When using SoftDeleteable doctrine extension, an entity can be scheduled for deletion, then persisted before flushing. In such a case, the entity was removed from the unit of work identity map and no reference was hold. This could lead to spl_object_hash collisions, and prevent another, new entity to be persisted later. This fix makes sure the unit of work identity map holds a reference to the entity after it has been soft-deleted.
Running the Doctrine 2 Testsuite
Setting up a PHPUnit Configuration XML
Testing Lock-Support
The Lock support in Doctrine 2 is tested using Gearman, which allows to run concurrent tasks in parallel. Install Gearman with PHP as follows:
- Go to and download the latest Gearman Server
- Compile it and then call ldconfig
- Start it up "gearmand -vvvv"
- Install pecl/gearman by calling "gearman-beta"
You can then go into tests/ and start up two workers:
php Doctrine/Tests/ORM/Functional/Locking/LockAgentWorker.php
Then run the locking test-suite:
phpunit --configuration <myconfig.xml> Doctrine/Tests/ORM/Functional/Locking/GearmanLockTest.php
This can run considerable time, because it is using sleep() to test for the timing ranges of locks.