There was a bug in the "INSTANCE OF" operator as described in https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/doctrine-user/B8raq8CNMgg "INSTANCE OF" was not taking into account subclasses. It was merely translating the class to its discriminator. This is not correct since the class can have subtypes and those are, indeed, still instance of the superclass. Also, classes may not have a discriminator (e.g. abstract classes). This commit also provides useful tests to avoid regression.
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namespace Doctrine\Tests\ORM\Query;
use Doctrine\DBAL\LockMode;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySqlPlatform;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\OraclePlatform;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\PostgreSqlPlatform;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SqlitePlatform;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SQLServerPlatform;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type as DBALType;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query as ORMQuery;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST\Functions\FunctionNode;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parser;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\QueryException;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\SqlWalker;
use Doctrine\Tests\DbalTypes\NegativeToPositiveType;
use Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup;
use Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsPhonenumber;
use Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee;
use Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson;
use Doctrine\Tests\OrmTestCase;
class SelectSqlGenerationTest extends OrmTestCase
private $_em;
protected function setUp()
$this->_em = $this->_getTestEntityManager();
* Assert a valid SQL generation.
* @param string $dqlToBeTested
* @param string $sqlToBeConfirmed
* @param array $queryHints
* @param array $queryParams
public function assertSqlGeneration($dqlToBeTested, $sqlToBeConfirmed, array $queryHints = [], array $queryParams = []
try {
$query = $this->_em->createQuery($dqlToBeTested);
foreach ($queryParams AS $name => $value) {
$query->setParameter($name, $value);
$query->setHint(ORMQuery::HINT_FORCE_PARTIAL_LOAD, true)
foreach ($queryHints AS $name => $value) {
$query->setHint($name, $value);
$sqlGenerated = $query->getSQL();
sprintf('"%s" is not equal of "%s"', $sqlGenerated, $sqlToBeConfirmed)
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->fail($e->getMessage() ."\n".$e->getTraceAsString());
* Asser an invalid SQL generation.
* @param string $dqlToBeTested
* @param string $expectedException
* @param array $queryHints
* @param array $queryParams
public function assertInvalidSqlGeneration($dqlToBeTested, $expectedException, array $queryHints = [], array $queryParams = []
$query = $this->_em->createQuery($dqlToBeTested);
foreach ($queryParams AS $name => $value) {
$query->setParameter($name, $value);
$query->setHint(ORMQuery::HINT_FORCE_PARTIAL_LOAD, true)
foreach ($queryHints AS $name => $value) {
$query->setHint($name, $value);
$sql = $query->getSql();
// If we reached here, test failed
* @group DDC-3697
public function testJoinWithRangeVariablePutsConditionIntoSqlWhereClause()
'SELECT c.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson c JOIN Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson r WHERE c.spouse = r AND r.id = 42',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0 FROM company_persons c0_ INNER JOIN company_persons c1_ WHERE c0_.spouse_id = c1_.id AND c1_.id = 42',
* @group DDC-3697
public function testJoinWithRangeVariableAndInheritancePutsConditionIntoSqlWhereClause()
* Basically like the previous test, but this time load data for the inherited objects as well.
* The important thing is that the ON clauses in LEFT JOINs only contain the conditions necessary to join the appropriate inheritance table
* whereas the filtering condition must remain in the SQL WHERE clause.
'SELECT c.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson c JOIN Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson r WHERE c.spouse = r AND r.id = 42',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0 FROM company_persons c0_ LEFT JOIN company_managers c1_ ON c0_.id = c1_.id LEFT JOIN company_employees c2_ ON c0_.id = c2_.id INNER JOIN company_persons c3_ LEFT JOIN company_managers c4_ ON c3_.id = c4_.id LEFT JOIN company_employees c5_ ON c3_.id = c5_.id WHERE c0_.spouse_id = c3_.id AND c3_.id = 42',
public function testSupportsSelectForAllFields()
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_'
public function testSupportsSelectForOneField()
'SELECT u.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0 FROM cms_users c0_'
public function testSupportsSelectForOneNestedField()
'SELECT u.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsArticle a JOIN a.user u',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0 FROM cms_articles c1_ INNER JOIN cms_users c0_ ON c1_.user_id = c0_.id'
public function testSupportsSelectForAllNestedField()
'SELECT a FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsArticle a JOIN a.user u ORDER BY u.name ASC',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.topic AS topic_1, c0_.text AS text_2, c0_.version AS version_3 FROM cms_articles c0_ INNER JOIN cms_users c1_ ON c0_.user_id = c1_.id ORDER BY c1_.name ASC'
public function testNotExistsExpression()
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT p.phonenumber FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsPhonenumber p WHERE p.phonenumber = 1234)',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT c1_.phonenumber FROM cms_phonenumbers c1_ WHERE c1_.phonenumber = 1234)'
public function testSupportsSelectForMultipleColumnsOfASingleComponent()
'SELECT u.username, u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u',
'SELECT c0_.username AS username_0, c0_.name AS name_1 FROM cms_users c0_'
public function testSupportsSelectUsingMultipleFromComponents()
'SELECT u, p FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u, Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsPhonenumber p WHERE u = p.user',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3, c1_.phonenumber AS phonenumber_4 FROM cms_users c0_, cms_phonenumbers c1_ WHERE c0_.id = c1_.user_id'
public function testSupportsJoinOnMultipleComponents()
'SELECT u, p FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u JOIN Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsPhonenumber p WITH u = p.user',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3, c1_.phonenumber AS phonenumber_4 FROM cms_users c0_ INNER JOIN cms_phonenumbers c1_ ON (c0_.id = c1_.user_id)'
public function testSupportsJoinOnMultipleComponentsWithJoinedInheritanceType()
'SELECT e FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee e JOIN Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyManager m WITH e.id = m.id',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c1_.salary AS salary_2, c1_.department AS department_3, c1_.startDate AS startDate_4, c0_.discr AS discr_5 FROM company_employees c1_ INNER JOIN company_persons c0_ ON c1_.id = c0_.id INNER JOIN company_managers c2_ INNER JOIN company_employees c4_ ON c2_.id = c4_.id INNER JOIN company_persons c3_ ON c2_.id = c3_.id AND (c0_.id = c3_.id)'
'SELECT e FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee e LEFT JOIN Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyManager m WITH e.id = m.id',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c1_.salary AS salary_2, c1_.department AS department_3, c1_.startDate AS startDate_4, c0_.discr AS discr_5 FROM company_employees c1_ INNER JOIN company_persons c0_ ON c1_.id = c0_.id LEFT JOIN company_managers c2_ INNER JOIN company_employees c4_ ON c2_.id = c4_.id INNER JOIN company_persons c3_ ON c2_.id = c3_.id ON (c0_.id = c3_.id)'
public function testSupportsSelectWithCollectionAssociationJoin()
'SELECT u, p FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u JOIN u.phonenumbers p',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3, c1_.phonenumber AS phonenumber_4 FROM cms_users c0_ INNER JOIN cms_phonenumbers c1_ ON c0_.id = c1_.user_id'
public function testSupportsSelectWithSingleValuedAssociationJoin()
'SELECT u, a FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Forum\ForumUser u JOIN u.avatar a',
'SELECT f0_.id AS id_0, f0_.username AS username_1, f1_.id AS id_2 FROM forum_users f0_ INNER JOIN forum_avatars f1_ ON f0_.avatar_id = f1_.id'
public function testSelectCorrelatedSubqueryComplexMathematicalExpression()
'SELECT (SELECT (count(p.phonenumber)+5)*10 FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsPhonenumber p JOIN p.user ui WHERE ui.id = u.id) AS c FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u',
'SELECT (SELECT (count(c0_.phonenumber) + 5) * 10 AS sclr_1 FROM cms_phonenumbers c0_ INNER JOIN cms_users c1_ ON c0_.user_id = c1_.id WHERE c1_.id = c2_.id) AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c2_'
public function testSelectComplexMathematicalExpression()
'SELECT (count(p.phonenumber)+5)*10 FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsPhonenumber p JOIN p.user ui WHERE ui.id = ?1',
'SELECT (count(c0_.phonenumber) + 5) * 10 AS sclr_0 FROM cms_phonenumbers c0_ INNER JOIN cms_users c1_ ON c0_.user_id = c1_.id WHERE c1_.id = ?'
Can be supported if SimpleSelectExpression supports SingleValuedPathExpression instead of StateFieldPathExpression.
public function testSingleAssociationPathExpressionInSubselect()
'SELECT (SELECT p.user FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsPhonenumber p WHERE p.user = u) user_id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.id = ?1',
'SELECT (SELECT c0_.user_id FROM cms_phonenumbers c0_ WHERE c0_.user_id = c1_.id) AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c1_ WHERE c1_.id = ?'
* @group DDC-1077
public function testConstantValueInSelect()
"SELECT u.name, 'foo' AS bar FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u",
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0, 'foo' AS sclr_1 FROM cms_users c0_"
public function testSupportsOrderByWithAscAsDefault()
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Forum\ForumUser u ORDER BY u.id',
'SELECT f0_.id AS id_0, f0_.username AS username_1 FROM forum_users f0_ ORDER BY f0_.id ASC'
public function testSupportsOrderByAsc()
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Forum\ForumUser u ORDER BY u.id asc',
'SELECT f0_.id AS id_0, f0_.username AS username_1 FROM forum_users f0_ ORDER BY f0_.id ASC'
public function testSupportsOrderByDesc()
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Forum\ForumUser u ORDER BY u.id desc',
'SELECT f0_.id AS id_0, f0_.username AS username_1 FROM forum_users f0_ ORDER BY f0_.id DESC'
public function testSupportsSelectDistinct()
'SELECT DISTINCT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u',
'SELECT DISTINCT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_'
public function testSupportsAggregateFunctionInSelectedFields()
'SELECT COUNT(u.id) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u GROUP BY u.id',
'SELECT COUNT(c0_.id) AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_ GROUP BY c0_.id'
public function testSupportsAggregateFunctionWithSimpleArithmetic()
'SELECT MAX(u.id + 4) * 2 FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u',
'SELECT MAX(c0_.id + 4) * 2 AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_'
* @group DDC-3276
public function testSupportsAggregateCountFunctionWithSimpleArithmetic()
$connMock = $this->_em->getConnection();
$orgPlatform = $connMock->getDatabasePlatform();
$connMock->setDatabasePlatform(new MySqlPlatform());
'SELECT COUNT(CONCAT(u.id, u.name)) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u GROUP BY u.id',
'SELECT COUNT(CONCAT(c0_.id, c0_.name)) AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_ GROUP BY c0_.id'
public function testSupportsWhereClauseWithPositionalParameter()
'select u from Doctrine\Tests\Models\Forum\ForumUser u where u.id = ?1',
'SELECT f0_.id AS id_0, f0_.username AS username_1 FROM forum_users f0_ WHERE f0_.id = ?'
public function testSupportsWhereClauseWithNamedParameter()
'select u from Doctrine\Tests\Models\Forum\ForumUser u where u.username = :name',
'SELECT f0_.id AS id_0, f0_.username AS username_1 FROM forum_users f0_ WHERE f0_.username = ?'
public function testSupportsWhereAndClauseWithNamedParameters()
'select u from Doctrine\Tests\Models\Forum\ForumUser u where u.username = :name and u.username = :name2',
'SELECT f0_.id AS id_0, f0_.username AS username_1 FROM forum_users f0_ WHERE f0_.username = ? AND f0_.username = ?'
public function testSupportsCombinedWhereClauseWithNamedParameter()
'select u from Doctrine\Tests\Models\Forum\ForumUser u where (u.username = :name OR u.username = :name2) AND u.id = :id',
'SELECT f0_.id AS id_0, f0_.username AS username_1 FROM forum_users f0_ WHERE (f0_.username = ? OR f0_.username = ?) AND f0_.id = ?'
public function testSupportsAggregateFunctionInASelectDistinct()
'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT u.name) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u',
'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT c0_.name) AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_'
// Ticket #668
public function testSupportsASqlKeywordInAStringLiteralParam()
"SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.name LIKE '%foo OR bar%'",
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.name LIKE '%foo OR bar%'"
public function testSupportsArithmeticExpressionsInWherePart()
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE ((u.id + 5000) * u.id + 3) < 10000000',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE ((c0_.id + 5000) * c0_.id + 3) < 10000000'
public function testSupportsMultipleEntitiesInFromClause()
'SELECT u, a FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u, Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsArticle a JOIN a.user u2 WHERE u.id = u2.id',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3, c1_.id AS id_4, c1_.topic AS topic_5, c1_.text AS text_6, c1_.version AS version_7 FROM cms_users c0_, cms_articles c1_ INNER JOIN cms_users c2_ ON c1_.user_id = c2_.id WHERE c0_.id = c2_.id'
public function testSupportsMultipleEntitiesInFromClauseUsingPathExpression()
'SELECT u, a FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u, Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsArticle a WHERE u.id = a.user',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3, c1_.id AS id_4, c1_.topic AS topic_5, c1_.text AS text_6, c1_.version AS version_7 FROM cms_users c0_, cms_articles c1_ WHERE c0_.id = c1_.user_id'
public function testSupportsPlainJoinWithoutClause()
'SELECT u.id, a.id from Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u LEFT JOIN u.articles a',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c1_.id AS id_1 FROM cms_users c0_ LEFT JOIN cms_articles c1_ ON c0_.id = c1_.user_id'
'SELECT u.id, a.id from Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u JOIN u.articles a',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c1_.id AS id_1 FROM cms_users c0_ INNER JOIN cms_articles c1_ ON c0_.id = c1_.user_id'
* @group DDC-135
public function testSupportsJoinAndWithClauseRestriction()
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u LEFT JOIN u.articles a WITH a.topic LIKE '%foo%'",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ LEFT JOIN cms_articles c1_ ON c0_.id = c1_.user_id AND (c1_.topic LIKE '%foo%')"
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u INNER JOIN u.articles a WITH a.topic LIKE '%foo%'",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ INNER JOIN cms_articles c1_ ON c0_.id = c1_.user_id AND (c1_.topic LIKE '%foo%')"
* @group DDC-135
* @group DDC-177
public function testJoinOnClause_NotYetSupported_ThrowsException()
$sql = $this->_em->createQuery(
"SELECT u, a FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u LEFT JOIN u.articles a ON a.topic LIKE '%foo%'"
public function testSupportsMultipleJoins()
'SELECT u.id, a.id, p.phonenumber, c.id from Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u JOIN u.articles a JOIN u.phonenumbers p JOIN a.comments c',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c1_.id AS id_1, c2_.phonenumber AS phonenumber_2, c3_.id AS id_3 FROM cms_users c0_ INNER JOIN cms_articles c1_ ON c0_.id = c1_.user_id INNER JOIN cms_phonenumbers c2_ ON c0_.id = c2_.user_id INNER JOIN cms_comments c3_ ON c1_.id = c3_.article_id'
public function testSupportsTrimFunction()
"SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE TRIM(TRAILING ' ' FROM u.name) = 'someone'",
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE TRIM(TRAILING ' ' FROM c0_.name) = 'someone'"
* @group DDC-2668
public function testSupportsTrimLeadingZeroString()
"SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE TRIM(TRAILING '0' FROM u.name) != ''",
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE TRIM(TRAILING '0' FROM c0_.name) <> ''"
// Ticket 894
public function testSupportsBetweenClauseWithPositionalParameters()
"SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.id BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2",
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.id BETWEEN ? AND ?"
* @group DDC-1802
public function testSupportsNotBetweenForSizeFunction()
"SELECT m.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\StockExchange\Market m WHERE SIZE(m.stocks) NOT BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2",
"SELECT e0_.name AS name_0 FROM exchange_markets e0_ WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM exchange_stocks e1_ WHERE e1_.market_id = e0_.id) NOT BETWEEN ? AND ?"
public function testSupportsFunctionalExpressionsInWherePart()
"SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE TRIM(u.name) = 'someone'",
// String quoting in the SQL usually depends on the database platform.
// This test works with a mock connection which uses ' for string quoting.
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE TRIM(c0_.name) = 'someone'"
public function testSupportsInstanceOfExpressionsInWherePart()
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson u WHERE u INSTANCE OF Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c0_.discr AS discr_2 FROM company_persons c0_ WHERE c0_.discr IN ('manager', 'employee')"
public function testSupportsInstanceOfExpressionInWherePartWithMultipleValues()
// This also uses FQCNs starting with or without a backslash in the INSTANCE OF parameter
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson u WHERE u INSTANCE OF (Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee, \Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyManager)",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c0_.discr AS discr_2 FROM company_persons c0_ WHERE c0_.discr IN ('manager', 'employee')"
* @group DDC-1194
public function testSupportsInstanceOfExpressionsInWherePartPrefixedSlash()
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson u WHERE u INSTANCE OF \Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c0_.discr AS discr_2 FROM company_persons c0_ WHERE c0_.discr IN ('manager', 'employee')"
* @group DDC-1194
public function testSupportsInstanceOfExpressionsInWherePartWithUnrelatedClass()
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson u WHERE u INSTANCE OF \Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser",
public function testSupportsInstanceOfExpressionsInWherePartInDeeperLevel()
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee u WHERE u INSTANCE OF Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyManager",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c1_.salary AS salary_2, c1_.department AS department_3, c1_.startDate AS startDate_4, c0_.discr AS discr_5 FROM company_employees c1_ INNER JOIN company_persons c0_ ON c1_.id = c0_.id WHERE c0_.discr IN ('manager')"
public function testSupportsInstanceOfExpressionsInWherePartInDeepestLevel()
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyManager u WHERE u INSTANCE OF Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyManager",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c1_.salary AS salary_2, c1_.department AS department_3, c1_.startDate AS startDate_4, c2_.title AS title_5, c0_.discr AS discr_6 FROM company_managers c2_ INNER JOIN company_employees c1_ ON c2_.id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company_persons c0_ ON c2_.id = c0_.id WHERE c0_.discr IN ('manager')"
public function testSupportsInstanceOfExpressionsUsingInputParameterInWherePart()
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson u WHERE u INSTANCE OF ?1",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c0_.discr AS discr_2 FROM company_persons c0_ WHERE c0_.discr IN (?)",
[], [1 => $this->_em->getClassMetadata(CompanyEmployee::class)]
// Ticket #973
public function testSupportsSingleValuedInExpressionWithoutSpacesInWherePart()
"SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE IDENTITY(u.email) IN(46)",
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.email_id IN (46)"
public function testSupportsMultipleValuedInExpressionInWherePart()
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.id IN (1, 2)',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.id IN (1, 2)'
public function testSupportsNotInExpressionInWherePart()
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE :id NOT IN (1)',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE ? NOT IN (1)'
* @group DDC-1802
public function testSupportsNotInExpressionForModFunction()
"SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE MOD(u.id, 5) NOT IN(1,3,4)",
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE MOD(c0_.id, 5) NOT IN (1, 3, 4)"
public function testInExpressionWithSingleValuedAssociationPathExpressionInWherePart()
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Forum\ForumUser u WHERE u.avatar IN (?1, ?2)',
'SELECT f0_.id AS id_0, f0_.username AS username_1 FROM forum_users f0_ WHERE f0_.avatar_id IN (?, ?)'
public function testInvalidInExpressionWithSingleValuedAssociationPathExpressionOnInverseSide()
// We do not support SingleValuedAssociationPathExpression on inverse side
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.address IN (?1, ?2)",
public function testSupportsConcatFunctionForMysqlAndPostgresql()
$connMock = $this->_em->getConnection();
$orgPlatform = $connMock->getDatabasePlatform();
$connMock->setDatabasePlatform(new MySqlPlatform());
"SELECT u.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE CONCAT(u.name, 's') = ?1",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE CONCAT(c0_.name, 's') = ?"
"SELECT CONCAT(u.id, u.name) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.id = ?1",
"SELECT CONCAT(c0_.id, c0_.name) AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.id = ?"
$connMock->setDatabasePlatform(new PostgreSqlPlatform());
"SELECT u.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE CONCAT(u.name, 's') = ?1",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.name || 's' = ?"
"SELECT CONCAT(u.id, u.name) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.id = ?1",
"SELECT c0_.id || c0_.name AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.id = ?"
public function testSupportsExistsExpressionInWherePartWithCorrelatedSubquery()
'SELECT u.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE EXISTS (SELECT p.phonenumber FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsPhonenumber p WHERE p.phonenumber = u.id)',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE EXISTS (SELECT c1_.phonenumber FROM cms_phonenumbers c1_ WHERE c1_.phonenumber = c0_.id)'
* @group DDC-593
public function testSubqueriesInComparisonExpression()
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE (u.id >= (SELECT u2.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u2 WHERE u2.name = :name)) AND (u.id <= (SELECT u3.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u3 WHERE u3.name = :name))',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE (c0_.id >= (SELECT c1_.id FROM cms_users c1_ WHERE c1_.name = ?)) AND (c0_.id <= (SELECT c2_.id FROM cms_users c2_ WHERE c2_.name = ?))'
public function testSupportsMemberOfExpressionOneToMany()
// "Get all users who have $phone as a phonenumber." (*cough* doesnt really make sense...)
$q = $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT u.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE :param MEMBER OF u.phonenumbers');
$q->setHint(ORMQuery::HINT_FORCE_PARTIAL_LOAD, true);
$phone = new CmsPhonenumber();
$phone->phonenumber = 101;
$q->setParameter('param', $phone);
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cms_phonenumbers c1_ WHERE c0_.id = c1_.user_id AND c1_.phonenumber = ?)',
public function testSupportsMemberOfExpressionManyToMany()
// "Get all users who are members of $group."
$q = $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT u.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE :param MEMBER OF u.groups');
$q->setHint(ORMQuery::HINT_FORCE_PARTIAL_LOAD, true);
$group = new CmsGroup();
$group->id = 101;
$q->setParameter('param', $group);
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cms_users_groups c1_ INNER JOIN cms_groups c2_ ON c1_.group_id = c2_.id WHERE c1_.user_id = c0_.id AND c2_.id IN (?))',
public function testSupportsMemberOfExpressionManyToManyParameterArray()
$q = $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT u.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE :param MEMBER OF u.groups');
$q->setHint(ORMQuery::HINT_FORCE_PARTIAL_LOAD, true);
$group = new CmsGroup();
$group->id = 101;
$group2 = new CmsGroup();
$group2->id = 105;
$q->setParameter('param', [$group, $group2]);
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cms_users_groups c1_ INNER JOIN cms_groups c2_ ON c1_.group_id = c2_.id WHERE c1_.user_id = c0_.id AND c2_.id IN (?))',
public function testSupportsMemberOfExpressionSelfReferencing()
// "Get all persons who have $person as a friend."
// Tough one: Many-many self-referencing ("friends") with class table inheritance
$q = $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT p FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson p WHERE :param MEMBER OF p.friends');
$person = new CompanyPerson();
$this->_em->getClassMetadata(get_class($person))->setIdentifierValues($person, ['id' => 101]);
$q->setParameter('param', $person);
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c1_.title AS title_2, c2_.salary AS salary_3, c2_.department AS department_4, c2_.startDate AS startDate_5, c0_.discr AS discr_6, c0_.spouse_id AS spouse_id_7, c1_.car_id AS car_id_8 FROM company_persons c0_ LEFT JOIN company_managers c1_ ON c0_.id = c1_.id LEFT JOIN company_employees c2_ ON c0_.id = c2_.id WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM company_persons_friends c3_ INNER JOIN company_persons c4_ ON c3_.friend_id = c4_.id WHERE c3_.person_id = c0_.id AND c4_.id IN (?))',
public function testSupportsMemberOfWithSingleValuedAssociation()
// Impossible example, but it illustrates the purpose
$q = $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT u.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.email MEMBER OF u.groups');
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cms_users_groups c1_ INNER JOIN cms_groups c2_ ON c1_.group_id = c2_.id WHERE c1_.user_id = c0_.id AND c2_.id IN (c0_.email_id))',
public function testSupportsMemberOfWithIdentificationVariable()
// Impossible example, but it illustrates the purpose
$q = $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT u.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u MEMBER OF u.groups');
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cms_users_groups c1_ INNER JOIN cms_groups c2_ ON c1_.group_id = c2_.id WHERE c1_.user_id = c0_.id AND c2_.id IN (c0_.id))',
public function testSupportsCurrentDateFunction()
$q = $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT d.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Generic\DateTimeModel d WHERE d.datetime > current_date()');
$q->setHint(ORMQuery::HINT_FORCE_PARTIAL_LOAD, true);
$this->assertEquals('SELECT d0_.id AS id_0 FROM date_time_model d0_ WHERE d0_.col_datetime > CURRENT_DATE', $q->getSql());
public function testSupportsCurrentTimeFunction()
$q = $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT d.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Generic\DateTimeModel d WHERE d.time > current_time()');
$q->setHint(ORMQuery::HINT_FORCE_PARTIAL_LOAD, true);
$this->assertEquals('SELECT d0_.id AS id_0 FROM date_time_model d0_ WHERE d0_.col_time > CURRENT_TIME', $q->getSql());
public function testSupportsCurrentTimestampFunction()
$q = $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT d.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Generic\DateTimeModel d WHERE d.datetime > current_timestamp()');
$q->setHint(ORMQuery::HINT_FORCE_PARTIAL_LOAD, true);
$this->assertEquals('SELECT d0_.id AS id_0 FROM date_time_model d0_ WHERE d0_.col_datetime > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', $q->getSql());
public function testExistsExpressionInWhereCorrelatedSubqueryAssocCondition()
// DQL
// The result of this query consists of all employees whose spouses are also employees.
'SELECT DISTINCT emp FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsEmployee emp
SELECT spouseEmp
FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsEmployee spouseEmp
WHERE spouseEmp = emp.spouse)',
// SQL
'SELECT DISTINCT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1 FROM cms_employees c0_'
. 'SELECT c1_.id FROM cms_employees c1_ WHERE c1_.id = c0_.spouse_id'
. ')'
public function testExistsExpressionWithSimpleSelectReturningScalar()
// DQL
// The result of this query consists of all employees whose spouses are also employees.
'SELECT DISTINCT emp FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsEmployee emp
FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsEmployee spouseEmp
WHERE spouseEmp = emp.spouse)',
// SQL
'SELECT DISTINCT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1 FROM cms_employees c0_'
. 'SELECT 1 AS sclr_2 FROM cms_employees c1_ WHERE c1_.id = c0_.spouse_id'
. ')'
public function testLimitFromQueryClass()
$q = $this->_em
->createQuery('SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u')
$this->assertEquals('SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3, c0_.email_id AS email_id_4 FROM cms_users c0_ LIMIT 10', $q->getSql());
public function testLimitAndOffsetFromQueryClass()
$q = $this->_em
->createQuery('SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u')
$this->assertEquals('SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3, c0_.email_id AS email_id_4 FROM cms_users c0_ LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0', $q->getSql());
public function testSizeFunction()
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE SIZE(u.phonenumbers) > 1",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_phonenumbers c1_ WHERE c1_.user_id = c0_.id) > 1"
public function testSizeFunctionSupportsManyToMany()
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE SIZE(u.groups) > 1",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_users_groups c1_ WHERE c1_.user_id = c0_.id) > 1"
public function testEmptyCollectionComparisonExpression()
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.phonenumbers IS EMPTY",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_phonenumbers c1_ WHERE c1_.user_id = c0_.id) = 0"
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.phonenumbers IS NOT EMPTY",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_phonenumbers c1_ WHERE c1_.user_id = c0_.id) > 0"
public function testNestedExpressions()
"select u from Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u where u.id > 10 and u.id < 42 and ((u.id * 2) > 5)",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.id > 10 AND c0_.id < 42 AND ((c0_.id * 2) > 5)"
public function testNestedExpressions2()
"select u from Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u where (u.id > 10) and (u.id < 42 and ((u.id * 2) > 5)) or u.id <> 42",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE (c0_.id > 10) AND (c0_.id < 42 AND ((c0_.id * 2) > 5)) OR c0_.id <> 42"
public function testNestedExpressions3()
"select u from Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u where (u.id > 10) and (u.id between 1 and 10 or u.id in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5))",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE (c0_.id > 10) AND (c0_.id BETWEEN 1 AND 10 OR c0_.id IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5))"
public function testOrderByCollectionAssociationSize()
"select u, size(u.articles) as numArticles from Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u order by numArticles",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cms_articles c1_ WHERE c1_.user_id = c0_.id) AS sclr_4 FROM cms_users c0_ ORDER BY sclr_4 ASC"
public function testOrderBySupportsSingleValuedPathExpressionOwningSide()
"select a from Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsArticle a order by a.user",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.topic AS topic_1, c0_.text AS text_2, c0_.version AS version_3 FROM cms_articles c0_ ORDER BY c0_.user_id ASC"
* @expectedException Doctrine\ORM\Query\QueryException
public function testOrderBySupportsSingleValuedPathExpressionInverseSide()
$q = $this->_em->createQuery("select u from Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u order by u.address");
public function testBooleanLiteralInWhereOnSqlite()
$oldPlat = $this->_em->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform();
$this->_em->getConnection()->setDatabasePlatform(new SqlitePlatform());
"SELECT b FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Generic\BooleanModel b WHERE b.booleanField = true",
"SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.booleanField AS booleanField_1 FROM boolean_model b0_ WHERE b0_.booleanField = 1"
"SELECT b FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Generic\BooleanModel b WHERE b.booleanField = false",
"SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.booleanField AS booleanField_1 FROM boolean_model b0_ WHERE b0_.booleanField = 0"
public function testBooleanLiteralInWhereOnPostgres()
$oldPlat = $this->_em->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform();
$this->_em->getConnection()->setDatabasePlatform(new PostgreSqlPlatform());
"SELECT b FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Generic\BooleanModel b WHERE b.booleanField = true",
"SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.booleanField AS booleanfield_1 FROM boolean_model b0_ WHERE b0_.booleanField = true"
"SELECT b FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Generic\BooleanModel b WHERE b.booleanField = false",
"SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.booleanField AS booleanfield_1 FROM boolean_model b0_ WHERE b0_.booleanField = false"
public function testSingleValuedAssociationFieldInWhere()
"SELECT p FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsPhonenumber p WHERE p.user = ?1",
"SELECT c0_.phonenumber AS phonenumber_0 FROM cms_phonenumbers c0_ WHERE c0_.user_id = ?"
public function testSingleValuedAssociationNullCheckOnOwningSide()
"SELECT a FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsAddress a WHERE a.user IS NULL",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.country AS country_1, c0_.zip AS zip_2, c0_.city AS city_3 FROM cms_addresses c0_ WHERE c0_.user_id IS NULL"
// Null check on inverse side has to happen through explicit JOIN.
// "SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.address IS NULL"
// where the CmsUser is the inverse side is not supported.
public function testSingleValuedAssociationNullCheckOnInverseSide()
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u LEFT JOIN u.address a WHERE a.id IS NULL",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ LEFT JOIN cms_addresses c1_ ON c0_.id = c1_.user_id WHERE c1_.id IS NULL"
* @group DDC-339
* @group DDC-1572
public function testStringFunctionLikeExpression()
"SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE LOWER(u.name) LIKE '%foo OR bar%'",
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE LOWER(c0_.name) LIKE '%foo OR bar%'"
"SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE LOWER(u.name) LIKE :str",
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE LOWER(c0_.name) LIKE ?"
"SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE CONCAT(UPPER(u.name), '_moo') LIKE :str",
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE UPPER(c0_.name) || '_moo' LIKE ?"
// DDC-1572
"SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE UPPER(u.name) LIKE UPPER(:str)",
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE UPPER(c0_.name) LIKE UPPER(?)"
"SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE UPPER(LOWER(u.name)) LIKE UPPER(LOWER(:str))",
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE UPPER(LOWER(c0_.name)) LIKE UPPER(LOWER(?))"
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u LEFT JOIN u.articles a WITH a.topic LIKE u.name",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ LEFT JOIN cms_articles c1_ ON c0_.id = c1_.user_id AND (c1_.topic LIKE c0_.name)"
* @group DDC-1802
public function testStringFunctionNotLikeExpression()
"SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE LOWER(u.name) NOT LIKE '%foo OR bar%'",
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE LOWER(c0_.name) NOT LIKE '%foo OR bar%'"
"SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE UPPER(LOWER(u.name)) NOT LIKE UPPER(LOWER(:str))",
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE UPPER(LOWER(c0_.name)) NOT LIKE UPPER(LOWER(?))"
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u LEFT JOIN u.articles a WITH a.topic NOT LIKE u.name",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ LEFT JOIN cms_articles c1_ ON c0_.id = c1_.user_id AND (c1_.topic NOT LIKE c0_.name)"
* @group DDC-338
public function testOrderedCollectionFetchJoined()
"SELECT r, l FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Routing\RoutingRoute r JOIN r.legs l",
"SELECT r0_.id AS id_0, r1_.id AS id_1, r1_.departureDate AS departureDate_2, r1_.arrivalDate AS arrivalDate_3 FROM RoutingRoute r0_ INNER JOIN RoutingRouteLegs r2_ ON r0_.id = r2_.route_id INNER JOIN RoutingLeg r1_ ON r1_.id = r2_.leg_id ".
"ORDER BY r1_.departureDate ASC"
public function testSubselectInSelect()
"SELECT u.name, (SELECT COUNT(p.phonenumber) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsPhonenumber p WHERE p.phonenumber = 1234) pcount FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.name = 'jon'",
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0, (SELECT COUNT(c1_.phonenumber) AS dctrn__1 FROM cms_phonenumbers c1_ WHERE c1_.phonenumber = 1234) AS sclr_1 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.name = 'jon'"
* @group locking
* @group DDC-178
public function testPessimisticWriteLockQueryHint()
if ($this->_em->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform() instanceof SqlitePlatform) {
$this->markTestSkipped('SqLite does not support Row locking at all.');
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.username = 'gblanco'",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 ".
"FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.username = 'gblanco' FOR UPDATE",
* @group locking
* @group DDC-178
public function testPessimisticReadLockQueryHintPostgreSql()
$this->_em->getConnection()->setDatabasePlatform(new PostgreSqlPlatform());
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.username = 'gblanco'",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 ".
"FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.username = 'gblanco' FOR SHARE",
* @group DDC-1693
* @group locking
public function testLockModeNoneQueryHint()
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.username = 'gblanco'",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 ".
"FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.username = 'gblanco'",
[ORMQuery::HINT_LOCK_MODE => LockMode::NONE]
* @group DDC-430
public function testSupportSelectWithMoreThan10InputParameters()
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.id = ?1 OR u.id = ?2 OR u.id = ?3 OR u.id = ?4 OR u.id = ?5 OR u.id = ?6 OR u.id = ?7 OR u.id = ?8 OR u.id = ?9 OR u.id = ?10 OR u.id = ?11",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.id = ? OR c0_.id = ? OR c0_.id = ? OR c0_.id = ? OR c0_.id = ? OR c0_.id = ? OR c0_.id = ? OR c0_.id = ? OR c0_.id = ? OR c0_.id = ? OR c0_.id = ?"
* @group locking
* @group DDC-178
public function testPessimisticReadLockQueryHintMySql()
$this->_em->getConnection()->setDatabasePlatform(new MySqlPlatform());
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.username = 'gblanco'",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 ".
"FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.username = 'gblanco' LOCK IN SHARE MODE",
* @group locking
* @group DDC-178
public function testPessimisticReadLockQueryHintOracle()
$this->_em->getConnection()->setDatabasePlatform(new OraclePlatform());
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.username = 'gblanco'",
"SELECT c0_.id AS ID_0, c0_.status AS STATUS_1, c0_.username AS USERNAME_2, c0_.name AS NAME_3 ".
"FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.username = 'gblanco' FOR UPDATE",
* @group DDC-431
public function testSupportToCustomDQLFunctions()
$config = $this->_em->getConfiguration();
$config->addCustomNumericFunction('MYABS', MyAbsFunction::class);
'SELECT MYABS(p.phonenumber) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsPhonenumber p',
'SELECT ABS(c0_.phonenumber) AS sclr_0 FROM cms_phonenumbers c0_'
* @group DDC-826
public function testMappedSuperclassAssociationJoin()
'SELECT f FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\DirectoryTree\File f JOIN f.parentDirectory d WHERE f.id = ?1',
'SELECT f0_.id AS id_0, f0_.extension AS extension_1, f0_.name AS name_2 FROM "file" f0_ INNER JOIN Directory d1_ ON f0_.parentDirectory_id = d1_.id WHERE f0_.id = ?'
* @group DDC-1053
public function testGroupBy()
'SELECT g.id, count(u.id) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g JOIN g.users u GROUP BY g.id',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, count(c1_.id) AS sclr_1 FROM cms_groups c0_ INNER JOIN cms_users_groups c2_ ON c0_.id = c2_.group_id INNER JOIN cms_users c1_ ON c1_.id = c2_.user_id GROUP BY c0_.id'
* @group DDC-1053
public function testGroupByIdentificationVariable()
'SELECT g, count(u.id) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g JOIN g.users u GROUP BY g',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, count(c1_.id) AS sclr_2 FROM cms_groups c0_ INNER JOIN cms_users_groups c2_ ON c0_.id = c2_.group_id INNER JOIN cms_users c1_ ON c1_.id = c2_.user_id GROUP BY c0_.id, c0_.name'
public function testCaseContainingNullIf()
"SELECT NULLIF(g.id, g.name) AS NullIfEqual FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g",
'SELECT NULLIF(c0_.id, c0_.name) AS sclr_0 FROM cms_groups c0_'
public function testCaseContainingCoalesce()
"SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF(u.name, ''), u.username) as Display FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u",
"SELECT COALESCE(NULLIF(c0_.name, ''), c0_.username) AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_"
* Test that the right discriminator data is inserted in a subquery.
public function testSubSelectDiscriminator()
"SELECT u.name, (SELECT COUNT(cfc.id) total FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyFixContract cfc) as cfc_count FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u",
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0, (SELECT COUNT(c1_.id) AS dctrn__total FROM company_contracts c1_ WHERE c1_.discr IN ('fix')) AS sclr_1 FROM cms_users c0_"
public function testIdVariableResultVariableReuse()
$exceptionThrown = false;
try {
$query = $this->_em->createQuery("SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.name IN (SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u)");
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$exceptionThrown = true;
public function testSubSelectAliasesFromOuterQuery()
"SELECT uo, (SELECT ui.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser ui WHERE ui.id = uo.id) AS bar FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser uo",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3, (SELECT c1_.name FROM cms_users c1_ WHERE c1_.id = c0_.id) AS sclr_4 FROM cms_users c0_"
public function testSubSelectAliasesFromOuterQueryWithSubquery()
"SELECT uo, (SELECT ui.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser ui WHERE ui.id = uo.id AND ui.name IN (SELECT uii.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser uii)) AS bar FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser uo",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3, (SELECT c1_.name FROM cms_users c1_ WHERE c1_.id = c0_.id AND c1_.name IN (SELECT c2_.name FROM cms_users c2_)) AS sclr_4 FROM cms_users c0_"
public function testSubSelectAliasesFromOuterQueryReuseInWhereClause()
"SELECT uo, (SELECT ui.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser ui WHERE ui.id = uo.id) AS bar FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser uo WHERE bar = ?0",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3, (SELECT c1_.name FROM cms_users c1_ WHERE c1_.id = c0_.id) AS sclr_4 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE sclr_4 = ?"
* @group DDC-1298
public function testSelectForeignKeyPKWithoutFields()
"SELECT t, s, l FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\DDC117\DDC117Link l INNER JOIN l.target t INNER JOIN l.source s",
"SELECT d0_.article_id AS article_id_0, d0_.title AS title_1, d1_.article_id AS article_id_2, d1_.title AS title_3, d2_.source_id AS source_id_4, d2_.target_id AS target_id_5 FROM DDC117Link d2_ INNER JOIN DDC117Article d0_ ON d2_.target_id = d0_.article_id INNER JOIN DDC117Article d1_ ON d2_.source_id = d1_.article_id"
public function testGeneralCaseWithSingleWhenClause()
"SELECT g.id, CASE WHEN ((g.id / 2) > 18) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS test FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, CASE WHEN ((c0_.id / 2) > 18) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS sclr_1 FROM cms_groups c0_"
public function testGeneralCaseWithMultipleWhenClause()
"SELECT g.id, CASE WHEN (g.id / 2 < 10) THEN 2 WHEN ((g.id / 2) > 20) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS test FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, CASE WHEN (c0_.id / 2 < 10) THEN 2 WHEN ((c0_.id / 2) > 20) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS sclr_1 FROM cms_groups c0_"
public function testSimpleCaseWithSingleWhenClause()
"SELECT g FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g WHERE g.id = CASE g.name WHEN 'admin' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1 FROM cms_groups c0_ WHERE c0_.id = CASE c0_.name WHEN 'admin' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END"
public function testSimpleCaseWithMultipleWhenClause()
"SELECT g FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g WHERE g.id = (CASE g.name WHEN 'admin' THEN 1 WHEN 'moderator' THEN 2 ELSE 3 END)",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1 FROM cms_groups c0_ WHERE c0_.id = (CASE c0_.name WHEN 'admin' THEN 1 WHEN 'moderator' THEN 2 ELSE 3 END)"
public function testGeneralCaseWithSingleWhenClauseInSubselect()
"SELECT g FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g WHERE g.id IN (SELECT CASE WHEN ((g2.id / 2) > 18) THEN 2 ELSE 1 END FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g2)",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1 FROM cms_groups c0_ WHERE c0_.id IN (SELECT CASE WHEN ((c1_.id / 2) > 18) THEN 2 ELSE 1 END AS sclr_2 FROM cms_groups c1_)"
public function testGeneralCaseWithMultipleWhenClauseInSubselect()
"SELECT g FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g WHERE g.id IN (SELECT CASE WHEN (g.id / 2 < 10) THEN 3 WHEN ((g.id / 2) > 20) THEN 2 ELSE 1 END FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g2)",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1 FROM cms_groups c0_ WHERE c0_.id IN (SELECT CASE WHEN (c0_.id / 2 < 10) THEN 3 WHEN ((c0_.id / 2) > 20) THEN 2 ELSE 1 END AS sclr_2 FROM cms_groups c1_)"
public function testSimpleCaseWithSingleWhenClauseInSubselect()
"SELECT g FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g WHERE g.id IN (SELECT CASE g2.name WHEN 'admin' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g2)",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1 FROM cms_groups c0_ WHERE c0_.id IN (SELECT CASE c1_.name WHEN 'admin' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END AS sclr_2 FROM cms_groups c1_)"
public function testSimpleCaseWithMultipleWhenClauseInSubselect()
"SELECT g FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g WHERE g.id IN (SELECT CASE g2.name WHEN 'admin' THEN 1 WHEN 'moderator' THEN 2 ELSE 3 END FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g2)",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1 FROM cms_groups c0_ WHERE c0_.id IN (SELECT CASE c1_.name WHEN 'admin' THEN 1 WHEN 'moderator' THEN 2 ELSE 3 END AS sclr_2 FROM cms_groups c1_)"
* @group DDC-1696
public function testSimpleCaseWithStringPrimary()
"SELECT g.id, CASE WHEN ((g.id / 2) > 18) THEN 'Foo' ELSE 'Bar' END AS test FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, CASE WHEN ((c0_.id / 2) > 18) THEN 'Foo' ELSE 'Bar' END AS sclr_1 FROM cms_groups c0_"
* @group DDC-2205
public function testCaseNegativeValuesInThenExpression()
"SELECT CASE g.name WHEN 'admin' THEN - 1 ELSE - 2 END FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g",
"SELECT CASE c0_.name WHEN 'admin' THEN -1 ELSE -2 END AS sclr_0 FROM cms_groups c0_"
"SELECT CASE g.name WHEN 'admin' THEN - 2 WHEN 'guest' THEN - 1 ELSE 0 END FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g",
"SELECT CASE c0_.name WHEN 'admin' THEN -2 WHEN 'guest' THEN -1 ELSE 0 END AS sclr_0 FROM cms_groups c0_"
"SELECT CASE g.name WHEN 'admin' THEN (- 1) ELSE (- 2) END FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g",
"SELECT CASE c0_.name WHEN 'admin' THEN (-1) ELSE (-2) END AS sclr_0 FROM cms_groups c0_"
"SELECT CASE g.name WHEN 'admin' THEN ( - :value) ELSE ( + :value) END FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g",
"SELECT CASE c0_.name WHEN 'admin' THEN (-?) ELSE (+?) END AS sclr_0 FROM cms_groups c0_"
"SELECT CASE g.name WHEN 'admin' THEN ( - g.id) ELSE ( + g.id) END FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup g",
"SELECT CASE c0_.name WHEN 'admin' THEN (-c0_.id) ELSE (+c0_.id) END AS sclr_0 FROM cms_groups c0_"
public function testIdentityFunctionWithCompositePrimaryKey()
"SELECT IDENTITY(p.poi, 'long') AS long FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPhotos p",
"SELECT n0_.poi_long AS sclr_0 FROM navigation_photos n0_"
"SELECT IDENTITY(p.poi, 'lat') AS lat FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPhotos p",
"SELECT n0_.poi_lat AS sclr_0 FROM navigation_photos n0_"
"SELECT IDENTITY(p.poi, 'long') AS long, IDENTITY(p.poi, 'lat') AS lat FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPhotos p",
"SELECT n0_.poi_long AS sclr_0, n0_.poi_lat AS sclr_1 FROM navigation_photos n0_"
"SELECT IDENTITY(p.poi, 'invalid') AS invalid FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Navigation\NavPhotos p",
* @group DDC-2519
public function testPartialWithAssociationIdentifier()
"SELECT PARTIAL l.{_source, _target} FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Legacy\LegacyUserReference l",
'SELECT l0_.iUserIdSource AS iUserIdSource_0, l0_.iUserIdTarget AS iUserIdTarget_1 FROM legacy_users_reference l0_'
"SELECT PARTIAL l.{_description, _source, _target} FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Legacy\LegacyUserReference l",
'SELECT l0_.description AS description_0, l0_.iUserIdSource AS iUserIdSource_1, l0_.iUserIdTarget AS iUserIdTarget_2 FROM legacy_users_reference l0_'
* @group DDC-1339
public function testIdentityFunctionInSelectClause()
"SELECT IDENTITY(u.email) as email_id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u",
"SELECT c0_.email_id AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_"
public function testIdentityFunctionInJoinedSubclass()
//relation is in the subclass (CompanyManager) we are querying
'SELECT m, IDENTITY(m.car) as car_id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyManager m',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c1_.salary AS salary_2, c1_.department AS department_3, c1_.startDate AS startDate_4, c2_.title AS title_5, c2_.car_id AS sclr_6, c0_.discr AS discr_7 FROM company_managers c2_ INNER JOIN company_employees c1_ ON c2_.id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company_persons c0_ ON c2_.id = c0_.id'
//relation is in the base class (CompanyPerson).
'SELECT m, IDENTITY(m.spouse) as spouse_id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyManager m',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c1_.salary AS salary_2, c1_.department AS department_3, c1_.startDate AS startDate_4, c2_.title AS title_5, c0_.spouse_id AS sclr_6, c0_.discr AS discr_7 FROM company_managers c2_ INNER JOIN company_employees c1_ ON c2_.id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company_persons c0_ ON c2_.id = c0_.id'
* @group DDC-1339
public function testIdentityFunctionDoesNotAcceptStateField()
"SELECT IDENTITY(u.name) as name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u",
* @group DDC-1389
public function testInheritanceTypeJoinInRootClassWithDisabledForcePartialLoad()
'SELECT p FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson p',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c1_.title AS title_2, c2_.salary AS salary_3, c2_.department AS department_4, c2_.startDate AS startDate_5, c0_.discr AS discr_6, c0_.spouse_id AS spouse_id_7, c1_.car_id AS car_id_8 FROM company_persons c0_ LEFT JOIN company_managers c1_ ON c0_.id = c1_.id LEFT JOIN company_employees c2_ ON c0_.id = c2_.id',
* @group DDC-1389
public function testInheritanceTypeJoinInRootClassWithEnabledForcePartialLoad()
'SELECT p FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson p',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c0_.discr AS discr_2 FROM company_persons c0_',
* @group DDC-1389
public function testInheritanceTypeJoinInChildClassWithDisabledForcePartialLoad()
'SELECT e FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee e',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c1_.salary AS salary_2, c1_.department AS department_3, c1_.startDate AS startDate_4, c2_.title AS title_5, c0_.discr AS discr_6, c0_.spouse_id AS spouse_id_7, c2_.car_id AS car_id_8 FROM company_employees c1_ INNER JOIN company_persons c0_ ON c1_.id = c0_.id LEFT JOIN company_managers c2_ ON c1_.id = c2_.id',
* @group DDC-1389
public function testInheritanceTypeJoinInChildClassWithEnabledForcePartialLoad()
'SELECT e FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee e',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c1_.salary AS salary_2, c1_.department AS department_3, c1_.startDate AS startDate_4, c0_.discr AS discr_5 FROM company_employees c1_ INNER JOIN company_persons c0_ ON c1_.id = c0_.id',
* @group DDC-1389
public function testInheritanceTypeJoinInLeafClassWithDisabledForcePartialLoad()
'SELECT m FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyManager m',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c1_.salary AS salary_2, c1_.department AS department_3, c1_.startDate AS startDate_4, c2_.title AS title_5, c0_.discr AS discr_6, c0_.spouse_id AS spouse_id_7, c2_.car_id AS car_id_8 FROM company_managers c2_ INNER JOIN company_employees c1_ ON c2_.id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company_persons c0_ ON c2_.id = c0_.id',
* @group DDC-1389
public function testInheritanceTypeJoinInLeafClassWithEnabledForcePartialLoad()
'SELECT m FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyManager m',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c1_.salary AS salary_2, c1_.department AS department_3, c1_.startDate AS startDate_4, c2_.title AS title_5, c0_.discr AS discr_6 FROM company_managers c2_ INNER JOIN company_employees c1_ ON c2_.id = c1_.id INNER JOIN company_persons c0_ ON c2_.id = c0_.id',
* @group DDC-1389
public function testInheritanceTypeSingleTableInRootClassWithDisabledForcePartialLoad()
'SELECT c FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyContract c',
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.completed AS completed_1, c0_.fixPrice AS fixPrice_2, c0_.hoursWorked AS hoursWorked_3, c0_.pricePerHour AS pricePerHour_4, c0_.maxPrice AS maxPrice_5, c0_.discr AS discr_6, c0_.salesPerson_id AS salesPerson_id_7 FROM company_contracts c0_ WHERE c0_.discr IN ('fix', 'flexible', 'flexultra')",
* @group DDC-1389
public function testInheritanceTypeSingleTableInRootClassWithEnabledForcePartialLoad()
'SELECT c FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyContract c',
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.completed AS completed_1, c0_.fixPrice AS fixPrice_2, c0_.hoursWorked AS hoursWorked_3, c0_.pricePerHour AS pricePerHour_4, c0_.maxPrice AS maxPrice_5, c0_.discr AS discr_6 FROM company_contracts c0_ WHERE c0_.discr IN ('fix', 'flexible', 'flexultra')",
* @group DDC-1389
public function testInheritanceTypeSingleTableInChildClassWithDisabledForcePartialLoad()
'SELECT fc FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyFlexContract fc',
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.completed AS completed_1, c0_.hoursWorked AS hoursWorked_2, c0_.pricePerHour AS pricePerHour_3, c0_.maxPrice AS maxPrice_4, c0_.discr AS discr_5, c0_.salesPerson_id AS salesPerson_id_6 FROM company_contracts c0_ WHERE c0_.discr IN ('flexible', 'flexultra')",
* @group DDC-1389
public function testInheritanceTypeSingleTableInChildClassWithEnabledForcePartialLoad()
'SELECT fc FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyFlexContract fc',
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.completed AS completed_1, c0_.hoursWorked AS hoursWorked_2, c0_.pricePerHour AS pricePerHour_3, c0_.maxPrice AS maxPrice_4, c0_.discr AS discr_5 FROM company_contracts c0_ WHERE c0_.discr IN ('flexible', 'flexultra')",
* @group DDC-1389
public function testInheritanceTypeSingleTableInLeafClassWithDisabledForcePartialLoad()
'SELECT fuc FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyFlexUltraContract fuc',
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.completed AS completed_1, c0_.hoursWorked AS hoursWorked_2, c0_.pricePerHour AS pricePerHour_3, c0_.maxPrice AS maxPrice_4, c0_.discr AS discr_5, c0_.salesPerson_id AS salesPerson_id_6 FROM company_contracts c0_ WHERE c0_.discr IN ('flexultra')",
* @group DDC-1389
public function testInheritanceTypeSingleTableInLeafClassWithEnabledForcePartialLoad()
'SELECT fuc FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyFlexUltraContract fuc',
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.completed AS completed_1, c0_.hoursWorked AS hoursWorked_2, c0_.pricePerHour AS pricePerHour_3, c0_.maxPrice AS maxPrice_4, c0_.discr AS discr_5 FROM company_contracts c0_ WHERE c0_.discr IN ('flexultra')",
* @group DDC-1161
public function testSelfReferenceWithOneToOneDoesNotDuplicateAlias()
'SELECT p, pp FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson p JOIN p.spouse pp',
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c1_.title AS title_2, c2_.salary AS salary_3, c2_.department AS department_4, c2_.startDate AS startDate_5, c3_.id AS id_6, c3_.name AS name_7, c4_.title AS title_8, c5_.salary AS salary_9, c5_.department AS department_10, c5_.startDate AS startDate_11, c0_.discr AS discr_12, c0_.spouse_id AS spouse_id_13, c1_.car_id AS car_id_14, c3_.discr AS discr_15, c3_.spouse_id AS spouse_id_16, c4_.car_id AS car_id_17 FROM company_persons c0_ LEFT JOIN company_managers c1_ ON c0_.id = c1_.id LEFT JOIN company_employees c2_ ON c0_.id = c2_.id INNER JOIN company_persons c3_ ON c0_.spouse_id = c3_.id LEFT JOIN company_managers c4_ ON c3_.id = c4_.id LEFT JOIN company_employees c5_ ON c3_.id = c5_.id",
* @group DDC-1384
public function testAliasDoesNotExceedPlatformDefinedLength()
'SELECT m FROM ' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\\DDC1384Model m',
"SELECT d0_.aVeryLongIdentifierThatShouldBeShortenedByTheSQLWalker_fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo AS ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo_0 FROM DDC1384Model d0_"
* @group DDC-331
* @group DDC-1384
public function testIssue331()
'SELECT e.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee e',
'SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM company_employees c1_ INNER JOIN company_persons c0_ ON c1_.id = c0_.id'
* @group DDC-1435
public function testForeignKeyAsPrimaryKeySubselect()
"SELECT s FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\DDC117\DDC117Article s WHERE EXISTS (SELECT r FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\DDC117\DDC117Reference r WHERE r.source = s)",
"SELECT d0_.article_id AS article_id_0, d0_.title AS title_1 FROM DDC117Article d0_ WHERE EXISTS (SELECT d1_.source_id, d1_.target_id FROM DDC117Reference d1_ WHERE d1_.source_id = d0_.article_id)"
* @group DDC-1474
public function testSelectWithArithmeticExpressionBeforeField()
'SELECT - e.value AS value, e.id FROM ' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\DDC1474Entity e',
'SELECT -d0_.value AS sclr_0, d0_.id AS id_1 FROM DDC1474Entity d0_'
'SELECT e.id, + e.value AS value FROM ' . __NAMESPACE__ . '\DDC1474Entity e',
'SELECT d0_.id AS id_0, +d0_.value AS sclr_1 FROM DDC1474Entity d0_'
* @group DDC-1430
public function testGroupByAllFieldsWhenObjectHasForeignKeys()
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u GROUP BY u',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ GROUP BY c0_.id, c0_.status, c0_.username, c0_.name, c0_.email_id'
'SELECT e FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsEmployee e GROUP BY e',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1 FROM cms_employees c0_ GROUP BY c0_.id, c0_.name, c0_.spouse_id'
* @group DDC-1236
public function testGroupBySupportsResultVariable()
'SELECT u, u.status AS st FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u GROUP BY st',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3, c0_.status AS status_4 FROM cms_users c0_ GROUP BY c0_.status'
* @group DDC-1236
public function testGroupBySupportsIdentificationVariable()
'SELECT u AS user FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u GROUP BY user',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ GROUP BY id_0, status_1, username_2, name_3'
* @group DDC-1213
public function testSupportsBitComparison()
'SELECT BIT_OR(4,2), BIT_AND(4,2), u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u',
'SELECT (4 | 2) AS sclr_0, (4 & 2) AS sclr_1, c0_.id AS id_2, c0_.status AS status_3, c0_.username AS username_4, c0_.name AS name_5 FROM cms_users c0_'
'SELECT BIT_OR(u.id,2), BIT_AND(u.id,2) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE BIT_OR(u.id,2) > 0',
'SELECT (c0_.id | 2) AS sclr_0, (c0_.id & 2) AS sclr_1 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE (c0_.id | 2) > 0'
'SELECT BIT_OR(u.id,2), BIT_AND(u.id,2) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE BIT_AND(u.id , 4) > 0',
'SELECT (c0_.id | 2) AS sclr_0, (c0_.id & 2) AS sclr_1 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE (c0_.id & 4) > 0'
'SELECT BIT_OR(u.id,2), BIT_AND(u.id,2) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE BIT_OR(u.id , 2) > 0 OR BIT_AND(u.id , 4) > 0',
'SELECT (c0_.id | 2) AS sclr_0, (c0_.id & 2) AS sclr_1 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE (c0_.id | 2) > 0 OR (c0_.id & 4) > 0'
* @group DDC-1539
public function testParenthesesOnTheLeftHandOfComparison()
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u where ( (u.id + u.id) * u.id ) > 100',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE ((c0_.id + c0_.id) * c0_.id) > 100'
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u where (u.id + u.id) * u.id > 100',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE (c0_.id + c0_.id) * c0_.id > 100'
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u where 100 < (u.id + u.id) * u.id ',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE 100 < (c0_.id + c0_.id) * c0_.id'
public function testSupportsParenthesisExpressionInSubSelect() {
'SELECT u.id, (SELECT (1000*SUM(subU.id)/SUM(subU.id)) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser subU where subU.id = u.id) AS subSelect FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, (SELECT (1000 * SUM(c1_.id) / SUM(c1_.id)) FROM cms_users c1_ WHERE c1_.id = c0_.id) AS sclr_1 FROM cms_users c0_'
* @group DDC-1557
public function testSupportsSubSqlFunction()
'SELECT u1 FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u1 WHERE u1.name IN ( SELECT TRIM(u2.name) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u2 )',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.name IN (SELECT TRIM(c1_.name) AS sclr_4 FROM cms_users c1_)'
'SELECT u1 FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u1 WHERE u1.name IN ( SELECT TRIM(u2.name) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u2 WHERE LOWER(u2.name) LIKE \'%fabio%\')',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.name IN (SELECT TRIM(c1_.name) AS sclr_4 FROM cms_users c1_ WHERE LOWER(c1_.name) LIKE \'%fabio%\')'
'SELECT u1 FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u1 WHERE u1.email IN ( SELECT TRIM(IDENTITY(u2.email)) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u2 )',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.email_id IN (SELECT TRIM(c1_.email_id) AS sclr_4 FROM cms_users c1_)'
'SELECT u1 FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u1 WHERE u1.email IN ( SELECT IDENTITY(u2.email) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u2 )',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.email_id IN (SELECT c1_.email_id AS sclr_4 FROM cms_users c1_)'
'SELECT u1 FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u1 WHERE COUNT(u1.id) = ( SELECT SUM(u2.id) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u2 )',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE COUNT(c0_.id) = (SELECT SUM(c1_.id) AS dctrn__1 FROM cms_users c1_)'
'SELECT u1 FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u1 WHERE COUNT(u1.id) <= ( SELECT SUM(u2.id) + COUNT(u2.email) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u2 )',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE COUNT(c0_.id) <= (SELECT SUM(c1_.id) + COUNT(c1_.email_id) AS sclr_4 FROM cms_users c1_)'
* @group DDC-1574
public function testSupportsNewOperator()
"SELECT new Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUserDTO(u.name, e.email, a.city) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u JOIN u.email e JOIN u.address a",
"SELECT c0_.name AS sclr_0, c1_.email AS sclr_1, c2_.city AS sclr_2 FROM cms_users c0_ INNER JOIN cms_emails c1_ ON c0_.email_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN cms_addresses c2_ ON c0_.id = c2_.user_id"
"SELECT new Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUserDTO(u.name, e.email, a.id + u.id) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u JOIN u.email e JOIN u.address a",
"SELECT c0_.name AS sclr_0, c1_.email AS sclr_1, c2_.id + c0_.id AS sclr_2 FROM cms_users c0_ INNER JOIN cms_emails c1_ ON c0_.email_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN cms_addresses c2_ ON c0_.id = c2_.user_id"
"SELECT new Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUserDTO(u.name, e.email, a.city, COUNT(p)) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u JOIN u.email e JOIN u.address a JOIN u.phonenumbers p",
"SELECT c0_.name AS sclr_0, c1_.email AS sclr_1, c2_.city AS sclr_2, COUNT(c3_.phonenumber) AS sclr_3 FROM cms_users c0_ INNER JOIN cms_emails c1_ ON c0_.email_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN cms_addresses c2_ ON c0_.id = c2_.user_id INNER JOIN cms_phonenumbers c3_ ON c0_.id = c3_.user_id"
"SELECT new Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUserDTO(u.name, e.email, a.city, COUNT(p) + u.id) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u JOIN u.email e JOIN u.address a JOIN u.phonenumbers p",
"SELECT c0_.name AS sclr_0, c1_.email AS sclr_1, c2_.city AS sclr_2, COUNT(c3_.phonenumber) + c0_.id AS sclr_3 FROM cms_users c0_ INNER JOIN cms_emails c1_ ON c0_.email_id = c1_.id INNER JOIN cms_addresses c2_ ON c0_.id = c2_.user_id INNER JOIN cms_phonenumbers c3_ ON c0_.id = c3_.user_id"
"SELECT new Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUserDTO(a.id, a.country, a.city), new Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsAddressDTO(u.name, e.email) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u JOIN u.email e JOIN u.address a ORDER BY u.name",
"SELECT c0_.id AS sclr_0, c0_.country AS sclr_1, c0_.city AS sclr_2, c1_.name AS sclr_3, c2_.email AS sclr_4 FROM cms_users c1_ INNER JOIN cms_emails c2_ ON c1_.email_id = c2_.id INNER JOIN cms_addresses c0_ ON c1_.id = c0_.user_id ORDER BY c1_.name ASC"
"SELECT new Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUserDTO(a.id, (SELECT 1 FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser su), a.country, a.city), new Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsAddressDTO(u.name, e.email) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u JOIN u.email e JOIN u.address a ORDER BY u.name",
"SELECT c0_.id AS sclr_0, (SELECT 1 AS sclr_2 FROM cms_users c1_) AS sclr_1, c0_.country AS sclr_3, c0_.city AS sclr_4, c2_.name AS sclr_5, c3_.email AS sclr_6 FROM cms_users c2_ INNER JOIN cms_emails c3_ ON c2_.email_id = c3_.id INNER JOIN cms_addresses c0_ ON c2_.id = c0_.user_id ORDER BY c2_.name ASC"
* @group DDC-2234
public function testWhereFunctionIsNullComparisonExpression()
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE IDENTITY(u.email) IS NULL",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.email_id IS NULL"
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE NULLIF(u.name, 'FabioBatSilva') IS NULL AND IDENTITY(u.email) IS NOT NULL",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE NULLIF(c0_.name, 'FabioBatSilva') IS NULL AND c0_.email_id IS NOT NULL"
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE IDENTITY(u.email) IS NOT NULL",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.email_id IS NOT NULL"
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE NULLIF(u.name, 'FabioBatSilva') IS NOT NULL",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE NULLIF(c0_.name, 'FabioBatSilva') IS NOT NULL"
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE COALESCE(u.name, u.id) IS NOT NULL",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE COALESCE(c0_.name, c0_.id) IS NOT NULL"
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE COALESCE(u.id, IDENTITY(u.email)) IS NOT NULL",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE COALESCE(c0_.id, c0_.email_id) IS NOT NULL"
"SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE COALESCE(IDENTITY(u.email), NULLIF(u.name, 'FabioBatSilva')) IS NOT NULL",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE COALESCE(c0_.email_id, NULLIF(c0_.name, 'FabioBatSilva')) IS NOT NULL"
public function testCustomTypeValueSql()
if (DBALType::hasType('negative_to_positive')) {
DBALType::overrideType('negative_to_positive', NegativeToPositiveType::class);
} else {
DBALType::addType('negative_to_positive', NegativeToPositiveType::class);
'SELECT p.customInteger FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CustomType\CustomTypeParent p WHERE p.id = 1',
'SELECT -(c0_.customInteger) AS customInteger_0 FROM customtype_parents c0_ WHERE c0_.id = 1'
public function testCustomTypeValueSqlIgnoresIdentifierColumn()
if (DBALType::hasType('negative_to_positive')) {
DBALType::overrideType('negative_to_positive', NegativeToPositiveType::class);
} else {
DBALType::addType('negative_to_positive', NegativeToPositiveType::class);
'SELECT p.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CustomType\CustomTypeParent p WHERE p.id = 1',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0 FROM customtype_parents c0_ WHERE c0_.id = 1'
public function testCustomTypeValueSqlForAllFields()
if (DBALType::hasType('negative_to_positive')) {
DBALType::overrideType('negative_to_positive', NegativeToPositiveType::class);
} else {
DBALType::addType('negative_to_positive', NegativeToPositiveType::class);
'SELECT p FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CustomType\CustomTypeParent p',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, -(c0_.customInteger) AS customInteger_1 FROM customtype_parents c0_'
public function testCustomTypeValueSqlForPartialObject()
if (DBALType::hasType('negative_to_positive')) {
DBALType::overrideType('negative_to_positive', NegativeToPositiveType::class);
} else {
DBALType::addType('negative_to_positive', NegativeToPositiveType::class);
'SELECT partial p.{id, customInteger} FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CustomType\CustomTypeParent p',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, -(c0_.customInteger) AS customInteger_1 FROM customtype_parents c0_'
* @group DDC-1529
public function testMultipleFromAndInheritanceCondition()
'SELECT fix, flex FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyFixContract fix, Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyFlexContract flex',
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.completed AS completed_1, c0_.fixPrice AS fixPrice_2, c1_.id AS id_3, c1_.completed AS completed_4, c1_.hoursWorked AS hoursWorked_5, c1_.pricePerHour AS pricePerHour_6, c1_.maxPrice AS maxPrice_7, c0_.discr AS discr_8, c1_.discr AS discr_9 FROM company_contracts c0_, company_contracts c1_ WHERE (c0_.discr IN ('fix') AND c1_.discr IN ('flexible', 'flexultra'))"
* @group DDC-775
public function testOrderByClauseSupportsSimpleArithmeticExpression()
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u ORDER BY u.id + 1 ',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ ORDER BY c0_.id + 1 ASC'
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u ORDER BY ( ( (u.id + 1) * (u.id - 1) ) / 2)',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ ORDER BY (((c0_.id + 1) * (c0_.id - 1)) / 2) ASC'
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u ORDER BY ((u.id + 5000) * u.id + 3) ',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ ORDER BY ((c0_.id + 5000) * c0_.id + 3) ASC'
public function testOrderByClauseSupportsFunction()
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u ORDER BY CONCAT(u.username, u.name) ',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3 FROM cms_users c0_ ORDER BY c0_.username || c0_.name ASC'
* @group DDC-1719
public function testStripNonAlphanumericCharactersFromAlias()
'SELECT e FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Generic\NonAlphaColumnsEntity e',
'SELECT n0_."simple-entity-id" AS simpleentityid_0, n0_."simple-entity-value" AS simpleentityvalue_1 FROM "not-a-simple-entity" n0_'
'SELECT e.value FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Generic\NonAlphaColumnsEntity e ORDER BY e.value',
'SELECT n0_."simple-entity-value" AS simpleentityvalue_0 FROM "not-a-simple-entity" n0_ ORDER BY n0_."simple-entity-value" ASC'
'SELECT TRIM(e.value) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Generic\NonAlphaColumnsEntity e ORDER BY e.value',
'SELECT TRIM(n0_."simple-entity-value") AS sclr_0 FROM "not-a-simple-entity" n0_ ORDER BY n0_."simple-entity-value" ASC'
* @group DDC-2435
public function testColumnNameWithNumbersAndNonAlphanumericCharacters()
'SELECT e FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Quote\NumericEntity e',
'SELECT t0_."1:1" AS 11_0, t0_."2:2" AS 22_1 FROM table t0_'
'SELECT e.value FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Quote\NumericEntity e',
'SELECT t0_."2:2" AS 22_0 FROM table t0_'
'SELECT TRIM(e.value) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Quote\NumericEntity e',
'SELECT TRIM(t0_."2:2") AS sclr_0 FROM table t0_'
* @group DDC-1845
public function testQuotedTableDeclaration()
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Quote\User u',
'SELECT q0_."user-id" AS userid_0, q0_."user-name" AS username_1 FROM "quote-user" q0_'
* @group DDC-1845
public function testQuotedWalkJoinVariableDeclaration()
'SELECT u, a FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Quote\User u JOIN u.address a',
'SELECT q0_."user-id" AS userid_0, q0_."user-name" AS username_1, q1_."address-id" AS addressid_2, q1_."address-zip" AS addresszip_3 FROM "quote-user" q0_ INNER JOIN "quote-address" q1_ ON q0_."address-id" = q1_."address-id"'
'SELECT u, p FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Quote\User u JOIN u.phones p',
'SELECT q0_."user-id" AS userid_0, q0_."user-name" AS username_1, q1_."phone-number" AS phonenumber_2 FROM "quote-user" q0_ INNER JOIN "quote-phone" q1_ ON q0_."user-id" = q1_."user-id"'
'SELECT u, g FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Quote\User u JOIN u.groups g',
'SELECT q0_."user-id" AS userid_0, q0_."user-name" AS username_1, q1_."group-id" AS groupid_2, q1_."group-name" AS groupname_3 FROM "quote-user" q0_ INNER JOIN "quote-users-groups" q2_ ON q0_."user-id" = q2_."user-id" INNER JOIN "quote-group" q1_ ON q1_."group-id" = q2_."group-id"'
'SELECT a, u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Quote\Address a JOIN a.user u',
'SELECT q0_."address-id" AS addressid_0, q0_."address-zip" AS addresszip_1, q1_."user-id" AS userid_2, q1_."user-name" AS username_3 FROM "quote-address" q0_ INNER JOIN "quote-user" q1_ ON q0_."user-id" = q1_."user-id"'
'SELECT g, u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Quote\Group g JOIN g.users u',
'SELECT q0_."group-id" AS groupid_0, q0_."group-name" AS groupname_1, q1_."user-id" AS userid_2, q1_."user-name" AS username_3 FROM "quote-group" q0_ INNER JOIN "quote-users-groups" q2_ ON q0_."group-id" = q2_."group-id" INNER JOIN "quote-user" q1_ ON q1_."user-id" = q2_."user-id"'
'SELECT g, p FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Quote\Group g JOIN g.parent p',
'SELECT q0_."group-id" AS groupid_0, q0_."group-name" AS groupname_1, q1_."group-id" AS groupid_2, q1_."group-name" AS groupname_3 FROM "quote-group" q0_ INNER JOIN "quote-group" q1_ ON q0_."parent-id" = q1_."group-id"'
* @group DDC-2208
public function testCaseThenParameterArithmeticExpression()
'SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN e.salary <= :value THEN e.salary - :value WHEN e.salary >= :value THEN :value - e.salary ELSE 0 END) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee e',
'SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN c0_.salary <= ? THEN c0_.salary - ? WHEN c0_.salary >= ? THEN ? - c0_.salary ELSE 0 END) AS sclr_0 FROM company_employees c0_ INNER JOIN company_persons c1_ ON c0_.id = c1_.id'
'SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN e.salary <= :value THEN e.salary - :value WHEN e.salary >= :value THEN :value - e.salary ELSE e.salary + 0 END) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee e',
'SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN c0_.salary <= ? THEN c0_.salary - ? WHEN c0_.salary >= ? THEN ? - c0_.salary ELSE c0_.salary + 0 END) AS sclr_0 FROM company_employees c0_ INNER JOIN company_persons c1_ ON c0_.id = c1_.id'
'SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN e.salary <= :value THEN (e.salary - :value) WHEN e.salary >= :value THEN (:value - e.salary) ELSE (e.salary + :value) END) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee e',
'SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN c0_.salary <= ? THEN (c0_.salary - ?) WHEN c0_.salary >= ? THEN (? - c0_.salary) ELSE (c0_.salary + ?) END) AS sclr_0 FROM company_employees c0_ INNER JOIN company_persons c1_ ON c0_.id = c1_.id'
* @group DDC-2268
public function testCaseThenFunction()
'SELECT CASE WHEN LENGTH(u.name) <> 0 THEN CONCAT(u.id, u.name) ELSE u.id END AS name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u',
'SELECT CASE WHEN LENGTH(c0_.name) <> 0 THEN c0_.id || c0_.name ELSE c0_.id END AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_'
'SELECT CASE WHEN LENGTH(u.name) <> LENGTH(TRIM(u.name)) THEN TRIM(u.name) ELSE u.name END AS name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u',
'SELECT CASE WHEN LENGTH(c0_.name) <> LENGTH(TRIM(c0_.name)) THEN TRIM(c0_.name) ELSE c0_.name END AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_'
'SELECT CASE WHEN LENGTH(u.name) > :value THEN SUBSTRING(u.name, 0, :value) ELSE TRIM(u.name) END AS name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u',
'SELECT CASE WHEN LENGTH(c0_.name) > ? THEN SUBSTRING(c0_.name FROM 0 FOR ?) ELSE TRIM(c0_.name) END AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_'
* @group DDC-2268
public function testSupportsMoreThanTwoParametersInConcatFunction()
$connMock = $this->_em->getConnection();
$orgPlatform = $connMock->getDatabasePlatform();
$connMock->setDatabasePlatform(new MySqlPlatform());
"SELECT u.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE CONCAT(u.name, u.status, 's') = ?1",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE CONCAT(c0_.name, c0_.status, 's') = ?"
"SELECT CONCAT(u.id, u.name, u.status) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.id = ?1",
"SELECT CONCAT(c0_.id, c0_.name, c0_.status) AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.id = ?"
$connMock->setDatabasePlatform(new PostgreSqlPlatform());
"SELECT u.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE CONCAT(u.name, u.status, 's') = ?1",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.name || c0_.status || 's' = ?"
"SELECT CONCAT(u.id, u.name, u.status) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.id = ?1",
"SELECT c0_.id || c0_.name || c0_.status AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.id = ?"
$connMock->setDatabasePlatform(new SQLServerPlatform());
"SELECT u.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE CONCAT(u.name, u.status, 's') = ?1",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE (c0_.name + c0_.status + 's') = ?"
"SELECT CONCAT(u.id, u.name, u.status) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE u.id = ?1",
"SELECT (c0_.id + c0_.name + c0_.status) AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE c0_.id = ?"
* @group DDC-2188
public function testArithmeticPriority()
'SELECT 100/(2*2) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u',
'SELECT 100 / (2 * 2) AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_'
'SELECT (u.id / (u.id * 2)) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u',
'SELECT (c0_.id / (c0_.id * 2)) AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_'
'SELECT 100/(2*2) + (u.id / (u.id * 2)) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u WHERE (u.id / (u.id * 2)) > 0',
'SELECT 100 / (2 * 2) + (c0_.id / (c0_.id * 2)) AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_ WHERE (c0_.id / (c0_.id * 2)) > 0'
* @group DDC-2475
public function testOrderByClauseShouldReplaceOrderByRelationMapping()
'SELECT r, b FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Routing\RoutingRoute r JOIN r.bookings b',
'SELECT r0_.id AS id_0, r1_.id AS id_1, r1_.passengerName AS passengerName_2 FROM RoutingRoute r0_ INNER JOIN RoutingRouteBooking r1_ ON r0_.id = r1_.route_id ORDER BY r1_.passengerName ASC'
'SELECT r, b FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Routing\RoutingRoute r JOIN r.bookings b ORDER BY b.passengerName DESC',
'SELECT r0_.id AS id_0, r1_.id AS id_1, r1_.passengerName AS passengerName_2 FROM RoutingRoute r0_ INNER JOIN RoutingRouteBooking r1_ ON r0_.id = r1_.route_id ORDER BY r1_.passengerName DESC'
* @group DDC-1858
public function testHavingSupportIsNullExpression()
'SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u HAVING u.username IS NULL',
'SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ HAVING c0_.username IS NULL'
'SELECT u.name FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u HAVING MAX(u.name) IS NULL',
'SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ HAVING MAX(c0_.name) IS NULL'
* @group DDC-2506
public function testClassTableInheritanceJoinWithConditionAppliesToBaseTable()
'SELECT e.id FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyOrganization o JOIN o.events e WITH e.id = ?1',
'SELECT c0_.id AS id_0 FROM company_organizations c1_ INNER JOIN (company_events c0_ LEFT JOIN company_auctions c2_ ON c0_.id = c2_.id LEFT JOIN company_raffles c3_ ON c0_.id = c3_.id) ON c1_.id = c0_.org_id AND (c0_.id = ?)',
* @group DDC-2235
public function testSingleTableInheritanceLeftJoinWithCondition()
// Regression test for the bug
'SELECT c FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee e LEFT JOIN Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyContract c WITH c.salesPerson = e.id',
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.completed AS completed_1, c0_.fixPrice AS fixPrice_2, c0_.hoursWorked AS hoursWorked_3, c0_.pricePerHour AS pricePerHour_4, c0_.maxPrice AS maxPrice_5, c0_.discr AS discr_6 FROM company_employees c1_ INNER JOIN company_persons c2_ ON c1_.id = c2_.id LEFT JOIN company_contracts c0_ ON (c0_.salesPerson_id = c2_.id) AND c0_.discr IN ('fix', 'flexible', 'flexultra')"
* @group DDC-2235
public function testSingleTableInheritanceLeftJoinWithConditionAndWhere()
// Ensure other WHERE predicates are passed through to the main WHERE clause
'SELECT c FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee e LEFT JOIN Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyContract c WITH c.salesPerson = e.id WHERE e.salary > 1000',
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.completed AS completed_1, c0_.fixPrice AS fixPrice_2, c0_.hoursWorked AS hoursWorked_3, c0_.pricePerHour AS pricePerHour_4, c0_.maxPrice AS maxPrice_5, c0_.discr AS discr_6 FROM company_employees c1_ INNER JOIN company_persons c2_ ON c1_.id = c2_.id LEFT JOIN company_contracts c0_ ON (c0_.salesPerson_id = c2_.id) AND c0_.discr IN ('fix', 'flexible', 'flexultra') WHERE c1_.salary > 1000"
* @group DDC-2235
public function testSingleTableInheritanceInnerJoinWithCondition()
// Test inner joins too
'SELECT c FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee e INNER JOIN Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyContract c WITH c.salesPerson = e.id',
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.completed AS completed_1, c0_.fixPrice AS fixPrice_2, c0_.hoursWorked AS hoursWorked_3, c0_.pricePerHour AS pricePerHour_4, c0_.maxPrice AS maxPrice_5, c0_.discr AS discr_6 FROM company_employees c1_ INNER JOIN company_persons c2_ ON c1_.id = c2_.id INNER JOIN company_contracts c0_ ON (c0_.salesPerson_id = c2_.id) AND c0_.discr IN ('fix', 'flexible', 'flexultra')"
* @group DDC-2235
public function testSingleTableInheritanceLeftJoinNonAssociationWithConditionAndWhere()
// Test that the discriminator IN() predicate is still added into
// the where clause when not joining onto that table
'SELECT c FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyContract c LEFT JOIN Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee e WITH e.id = c.salesPerson WHERE c.completed = true',
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.completed AS completed_1, c0_.fixPrice AS fixPrice_2, c0_.hoursWorked AS hoursWorked_3, c0_.pricePerHour AS pricePerHour_4, c0_.maxPrice AS maxPrice_5, c0_.discr AS discr_6 FROM company_contracts c0_ LEFT JOIN company_employees c1_ INNER JOIN company_persons c2_ ON c1_.id = c2_.id ON (c2_.id = c0_.salesPerson_id) WHERE (c0_.completed = 1) AND c0_.discr IN ('fix', 'flexible', 'flexultra')"
* @group DDC-2235
public function testSingleTableInheritanceJoinCreatesOnCondition()
// Test that the discriminator IN() predicate is still added
// into the where clause when not joining onto a single table inheritance entity
// via a join association
'SELECT c FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyContract c JOIN c.salesPerson s WHERE c.completed = true',
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.completed AS completed_1, c0_.fixPrice AS fixPrice_2, c0_.hoursWorked AS hoursWorked_3, c0_.pricePerHour AS pricePerHour_4, c0_.maxPrice AS maxPrice_5, c0_.discr AS discr_6 FROM company_contracts c0_ INNER JOIN company_employees c1_ ON c0_.salesPerson_id = c1_.id LEFT JOIN company_persons c2_ ON c1_.id = c2_.id WHERE (c0_.completed = 1) AND c0_.discr IN ('fix', 'flexible', 'flexultra')"
* @group DDC-2235
public function testSingleTableInheritanceCreatesOnConditionAndWhere()
// Test that when joining onto an entity using single table inheritance via
// a join association that the discriminator IN() predicate is placed
// into the ON clause of the join
'SELECT e, COUNT(c) FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee e JOIN e.contracts c WHERE e.department = :department',
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.name AS name_1, c1_.salary AS salary_2, c1_.department AS department_3, c1_.startDate AS startDate_4, COUNT(c2_.id) AS sclr_5, c0_.discr AS discr_6 FROM company_employees c1_ INNER JOIN company_persons c0_ ON c1_.id = c0_.id INNER JOIN company_contract_employees c3_ ON c1_.id = c3_.employee_id INNER JOIN company_contracts c2_ ON c2_.id = c3_.contract_id AND c2_.discr IN ('fix', 'flexible', 'flexultra') WHERE c1_.department = ?",
['department' => 'foobar']
* @group DDC-1858
public function testHavingSupportResultVariableInExpression()
'SELECT u.name AS foo FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u HAVING foo IN (?1)',
'SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ HAVING name_0 IN (?)'
* @group DDC-1858
public function testHavingSupportResultVariableLikeExpression()
"SELECT u.name AS foo FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u HAVING foo LIKE '3'",
"SELECT c0_.name AS name_0 FROM cms_users c0_ HAVING name_0 LIKE '3'"
* @group DDC-3085
public function testHavingSupportResultVariableNullComparisonExpression()
"SELECT u AS user, SUM(a.id) AS score FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u LEFT JOIN Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsAddress a WITH a.user = u GROUP BY u HAVING score IS NOT NULL AND score >= 5",
"SELECT c0_.id AS id_0, c0_.status AS status_1, c0_.username AS username_2, c0_.name AS name_3, SUM(c1_.id) AS sclr_4 FROM cms_users c0_ LEFT JOIN cms_addresses c1_ ON (c1_.user_id = c0_.id) GROUP BY c0_.id, c0_.status, c0_.username, c0_.name, c0_.email_id HAVING sclr_4 IS NOT NULL AND sclr_4 >= 5"
* @group DDC-1858
public function testHavingSupportResultVariableInAggregateFunction()
'SELECT COUNT(u.name) AS countName FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u HAVING countName IS NULL',
'SELECT COUNT(c0_.name) AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_ HAVING sclr_0 IS NULL'
* GitHub issue #4764: https://github.com/doctrine/doctrine2/issues/4764
* @group DDC-3907
* @dataProvider mathematicOperatorsProvider
public function testHavingRegressionUsingVariableWithMathOperatorsExpression($operator)
'SELECT COUNT(u.name) AS countName FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser u HAVING 1 ' . $operator . ' countName > 0',
'SELECT COUNT(c0_.name) AS sclr_0 FROM cms_users c0_ HAVING 1 ' . $operator . ' sclr_0 > 0'
* @return array
public function mathematicOperatorsProvider()
return [['+'], ['-'], ['*'], ['/']];
class MyAbsFunction extends FunctionNode
public $simpleArithmeticExpression;
* @override
public function getSql(SqlWalker $sqlWalker)
return 'ABS(' . $sqlWalker->walkSimpleArithmeticExpression($this->simpleArithmeticExpression) . ')';
* @override
public function parse(Parser $parser)
$lexer = $parser->getLexer();
$this->simpleArithmeticExpression = $parser->SimpleArithmeticExpression();
* @Entity
class DDC1384Model
* @Id
* @Column(type="integer")
* @GeneratedValue
protected $aVeryLongIdentifierThatShouldBeShortenedByTheSQLWalker_fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo;
* @Entity
class DDC1474Entity
* @Id
* @Column(type="integer")
* @GeneratedValue()
protected $id;
* @column(type="float")
private $value;
* @param string $float
public function __construct($float)
$this->value = $float;
* @return int
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* @return float
public function getValue()
return $this->value;
* @param float $value
public function setValue($value)
$this->value = $value;