mirror of synced 2025-03-08 22:06:14 +03:00
2007-09-06 17:20:49 +00:00

103 lines
5.4 KiB

no_script_name: on
# E_ALL | E_STRICT = 4095
error_reporting: 4095
web_debug: on
cache: off
no_script_name: off
etag: off
# E_ALL | E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE = 2047
error_reporting: 2047
cache: off
web_debug: off
no_script_name: off
etag: off
default_module: default # Default module and action to be called when
default_action: index # A routing rule doesn't set it
error_404_module: default # To be called when a 404 error is raised
error_404_action: error404 # Or when the requested URL doesn't match any route
login_module: sfGuardAuth # To be called when a non-authenticated user
login_action: signin # Tries to access a secure page
secure_module: sfGuardAuth # To be called when a user doesn't have
secure_action: secure # The credentials required for an action
module_disabled_module: default # To be called when a user requests
module_disabled_action: disabled # A module disabled in the module.yml
unavailable_module: default # To be called when a user requests a page
unavailable_action: unavailable # From an application disabled via the available setting below
available: on # Enable the whole application. Switch to off to redirect all requests to the unavailable module and action.
# Optional features. Deactivating unused features boots performance a bit.
use_database: on # Enable database manager. Set to off if you don't use a database.
use_security: on # Enable security features (login and credentials). Set to off for public applications.
use_flash: on # Enable flash parameter feature. Set to off if you never use the set_flash() method in actions.
i18n: off # Enable interface translation. Set to off if your application should not be translated.
check_symfony_version: off # Enable check of symfony version for every request. Set to on to have symfony clear the cache automatically when the framework is upgraded. Set to off if you always clear the cache after an upgrade.
use_process_cache: on # Enable symfony optimizations based on PHP accelerators. Set to off for tests or when you have enabled a PHP accelerator in your server but don't want symfony to use it internally.
compressed: off # Enable PHP response compression. Set to on to compress the outgoing HTML via the PHP handler.
check_lock: off # Enable the application lock system triggered by the clear-cache and disable tasks. Set to on to have all requests to disabled applications redirected to the $sf_symfony_data_dir/web/arrors/unavailable.php page.
# Output escaping settings
escaping_strategy: bc # Determines how variables are made available to templates. Accepted values: bc, both, on, off. The value off deactivates escaping completely and gives a slight boost.
escaping_method: ESC_ENTITIES # Function or helper used for escaping. Accepted values: ESC_RAW, ESC_ENTITIES, ESC_JS, ESC_JS_NO_ENTITIES.
# Routing settings
suffix: . # Default suffix for generated URLs. If set to a single dot (.), no suffix is added. Possible values: .html, .php, and so on.
no_script_name: off # Enable the front controller name in generated URLs
# Validation settings, used for error generation by the Validation helper
validation_error_prefix: ' ↓ '
validation_error_suffix: '  ↓'
validation_error_class: form_error
validation_error_id_prefix: error_for_
# Cache settings
cache: off # Enable the template cache
etag: on # Enable etag handling
# Logging and debugging settings
web_debug: off # Enable the web debug toolbar
error_reporting: 341 # Determines which events are logged. The default value is E_PARSE | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_ERROR | E_CORE_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR = 341
# Assets paths
rich_text_js_dir: js/tiny_mce
prototype_web_dir: /sf/prototype
admin_web_dir: /sf/sf_admin
web_debug_web_dir: /sf/sf_web_debug
# Helpers included in all templates by default
standard_helpers: [Partial, Cache, Form]
# Activated modules from plugins or from the symfony core
enabled_modules: [default, sfGuardAuth, sfGuardRegister, sfGuardForgotPassword]
# Charset used for the response
charset: utf-8
# Miscellaneous
strip_comments: on # Remove comments in core framework classes as defined in the core_compile.yml
autoloading_functions: ~ # Functions called when a class is requested and this it is not already loaded. Expects an array of callables. Used by the framework bridges.
timeout: 1800 # Session timeout, in seconds
max_forwards: 5
path_info_array: SERVER
path_info_key: PATH_INFO
url_format: PATH
orm: propel