mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 06:23:54 +03:00
Updated Lexer and LexerTest to april 2016 spec
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,12 +46,18 @@ class Lexer
$bodyLength = $this->source->length;
$position = $this->positionAfterWhitespace($body, $fromPosition);
$code = Utils::charCodeAt($body, $position);
if ($position >= $bodyLength) {
return new Token(Token::EOF, $position, $position);
$code = Utils::charCodeAt($body, $position);
// SourceCharacter
if ($code < 0x0020 && $code !== 0x0009 && $code !== 0x000A && $code !== 0x000D) {
throw new SyntaxError($this->source, $position, 'Invalid character ' . Utils::printCharCode($code));
switch ($code) {
// !
case 33: return new Token(Token::BANG, $position, $position + 1);
@ -99,7 +105,7 @@ class Lexer
return $this->readName($position);
// -
case 45:
// 0-9
// 0-9
case 48: case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52:
case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57:
return $this->readNumber($position, $code);
@ -107,7 +113,7 @@ class Lexer
case 34: return $this->readString($position);
throw new SyntaxError($this->source, $position, 'Unexpected character "' . Utils::chr($code). '"');
throw new SyntaxError($this->source, $position, 'Unexpected character ' . Utils::printCharCode($code));
@ -163,25 +169,21 @@ class Lexer
if ($code === 48) { // 0
$code = Utils::charCodeAt($body, ++$position);
} else if ($code >= 49 && $code <= 57) { // 1 - 9
do {
$code = Utils::charCodeAt($body, ++$position);
} while ($code >= 48 && $code <= 57); // 0 - 9
if ($code >= 48 && $code <= 57) {
throw new SyntaxError($this->source, $position, "Invalid number, unexpected digit after 0: " . Utils::printCharCode($code));
} else {
throw new SyntaxError($this->source, $position, 'Invalid number');
$position = $this->readDigits($position, $code);
$code = Utils::charCodeAt($body, $position);
if ($code === 46) { // .
$isFloat = true;
$code = Utils::charCodeAt($body, ++$position);
if ($code >= 48 && $code <= 57) { // 0 - 9
do {
$code = Utils::charCodeAt($body, ++$position);
} while ($code >= 48 && $code <= 57); // 0 - 9
} else {
throw new SyntaxError($this->source, $position, 'Invalid number');
$position = $this->readDigits($position, $code);
$code = Utils::charCodeAt($body, $position);
if ($code === 69 || $code === 101) { // E e
@ -191,13 +193,7 @@ class Lexer
if ($code === 43 || $code === 45) { // + -
$code = Utils::charCodeAt($body, ++$position);
if ($code >= 48 && $code <= 57) { // 0 - 9
do {
$code = Utils::charCodeAt($body, ++$position);
} while ($code >= 48 && $code <= 57); // 0 - 9
} else {
throw new SyntaxError($this->source, $position, 'Invalid number');
$position = $this->readDigits($position, $code);
return new Token(
$isFloat ? Token::FLOAT : Token::INT,
@ -207,6 +203,32 @@ class Lexer
* Returns the new position in the source after reading digits.
private function readDigits($start, $firstCode)
$body = $this->source->body;
$position = $start;
$code = $firstCode;
if ($code >= 48 && $code <= 57) { // 0 - 9
do {
$code = Utils::charCodeAt($body, ++$position);
} while ($code >= 48 && $code <= 57); // 0 - 9
return $position;
if ($position > $this->source->length - 1) {
$code = null;
throw new SyntaxError($this->source, $position, "Invalid number, expected digit but got: " . Utils::printCharCode($code));
* @param $start
* @return Token
* @throws SyntaxError
private function readString($start)
$body = $this->source->body;
@ -220,9 +242,13 @@ class Lexer
while (
$position < $bodyLength &&
($code = Utils::charCodeAt($body, $position)) &&
$code !== 34 &&
$code !== 10 && $code !== 13 && $code !== 0x2028 && $code !== 0x2029
// not LineTerminator
$code !== 0x000A && $code !== 0x000D &&
// not Quote (")
$code !== 34
) {
$this->assertValidStringCharacterCode($code, $position);
if ($code === 92) { // \
$value .= mb_substr($body, $chunkStart, $position - 1 - $chunkStart, 'UTF-8');
@ -239,13 +265,15 @@ class Lexer
case 117:
$hex = mb_substr($body, $position + 1, 4);
if (!preg_match('/[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/', $hex)) {
throw new SyntaxError($this->source, $position, 'Bad character escape sequence');
throw new SyntaxError($this->source, $position, 'Invalid character escape sequence: \\u' . $hex);
$value .= Utils::chr(hexdec($hex));
$code = hexdec($hex);
$this->assertValidStringCharacterCode($code, $position - 1);
$value .= Utils::chr($code);
$position += 4;
throw new SyntaxError($this->source, $position, 'Bad character escape sequence');
throw new SyntaxError($this->source, $position, 'Invalid character escape sequence: \\' . Utils::chr($code));
$chunkStart = $position;
@ -260,6 +288,18 @@ class Lexer
return new Token(Token::STRING, $start, $position + 1, $value);
private function assertValidStringCharacterCode($code, $position)
// SourceCharacter
if ($code < 0x0020 && $code !== 0x0009) {
throw new SyntaxError(
"Invalid character within String: " . Utils::printCharCode($code)
* Reads from body starting at startPosition until it finds a non-whitespace
* or commented character, then returns the position of that character for
@ -279,12 +319,12 @@ class Lexer
// Skip whitespace
if (
$code === 32 || // space
$code === 44 || // comma
$code === 160 || // '\xa0'
$code === 0x2028 || // line separator
$code === 0x2029 || // paragraph separator
$code > 8 && $code < 14 // whitespace
$code === 0xFEFF || // BOM
$code === 0x0009 || // tab
$code === 0x0020 || // space
$code === 0x000A || // new line
$code === 0x000D || // carriage return
$code === 0x002C
) {
// Skip comments
@ -293,7 +333,8 @@ class Lexer
while (
$position < $bodyLength &&
($code = Utils::charCodeAt($body, $position)) &&
$code !== 10 && $code !== 13 && $code !== 0x2028 && $code !== 0x2029
// SourceCharacter but not LineTerminator
($code > 0x001F || $code === 0x0009) && $code !== 0x000A && $code !== 0x000D
) {
@ -247,4 +247,20 @@ class Utils
$char = mb_substr($string, $position, 1, 'UTF-8');
return self::ord($char);
* @param $code
* @return string
public static function printCharCode($code)
if (null === $code) {
return '<EOF>';
return $code < 0x007F
// Trust JSON for ASCII.
? json_encode(Utils::chr($code))
// Otherwise print the escaped form.
: '"\\u' . dechex($code) . '"';
@ -5,9 +5,40 @@ use GraphQL\Language\Lexer;
use GraphQL\Language\Source;
use GraphQL\Language\Token;
use GraphQL\SyntaxError;
use GraphQL\Utils;
class LexerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @it disallows uncommon control characters
public function testDissallowsUncommonControlCharacters()
try {
$char = Utils::chr(0x0007);
$this->fail('Expected exception not thrown');
} catch (SyntaxError $error) {
$msg = mb_substr($error->getMessage(),0, 53);
'Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1) Invalid character "\u0007"',
* @it accepts BOM header
public function testAcceptsBomHeader()
$bom = Utils::chr(0xFEFF);
$this->assertEquals(new Token(Token::NAME, 2, 5, 'foo'), $this->lexOne($bom . ' foo'));
* @it skips whitespace
public function testSkipsWhitespaces()
$example1 = '
@ -29,6 +60,9 @@ class LexerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
$this->assertEquals(new Token(Token::NAME, 3, 6, 'foo'), $this->lexOne($example3));
* @it errors respect whitespace
public function testErrorsRespectWhitespace()
$example = "
@ -38,7 +72,7 @@ class LexerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
try {
$this->fail('Expected exception not thrown');
} catch (SyntaxError $e) {
@ -53,6 +87,9 @@ class LexerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @it lexes strings
public function testLexesStrings()
$this->assertEquals(new Token(Token::STRING, 0, 8, 'simple'), $this->lexOne('"simple"'));
@ -65,58 +102,43 @@ class LexerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
$unicode = json_decode('"\u1234\u5678\u90AB\uCDEF"');
$this->assertEquals(new Token(Token::STRING, 0, 34, 'unicode ' . $unicode), $this->lexOne('"unicode \u1234\u5678\u90AB\uCDEF"'));
$this->assertEquals(new Token(Token::STRING, 0, 26, $unicode), $this->lexOne('"\u1234\u5678\u90AB\uCDEF"'));
* @it lex reports useful string errors
public function testReportsUsefulErrors()
$run = function($num, $str, $expectedMessage) {
try {
$this->fail('Expected exception not thrown in example: ' . $num);
} catch (SyntaxError $e) {
$this->assertEquals($expectedMessage, $e->getMessage(), "Test case $num failed");
$run(1, '"no end quote', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:14) Unterminated string\n\n1: \"no end quote\n ^\n");
$run(2, '"multi'."\n".'line"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Unterminated string\n\n1: \"multi\n ^\n2: line\"\n");
$run(3, '"multi'."\r".'line"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Unterminated string\n\n1: \"multi\n ^\n2: line\"\n");
$run(4, '"multi' . json_decode('"\u2028"') . 'line"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Unterminated string\n\n1: \"multi\n ^\n2: line\"\n");
$run(5, '"multi' . json_decode('"\u2029"') . 'line"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Unterminated string\n\n1: \"multi\n ^\n2: line\"\n");
$run(6, '"bad \\z esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Bad character escape sequence\n\n1: \"bad \\z esc\"\n ^\n");
$run(7, '"bad \\x esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Bad character escape sequence\n\n1: \"bad \\x esc\"\n ^\n");
$run(8, '"bad \\u1 esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Bad character escape sequence\n\n1: \"bad \\u1 esc\"\n ^\n");
$run(9, '"bad \\u0XX1 esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Bad character escape sequence\n\n1: \"bad \\u0XX1 esc\"\n ^\n");
$run(10, '"bad \\uXXXX esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Bad character escape sequence\n\n1: \"bad \\uXXXX esc\"\n ^\n");
$run(11, '"bad \\uFXXX esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Bad character escape sequence\n\n1: \"bad \\uFXXX esc\"\n ^\n");
$run(12, '"bad \\uXXXF esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Bad character escape sequence\n\n1: \"bad \\uXXXF esc\"\n ^\n");
$run(1, '"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:2) Unterminated string\n\n1: \"\n ^\n");
$run(2, '"no end quote', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:14) Unterminated string\n\n1: \"no end quote\n ^\n");
$run(3, '"contains unescaped \u0007 control char"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:21) Invalid character within String: \"\\u0007\"\n\n1: \"contains unescaped \\u0007 control char\"\n ^\n");
$run(4, '"null-byte is not \u0000 end of file"', 'Syntax Error GraphQL (1:19) Invalid character within String: "\\u0000"'."\n\n1: \"null-byte is not \\u0000 end of file\"\n ^\n");
$run(5, '"multi'."\n".'line"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Unterminated string\n\n1: \"multi\n ^\n2: line\"\n");
$run(6, '"multi'."\r".'line"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Unterminated string\n\n1: \"multi\n ^\n2: line\"\n");
$run(7, '"bad \\z esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Invalid character escape sequence: \\z\n\n1: \"bad \\z esc\"\n ^\n");
$run(8, '"bad \\x esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Invalid character escape sequence: \\x\n\n1: \"bad \\x esc\"\n ^\n");
$run(9, '"bad \\u1 esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Invalid character escape sequence: \\u1 es\n\n1: \"bad \\u1 esc\"\n ^\n");
$run(10, '"bad \\u0XX1 esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Invalid character escape sequence: \\u0XX1\n\n1: \"bad \\u0XX1 esc\"\n ^\n");
$run(11, '"bad \\uXXXX esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Invalid character escape sequence: \\uXXXX\n\n1: \"bad \\uXXXX esc\"\n ^\n");
$run(12, '"bad \\uFXXX esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Invalid character escape sequence: \\uFXXX\n\n1: \"bad \\uFXXX esc\"\n ^\n");
$run(13, '"bad \\uXXXF esc"', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:7) Invalid character escape sequence: \\uXXXF\n\n1: \"bad \\uXXXF esc\"\n ^\n");
* @it lexes numbers
public function testLexesNumbers()
// lexes numbers
new Token(Token::STRING, 0, 8, 'simple'),
new Token(Token::STRING, 0, 15, ' white space '),
$this->lexOne('" white space "')
new Token(Token::STRING, 0, 20, 'escaped \n\r\b\t\f'),
$this->lexOne('"escaped \\n\\r\\b\\t\\f"')
new Token(Token::STRING, 0, 15, 'slashes \\ \/'),
$this->lexOne('"slashes \\\\ \\/"')
new Token(Token::STRING, 0, 34, 'unicode ' . json_decode('"\u1234\u5678\u90AB\uCDEF"')),
$this->lexOne('"unicode \\u1234\\u5678\\u90AB\\uCDEF"')
new Token(Token::INT, 0, 1, '4'),
@ -137,10 +159,6 @@ class LexerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
new Token(Token::INT, 0, 1, '0'),
new Token(Token::INT, 0, 1, '0'),
new Token(Token::FLOAT, 0, 6, '-4.123'),
@ -187,6 +205,9 @@ class LexerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @it lex reports useful number errors
public function testReportsUsefulNumberErrors()
$run = function($num, $str, $expectedMessage) {
@ -198,15 +219,19 @@ class LexerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
$run(0, '00', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:2) Invalid number, unexpected digit after 0: \"0\"\n\n1: 00\n ^\n");
$run(1, '+1', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1) Unexpected character \"+\"\n\n1: +1\n ^\n");
$run(2, '1.', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:3) Invalid number\n\n1: 1.\n ^\n");
$run(2, '1.', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:3) Invalid number, expected digit but got: <EOF>\n\n1: 1.\n ^\n");
$run(3, '.123', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1) Unexpected character \".\"\n\n1: .123\n ^\n");
$run(4, '1.A', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:3) Invalid number\n\n1: 1.A\n ^\n");
$run(5, '-A', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:2) Invalid number\n\n1: -A\n ^\n");
$run(6, '1.0e', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:5) Invalid number\n\n1: 1.0e\n ^\n");
$run(7, '1.0eA', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:5) Invalid number\n\n1: 1.0eA\n ^\n");
$run(4, '1.A', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:3) Invalid number, expected digit but got: \"A\"\n\n1: 1.A\n ^\n");
$run(5, '-A', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:2) Invalid number, expected digit but got: \"A\"\n\n1: -A\n ^\n");
$run(6, '1.0e', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:5) Invalid number, expected digit but got: <EOF>\n\n1: 1.0e\n ^\n");
$run(7, '1.0eA', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:5) Invalid number, expected digit but got: \"A\"\n\n1: 1.0eA\n ^\n");
* @it lexes punctuation
public function testLexesPunctuation()
@ -253,16 +278,19 @@ class LexerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
new Token(Token::BRACE_L, 0, 1, null),
new Token(Token::BRACE_R, 0, 1, null),
new Token(Token::PIPE, 0, 1, null),
new Token(Token::BRACE_R, 0, 1, null),
* @it lex reports useful unknown character error
public function testReportsUsefulUnknownCharErrors()
$run = function($num, $str, $expectedMessage) {
@ -277,7 +305,27 @@ class LexerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
$run(2, '?', "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1) Unexpected character \"?\"\n\n1: ?\n ^\n");
$unicode = json_decode('"\u203B"');
$run(3, $unicode, "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1) Unexpected character \"$unicode\"\n\n1: $unicode\n ^\n");
$run(3, $unicode, "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1) Unexpected character \"\\u203b\"\n\n1: $unicode\n ^\n");
$unicode = json_decode('"\u200b"');
$run(4, $unicode, "Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1) Unexpected character \"\\u200b\"\n\n1: $unicode\n ^\n");
* @it lex reports useful information for dashes in names
public function testReportsUsefulDashesInfo()
$q = 'a-b';
$lexer = new Lexer(new Source($q));
$this->assertEquals(new Token(Token::NAME, 0, 1, 'a'), $lexer->nextToken());
try {
$this->fail('Expected exception not thrown');
} catch (SyntaxError $err) {
$this->assertEquals('Syntax Error GraphQL (1:3) Invalid number, expected digit but got: "b"'."\n\n1: a-b\n ^\n", $err->getMessage());
@ -289,4 +337,14 @@ class LexerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
$lexer = new Lexer(new Source($body));
return $lexer->nextToken();
* @param $body
* @return Token
private function lexErr($body)
$lexer = new Lexer(new Source($body));
return $lexer->nextToken();
Reference in New Issue
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