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2007-09-12 21:56:14 +00:00

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* This file is part of the sfDoctrine package.
* (c) 2006-2007 Olivier Verdier <Olivier.Verdier@gmail.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* @package symfony.plugins
* @subpackage sfDoctrine
* @author Olivier Verdier <Olivier.Verdier@gmail.com>
* @version SVN: $Id: sfDoctrineAdminGenerator.class.php 4533 2007-07-03 23:36:10Z gnat $
class sfDoctrineAdminGenerator extends sfAdminGenerator
protected $table;
public function initialize($generatorManager)
// otherwise the class never gets loaded... don't ask me why...
protected function loadMapBuilderClasses()
$conn = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->openConnection('mock://no-one@localhost/empty', null, false);
$this->table = $conn->getTable($this->getClassName());
protected function getTable()
return $this->table;
protected function loadPrimaryKeys()
foreach ($this->getTable()->getPrimaryKeys() as $primaryKey)
$this->primaryKey[] = new sfDoctrineAdminColumn($primaryKey);
// FIXME: check that there is at least one primary key
public function getColumns($paramName, $category='NONE')
$columns = parent::getColumns($paramName, $category);
// set the foreign key indicator
$relations = $this->getTable()->getRelations();
$cols = $this->getTable()->getColumns();
foreach ($columns as $index => $column)
if (isset($relations[$column->getName()]))
$fkcolumn = $relations[$column->getName()];
$columnName = $relations[$column->getName()]->getLocal();
if ($columnName != 'id') // i don't know why this is necessary
if (isset($cols[$columnName])) // if it is not a many2many
$columns[$index] = $column;
return $columns;
function getAllColumns()
$cols = $this->getTable()->getColumns();
$rels = $this->getTable()->getRelations();
$columns = array();
foreach ($cols as $name => $col)
// we set out to replace the foreign key to their corresponding aliases
$found = null;
foreach ($rels as $alias=>$rel)
$relType = $rel->getType();
if ($rel->getLocal() == $name && $relType != Doctrine_Relation::MANY_AGGREGATE && $relType != Doctrine_Relation::MANY_COMPOSITE)
$found = $alias;
if ($found)
$name = $found;
$columns[] = new sfDoctrineAdminColumn($name, $col);
return $columns;
function getAdminColumnForField($field, $flag = null)
$cols = $this->getTable()->getColumns(); // put this in an internal variable?
return new sfDoctrineAdminColumn($field, (isset($cols[$field]) ? $cols[$field] : null), $flag);
function getPHPObjectHelper($helperName, $column, $params, $localParams = array())
$params = $this->getObjectTagParams($params, $localParams);
// special treatment for object_select_tag:
if ($helperName == 'select_tag')
$column = new sfDoctrineAdminColumn($column->getColumnName(), null, null);
return sprintf ('object_%s($%s, %s, %s)', $helperName, $this->getSingularName(), var_export($this->getColumnGetter($column), true), $params);
function getColumnGetter($column, $developed = false, $prefix = '')
if ($developed)
return sprintf("$%s%s->get('%s')", $prefix, $this->getSingularName(), $column->getName());
// no parenthesis, we return a method+parameters array
return array('get', array($column->getName()));
function getColumnSetter($column, $value, $singleQuotes = false, $prefix = 'this->')
if ($singleQuotes)
$value = sprintf("'%s'", $value);
return sprintf('$%s%s->set(\'%s\', %s)', $prefix, $this->getSingularName(), $column->getName(), $value);
function getRelatedClassName($column)
return $column->getRelatedClassName();
public function getColumnEditTag($column, $params = array())
if ($column->getDoctrineType() == 'enum')
// FIXME: this is called already in the sfAdminGenerator class!!!
$params = array_merge(array('control_name' => $this->getSingularName().'['.$column->getName().']'), $params);
$values = $this->getTable()->getEnumValues($column->getName());
$params = array_merge(array('enumValues'=>$values), $params);
return $this->getPHPObjectHelper('enum_tag', $column, $params);
return parent::getColumnEditTag($column, $params);
class sfDoctrineAdminColumn extends sfAdminColumn
// doctrine to creole type conversion
static $docToCreole = array(
'boolean' => CreoleTypes::BOOLEAN,
'string' => CreoleTypes::TEXT,
'integer' => CreoleTypes::INTEGER,
'date' => CreoleTypes::DATE,
'timestamp' => CreoleTypes::TIMESTAMP,
'time' => CreoleTypes::TIME,
'enum' => CreoleTypes::TINYINT,
'float' => CreoleTypes::FLOAT,
'double' => CreoleTypes::FLOAT,
'clob' => CreoleTypes::CLOB,
'blob' => CreoleTypes::BLOB,
'object' => CreoleTypes::VARCHAR,
'array' => CreoleTypes::VARCHAR,
'decimal' => CreoleTypes::DECIMAL,
protected $relatedClassName = null;
protected $name = null;
protected $columnName; // stores the real foreign id column
function getDoctrineType()
return isset($this->column['type']) ? $this->column['type'] : null;
function getCreoleType()
$dType = $this->getDoctrineType();
// we simulate the CHAR/VARCHAR types to generate input_tags
if(($dType == 'string') and ($this->getSize() < 256))
return CreoleTypes::VARCHAR;
return $dType ? self::$docToCreole[$dType] : CreoleTypes::OTHER;
function getSize()
return $this->column['length'];
function isNotNull()
//FIXME THIS NEEDS TO BE UPDATE-but I don't know the format for the column array
if (isset($this->column[2]['notnull']))
return $this->column[2]['notnull'];
return false;
function isPrimaryKey()
if (isset($this->column['primary']))
return $this->column['primary'];
return false;
function setRelatedClassName($newName)
$this->relatedClassName = $newName;
function getRelatedClassName()
return $this->relatedClassName;
function setColumnName($newName)
$this->columnName = $newName;
function getColumnName()
return $this->columnName;
function setColumnInfo($col)
$this->column = $col;
// FIXME: this method is never used... remove it?
function setName($newName)
$this->name = $newName;
function getName()
if (isset($this->name))
return $this->name;
// a bit kludgy: the field name is actually in $this->phpName
return parent::getPhpName();
function isForeignKey()
return isset($this->relatedClassName);
// all the calls that were forwarded to the table object with propel
// have to be dealt with explicitly here, otherwise:
public function __call($name, $arguments)
throw new Exception(sprintf('Unhandled call: "%s"', $name));