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2017-08-20 23:28:59 +07:00
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< span class = "caption-text" > Type Definitions< / span >
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< a class = "" href = "type-system/schema/" > Schema< / a >
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< a class = "" href = "type-system/type-language/" > Using Type Language< / a >
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< a class = "" href = "data-fetching/" > Fetching Data< / a >
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< h1 id = "about-graphql" > About GraphQL< / h1 >
2017-08-20 23:28:59 +07:00
< p > GraphQL is a modern way to build HTTP APIs consumed by the web and mobile clients.
2016-11-08 20:41:38 +07:00
It is intended to be a replacement for REST and SOAP APIs (even for < strong > existing applications< / strong > ).< / p >
< p > GraphQL itself is a < a href = "https://github.com/facebook/graphql" > specification< / a > designed by Facebook
engineers. Various implementations of this specification were written
2017-08-20 23:28:59 +07:00
< a href = "http://graphql.org/code/" > in different languages and environments< / a > .< / p >
< p > Great overview of GraphQL features and benefits is presented on < a href = "http://graphql.org/" > the official website< / a > .
2016-11-08 20:41:38 +07:00
All of them equally apply to this PHP implementation. < / p >
< h1 id = "about-graphql-php" > About graphql-php< / h1 >
2017-08-20 23:28:59 +07:00
< p > < strong > graphql-php< / strong > is a feature-complete implementation of GraphQL specification in PHP (5.5+, 7.0+).
2016-11-08 20:41:38 +07:00
It was originally inspired by < a href = "https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js" > reference JavaScript implementation< / a >
published by Facebook.< / p >
< p > This library is a thin wrapper around your existing data layer and business logic.
It doesn't dictate how these layers are implemented or which storage engines
2017-08-20 23:28:59 +07:00
are used. Instead, it provides tools for creating rich API for your existing app.< / p >
< p > Library features include:< / p >
2016-11-08 20:41:38 +07:00
< ul >
2017-08-20 23:28:59 +07:00
< li > Primitives to express your app as a < a href = "type-system/" > Type System< / a > < / li >
< li > Validation and introspection of this Type System (for compatibility with tools like < a href = "complementary-tools/#tools" > GraphiQL< / a > )< / li >
< li > Parsing, validating and < a href = "executing-queries/" > executing GraphQL queries< / a > against this Type System< / li >
< li > Rich < a href = "error-handling/" > error reporting< / a > , including query validation and execution errors< / li >
< li > Optional tools for < a href = "type-system/type-language/" > parsing GraphQL Type language< / a > < / li >
2017-09-05 15:30:30 +07:00
< li > Tools for < a href = "data-fetching/#solving-n1-problem" > batching requests< / a > to backend storage< / li >
< li > < a href = "data-fetching/#async-php" > Async PHP platforms support< / a > via promises< / li >
< li > < a href = "executing-queries/#using-server" > Standard HTTP server< / a > < / li >
2016-11-08 20:41:38 +07:00
< / ul >
2017-08-20 23:28:59 +07:00
< p > Also, several < a href = "complementary-tools/" > complementary tools< / a > are available which provide integrations with
2016-11-08 20:41:38 +07:00
existing PHP frameworks, add support for Relay, etc.< / p >
< h2 id = "current-status" > Current Status< / h2 >
2017-08-20 23:28:59 +07:00
< p > The first version of this library (v0.1) was released on August 10th 2015.< / p >
< p > The current version (v0.10) supports all features described by GraphQL specification
2016-11-08 20:41:38 +07:00
(including April 2016 add-ons) as well as some experimental features like
2017-08-20 23:28:59 +07:00
< a href = "type-system/type-language/" > Schema Language parser< / a > and
< a href = "reference/#graphqlutilsschemaprinter" > Schema printer< / a > .< / p >
2016-12-14 20:34:55 +07:00
< p > Ready for real-world usage. < / p >
2018-04-20 17:39:52 +08:00
< h2 id = "github" > GitHub< / h2 >
2016-11-25 18:10:10 +07:00
< p > Project source code is < a href = "https://github.com/webonyx/graphql-php" > hosted on GitHub< / a > .< / p >
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