<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace GraphQL\Tests\Language; use GraphQL\Error\SyntaxError; use GraphQL\Language\AST\NodeKind; use GraphQL\Language\Parser; use GraphQL\Language\SourceLocation; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class SchemaParserTest extends TestCase { // Describe: Schema Parser /** * @see it('Simple type') */ public function testSimpleType() : void { $body = ' type Hello { world: String }'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(6, 11)), 'interfaces' => [], 'directives' => [], 'fields' => [ $this->fieldNode( $this->nameNode('world', $loc(16, 21)), $this->typeNode('String', $loc(23, 29)), $loc(16, 29) ), ], 'loc' => $loc(1, 31), 'description' => null, ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 31), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } private function nameNode($name, $loc) { return [ 'kind' => NodeKind::NAME, 'value' => $name, 'loc' => $loc, ]; } private function fieldNode($name, $type, $loc) { return $this->fieldNodeWithArgs($name, $type, [], $loc); } private function fieldNodeWithArgs($name, $type, $args, $loc) { return [ 'kind' => NodeKind::FIELD_DEFINITION, 'name' => $name, 'arguments' => $args, 'type' => $type, 'directives' => [], 'loc' => $loc, 'description' => null, ]; } private function typeNode($name, $loc) { return [ 'kind' => NodeKind::NAMED_TYPE, 'name' => ['kind' => NodeKind::NAME, 'value' => $name, 'loc' => $loc], 'loc' => $loc, ]; } /** * @see it('parses type with description string') */ public function testParsesTypeWithDescriptionString() : void { $body = ' "Description" type Hello { world: String }'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(20, 25)), 'interfaces' => [], 'directives' => [], 'fields' => [ $this->fieldNode( $this->nameNode('world', $loc(30, 35)), $this->typeNode('String', $loc(37, 43)), $loc(30, 43) ), ], 'loc' => $loc(1, 45), 'description' => [ 'kind' => NodeKind::STRING, 'value' => 'Description', 'loc' => $loc(1, 14), 'block' => false, ], ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 45), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('parses type with description multi-linestring') */ public function testParsesTypeWithDescriptionMultiLineString() : void { $body = ' """ Description """ # Even with comments between them type Hello { world: String }'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(60, 65)), 'interfaces' => [], 'directives' => [], 'fields' => [ $this->fieldNode( $this->nameNode('world', $loc(70, 75)), $this->typeNode('String', $loc(77, 83)), $loc(70, 83) ), ], 'loc' => $loc(1, 85), 'description' => [ 'kind' => NodeKind::STRING, 'value' => 'Description', 'loc' => $loc(1, 20), 'block' => true, ], ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 85), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('Simple extension') */ public function testSimpleExtension() : void { $body = ' extend type Hello { world: String } '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(13, 18)), 'interfaces' => [], 'directives' => [], 'fields' => [ $this->fieldNode( $this->nameNode('world', $loc(23, 28)), $this->typeNode('String', $loc(30, 36)), $loc(23, 36) ), ], 'loc' => $loc(1, 38), ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 39), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('Extension without fields') */ public function testExtensionWithoutFields() : void { $body = 'extend type Hello implements Greeting'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(12, 17)), 'interfaces' => [ $this->typeNode('Greeting', $loc(29, 37)), ], 'directives' => [], 'fields' => [], 'loc' => $loc(0, 37), ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 37), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('Extension without fields followed by extension') */ public function testExtensionWithoutFieldsFollowedByExtension() : void { $body = ' extend type Hello implements Greeting extend type Hello implements SecondGreeting '; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $expected = [ 'kind' => 'Document', 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => 'ObjectTypeExtension', 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', ['start' => 23, 'end' => 28]), 'interfaces' => [$this->typeNode('Greeting', ['start' => 40, 'end' => 48])], 'directives' => [], 'fields' => [], 'loc' => ['start' => 11, 'end' => 48], ], [ 'kind' => 'ObjectTypeExtension', 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', ['start' => 76, 'end' => 81]), 'interfaces' => [$this->typeNode('SecondGreeting', ['start' => 93, 'end' => 107])], 'directives' => [], 'fields' => [], 'loc' => ['start' => 64, 'end' => 107], ], ], 'loc' => ['start' => 0, 'end' => 116], ]; self::assertEquals($expected, $doc->toArray(true)); } /** * @see it('Extension without anything throws') */ public function testExtensionWithoutAnythingThrows() : void { $this->expectSyntaxError( 'extend type Hello', 'Unexpected <EOF>', $this->loc(1, 18) ); } private function expectSyntaxError($text, $message, $location) { $this->expectException(SyntaxError::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage($message); try { Parser::parse($text); } catch (SyntaxError $error) { self::assertEquals([$location], $error->getLocations()); throw $error; } } private function loc($line, $column) { return new SourceLocation($line, $column); } /** * @see it('Extension do not include descriptions') */ public function testExtensionDoNotIncludeDescriptions() : void { $body = ' "Description" extend type Hello { world: String }'; $this->expectSyntaxError( $body, 'Unexpected Name "extend"', $this->loc(3, 7) ); } /** * @see it('Extension do not include descriptions') */ public function testExtensionDoNotIncludeDescriptions2() : void { $body = ' extend "Description" type Hello { world: String } }'; $this->expectSyntaxError( $body, 'Unexpected String "Description"', $this->loc(2, 14) ); } /** * @see it('Simple non-null type') */ public function testSimpleNonNullType() : void { $body = ' type Hello { world: String! }'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(6, 11)), 'interfaces' => [], 'directives' => [], 'fields' => [ $this->fieldNode( $this->nameNode('world', $loc(16, 21)), [ 'kind' => NodeKind::NON_NULL_TYPE, 'type' => $this->typeNode('String', $loc(23, 29)), 'loc' => $loc(23, 30), ], $loc(16, 30) ), ], 'loc' => $loc(1, 32), 'description' => null, ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 32), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('Simple type inheriting interface') */ public function testSimpleTypeInheritingInterface() : void { $body = 'type Hello implements World { field: String }'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(5, 10)), 'interfaces' => [ $this->typeNode('World', $loc(22, 27)), ], 'directives' => [], 'fields' => [ $this->fieldNode( $this->nameNode('field', $loc(30, 35)), $this->typeNode('String', $loc(37, 43)), $loc(30, 43) ), ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 45), 'description' => null, ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 45), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('Simple type inheriting multiple interfaces') */ public function testSimpleTypeInheritingMultipleInterfaces() : void { $body = 'type Hello implements Wo & rld { field: String }'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(5, 10)), 'interfaces' => [ $this->typeNode('Wo', $loc(22, 24)), $this->typeNode('rld', $loc(27, 30)), ], 'directives' => [], 'fields' => [ $this->fieldNode( $this->nameNode('field', $loc(33, 38)), $this->typeNode('String', $loc(40, 46)), $loc(33, 46) ), ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 48), 'description' => null, ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 48), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('Simple type inheriting multiple interfaces with leading ampersand') */ public function testSimpleTypeInheritingMultipleInterfacesWithLeadingAmpersand() : void { $body = 'type Hello implements & Wo & rld { field: String }'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => 'Document', 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => 'ObjectTypeDefinition', 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(5, 10)), 'interfaces' => [ $this->typeNode('Wo', $loc(24, 26)), $this->typeNode('rld', $loc(29, 32)), ], 'directives' => [], 'fields' => [ $this->fieldNode( $this->nameNode('field', $loc(35, 40)), $this->typeNode('String', $loc(42, 48)), $loc(35, 48) ), ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 50), 'description' => null, ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 50), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('Single value enum') */ public function testSingleValueEnum() : void { $body = 'enum Hello { WORLD }'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(5, 10)), 'directives' => [], 'values' => [$this->enumValueNode('WORLD', $loc(13, 18))], 'loc' => $loc(0, 20), 'description' => null, ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 20), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } private function enumValueNode($name, $loc) { return [ 'kind' => NodeKind::ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode($name, $loc), 'directives' => [], 'loc' => $loc, 'description' => null, ]; } /** * @see it('Double value enum') */ public function testDoubleValueEnum() : void { $body = 'enum Hello { WO, RLD }'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(5, 10)), 'directives' => [], 'values' => [ $this->enumValueNode('WO', $loc(13, 15)), $this->enumValueNode('RLD', $loc(17, 20)), ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 22), 'description' => null, ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 22), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('Simple interface') */ public function testSimpleInterface() : void { $body = ' interface Hello { world: String }'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(11, 16)), 'directives' => [], 'fields' => [ $this->fieldNode( $this->nameNode('world', $loc(21, 26)), $this->typeNode('String', $loc(28, 34)), $loc(21, 34) ), ], 'loc' => $loc(1, 36), 'description' => null, ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 36), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('Simple field with arg') */ public function testSimpleFieldWithArg() : void { $body = ' type Hello { world(flag: Boolean): String }'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(6, 11)), 'interfaces' => [], 'directives' => [], 'fields' => [ $this->fieldNodeWithArgs( $this->nameNode('world', $loc(16, 21)), $this->typeNode('String', $loc(38, 44)), [ $this->inputValueNode( $this->nameNode('flag', $loc(22, 26)), $this->typeNode('Boolean', $loc(28, 35)), null, $loc(22, 35) ), ], $loc(16, 44) ), ], 'loc' => $loc(1, 46), 'description' => null, ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 46), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } private function inputValueNode($name, $type, $defaultValue, $loc) { return [ 'kind' => NodeKind::INPUT_VALUE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $name, 'type' => $type, 'defaultValue' => $defaultValue, 'directives' => [], 'loc' => $loc, 'description' => null, ]; } /** * @see it('Simple field with arg with default value') */ public function testSimpleFieldWithArgWithDefaultValue() : void { $body = ' type Hello { world(flag: Boolean = true): String }'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(6, 11)), 'interfaces' => [], 'directives' => [], 'fields' => [ $this->fieldNodeWithArgs( $this->nameNode('world', $loc(16, 21)), $this->typeNode('String', $loc(45, 51)), [ $this->inputValueNode( $this->nameNode('flag', $loc(22, 26)), $this->typeNode('Boolean', $loc(28, 35)), ['kind' => NodeKind::BOOLEAN, 'value' => true, 'loc' => $loc(38, 42)], $loc(22, 42) ), ], $loc(16, 51) ), ], 'loc' => $loc(1, 53), 'description' => null, ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 53), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('Simple field with list arg') */ public function testSimpleFieldWithListArg() : void { $body = ' type Hello { world(things: [String]): String }'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(6, 11)), 'interfaces' => [], 'directives' => [], 'fields' => [ $this->fieldNodeWithArgs( $this->nameNode('world', $loc(16, 21)), $this->typeNode('String', $loc(41, 47)), [ $this->inputValueNode( $this->nameNode('things', $loc(22, 28)), [ 'kind' => NodeKind::LIST_TYPE, 'type' => $this->typeNode( 'String', $loc(31, 37) ), 'loc' => $loc(30, 38), ], null, $loc(22, 38) ), ], $loc(16, 47) ), ], 'loc' => $loc(1, 49), 'description' => null, ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 49), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('Simple field with two args') */ public function testSimpleFieldWithTwoArgs() : void { $body = ' type Hello { world(argOne: Boolean, argTwo: Int): String }'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(6, 11)), 'interfaces' => [], 'directives' => [], 'fields' => [ $this->fieldNodeWithArgs( $this->nameNode('world', $loc(16, 21)), $this->typeNode('String', $loc(53, 59)), [ $this->inputValueNode( $this->nameNode('argOne', $loc(22, 28)), $this->typeNode('Boolean', $loc(30, 37)), null, $loc(22, 37) ), $this->inputValueNode( $this->nameNode('argTwo', $loc(39, 45)), $this->typeNode('Int', $loc(47, 50)), null, $loc(39, 50) ), ], $loc(16, 59) ), ], 'loc' => $loc(1, 61), 'description' => null, ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 61), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('Simple union') */ public function testSimpleUnion() : void { $body = 'union Hello = World'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(6, 11)), 'directives' => [], 'types' => [$this->typeNode('World', $loc(14, 19))], 'loc' => $loc(0, 19), 'description' => null, ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 19), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('Union with two types') */ public function testUnionWithTwoTypes() : void { $body = 'union Hello = Wo | Rld'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::UNION_TYPE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(6, 11)), 'directives' => [], 'types' => [ $this->typeNode('Wo', $loc(14, 16)), $this->typeNode('Rld', $loc(19, 22)), ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 22), 'description' => null, ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 22), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('Union with two types and leading pipe') */ public function testUnionWithTwoTypesAndLeadingPipe() : void { $body = 'union Hello = | Wo | Rld'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $expected = [ 'kind' => 'Document', 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => 'UnionTypeDefinition', 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', ['start' => 6, 'end' => 11]), 'directives' => [], 'types' => [ $this->typeNode('Wo', ['start' => 16, 'end' => 18]), $this->typeNode('Rld', ['start' => 21, 'end' => 24]), ], 'loc' => ['start' => 0, 'end' => 24], 'description' => null, ], ], 'loc' => ['start' => 0, 'end' => 24], ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('Union fails with no types') */ public function testUnionFailsWithNoTypes() : void { $this->expectSyntaxError( 'union Hello = |', 'Expected Name, found <EOF>', $this->loc(1, 16) ); } /** * @see it('Union fails with leading douple pipe') */ public function testUnionFailsWithLeadingDoublePipe() : void { $this->expectSyntaxError( 'union Hello = || Wo | Rld', 'Expected Name, found |', $this->loc(1, 16) ); } /** * @see it('Union fails with double pipe') */ public function testUnionFailsWithDoublePipe() : void { $this->expectSyntaxError( 'union Hello = Wo || Rld', 'Expected Name, found |', $this->loc(1, 19) ); } /** * @see it('Union fails with trailing pipe') */ public function testUnionFailsWithTrailingPipe() : void { $this->expectSyntaxError( 'union Hello = | Wo | Rld |', 'Expected Name, found <EOF>', $this->loc(1, 27) ); } /** * @see it('Scalar') */ public function testScalar() : void { $body = 'scalar Hello'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::SCALAR_TYPE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(7, 12)), 'directives' => [], 'loc' => $loc(0, 12), 'description' => null, ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 12), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('Simple input object') */ public function testSimpleInputObject() : void { $body = ' input Hello { world: String }'; $doc = Parser::parse($body); $loc = static function ($start, $end) { return TestUtils::locArray($start, $end); }; $expected = [ 'kind' => NodeKind::DOCUMENT, 'definitions' => [ [ 'kind' => NodeKind::INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION, 'name' => $this->nameNode('Hello', $loc(7, 12)), 'directives' => [], 'fields' => [ $this->inputValueNode( $this->nameNode('world', $loc(17, 22)), $this->typeNode('String', $loc(24, 30)), null, $loc(17, 30) ), ], 'loc' => $loc(1, 32), 'description' => null, ], ], 'loc' => $loc(0, 32), ]; self::assertEquals($expected, TestUtils::nodeToArray($doc)); } /** * @see it('Simple input object with args should fail') */ public function testSimpleInputObjectWithArgsShouldFail() : void { $body = ' input Hello { world(foo: Int): String }'; $this->expectSyntaxError( $body, 'Expected :, found (', $this->loc(3, 14) ); } /** * @see it('Directive with incorrect locations') */ public function testDirectiveWithIncorrectLocationShouldFail() : void { $body = ' directive @foo on FIELD | INCORRECT_LOCATION '; $this->expectSyntaxError( $body, 'Unexpected Name "INCORRECT_LOCATION"', $this->loc(2, 33) ); } public function testDoesNotAllowEmptyFields() : void { $body = 'type Hello { }'; $this->expectSyntaxError($body, 'Syntax Error: Expected Name, found }', new SourceLocation(1, 14)); } /** * @see it('Option: allowLegacySDLEmptyFields supports type with empty fields') */ public function testAllowLegacySDLEmptyFieldsOption() : void { $body = 'type Hello { }'; $doc = Parser::parse($body, ['allowLegacySDLEmptyFields' => true]); $expected = [ 'definitions' => [ [ 'fields' => [], ], ], ]; self::assertArraySubset($expected, $doc->toArray(true)); } public function testDoesntAllowLegacySDLImplementsInterfacesByDefault() : void { $body = 'type Hello implements Wo rld { field: String }'; $this->expectSyntaxError($body, 'Syntax Error: Unexpected Name "rld"', new SourceLocation(1, 26)); } /** * @see it('Option: allowLegacySDLImplementsInterfaces') */ public function testDefaultSDLImplementsInterfaces() : void { $body = 'type Hello implements Wo rld { field: String }'; $doc = Parser::parse($body, ['allowLegacySDLImplementsInterfaces' => true]); $expected = [ 'definitions' => [ [ 'interfaces' => [ $this->typeNode('Wo', ['start' => 22, 'end' => 24]), $this->typeNode('rld', ['start' => 25, 'end' => 28]), ], ], ], ]; self::assertArraySubset($expected, $doc->toArray(true)); } }