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2015-07-15 23:05:46 +06:00
namespace GraphQL\Validator;
use GraphQL\Error;
use GraphQL\Language\AST\ArrayValue;
use GraphQL\Language\AST\Document;
use GraphQL\Language\AST\FragmentSpread;
use GraphQL\Language\AST\Node;
use GraphQL\Language\AST\Value;
use GraphQL\Language\AST\Variable;
use GraphQL\Language\Visitor;
use GraphQL\Language\VisitorOperation;
use GraphQL\Schema;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\EnumType;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\InputObjectType;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ListOfType;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\NonNull;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ScalarType;
use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type;
use GraphQL\Utils;
use GraphQL\Utils\TypeInfo;
use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\ArgumentsOfCorrectType;
use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\DefaultValuesOfCorrectType;
use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\FieldsOnCorrectType;
use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\FragmentsOnCompositeTypes;
use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\KnownArgumentNames;
use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\KnownDirectives;
use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\KnownFragmentNames;
use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\KnownTypeNames;
use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\NoFragmentCycles;
use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\NoUndefinedVariables;
use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\NoUnusedFragments;
use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\NoUnusedVariables;
use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged;
use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\PossibleFragmentSpreads;
use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\ScalarLeafs;
use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\VariablesAreInputTypes;
use GraphQL\Validator\Rules\VariablesInAllowedPosition;
class DocumentValidator
private static $allRules;
static function allRules()
if (null === self::$allRules) {
self::$allRules = [
new ArgumentsOfCorrectType(),
new DefaultValuesOfCorrectType(),
new FieldsOnCorrectType(),
new FragmentsOnCompositeTypes(),
new KnownArgumentNames(),
new KnownDirectives(),
new KnownFragmentNames(),
new KnownTypeNames(),
new NoFragmentCycles(),
new NoUndefinedVariables(),
new NoUnusedFragments(),
new NoUnusedVariables(),
new OverlappingFieldsCanBeMerged(),
new PossibleFragmentSpreads(),
new ScalarLeafs(),
new VariablesAreInputTypes(),
new VariablesInAllowedPosition()
return self::$allRules;
public static function validate(Schema $schema, Document $ast, array $rules = null)
$errors = self::visitUsingRules($schema, $ast, $rules ?: self::allRules());
$isValid = empty($errors);
$result = [
'isValid' => $isValid,
'errors' => $isValid ? null : array_map(['GraphQL\Error', 'formatError'], $errors)
return $result;
static function isError($value)
return is_array($value)
? count(array_filter($value, function($item) { return $item instanceof \Exception;})) === count($value)
: $value instanceof \Exception;
static function append(&$arr, $items)
if (is_array($items)) {
$arr = array_merge($arr, $items);
} else {
$arr[] = $items;
return $arr;
static function isValidLiteralValue($valueAST, Type $type)
// A value can only be not provided if the type is nullable.
if (!$valueAST) {
return !($type instanceof NonNull);
// Unwrap non-null.
if ($type instanceof NonNull) {
return self::isValidLiteralValue($valueAST, $type->getWrappedType());
// This function only tests literals, and assumes variables will provide
// values of the correct type.
if ($valueAST instanceof Variable) {
return true;
if (!$valueAST instanceof Value) {
return false;
// Lists accept a non-list value as a list of one.
if ($type instanceof ListOfType) {
$itemType = $type->getWrappedType();
if ($valueAST instanceof ArrayValue) {
foreach($valueAST->values as $itemAST) {
if (!self::isValidLiteralValue($itemAST, $itemType)) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return self::isValidLiteralValue($valueAST, $itemType);
// Scalar/Enum input checks to ensure the type can coerce the value to
// a non-null value.
if ($type instanceof ScalarType || $type instanceof EnumType) {
return $type->coerceLiteral($valueAST) !== null;
// Input objects check each defined field, ensuring it is of the correct
// type and provided if non-nullable.
if ($type instanceof InputObjectType) {
$fields = $type->getFields();
if ($valueAST->kind !== Node::OBJECT) {
return false;
$fieldASTs = $valueAST->fields;
$fieldASTMap = Utils::keyMap($fieldASTs, function($field) {return $field->name->value;});
foreach ($fields as $fieldKey => $field) {
$fieldName = $field->name ?: $fieldKey;
if (!isset($fieldASTMap[$fieldName]) && $field->getType() instanceof NonNull) {
// Required fields missing
return false;
foreach ($fieldASTs as $fieldAST) {
if (empty($fields[$fieldAST->name->value]) || !self::isValidLiteralValue($fieldAST->value, $fields[$fieldAST->name->value]->getType())) {
return false;
return true;
// Any other kind of type is not an input type, and a literal cannot be used.
return false;
* This uses a specialized visitor which runs multiple visitors in parallel,
* while maintaining the visitor skip and break API.
* @param Schema $schema
* @param Document $documentAST
* @param array $rules
* @return array
public static function visitUsingRules(Schema $schema, Document $documentAST, array $rules)
$typeInfo = new TypeInfo($schema);
$context = new ValidationContext($schema, $documentAST, $typeInfo);
$errors = [];
// TODO: convert to class
$visitInstances = function($ast, $instances) use ($typeInfo, $context, &$errors, &$visitInstances) {
$skipUntil = new \SplFixedArray(count($instances));
$skipCount = 0;
Visitor::visit($ast, [
'enter' => function ($node, $key) use ($typeInfo, $instances, $skipUntil, &$skipCount, &$errors, $context, $visitInstances) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($instances); $i++) {
// Do not visit this instance if it returned false for a previous node
if ($skipUntil[$i]) {
$result = null;
// Do not visit top level fragment definitions if this instance will
// visit those fragments inline because it
// provided `visitSpreadFragments`.
if ($node->kind === Node::FRAGMENT_DEFINITION && $key !== null && !empty($instances[$i]['visitSpreadFragments'])) {
$result = Visitor::skipNode();
} else {
$enter = Visitor::getVisitFn($instances[$i], false, $node->kind);
if ($enter instanceof \Closure) {
// $enter = $enter->bindTo($instances[$i]);
$result = call_user_func_array($enter, func_get_args());
} else {
$result = null;
if ($result instanceof VisitorOperation) {
if ($result->doContinue) {
$skipUntil[$i] = $node;
// If all instances are being skipped over, skip deeper traversal
if ($skipCount === count($instances)) {
for ($k = 0; $k < count($instances); $k++) {
if ($skipUntil[$k] === $node) {
$skipUntil[$k] = null;
return Visitor::skipNode();
} else if ($result->doBreak) {
$instances[$i] = null;
} else if ($result && self::isError($result)) {
self::append($errors, $result);
for ($j = $i - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) {
$leaveFn = Visitor::getVisitFn($instances[$j], true, $node->kind);
if ($leaveFn) {
// $leaveFn = $leaveFn->bindTo($instances[$j])
$result = call_user_func_array($leaveFn, func_get_args());
if ($result instanceof VisitorOperation) {
if ($result->doBreak) {
$instances[$j] = null;
} else if (self::isError($result)) {
self::append($errors, $result);
} else if ($result !== null) {
throw new \Exception("Config cannot edit document.");
return Visitor::skipNode();
} else if ($result !== null) {
throw new \Exception("Config cannot edit document.");
// If any validation instances provide the flag `visitSpreadFragments`
// and this node is a fragment spread, validate the fragment from
// this point.
if ($node instanceof FragmentSpread) {
$fragment = $context->getFragment($node->name->value);
if ($fragment) {
$fragVisitingInstances = [];
foreach ($instances as $idx => $inst) {
if (!empty($inst['visitSpreadFragments']) && !$skipUntil[$idx]) {
$fragVisitingInstances[] = $inst;
if (!empty($fragVisitingInstances)) {
$visitInstances($fragment, $fragVisitingInstances);
'leave' => function ($node) use ($instances, $typeInfo, $skipUntil, &$skipCount, &$errors) {
for ($i = count($instances) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if ($skipUntil[$i]) {
if ($skipUntil[$i] === $node) {
$skipUntil[$i] = null;
$leaveFn = Visitor::getVisitFn($instances[$i], true, $node->kind);
if ($leaveFn) {
// $leaveFn = $leaveFn.bindTo($instances[$i]);
$result = call_user_func_array($leaveFn, func_get_args());
if ($result instanceof VisitorOperation) {
if ($result->doBreak) {
$instances[$i] = null;
} if (self::isError($result)) {
self::append($errors, $result);
} else if ($result !== null) {
throw new \Exception("Config cannot edit document.");
// Visit the whole document with instances of all provided rules.
$allRuleInstances = [];
foreach ($rules as $rule) {
$allRuleInstances[] = $rule($context);
$visitInstances($documentAST, $allRuleInstances);
return $errors;