Proxies that implement the Doctrine\Common\PropertyChangedListener are getting eagerly initialized because the UnitOfWork injects itself into them after they are created. The test currently fails for what described above, and also verifies if the UoW is correctly injected in the proxy during lazy loading.
Running the Doctrine 2 Testsuite
Setting up a PHPUnit Configuration XML
Testing Lock-Support
The Lock support in Doctrine 2 is tested using Gearman, which allows to run concurrent tasks in parallel. Install Gearman with PHP as follows:
- Go to and download the latest Gearman Server
- Compile it and then call ldconfig
- Start it up "gearmand -vvvv"
- Install pecl/gearman by calling "gearman-beta"
You can then go into tests/ and start up two workers:
php Doctrine/Tests/ORM/Functional/Locking/LockAgentWorker.php
Then run the locking test-suite:
phpunit --configuration <myconfig.xml> Doctrine/Tests/ORM/Functional/Locking/GearmanLockTest.php
This can run considerable time, because it is using sleep() to test for the timing ranges of locks.