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303 lines
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* $Id: CoverageReporter.php 14665 2005-03-23 19:37:50Z npac $
* Copyright(c) 2004-2006, SpikeSource Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Open Software License version 2.1
* (See http://www.spikesource.com/license.html)
if(!defined("__PHPCOVERAGE_HOME")) {
define("__PHPCOVERAGE_HOME", dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
require_once __PHPCOVERAGE_HOME . "/conf/phpcoverage.conf.php";
require_once __PHPCOVERAGE_HOME . "/util/Utility.php";
/*{{{ Defines */
define("TOTAL_FILES_EXPLAIN", "count of included source code files");
define("TOTAL_LINES_EXPLAIN", "includes comments and whitespaces");
define("TOTAL_COVERED_LINES_EXPLAIN", "lines of code that were executed");
define("TOTAL_UNCOVERED_LINES_EXPLAIN", "lines of executable code that were not executed");
define ("TOTAL_LINES_OF_CODE_EXPLAIN", "lines of executable code");
* The base class for reporting coverage. This is an abstract as it does not
* implement the generateReport() function. Every concrete subclass must
* implement this method to generate a report.
* @author Nimish Pachapurkar <npac@spikesource.com>
* @version $Revision: 14665 $
* @package SpikePHPCoverage_Reporter
abstract class CoverageReporter {
// {{{ Members
protected $logger;
// Report heading - will be displayed as the title of the main page.
protected $heading;
// CSS file path to be used.
protected $style;
// Directory where the report file(s) are written.
protected $outputDir;
// Total number of lines in all the source files.
protected $grandTotalLines;
// Total number of lines covered in code coverage measurement.
protected $grandTotalCoveredLines;
// Total number of executable code lines that were left untouched.
protected $grandTotalUncoveredLines;
// Total number of files included
protected $grandTotalFiles;
protected $fileCoverage = array();
protected $recorder = false;
// }}}
/*{{{ public function __construct()*/
* The constructor (PHP5 compatible)
* @param $heading
* @param $style
* @param $dir
* @access public
public function __construct(
$heading="Coverage Report",
) {
global $util;
echo get_class($util);
$this->heading = $heading;
$this->style = $style;
$this->outputDir = $util->replaceBackslashes($dir);
// Create the directory if not there
$this->grandTotalFiles = 0;
$this->grandTotalLines = 0;
$this->grandTotalCoveredLines = 0;
$this->grandTotalUncoveredLines = 0;
// Configure
$this->logger = $util->getLogger();
/*{{{ protected function createReportDir() */
* Create the report directory if it does not exists
* @access protected
protected function createReportDir() {
global $util;
if(!file_exists($this->outputDir)) {
$util->makeDirRecursive($this->outputDir, 0755);
if(file_exists($this->outputDir)) {
$this->outputDir = $util->replaceBackslashes(realpath($this->outputDir));
/*{{{ protected function updateGrandTotals() */
* Update the grand totals
* @param &$coverageCounts Coverage counts for a file
* @access protected
protected function updateGrandTotals(&$coverageCounts) {
$this->grandTotalLines += $coverageCounts['total'];
$this->grandTotalCoveredLines += $coverageCounts['covered'];
$this->grandTotalUncoveredLines += $coverageCounts['uncovered'];
/*{{{ public function getGrandCodeCoveragePercentage()*/
* Returns Overall Code Coverage percentage
* @return double Code Coverage percentage rounded to two decimals
* @access public
public function getGrandCodeCoveragePercentage() {
if($this->grandTotalCoveredLines+$this->grandTotalUncoveredLines == 0) {
return round(0, 2);
return round(((double)$this->grandTotalCoveredLines/((double)$this->grandTotalCoveredLines + (double)$this->grandTotalUncoveredLines)) * 100.0, 2);
/*{{{ public function getFileCoverageInfo() */
* Return the array containing file coverage information.
* The array returned contains following fields
* * filename: Name of the file
* * total: Total number of lines in that file
* * covered: Total number of executed lines in that file
* * uncovered: Total number of executable lines that were not executed.
* @return array Array of file coverage information
* @access public
public function getFileCoverageInfo() {
return $this->fileCoverage;
/*{{{ public function recordFileCoverageInfo() */
* Record the file coverage information for a file.
* @param &$fileCoverage Coverage information for a file
* @access protected
protected function recordFileCoverageInfo(&$fileCoverage) {
$this->fileCoverage[] = $fileCoverage;
/*{{{ public function printTextSummary() */
* Print the coverage summary to filename (if specified) or stderr
* @param $filename=false Filename to write the log to
* @access public
public function printTextSummary($filename=false) {
global $util;
$str = "\n";
$str .= "##############################################\n";
$str .= " Code Coverage Summary: " . $this->heading . "\n";
$str .= " Total Files: " . $this->grandTotalFiles . "\n";
$str .= " Total Lines: " . $this->grandTotalLines . "\n";
$str .= " Total Covered Lines of Code: " . $this->grandTotalCoveredLines . "\n";
$str .= " Total Missed Lines of Code: " . $this->grandTotalUncoveredLines . "\n";
$str .= " Total Lines of Code: " . ($this->grandTotalCoveredLines + $this->grandTotalUncoveredLines) . "\n";
$str .= " Code Coverage: " . $this->getGrandCodeCoveragePercentage() . "%\n";
$str .= "##############################################\n";
if(empty($filename)) {
file_put_contents("php://stdout", $str);
else {
$filename = $util->replaceBackslashes($filename);
if(!file_exists(dirname($filename))) {
$ret = $util->makeDirRecursive(dirname($filename), 0755);
if(!$ret) {
die ("Cannot create directory " . dirname($filename) . "\n");
file_put_contents($filename, $str);
/*{{{ protected function makeRelative() */
* Convert the absolute path to PHP file markup to a path relative
* to the report dir.
* @param $filepath PHP markup file path
* @return Relative file path
* @access protected
protected function makeRelative($filepath) {
$dirPath = realpath($this->outputDir);
$absFilePath = realpath($filepath);
if(strpos($absFilePath, $dirPath) === 0) {
$relPath = substr($absFilePath, strlen($dirPath)+1);
return $relPath;
return $absFilePath;
/*{{{ protected function getRelativeOutputDirPath() */
* Get the relative path of report directory with respect to the given
* filepath
* @param $filepath Path of the file (relative to the report dir)
* @return String Relative path of report directory w.r.t. filepath
* @access protected
protected function getRelativeOutputDirPath($filepath) {
$relPath = "";
$filepath = dirname($filepath);
while($filepath !== false && $filepath != ".") {
$relPath = "../" . $relPath;
$filepath = dirname($filepath);
return $relPath;
/*{{{ public abstract function generateReport() */
* This function generates report using one of the concrete subclasses.
* @param &$data Coverage Data recorded by coverage recorder.
* @access public
public abstract function generateReport(&$data);
/*{{{ Getters and Setters */
public function setHeading($heading) {
$this->heading = $heading;
public function getHeading() {
return $this->heading;
public function setStyle($style) {
$this->style = $style;
public function getStyle() {
return $this->style;
public function setOutputDir($dir) {
$this->outputDir = $dir;
public function getOutputDir() {
return $this->outputDir;
public function setCoverageRecorder(&$recorder) {
$this->recorder = $recorder;