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class Doctrine_DatabasePlatform_PostgreSqlPlatform extends Doctrine_DatabasePlatform
* The reserved keywords by pgsql. Ordered alphabetically.
* @param array
* @todo Nedded? What about lazy initialization?
protected static $_reservedKeywords = array(
'abort', 'absolute', 'access', 'action', 'add', 'after', 'aggregate',
'all', 'alter', 'analyse', 'analyze', 'and', 'any', 'as', 'asc',
'assertion', 'assignment', 'at', 'authorization', 'backward', 'before',
'begin', 'between', 'bigint', 'binary', 'bit', 'boolean', 'both',
'by', 'cache', 'called', 'cascade', 'case', 'cast', 'chain', 'char',
'character', 'characteristics', 'check', 'checkpoint', 'class',
'close', 'cluster', 'coalesce', 'collate', 'column', 'comment',
'commit', 'committed', 'constraint', 'constraints', 'conversion',
'convert', 'copy', 'create', 'createdb', 'createuser', 'cross',
'current_date', 'current_time', 'current_timestamp', 'current_user',
'cursor', 'cycle', 'database', 'day', 'deallocate', 'dec', 'decimal',
'declare', 'default', 'deferrable', 'deferred', 'definer', 'delete',
'delimiter', 'delimiters', 'desc', 'distinct', 'do', 'domain', 'double',
'drop', 'each', 'else', 'encoding', 'encrypted', 'end', 'escape',
'except', 'exclusive', 'execute', 'exists', 'explain', 'external',
'extract', 'false', 'fetch', 'float', 'for', 'force', 'foreign',
'forward', 'freeze', 'from', 'full', 'function', 'get', 'global',
'grant', 'group', 'handler', 'having', 'hour', 'ilike', 'immediate',
'immutable', 'implicit', 'in', 'increment', 'index', 'inherits',
'initially', 'inner', 'inout', 'input', 'insensitive', 'insert',
'instead', 'int', 'integer', 'intersect', 'interval', 'into', 'invoker',
'is', 'isnull', 'isolation', 'join', 'key', 'lancompiler', 'language',
'leading', 'left', 'level', 'like', 'limit', 'listen', 'load', 'local',
'localtime', 'localtimestamp', 'location', 'lock', 'match', 'maxvalue',
'minute', 'minvalue', 'mode', 'month', 'move', 'names', 'national',
'natural', 'nchar', 'new', 'next', 'no', 'nocreatedb', 'nocreateuser',
'none', 'not', 'nothing', 'notify', 'notnull', 'null', 'nullif',
'numeric', 'of', 'off', 'offset', 'oids', 'old', 'on', 'only', 'operator',
'option', 'or', 'order', 'out', 'outer', 'overlaps', 'overlay',
'owner', 'partial', 'password', 'path', 'pendant', 'placing', 'position',
'precision', 'prepare', 'primary', 'prior', 'privileges', 'procedural',
'procedure', 'read', 'real', 'recheck', 'references', 'reindex',
'relative', 'rename', 'replace', 'reset', 'restrict', 'returns',
'revoke', 'right', 'rollback', 'row', 'rule', 'schema', 'scroll',
'second', 'security', 'select', 'sequence', 'serializable', 'session',
'session_user', 'set', 'setof', 'share', 'show', 'similar', 'simple',
'smallint', 'some', 'stable', 'start', 'statement', 'statistics',
'stdin', 'stdout', 'storage', 'strict', 'substring', 'sysid', 'table',
'temp', 'template', 'temporary', 'then', 'time', 'timestamp', 'to',
'toast', 'trailing', 'transaction', 'treat', 'trigger', 'trim', 'true',
'truncate', 'trusted', 'type', 'unencrypted', 'union', 'unique',
'unknown', 'unlisten', 'until', 'update', 'usage', 'user', 'using',
'vacuum', 'valid', 'validator', 'values', 'varchar', 'varying',
'verbose', 'version', 'view', 'volatile', 'when', 'where', 'with',
'without', 'work', 'write', 'year','zone');
* Constructor.
* Creates a new PostgreSqlPlatform.
public function __construct()
$this->_supported = array(
'sequences' => true,
'indexes' => true,
'affected_rows' => true,
'summary_functions' => true,
'order_by_text' => true,
'transactions' => true,
'savepoints' => true,
'current_id' => true,
'limit_queries' => true,
'LOBs' => true,
'replace' => 'emulated',
'sub_selects' => true,
'auto_increment' => 'emulated',
'primary_key' => true,
'result_introspection' => true,
'prepared_statements' => true,
'identifier_quoting' => true,
'pattern_escaping' => true,
$this->_properties['string_quoting'] = array('start' => "'",
'end' => "'",
'escape' => "'",
'escape_pattern' => '\\');
$this->_properties['identifier_quoting'] = array('start' => '"',
'end' => '"',
'escape' => '"');
* Obtain DBMS specific SQL code portion needed to declare an text type
* field to be used in statements like CREATE TABLE.
* @param array $field associative array with the name of the properties
* of the field being declared as array indexes. Currently, the types
* of supported field properties are as follows:
* length
* Integer value that determines the maximum length of the text
* field. If this argument is missing the field should be
* declared to have the longest length allowed by the DBMS.
* default
* Text value to be used as default for this field.
* notnull
* Boolean flag that indicates whether this field is constrained
* to not be set to null.
* @return string DBMS specific SQL code portion that should be used to
* declare the specified field.
* @override
public function getNativeDeclaration(array $field)
if ( ! isset($field['type'])) {
throw new Doctrine_DataDict_Exception('Missing column type.');
switch ($field['type']) {
case 'char':
case 'string':
case 'array':
case 'object':
case 'varchar':
case 'gzip':
// TODO: what is the maximum VARCHAR length in pgsql ?
$length = (isset($field['length']) && $field['length'] && $field['length'] < 10000) ? $field['length'] : null;
$fixed = ((isset($field['fixed']) && $field['fixed']) || $field['type'] == 'char') ? true : false;
return $fixed ? ($length ? 'CHAR(' . $length . ')' : 'CHAR('.$this->conn->options['default_text_field_length'].')')
: ($length ? 'VARCHAR(' .$length . ')' : 'TEXT');
case 'clob':
return 'TEXT';
case 'blob':
return 'BYTEA';
case 'enum':
case 'integer':
case 'int':
if ( ! empty($field['autoincrement'])) {
if ( ! empty($field['length'])) {
$length = $field['length'];
if ($length > 4) {
return 'BIGSERIAL';
return 'SERIAL';
if ( ! empty($field['length'])) {
$length = $field['length'];
if ($length <= 2) {
return 'SMALLINT';
} elseif ($length == 3 || $length == 4) {
return 'INT';
} elseif ($length > 4) {
return 'BIGINT';
return 'INT';
case 'boolean':
return 'BOOLEAN';
case 'date':
return 'DATE';
case 'time':
return 'TIME without time zone';
case 'timestamp':
return 'TIMESTAMP without time zone';
case 'float':
case 'double':
return 'FLOAT';
case 'decimal':
$length = !empty($field['length']) ? $field['length'] : 18;
$scale = !empty($field['scale']) ? $field['scale'] : $this->conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_DECIMAL_PLACES);
return 'NUMERIC('.$length.','.$scale.')';
throw new Doctrine_DataDict_Exception('Unknown field type \'' . $field['type'] . '\'.');
* Maps a native array description of a field to a portable Doctrine datatype and length
* @param array $field native field description
* @return array containing the various possible types, length, sign, fixed
* @override
public function getPortableDeclaration(array $field)
$length = (isset($field['length'])) ? $field['length'] : null;
if ($length == '-1' && isset($field['atttypmod'])) {
$length = $field['atttypmod'] - 4;
if ((int)$length <= 0) {
$length = null;
$type = array();
$unsigned = $fixed = null;
if ( ! isset($field['name'])) {
$field['name'] = '';
$dbType = strtolower($field['type']);
switch ($dbType) {
case 'smallint':
case 'int2':
$type[] = 'integer';
$unsigned = false;
$length = 2;
if ($length == '2') {
$type[] = 'boolean';
if (preg_match('/^(is|has)/', $field['name'])) {
$type = array_reverse($type);
case 'int':
case 'int4':
case 'integer':
case 'serial':
case 'serial4':
$type[] = 'integer';
$unsigned = false;
$length = 4;
case 'bigint':
case 'int8':
case 'bigserial':
case 'serial8':
$type[] = 'integer';
$unsigned = false;
$length = 8;
case 'bool':
case 'boolean':
$type[] = 'boolean';
$length = 1;
case 'text':
case 'varchar':
case 'interval':
case '_varchar':
$fixed = false;
case 'unknown':
case 'char':
case 'bpchar':
$type[] = 'string';
if ($length == '1') {
$type[] = 'boolean';
if (preg_match('/^(is|has)/', $field['name'])) {
$type = array_reverse($type);
} elseif (strstr($dbType, 'text')) {
$type[] = 'clob';
if ($fixed !== false) {
$fixed = true;
case 'date':
$type[] = 'date';
$length = null;
case 'datetime':
case 'timestamp':
case 'timestamptz':
$type[] = 'timestamp';
$length = null;
case 'time':
$type[] = 'time';
$length = null;
case 'float':
case 'float4':
case 'float8':
case 'double':
case 'double precision':
case 'real':
$type[] = 'float';
case 'decimal':
case 'money':
case 'numeric':
$type[] = 'decimal';
case 'tinyblob':
case 'mediumblob':
case 'longblob':
case 'blob':
case 'bytea':
$type[] = 'blob';
$length = null;
case 'oid':
$type[] = 'blob';
$type[] = 'clob';
$length = null;
case 'year':
$type[] = 'integer';
$type[] = 'date';
$length = null;
throw new Doctrine_DataDict_Exception('unknown database attribute type: '.$dbType);
return array('type' => $type,
'length' => $length,
'unsigned' => $unsigned,
'fixed' => $fixed);
* Returns the md5 sum of a field.
* Note: Not SQL92, but common functionality
* md5() works with the default PostgreSQL 8 versions.
* If you are using PostgreSQL 7.x or older you need
* to make sure that the digest procedure is installed.
* If you use RPMS (Redhat and Mandrake) install the postgresql-contrib
* package. You must then install the procedure by running this shell command:
* <code>
* psql [dbname] < /usr/share/pgsql/contrib/pgcrypto.sql
* </code>
* You should make sure you run this as the postgres user.
* @return string
* @override
public function getMd5Expression($column)
$column = $this->getIdentifier($column);
if ($this->_version > 7) {
return 'MD5(' . $column . ')';
} else {
return 'encode(digest(' . $column .', md5), hex)';
* Returns part of a string.
* Note: Not SQL92, but common functionality.
* @param string $value the target $value the string or the string column.
* @param int $from extract from this characeter.
* @param int $len extract this amount of characters.
* @return string sql that extracts part of a string.
* @override
public function getSubstringExpression($value, $from, $len = null)
$value = $this->getIdentifier($value);
if ($len === null) {
$len = $this->getIdentifier($len);
return 'SUBSTR(' . $value . ', ' . $from . ')';
} else {
return 'SUBSTR(' . $value . ', ' . $from . ', ' . $len . ')';
* PostgreSQLs AGE(<timestamp1> [, <timestamp2>]) function.
* @param string $timestamp1 timestamp to subtract from NOW()
* @param string $timestamp2 optional; if given: subtract arguments
* @return string
public function getAgeExpression($timestamp1, $timestamp2 = null)
if ( $timestamp2 == null ) {
return 'AGE(' . $timestamp1 . ')';
return 'AGE(' . $timestamp1 . ', ' . $timestamp2 . ')';
* PostgreSQLs DATE_PART( <text>, <time> ) function.
* @param string $text what to extract
* @param string $time timestamp or interval to extract from
* @return string
public function getDatePartExpression($text, $time)
return 'DATE_PART(' . $text . ', ' . $time . ')';
* PostgreSQLs TO_CHAR( <time>, <text> ) function.
* @param string $time timestamp or interval
* @param string $text how to the format the output
* @return string
public function getToCharExpression($time, $text)
return 'TO_CHAR(' . $time . ', ' . $text . ')';
* Returns the SQL string to return the current system date and time.
* @return string
public function getNowExpression()
* regexp
* @return string the regular expression operator
* @override
public function getRegexpExpression()
return 'SIMILAR TO';
* return string to call a function to get random value inside an SQL statement
* @return return string to generate float between 0 and 1
* @access public
* @override
public function getRandomExpression()
return 'RANDOM()';
* build a pattern matching string
* WARNING: this function is experimental and may change signature at
* any time until labelled as non-experimental
* @access public
* @param array $pattern even keys are strings, odd are patterns (% and _)
* @param string $operator optional pattern operator (LIKE, ILIKE and maybe others in the future)
* @param string $field optional field name that is being matched against
* (might be required when emulating ILIKE)
* @return string SQL pattern
* @override
public function getMatchPatternExpression($pattern, $operator = null, $field = null)
$match = '';
if ( ! is_null($operator)) {
$field = is_null($field) ? '' : $field.' ';
$operator = strtoupper($operator);
switch ($operator) {
// case insensitive
case 'ILIKE':
$match = $field.'ILIKE ';
// case sensitive
case 'LIKE':
$match = $field.'LIKE ';
throw new Doctrine_Expression_Pgsql_Exception('not a supported operator type:'. $operator);
$match.= "'";
foreach ($pattern as $key => $value) {
if ($key % 2) {
$match.= $value;
} else {
$match.= $this->conn->escapePattern($this->conn->escape($value));
$match.= "'";
$match.= $this->patternEscapeString();
return $match;
* parses a literal boolean value and returns
* proper sql equivalent
* @param string $value boolean value to be parsed
* @return string parsed boolean value
public function parseBoolean($value)
return $value;