InterfaceType([ 'name' => 'Interface1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$oldType, $oldInterfaceType], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$newType, $newInterfaceType], ]); $expectedChanges = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_ARG_REMOVED, 'description' => 'Type1.field1 arg name was removed', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_ARG_REMOVED, 'description' => 'Interface1.field1 arg arg1 was removed', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_ARG_REMOVED, 'description' => 'Interface1.field1 arg objectArg was removed', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expectedChanges, BreakingChangesFinder::findArgChanges($oldSchema, $newSchema)['breakingChanges'] ); } /** * @see it('should detect if a field argument has changed type') */ public function testShouldDetectIfAFieldArgumentHasChangedType() : void { $oldType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'args' => [ 'arg1' => Type::string(), 'arg2' => Type::string(), 'arg3' => Type::listOf(Type::string()), 'arg4' => Type::string(), 'arg5' => Type::nonNull(Type::string()), 'arg6' => Type::nonNull(Type::string()), 'arg7' => Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::int())), 'arg8' => Type::int(), 'arg9' => Type::listOf(Type::int()), 'arg10' => Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::int())), 'arg11' => Type::listOf(Type::int()), 'arg12' => Type::listOf(Type::listOf(Type::int())), 'arg13' => Type::nonNull(Type::int()), 'arg14' => Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::int()))), 'arg15' => Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::int()))), ], ], ], ]); $newType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'args' => [ 'arg1' => Type::int(), 'arg2' => Type::listOf(Type::string()), 'arg3' => Type::string(), 'arg4' => Type::nonNull(Type::string()), 'arg5' => Type::int(), 'arg6' => Type::nonNull(Type::int()), 'arg7' => Type::listOf(Type::int()), 'arg8' => Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::int())), 'arg9' => Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::int())), 'arg10' => Type::listOf(Type::int()), 'arg11' => Type::listOf(Type::listOf(Type::int())), 'arg12' => Type::listOf(Type::int()), 'arg13' => Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::int())), 'arg14' => Type::listOf(Type::listOf(Type::int())), 'arg15' => Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::listOf(Type::nonNull(Type::int())))), ], ], ], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$oldType], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$newType], ]); $expectedChanges = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_ARG_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field1 arg arg1 has changed type from String to Int', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_ARG_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field1 arg arg2 has changed type from String to [String]', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_ARG_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field1 arg arg3 has changed type from [String] to String', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_ARG_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field1 arg arg4 has changed type from String to String!', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_ARG_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field1 arg arg5 has changed type from String! to Int', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_ARG_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field1 arg arg6 has changed type from String! to Int!', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_ARG_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field1 arg arg8 has changed type from Int to [Int]!', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_ARG_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field1 arg arg9 has changed type from [Int] to [Int!]', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_ARG_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field1 arg arg11 has changed type from [Int] to [[Int]]', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_ARG_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field1 arg arg12 has changed type from [[Int]] to [Int]', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_ARG_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field1 arg arg13 has changed type from Int! to [Int]!', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_ARG_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'Type1.field1 arg arg15 has changed type from [[Int]!] to [[Int!]!]', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expectedChanges, BreakingChangesFinder::findArgChanges($oldSchema, $newSchema)['breakingChanges'] ); } /** * @see it('should detect if a non-null field argument was added') */ public function testShouldDetectIfANonNullFieldArgumentWasAdded() : void { $oldType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'args' => [ 'arg1' => Type::string(), ], ], ], ]); $newType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'args' => [ 'arg1' => Type::string(), 'newRequiredArg' => Type::nonNull(Type::string()), 'newOptionalArg' => Type::int(), ], ], ], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$oldType], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$newType], ]); $expected = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_NON_NULL_ARG_ADDED, 'description' => 'A non-null arg newRequiredArg on Type1.field1 was added', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expected, BreakingChangesFinder::findArgChanges($oldSchema, $newSchema)['breakingChanges'] ); } /** * @see it('should not flag args with the same type signature as breaking') */ public function testShouldNotFlagArgsWithTheSameTypeSignatureAsBreaking() : void { $inputType1a = new InputObjectType([ 'name' => 'InputType1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $inputType1b = new InputObjectType([ 'name' => 'InputType1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $oldType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::int(), 'args' => [ 'arg1' => Type::nonNull(Type::int()), 'arg2' => $inputType1a, ], ], ], ]); $newType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::int(), 'args' => [ 'arg1' => Type::nonNull(Type::int()), 'arg2' => $inputType1b, ], ], ], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$oldType], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$newType], ]); self::assertEquals([], BreakingChangesFinder::findArgChanges($oldSchema, $newSchema)['breakingChanges']); } /** * @see it('should consider args that move away from NonNull as non-breaking') */ public function testShouldConsiderArgsThatMoveAwayFromNonNullAsNonBreaking() : void { $oldType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'args' => [ 'arg1' => Type::nonNull(Type::string()), ], ], ], ]); $newType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'args' => [ 'arg1' => Type::string(), ], ], ], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$oldType], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$newType], ]); self::assertEquals([], BreakingChangesFinder::findArgChanges($oldSchema, $newSchema)['breakingChanges']); } /** * @see it('should detect interfaces removed from types') */ public function testShouldDetectInterfacesRemovedFromTypes() : void { $interface1 = new InterfaceType([ 'name' => 'Interface1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $oldType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'interfaces' => [$interface1], 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $newType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$oldType], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$newType], ]); $expected = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_INTERFACE_REMOVED_FROM_OBJECT, 'description' => 'Type1 no longer implements interface Interface1.', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expected, BreakingChangesFinder::findInterfacesRemovedFromObjectTypes($oldSchema, $newSchema) ); } /** * @see it('should detect all breaking changes') */ public function testShouldDetectAllBreakingChanges() : void { $typeThatGetsRemoved = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'TypeThatGetsRemoved', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $argThatChanges = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'ArgThatChanges', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'args' => [ 'id' => Type::int(), ], ], ], ]); $argChanged = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'ArgThatChanges', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'args' => [ 'id' => Type::string(), ], ], ], ]); $typeThatChangesTypeOld = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'TypeThatChangesType', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $typeThatChangesTypeNew = new InterfaceType([ 'name' => 'TypeThatChangesType', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $typeThatHasBreakingFieldChangesOld = new InterfaceType([ 'name' => 'TypeThatHasBreakingFieldChanges', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), 'field2' => Type::string(), ], ]); $typeThatHasBreakingFieldChangesNew = new InterfaceType([ 'name' => 'TypeThatHasBreakingFieldChanges', 'fields' => [ 'field2' => Type::boolean(), ], ]); $typeInUnion1 = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'TypeInUnion1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $typeInUnion2 = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'TypeInUnion2', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $unionTypeThatLosesATypeOld = new UnionType([ 'name' => 'UnionTypeThatLosesAType', 'types' => [$typeInUnion1, $typeInUnion2], ]); $unionTypeThatLosesATypeNew = new UnionType([ 'name' => 'UnionTypeThatLosesAType', 'types' => [$typeInUnion1], ]); $enumTypeThatLosesAValueOld = new EnumType([ 'name' => 'EnumTypeThatLosesAValue', 'values' => [ 'VALUE0' => 0, 'VALUE1' => 1, 'VALUE2' => 2, ], ]); $enumTypeThatLosesAValueNew = new EnumType([ 'name' => 'EnumTypeThatLosesAValue', 'values' => [ 'VALUE1' => 1, 'VALUE2' => 2, ], ]); $interface1 = new InterfaceType([ 'name' => 'Interface1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $typeThatLosesInterfaceOld = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'TypeThatLosesInterface1', 'interfaces' => [$interface1], 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $typeThatLosesInterfaceNew = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'TypeThatLosesInterface1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $directiveThatIsRemoved = Directive::skipDirective(); $directiveThatRemovesArgOld = new Directive([ 'name' => 'DirectiveThatRemovesArg', 'locations' => [DirectiveLocation::FIELD_DEFINITION], 'args' => FieldArgument::createMap([ 'arg1' => ['name' => 'arg1'], ]), ]); $directiveThatRemovesArgNew = new Directive([ 'name' => 'DirectiveThatRemovesArg', 'locations' => [DirectiveLocation::FIELD_DEFINITION], ]); $nonNullDirectiveAddedOld = new Directive([ 'name' => 'NonNullDirectiveAdded', 'locations' => [DirectiveLocation::FIELD_DEFINITION], ]); $nonNullDirectiveAddedNew = new Directive([ 'name' => 'NonNullDirectiveAdded', 'locations' => [DirectiveLocation::FIELD_DEFINITION], 'args' => FieldArgument::createMap([ 'arg1' => [ 'name' => 'arg1', 'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::boolean()), ], ]), ]); $directiveRemovedLocationOld = new Directive([ 'name' => 'Directive Name', 'locations' => [DirectiveLocation::FIELD_DEFINITION, DirectiveLocation::QUERY], ]); $directiveRemovedLocationNew = new Directive([ 'name' => 'Directive Name', 'locations' => [DirectiveLocation::FIELD_DEFINITION], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [ $typeThatGetsRemoved, $typeThatChangesTypeOld, $typeThatHasBreakingFieldChangesOld, $unionTypeThatLosesATypeOld, $enumTypeThatLosesAValueOld, $argThatChanges, $typeThatLosesInterfaceOld, ], 'directives' => [ $directiveThatIsRemoved, $directiveThatRemovesArgOld, $nonNullDirectiveAddedOld, $directiveRemovedLocationOld, ], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [ $typeThatChangesTypeNew, $typeThatHasBreakingFieldChangesNew, $unionTypeThatLosesATypeNew, $enumTypeThatLosesAValueNew, $argChanged, $typeThatLosesInterfaceNew, $interface1, ], 'directives' => [ $directiveThatRemovesArgNew, $nonNullDirectiveAddedNew, $directiveRemovedLocationNew, ], ]); $expectedBreakingChanges = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_TYPE_REMOVED, 'description' => 'TypeThatGetsRemoved was removed.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_TYPE_REMOVED, 'description' => 'TypeInUnion2 was removed.', ], /* This is reported in the js version because builtin sclar types are added on demand and not like here always [ 'type' => FindBreakingChanges::BREAKING_CHANGE_TYPE_REMOVED, 'description' => 'Int was removed.' ],*/ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_TYPE_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'TypeThatChangesType changed from an Object type to an Interface type.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_REMOVED, 'description' => 'TypeThatHasBreakingFieldChanges.field1 was removed.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_FIELD_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'TypeThatHasBreakingFieldChanges.field2 changed type from String to Boolean.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_TYPE_REMOVED_FROM_UNION, 'description' => 'TypeInUnion2 was removed from union type UnionTypeThatLosesAType.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_VALUE_REMOVED_FROM_ENUM, 'description' => 'VALUE0 was removed from enum type EnumTypeThatLosesAValue.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_ARG_CHANGED_KIND, 'description' => 'ArgThatChanges.field1 arg id has changed type from Int to String', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_INTERFACE_REMOVED_FROM_OBJECT, 'description' => 'TypeThatLosesInterface1 no longer implements interface Interface1.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_DIRECTIVE_REMOVED, 'description' => 'skip was removed', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_DIRECTIVE_ARG_REMOVED, 'description' => 'arg1 was removed from DirectiveThatRemovesArg', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_NON_NULL_DIRECTIVE_ARG_ADDED, 'description' => 'A non-null arg arg1 on directive NonNullDirectiveAdded was added', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_DIRECTIVE_LOCATION_REMOVED, 'description' => 'QUERY was removed from Directive Name', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expectedBreakingChanges, BreakingChangesFinder::findBreakingChanges($oldSchema, $newSchema) ); } /** * @see it('should detect if a directive was explicitly removed') */ public function testShouldDetectIfADirectiveWasExplicitlyRemoved() : void { $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'directives' => [Directive::skipDirective(), Directive::includeDirective()], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'directives' => [Directive::skipDirective()], ]); $includeDirective = Directive::includeDirective(); $expectedBreakingChanges = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_DIRECTIVE_REMOVED, 'description' => sprintf('%s was removed', $includeDirective->name), ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expectedBreakingChanges, BreakingChangesFinder::findRemovedDirectives($oldSchema, $newSchema) ); } /** * @see it('should detect if a directive was implicitly removed') */ public function testShouldDetectIfADirectiveWasImplicitlyRemoved() : void { $oldSchema = new Schema([]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'directives' => [Directive::skipDirective(), Directive::includeDirective()], ]); $deprecatedDirective = Directive::deprecatedDirective(); $expectedBreakingChanges = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_DIRECTIVE_REMOVED, 'description' => sprintf('%s was removed', $deprecatedDirective->name), ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expectedBreakingChanges, BreakingChangesFinder::findRemovedDirectives($oldSchema, $newSchema) ); } /** * @see it('should detect if a directive argument was removed') */ public function testShouldDetectIfADirectiveArgumentWasRemoved() : void { $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'directives' => [ new Directive([ 'name' => 'DirectiveWithArg', 'locations' => [DirectiveLocation::FIELD_DEFINITION], 'args' => FieldArgument::createMap([ 'arg1' => ['name' => 'arg1'], ]), ]), ], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'directives' => [ new Directive([ 'name' => 'DirectiveWithArg', 'locations' => [DirectiveLocation::FIELD_DEFINITION], ]), ], ]); $expectedBreakingChanges = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_DIRECTIVE_ARG_REMOVED, 'description' => 'arg1 was removed from DirectiveWithArg', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expectedBreakingChanges, BreakingChangesFinder::findRemovedDirectiveArgs($oldSchema, $newSchema) ); } /** * @see it('should detect if a non-nullable directive argument was added') */ public function testShouldDetectIfANonNullableDirectiveArgumentWasAdded() : void { $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'directives' => [ new Directive([ 'name' => 'DirectiveName', 'locations' => [DirectiveLocation::FIELD_DEFINITION], ]), ], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'directives' => [ new Directive([ 'name' => 'DirectiveName', 'locations' => [DirectiveLocation::FIELD_DEFINITION], 'args' => FieldArgument::createMap([ 'arg1' => [ 'name' => 'arg1', 'type' => Type::nonNull(Type::boolean()), ], ]), ]), ], ]); $expectedBreakingChanges = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_NON_NULL_DIRECTIVE_ARG_ADDED, 'description' => 'A non-null arg arg1 on directive DirectiveName was added', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expectedBreakingChanges, BreakingChangesFinder::findAddedNonNullDirectiveArgs($oldSchema, $newSchema) ); } /** * @see it('should detect locations removed from a directive') */ public function testShouldDetectLocationsRemovedFromADirective() : void { $d1 = new Directive([ 'name' => 'Directive Name', 'locations' => [DirectiveLocation::FIELD_DEFINITION, DirectiveLocation::QUERY], ]); $d2 = new Directive([ 'name' => 'Directive Name', 'locations' => [DirectiveLocation::FIELD_DEFINITION], ]); self::assertEquals( [DirectiveLocation::QUERY], BreakingChangesFinder::findRemovedLocationsForDirective($d1, $d2) ); } /** * @see it('should detect locations removed directives within a schema') */ public function testShouldDetectLocationsRemovedDirectiveWithinASchema() : void { $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'directives' => [ new Directive([ 'name' => 'Directive Name', 'locations' => [ DirectiveLocation::FIELD_DEFINITION, DirectiveLocation::QUERY, ], ]), ], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'directives' => [ new Directive([ 'name' => 'Directive Name', 'locations' => [DirectiveLocation::FIELD_DEFINITION], ]), ], ]); $expectedBreakingChanges = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::BREAKING_CHANGE_DIRECTIVE_LOCATION_REMOVED, 'description' => 'QUERY was removed from Directive Name', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expectedBreakingChanges, BreakingChangesFinder::findRemovedDirectiveLocations($oldSchema, $newSchema) ); } // DESCRIBE: findDangerousChanges // DESCRIBE: findArgChanges /** * @see it('should detect if an argument's defaultValue has changed') */ public function testShouldDetectIfAnArgumentsDefaultValueHasChanged() : void { $oldType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'args' => [ 'name' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'defaultValue' => 'test', ], ], ], ], ]); $newType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'args' => [ 'name' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'defaultValue' => 'Test', ], ], ], ], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$oldType], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$newType], ]); $expected = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::DANGEROUS_CHANGE_ARG_DEFAULT_VALUE_CHANGED, 'description' => 'Type1.field1 arg name has changed defaultValue', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expected, BreakingChangesFinder::findArgChanges($oldSchema, $newSchema)['dangerousChanges'] ); } /** * @see it('should detect if a value was added to an enum type') */ public function testShouldDetectIfAValueWasAddedToAnEnumType() : void { $oldEnumType = new EnumType([ 'name' => 'EnumType1', 'values' => [ 'VALUE0' => 0, 'VALUE1' => 1, ], ]); $newEnumType = new EnumType([ 'name' => 'EnumType1', 'values' => [ 'VALUE0' => 0, 'VALUE1' => 1, 'VALUE2' => 2, ], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$oldEnumType], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$newEnumType], ]); $expected = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::DANGEROUS_CHANGE_VALUE_ADDED_TO_ENUM, 'description' => 'VALUE2 was added to enum type EnumType1.', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expected, BreakingChangesFinder::findValuesAddedToEnums($oldSchema, $newSchema) ); } /** * @see it('should detect interfaces added to types') */ public function testShouldDetectInterfacesAddedToTypes() : void { $interface1 = new InterfaceType([ 'name' => 'Interface1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $oldType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $newType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'interfaces' => [$interface1], 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$oldType], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$newType], ]); $expected = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::DANGEROUS_CHANGE_INTERFACE_ADDED_TO_OBJECT, 'description' => 'Interface1 added to interfaces implemented by Type1.', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expected, BreakingChangesFinder::findInterfacesAddedToObjectTypes($oldSchema, $newSchema) ); } /** * @see it('should detect if a type was added to a union type') */ public function testShouldDetectIfATypeWasAddedToAUnionType() : void { $type1 = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); // logially equivalent to type1; findTypesRemovedFromUnions should not //treat this as different than type1 $type1a = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $type2 = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type2', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $oldUnionType = new UnionType([ 'name' => 'UnionType1', 'types' => [$type1], ]); $newUnionType = new UnionType([ 'name' => 'UnionType1', 'types' => [$type1a, $type2], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$oldUnionType], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$newUnionType], ]); $expected = [ [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::DANGEROUS_CHANGE_TYPE_ADDED_TO_UNION, 'description' => 'Type2 was added to union type UnionType1.', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expected, BreakingChangesFinder::findTypesAddedToUnions($oldSchema, $newSchema) ); } /** * @see it('should detect if a nullable field was added to an input') */ public function testShouldDetectIfANullableFieldWasAddedToAnInput() : void { $oldInputType = new InputObjectType([ 'name' => 'InputType1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), ], ], ]); $newInputType = new InputObjectType([ 'name' => 'InputType1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), ], 'field2' => [ 'type' => Type::int(), ], ], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$oldInputType], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$newInputType], ]); $expectedFieldChanges = [ [ 'description' => 'A nullable field field2 on input type InputType1 was added.', 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::DANGEROUS_CHANGE_NULLABLE_INPUT_FIELD_ADDED, ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expectedFieldChanges, BreakingChangesFinder::findFieldsThatChangedTypeOnInputObjectTypes( $oldSchema, $newSchema )['dangerousChanges'] ); } /** * @see it('should find all dangerous changes') */ public function testShouldFindAllDangerousChanges() : void { $enumThatGainsAValueOld = new EnumType([ 'name' => 'EnumType1', 'values' => [ 'VALUE0' => 0, 'VALUE1' => 1, ], ]); $enumThatGainsAValueNew = new EnumType([ 'name' => 'EnumType1', 'values' => [ 'VALUE0' => 0, 'VALUE1' => 1, 'VALUE2' => 2, ], ]); $oldType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'args' => [ 'name' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'defaultValue' => 'test', ], ], ], ], ]); $typeInUnion1 = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'TypeInUnion1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $typeInUnion2 = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'TypeInUnion2', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $unionTypeThatGainsATypeOld = new UnionType([ 'name' => 'UnionTypeThatGainsAType', 'types' => [$typeInUnion1], ]); $unionTypeThatGainsATypeNew = new UnionType([ 'name' => 'UnionTypeThatGainsAType', 'types' => [$typeInUnion1, $typeInUnion2], ]); $newType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'args' => [ 'name' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'defaultValue' => 'Test', ], ], ], ], ]); $interface1 = new InterfaceType([ 'name' => 'Interface1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $typeThatGainsInterfaceOld = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'TypeThatGainsInterface1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $typeThatGainsInterfaceNew = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'TypeThatGainsInterface1', 'interfaces' => [$interface1], 'fields' => [ 'field1' => Type::string(), ], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [ $oldType, $enumThatGainsAValueOld, $typeThatGainsInterfaceOld, $unionTypeThatGainsATypeOld, ], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [ $newType, $enumThatGainsAValueNew, $typeThatGainsInterfaceNew, $unionTypeThatGainsATypeNew, ], ]); $expectedDangerousChanges = [ [ 'description' => 'Type1.field1 arg name has changed defaultValue', 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::DANGEROUS_CHANGE_ARG_DEFAULT_VALUE_CHANGED, ], [ 'description' => 'VALUE2 was added to enum type EnumType1.', 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::DANGEROUS_CHANGE_VALUE_ADDED_TO_ENUM, ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::DANGEROUS_CHANGE_INTERFACE_ADDED_TO_OBJECT, 'description' => 'Interface1 added to interfaces implemented by TypeThatGainsInterface1.', ], [ 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::DANGEROUS_CHANGE_TYPE_ADDED_TO_UNION, 'description' => 'TypeInUnion2 was added to union type UnionTypeThatGainsAType.', ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expectedDangerousChanges, BreakingChangesFinder::findDangerousChanges($oldSchema, $newSchema) ); } /** * @see it('should detect if a nullable field argument was added') */ public function testShouldDetectIfANullableFieldArgumentWasAdded() : void { $oldType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'args' => [ 'arg1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), ], ], ], ], ]); $newType = new ObjectType([ 'name' => 'Type1', 'fields' => [ 'field1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), 'args' => [ 'arg1' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), ], 'arg2' => [ 'type' => Type::string(), ], ], ], ], ]); $oldSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$oldType], ]); $newSchema = new Schema([ 'query' => $this->queryType, 'types' => [$newType], ]); $expectedFieldChanges = [ [ 'description' => 'A nullable arg arg2 on Type1.field1 was added', 'type' => BreakingChangesFinder::DANGEROUS_CHANGE_NULLABLE_ARG_ADDED, ], ]; self::assertEquals( $expectedFieldChanges, BreakingChangesFinder::findArgChanges($oldSchema, $newSchema)['dangerousChanges'] ); } }