mirror of synced 2025-03-09 14:26:13 +03:00
2007-01-28 22:39:21 +00:00

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* base include file for SimpleTest
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage WebTester
* @version $Id: http.php,v 1.98 2005/02/02 23:25:23 lastcraft Exp $
* include other SimpleTest class files
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/socket.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/url.php');
* Cookie data holder. Cookie rules are full of pretty
* arbitary stuff. I have used...
* http://wp.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html
* http://www.cookiecentral.com/faq/
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage WebTester
class SimpleCookie {
var $_host;
var $_name;
var $_value;
var $_path;
var $_expiry;
var $_is_secure;
* Constructor. Sets the stored values.
* @param string $name Cookie key.
* @param string $value Value of cookie.
* @param string $path Cookie path if not host wide.
* @param string $expiry Expiry date as string.
* @param boolean $is_secure Currently ignored.
function SimpleCookie($name, $value = false, $path = false, $expiry = false, $is_secure = false) {
$this->_host = false;
$this->_name = $name;
$this->_value = $value;
$this->_path = ($path ? $this->_fixPath($path) : "/");
$this->_expiry = false;
if (is_string($expiry)) {
$this->_expiry = strtotime($expiry);
} elseif (is_integer($expiry)) {
$this->_expiry = $expiry;
$this->_is_secure = $is_secure;
* Sets the host. The cookie rules determine
* that the first two parts are taken for
* certain TLDs and three for others. If the
* new host does not match these rules then the
* call will fail.
* @param string $host New hostname.
* @return boolean True if hostname is valid.
* @access public
function setHost($host) {
if ($host = $this->_truncateHost($host)) {
$this->_host = $host;
return true;
return false;
* Accessor for the truncated host to which this
* cookie applies.
* @return string Truncated hostname.
* @access public
function getHost() {
return $this->_host;
* Test for a cookie being valid for a host name.
* @param string $host Host to test against.
* @return boolean True if the cookie would be valid
* here.
function isValidHost($host) {
return ($this->_truncateHost($host) === $this->getHost());
* Extracts just the domain part that determines a
* cookie's host validity.
* @param string $host Host name to truncate.
* @return string Domain or false on a bad host.
* @access private
function _truncateHost($host) {
$tlds = SimpleUrl::getAllTopLevelDomains();
if (preg_match('/[a-z\-]+\.(' . $tlds . ')$/i', $host, $matches)) {
return $matches[0];
} elseif (preg_match('/[a-z\-]+\.[a-z\-]+\.[a-z\-]+$/i', $host, $matches)) {
return $matches[0];
return false;
* Accessor for name.
* @return string Cookie key.
* @access public
function getName() {
return $this->_name;
* Accessor for value. A deleted cookie will
* have an empty string for this.
* @return string Cookie value.
* @access public
function getValue() {
return $this->_value;
* Accessor for path.
* @return string Valid cookie path.
* @access public
function getPath() {
return $this->_path;
* Tests a path to see if the cookie applies
* there. The test path must be longer or
* equal to the cookie path.
* @param string $path Path to test against.
* @return boolean True if cookie valid here.
* @access public
function isValidPath($path) {
return (strncmp(
strlen($this->getPath())) == 0);
* Accessor for expiry.
* @return string Expiry string.
* @access public
function getExpiry() {
if (! $this->_expiry) {
return false;
return gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $this->_expiry) . " GMT";
* Test to see if cookie is expired against
* the cookie format time or timestamp.
* Will give true for a session cookie.
* @param integer/string $now Time to test against. Result
* will be false if this time
* is later than the cookie expiry.
* Can be either a timestamp integer
* or a cookie format date.
* @access public
function isExpired($now) {
if (! $this->_expiry) {
return true;
if (is_string($now)) {
$now = strtotime($now);
return ($this->_expiry < $now);
* Ages the cookie by the specified number of
* seconds.
* @param integer $interval In seconds.
* @public
function agePrematurely($interval) {
if ($this->_expiry) {
$this->_expiry -= $interval;
* Accessor for the secure flag.
* @return boolean True if cookie needs SSL.
* @access public
function isSecure() {
return $this->_is_secure;
* Adds a trailing and leading slash to the path
* if missing.
* @param string $path Path to fix.
* @access private
function _fixPath($path) {
if (substr($path, 0, 1) != '/') {
$path = '/' . $path;
if (substr($path, -1, 1) != '/') {
$path .= '/';
return $path;
* Creates HTTP headers for the end point of
* a HTTP request.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage WebTester
class SimpleRoute {
var $_url;
* Sets the target URL.
* @param SimpleUrl $url URL as object.
* @access public
function SimpleRoute($url) {
$this->_url = $url;
* Resource name.
* @return SimpleUrl Current url.
* @access protected
function getUrl() {
return $this->_url;
* Creates the first line which is the actual request.
* @param string $method HTTP request method, usually GET.
* @return string Request line content.
* @access protected
function _getRequestLine($method) {
return $method . ' ' . $this->_url->getPath() .
$this->_url->getEncodedRequest() . ' HTTP/1.0';
* Creates the host part of the request.
* @return string Host line content.
* @access protected
function _getHostLine() {
$line = 'Host: ' . $this->_url->getHost();
if ($this->_url->getPort()) {
$line .= ':' . $this->_url->getPort();
return $line;
* Opens a socket to the route.
* @param string $method HTTP request method, usually GET.
* @param integer $timeout Connection timeout.
* @return SimpleSocket New socket.
* @access public
function &createConnection($method, $timeout) {
$default_port = ('https' == $this->_url->getScheme()) ? 443 : 80;
$socket = &$this->_createSocket(
$this->_url->getScheme() ? $this->_url->getScheme() : 'http',
$this->_url->getPort() ? $this->_url->getPort() : $default_port,
if (! $socket->isError()) {
$socket->write($this->_getRequestLine($method) . "\r\n");
$socket->write($this->_getHostLine() . "\r\n");
$socket->write("Connection: close\r\n");
return $socket;
* Factory for socket.
* @param string $scheme Protocol to use.
* @param string $host Hostname to connect to.
* @param integer $port Remote port.
* @param integer $timeout Connection timeout.
* @return SimpleSocket/SimpleSecureSocket New socket.
* @access protected
function &_createSocket($scheme, $host, $port, $timeout) {
if (in_array($scheme, array('https'))) {
return new SimpleSecureSocket($host, $port, $timeout);
return new SimpleSocket($host, $port, $timeout);
* Creates HTTP headers for the end point of
* a HTTP request via a proxy server.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage WebTester
class SimpleProxyRoute extends SimpleRoute {
var $_proxy;
var $_username;
var $_password;
* Stashes the proxy address.
* @param SimpleUrl $url URL as object.
* @param string $proxy Proxy URL.
* @param string $username Username for autentication.
* @param string $password Password for autentication.
* @access public
function SimpleProxyRoute($url, $proxy, $username = false, $password = false) {
$this->_proxy = $proxy;
$this->_username = $username;
$this->_password = $password;
* Creates the first line which is the actual request.
* @param string $method HTTP request method, usually GET.
* @param SimpleUrl $url URL as object.
* @return string Request line content.
* @access protected
function _getRequestLine($method) {
$url = $this->getUrl();
$scheme = $url->getScheme() ? $url->getScheme() : 'http';
$port = $url->getPort() ? ':' . $url->getPort() : '';
return $method . ' ' . $scheme . '://' . $url->getHost() . $port .
$url->getPath() . $url->getEncodedRequest() . ' HTTP/1.0';
* Creates the host part of the request.
* @param SimpleUrl $url URL as object.
* @return string Host line content.
* @access protected
function _getHostLine() {
$host = 'Host: ' . $this->_proxy->getHost();
$port = $this->_proxy->getPort() ? $this->_proxy->getPort() : 8080;
return "$host:$port";
* Opens a socket to the route.
* @param string $method HTTP request method, usually GET.
* @param integer $timeout Connection timeout.
* @return SimpleSocket New socket.
* @access public
function &createConnection($method, $timeout) {
$socket = &$this->_createSocket(
$this->_proxy->getScheme() ? $this->_proxy->getScheme() : 'http',
$this->_proxy->getPort() ? $this->_proxy->getPort() : 8080,
if (! $socket->isError()) {
$socket->write($this->_getRequestLine($method) . "\r\n");
$socket->write($this->_getHostLine() . "\r\n");
if ($this->_username && $this->_password) {
$socket->write('Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' .
base64_encode($this->_username . ':' . $this->_password) .
$socket->write("Connection: close\r\n");
return $socket;
* HTTP request for a web page. Factory for
* HttpResponse object.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage WebTester
class SimpleHttpRequest {
var $_route;
var $_method;
var $_encoding;
var $_headers;
var $_cookies;
* Saves the URL ready for fetching.
* @param SimpleRoute $route Request route.
* @param string $method HTTP request method,
* usually GET.
* @param SimpleFormEncoding $encoding Content to send with
* request or false.
* @access public
function SimpleHttpRequest(&$route, $method, $encoding = false) {
$this->_route = &$route;
$this->_method = $method;
$this->_encoding = $encoding;
$this->_headers = array();
$this->_cookies = array();
* Fetches the content and parses the headers.
* @param integer $timeout Connection timeout.
* @return SimpleHttpResponse A response which may only have
* an error.
* @access public
function &fetch($timeout) {
$socket = &$this->_route->createConnection($this->_method, $timeout);
if ($socket->isError()) {
return $this->_createResponse($socket);
$this->_dispatchRequest($socket, $this->_method, $this->_encoding);
return $this->_createResponse($socket);
* Sends the headers.
* @param SimpleSocket $socket Open socket.
* @param string $method HTTP request method,
* usually GET.
* @param SimpleFormEncoding $encoding Content to send with request.
* @access private
function _dispatchRequest(&$socket, $method, $encoding) {
if ($encoding || ($method == 'POST')) {
$socket->write("Content-Length: " . $this->_getContentLength($encoding) . "\r\n");
$socket->write("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n");
foreach ($this->_headers as $header_line) {
$socket->write($header_line . "\r\n");
if (count($this->_cookies) > 0) {
$socket->write("Cookie: " . $this->_marshallCookies($this->_cookies) . "\r\n");
if ($encoding) {
* Calculates the length of the encoded content.
* @param SimpleFormEncoding $encoding Content to send with
* request or false.
function _getContentLength($encoding) {
if (! $encoding) {
return 0;
return (integer)strlen($encoding->asString());
* Adds a header line to the request.
* @param string $header_line Text of header line.
* @access public
function addHeaderLine($header_line) {
$this->_headers[] = $header_line;
* Adds a cookie to the request.
* @param SimpleCookie $cookie Additional cookie.
* @access public
function setCookie($cookie) {
$this->_cookies[] = $cookie;
* Serialises the cookie hash ready for
* transmission.
* @param hash $cookies Parsed cookies.
* @return array Cookies in header form.
* @access private
function _marshallCookies($cookies) {
$cookie_pairs = array();
foreach ($cookies as $cookie) {
$cookie_pairs[] = $cookie->getName() . "=" . $cookie->getValue();
return implode(";", $cookie_pairs);
* Wraps the socket in a response parser.
* @param SimpleSocket $socket Responding socket.
* @return SimpleHttpResponse Parsed response object.
* @access protected
function &_createResponse(&$socket) {
return new SimpleHttpResponse(
* Collection of header lines in the response.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage WebTester
class SimpleHttpHeaders {
var $_raw_headers;
var $_response_code;
var $_http_version;
var $_mime_type;
var $_location;
var $_cookies;
var $_authentication;
var $_realm;
* Parses the incoming header block.
* @param string $headers Header block.
* @access public
function SimpleHttpHeaders($headers) {
$this->_raw_headers = $headers;
$this->_response_code = false;
$this->_http_version = false;
$this->_mime_type = '';
$this->_location = false;
$this->_cookies = array();
$this->_authentication = false;
$this->_realm = false;
foreach (split("\r\n", $headers) as $header_line) {
* Accessor for parsed HTTP protocol version.
* @return integer HTTP error code.
* @access public
function getHttpVersion() {
return $this->_http_version;
* Accessor for raw header block.
* @return string All headers as raw string.
* @access public
function getRaw() {
return $this->_raw_headers;
* Accessor for parsed HTTP error code.
* @return integer HTTP error code.
* @access public
function getResponseCode() {
return (integer)$this->_response_code;
* Returns the redirected URL or false if
* no redirection.
* @return string URL or false for none.
* @access public
function getLocation() {
return $this->_location;
* Test to see if the response is a valid redirect.
* @return boolean True if valid redirect.
* @access public
function isRedirect() {
return in_array($this->_response_code, array(301, 302, 303, 307)) &&
* Test to see if the response is an authentication
* challenge.
* @return boolean True if challenge.
* @access public
function isChallenge() {
return ($this->_response_code == 401) &&
(boolean)$this->_authentication &&
* Accessor for MIME type header information.
* @return string MIME type.
* @access public
function getMimeType() {
return $this->_mime_type;
* Accessor for authentication type.
* @return string Type.
* @access public
function getAuthentication() {
return $this->_authentication;
* Accessor for security realm.
* @return string Realm.
* @access public
function getRealm() {
return $this->_realm;
* Accessor for any new cookies.
* @return array List of new cookies.
* @access public
function getNewCookies() {
return $this->_cookies;
* Called on each header line to accumulate the held
* data within the class.
* @param string $header_line One line of header.
* @access protected
function _parseHeaderLine($header_line) {
if (preg_match('/HTTP\/(\d+\.\d+)\s+(.*?)\s/i', $header_line, $matches)) {
$this->_http_version = $matches[1];
$this->_response_code = $matches[2];
if (preg_match('/Content-type:\s*(.*)/i', $header_line, $matches)) {
$this->_mime_type = trim($matches[1]);
if (preg_match('/Location:\s*(.*)/i', $header_line, $matches)) {
$this->_location = trim($matches[1]);
if (preg_match('/Set-cookie:(.*)/i', $header_line, $matches)) {
$this->_cookies[] = $this->_parseCookie($matches[1]);
if (preg_match('/WWW-Authenticate:\s+(\S+)\s+realm=\"(.*?)\"/i', $header_line, $matches)) {
$this->_authentication = $matches[1];
$this->_realm = trim($matches[2]);
* Parse the Set-cookie content.
* @param string $cookie_line Text after "Set-cookie:"
* @return SimpleCookie New cookie object.
* @access private
function _parseCookie($cookie_line) {
$parts = split(";", $cookie_line);
$cookie = array();
preg_match('/\s*(.*?)\s*=(.*)/', array_shift($parts), $cookie);
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if (preg_match('/\s*(.*?)\s*=(.*)/', $part, $matches)) {
$cookie[$matches[1]] = trim($matches[2]);
return new SimpleCookie(
isset($cookie["path"]) ? $cookie["path"] : "",
isset($cookie["expires"]) ? $cookie["expires"] : false);
* Basic HTTP response.
* @package SimpleTest
* @subpackage WebTester
class SimpleHttpResponse extends SimpleStickyError {
var $_method;
var $_url;
var $_request_data;
var $_sent;
var $_content;
var $_headers;
* Constructor. Reads and parses the incoming
* content and headers.
* @param SimpleSocket $socket Network connection to fetch
* response text from.
* @param string $method HTTP request method.
* @param SimpleUrl $url Resource name.
* @param mixed $request_data Record of content sent.
* @access public
function SimpleHttpResponse(&$socket, $method, $url, $request_data = '') {
$this->_method = $method;
$this->_url = $url;
$this->_request_data = $request_data;
$this->_sent = $socket->getSent();
$this->_content = false;
$raw = $this->_readAll($socket);
if ($socket->isError()) {
$this->_setError('Error reading socket [' . $socket->getError() . ']');
* Splits up the headers and the rest of the content.
* @param string $raw Content to parse.
* @access private
function _parse($raw) {
if (! $raw) {
$this->_setError('Nothing fetched');
$this->_headers = &new SimpleHttpHeaders('');
} elseif (! strstr($raw, "\r\n\r\n")) {
$this->_setError('Could not parse headers');
$this->_headers = &new SimpleHttpHeaders($raw);
} else {
list($headers, $this->_content) = split("\r\n\r\n", $raw, 2);
$this->_headers = &new SimpleHttpHeaders($headers);
* Original request method.
* @return string GET, POST or HEAD.
* @access public
function getMethod() {
return $this->_method;
* Resource name.
* @return SimpleUrl Current url.
* @access public
function getUrl() {
return $this->_url;
* Original request data.
* @return mixed Sent content.
* @access public
function getRequestData() {
return $this->_request_data;
* Raw request that was sent down the wire.
* @return string Bytes actually sent.
* @access public
function getSent() {
return $this->_sent;
* Accessor for the content after the last
* header line.
* @return string All content.
* @access public
function getContent() {
return $this->_content;
* Accessor for header block. The response is the
* combination of this and the content.
* @return SimpleHeaders Wrapped header block.
* @access public
function getHeaders() {
return $this->_headers;
* Accessor for any new cookies.
* @return array List of new cookies.
* @access public
function getNewCookies() {
return $this->_headers->getNewCookies();
* Reads the whole of the socket output into a
* single string.
* @param SimpleSocket $socket Unread socket.
* @return string Raw output if successful
* else false.
* @access private
function _readAll(&$socket) {
$all = '';
while (! $this->_isLastPacket($next = $socket->read())) {
$all .= $next;
return $all;
* Test to see if the packet from the socket is the
* last one.
* @param string $packet Chunk to interpret.
* @return boolean True if empty or EOF.
* @access private
function _isLastPacket($packet) {
if (is_string($packet)) {
return $packet === '';
return ! $packet;