Errors in GraphQL

Query execution process never throws exceptions. Instead, all errors are caught and collected. After execution, they are available in $errors prop of GraphQL\Executor\ExecutionResult.

When the result is converted to a serializable array using its toArray() method, all errors are converted to arrays as well using default error formatting (see below).

Alternatively, you can apply custom error filtering and formatting for your specific requirements.

Default Error formatting

By default, each error entry is converted to an associative array with following structure:

    'message' => 'Error message',
    'category' => 'graphql',
    'locations' => [
        ['line' => 1, 'column' => 2]
    'path' => [

Entry at key locations points to a character in query string which caused the error. In some cases (like deep fragment fields) locations will include several entries to track down the path to field with the error in query.

Entry at key path exists only for errors caused by exceptions thrown in resolvers. It contains a path from the very root field to actual field value producing an error (including indexes for list types and field names for composite types).

Internal errors

As of version 0.10.0, all exceptions thrown in resolvers are reported with generic message "Internal server error". This is done to avoid information leak in production environments (e.g. database connection errors, file access errors, etc).

Only exceptions implementing interface GraphQL\Error\ClientAware and claiming themselves as safe will be reported with a full error message.

For example:

use GraphQL\Error\ClientAware;

class MySafeException extends \Exception implements ClientAware
    public function isClientSafe()
        return true;

    public function getCategory()
        return 'businessLogic';

When such exception is thrown it will be reported with a full error message:

    'message' => 'My reported error',
    'category' => 'businessLogic',
    'locations' => [
        ['line' => 10, 'column' => 2]
    'path' => [

To change default "Internal server error" message to something else, use:

GraphQL\Error\FormattedError::setInternalErrorMessage("Unexpected error");

Debugging tools

During development or debugging use $result->toArray(true) to add debugMessage key to each formatted error entry. If you also want to add exception trace - pass flags instead:

use GraphQL\Error\Debug;
$result = GraphQL::executeQuery(/*args*/)->toArray($debug);

This will make each error entry to look like this:

    'debugMessage' => 'Actual exception message',
    'message' => 'Internal server error',
    'category' => 'internal',
    'locations' => [
        ['line' => 10, 'column' => 2]
    'path' => [
    'trace' => [
        /* Formatted original exception trace */

If you prefer first resolver exception to be re-thrown, use following flags:

use GraphQL\GraphQL;
use GraphQL\Error\Debug;

// Following will throw if there was an exception in resolver during execution:
$result = GraphQL::executeQuery(/*args*/)->toArray($debug); 

Custom Error Handling and Formatting

It is possible to define custom formatter and handler for result errors.

Formatter is responsible for converting instances of GraphQL\Error\Error to an array. Handler is useful for error filtering and logging.

For example, these are default formatter and handler:

use GraphQL\GraphQL;
use GraphQL\Error\Error;
use GraphQL\Error\FormattedError;

$myErrorFormatter = function(Error $error) {
    return FormattedError::createFromException($error);

$myErrorHandler = function(array $errors, callable $formatter) {
    return array_map($formatter, $errors);

$result = GraphQL::executeQuery(/* $args */)

Note that when you pass debug flags to toArray() your custom formatter will still be decorated with same debugging information mentioned above.

Schema Errors

So far we only covered errors which occur during query execution process. But schema definition can also throw GraphQL\Error\InvariantViolation if there is an error in one of type definitions.

Usually such errors mean that there is some logical error in your schema and it is the only case when it makes sense to return 500 error code for GraphQL endpoint:

use GraphQL\GraphQL;
use GraphQL\Type\Schema;
use GraphQL\Error\FormattedError;

try {
    $schema = new Schema([
        // ...

    $body = GraphQL::executeQuery($schema, $query);
    $status = 200;
} catch(\Exception $e) {
    $body = [
        'errors' => [FormattedError::createFromException($e)]
    $status = 500;

header('Content-Type: application/json', true, $status);
echo json_encode($body);