When merging an entity with a to-many association, it will store the original entity data using the object hash of the to-be-merged entity instead of the managed entity. Since this to-be-merged entity is not managed by Doctrine, it can disappear from the memory. A new object can reuse the same memory location and thus have the same object hash. When one tries to persist this object as new, Doctrine will refuse it because it thinks that the entity is managed+dirty. This patch is a very naive fix: it just disables storing the original entity data in case of to-many associations. It may not be the ideal or even a good solution at all, but it solves the problem of object hash reuse. The test case relies on the immediate reusing of memory locations by PHP. The variable $user has twice the same object hash, though referring a different object. Tested on PHP 5.6.17 Without the fix, the test fails on the last line with: A managed+dirty entity Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser@[...] can not be scheduled for insertion.