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2007-05-21 13:42:09 +00:00
Advanced components - Cache - Introduction.php
Advanced components - Cache - Query cache.php
Advanced components - Db_Profiler - Advanced usage.php
Advanced components - Db_Profiler - Basic usage.php
Advanced components - Db_Profiler - Introduction.php
Advanced components - Evenlisteners - AccessorInvoker.php
Advanced components - Eventlisteners - AccessorInvoker.php
Advanced components - Eventlisteners - Chaining.php
Advanced components - Eventlisteners - Creating a logger.php
Advanced components - Eventlisteners - Creating new listener.php
Advanced components - Eventlisteners - Introduction.php
Advanced components - Eventlisteners - List of events.php
Advanced components - Eventlisteners - Listening events.php
Advanced components - Hook - Building queries.php
Advanced components - Hook - Introduction.php
Advanced components - Hook - List of parsers.php
Advanced components - Hook - Parameter hooking.php
Advanced components - Locking Manager - Examples.php
Advanced components - Locking Manager - Introduction.php
Advanced components - Locking Manager - Maintainer.php
Advanced components - Locking Manager - Planned.php
Advanced components - Locking Manager - Technical Details.php
Advanced components - Validators - Introduction.php
Advanced components - Validators - List of predefined validators.php
Advanced components - Validators - More Validation.php
Advanced components - Validators - Valid or Not Valid.php
Advanced components - View - Intoduction.php
Advanced components - View - Managing views.php
Advanced components - View - Using views.php
Cache - Configuration.php
Cache - Overview.php
Caching - Availible options.php
Caching - Introduction.php
Coding standards - Coding Style - Arrays.php
Coding standards - Coding Style - Classes.php
Coding standards - Coding Style - Control statements.php
Coding standards - Coding Style - Functions and methods.php
Coding standards - Coding Style - Inline documentation.php
Coding standards - Coding Style - PHP code demarcation.php
Coding standards - Coding Style - Strings.php
Coding standards - Naming Conventions - Classes.php
Coding standards - Naming Conventions - Constants.php
Coding standards - Naming Conventions - Filenames.php
Coding standards - Naming Conventions - Functions and methods.php
Coding standards - Naming Conventions - Interfaces.php
Coding standards - Naming Conventions - Record columns.php
Coding standards - Naming Conventions - Variables.php
Coding standards - Overview - Goals.php
Coding standards - Overview - Scope.php
Coding standards - PHP File Formatting - General.php
Coding standards - PHP File Formatting - Indentation.php
Coding standards - PHP File Formatting - Line termination.php
Coding standards - PHP File Formatting - Maximum line length.php
Coding standards - Testing - Writing tests.php
Configuration - Custom getters and setters.php
Configuration - Custom primary key column.php
Configuration - Introduction.php
Configuration - Levels of configuration.php
Configuration - List of attributes.php
Configuration - Setting attributes - Batch size.php
Configuration - Setting attributes - Event listener.php
Configuration - Setting attributes - Fetching strategy.php
Configuration - Setting attributes - Identifier quoting.php
Configuration - Setting attributes - Offset collection limit.php
Configuration - Setting attributes - Portability.php
Configuration - Setting attributes - Session lockmode.php
Configuration - Setting attributes - Table creation.php
Configuration - Setting attributes - Validation.php
Configuration - Setting default eventlistener.php
Configuration - Setting default fetchmode.php
Configuration - Using sequences.php
Connection management - Connection-component binding.php
Connection management - DSN, the Data Source Name.php
Connection management - Lazy-connecting to database.php
Connection management - Managing connections.php
Connection management - Opening a new connection.php
Connection modules - DataDict - Getting database declaration.php
Connection modules - DataDict - Getting portable type.php
Connection modules - DataDict - Reserved keywords.php
Connection modules - Export - Altering table.php
Connection modules - Export - Creating new table.php
Connection modules - Export - Introduction.php
Connection modules - Import - Getting foreign key info.php
Connection modules - Import - Getting table info.php
Connection modules - Import - Getting view info.php
Connection modules - Import - Introduction.php
Connection modules - Util - Using explain.php
Database operations - Limit and offset.php
Database operations - Nested transactions.php
Database operations - Query logging.php
Database operations - Sequences.php
Database operations - Transactions.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - BNF.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Conditional expressions - All and Any Expressions.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Conditional expressions - All or Any Expressions.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Conditional expressions - Between expressions.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Conditional expressions - Collection Member Expressions.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Conditional expressions - Contidional expression composition.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Conditional expressions - Empty Collection Comparison Expressions.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Conditional expressions - Exists Expressions.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Conditional expressions - Identification variables.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Conditional expressions - In expressions.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Conditional expressions - Input parameters.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Conditional expressions - Like Expressions.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Conditional expressions - Literals.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Conditional expressions - Null Comparison Expressions.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Conditional expressions - Operators and operator precedence.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Conditional expressions - Path expressions.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Conditional expressions - Subqueries.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - DELETE queries.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Examples.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - FROM clause.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Functional Expressions - Arithmetic functions.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Functional Expressions - Collection functions.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Functional Expressions - Datetime functions.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Functional Expressions - String functions.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Functions - Contains.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Functions - Like.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Functions - Regexp.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - GROUP BY, HAVING clauses.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - GROUP BY, HAVING.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Introduction.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - LIMIT and OFFSET clauses - Driver portability.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - LIMIT and OFFSET clauses - Introduction.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - LIMIT and OFFSET clauses - The limit-subquery-algorithm.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - LIMIT and OFFSET clauses.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - LIMIT and OFFSET.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - Operators - Logical operators.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - ORDER BY clause - Introduction.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - ORDER BY clause.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - ORDER BY.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - SELECT queries - Aggregate values.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - SELECT queries.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - UPDATE queries.php
DQL (Doctrine Query Language) - WHERE clause.php
Drivers - Mysql - Tips and tricks.php
Drivers - Oracle - Making unsuported functions work.php
Functions - Contains.php
Functions - Like.php
Functions - Regexp.php
Getting started - Compile.php
Getting started - Compiling.php
Getting started - Data types - Array.php
Getting started - Data types - Blob.php
Getting started - Data types - Boolean.php
Getting started - Data types - Clob.php
Getting started - Data types - Date.php
Getting started - Data types - Enum.php
Getting started - Data types - Float.php
Getting started - Data types - Gzip.php
Getting started - Data types - Integer.php
Getting started - Data types - Object.php
Getting started - Data types - String.php
Getting started - Data types - Timestamp.php
Getting started - Exporting classes - Export options.php
Getting started - Installation - Include and autoload.php
Getting started - Installation.php
Getting started - Requirements.php
Getting started - Setting table definition - Constraints and validators.php
Getting started - Setting table definition - Data types and lengths.php
Getting started - Setting table definition - Default values.php
Getting started - Setting table definition - Enum emulation.php
Getting started - Setting table definition - Table options.php
Getting started - Setting table definition.php
Getting started - Starting new project.php
Getting started - Working with existing databases - Introduction.php
Getting started - Working with existing databases - Making the first import.php
Hierarchical data - Adjacency list - Introduction.php
Hierarchical data - Examples.php
Hierarchical data - Introduction - Node interface.php
Hierarchical data - Introduction - Setting up.php
Hierarchical data - Introduction - Traversing or Walking Trees.php
Hierarchical data - Introduction - Tree interface.php
Hierarchical data - Introduction.php
Hierarchical data - Materialized path - Introduction.php
Hierarchical data - Nested set - Introduction.php
Hierarchical data - Nested set - Setting up.php
Hierarchical data - Nested set - Tree options.php
Hierarchical data - NestedSet - Introduction.php
Native SQL - Component queries.php
Native SQL - Fetching multiple components.php
Native SQL - Scalar queries.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Column aliases.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Column naming.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Data types - Array.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Data types - Blob.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Data types - Boolean.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Data types - Clob.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Data types - Date.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Data types - Enum.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Data types - Float.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Data types - Gzip.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Data types - Integer.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Data types - Introduction.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Data types - Object.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Data types - String.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Data types - Time.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Data types - Timestamp.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Data types - Type modifiers.php
Object relational mapping - Columns - Default values.php
Object relational mapping - Constraints and validators - Check.php
Object relational mapping - Constraints and validators - Introduction.php
Object relational mapping - Constraints and validators - Notnull.php
Object relational mapping - Constraints and validators - Unique.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Adjacency list - Introduction.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Adjacency list - Node support.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Adjacency list - Read me.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Adjacency list - Setting up.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Adjacency list - Tree options.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Adjacency list - Tree support.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Examples.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Introduction - About.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Introduction - Node interface.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Introduction - Read me.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Introduction - Setting up.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Introduction - Traversing or Walking Trees.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Introduction - Tree interface.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Introduction.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Materialized path - Introduction.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Nested set - Introduction.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Nested set - Node support.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Nested set - Read me.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Nested set - Setting up.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Nested set - Tree options.php
Object relational mapping - Hierarchical data - Nested set - Tree support.php
Object relational mapping - Indexes - Adding indexes.php
Object relational mapping - Indexes - Index options.php
Object relational mapping - Indexes - Introduction.php
Object relational mapping - Indexes - Special indexes.php
Object relational mapping - Introduction.php
Object relational mapping - Record identifiers - Autoincremented.php
Object relational mapping - Record identifiers - Composite.php
Object relational mapping - Record identifiers - Introduction.php
Object relational mapping - Record identifiers - Natural.php
Object relational mapping - Record identifiers - Sequence.php
Object relational mapping - Record identifiers - Sequential.php
Object relational mapping - Relations - Composites and aggregates.php
Object relational mapping - Relations - Foreign key associations - One-to-Many, Many-to-One.php
Object relational mapping - Relations - Foreign key associations - One-to-One.php
Object relational mapping - Relations - Foreign key associations - Tree structure.php
Object relational mapping - Relations - Foreign key constraints - Constraint actions.php
Object relational mapping - Relations - Foreign key constraints - Introduction.php
Object relational mapping - Relations - Inheritance - Column aggregation.php
Object relational mapping - Relations - Inheritance - One table many classes.php
Object relational mapping - Relations - Inheritance - One table one class.php
Object relational mapping - Relations - Introduction.php
Object relational mapping - Relations - Join table associations - Many-to-Many.php
Object relational mapping - Relations - Join table associations - One-to-Many, Many-to-One.php
Object relational mapping - Relations - Join table associations - One-to-One.php
Object relational mapping - Relations - Join table associations - Self-referencing.php
Object relational mapping - Relations - One-to-Many and One-to-One relationships.php
Object relational mapping - Relations - Relation aliases.php
Object relational mapping - Table and class naming.php
Object relational mapping - Table options.php
Operators - Logical operators.php
Performance - Internal optimizations - DELETE.php
Performance - Internal optimizations - INSERT.php
Real world examples - Album lister.php
Real world examples - Forum application.php
Real world examples - User management system.php
Runtime classes - Doctrine_Association.php
Runtime classes - Doctrine_Collection_Batch.php
Runtime classes - Doctrine_Collection_Immediate.php
Runtime classes - Doctrine_Collection_Lazy.php
Runtime classes - Doctrine_Collection.php
Runtime classes - Doctrine_ForeignKey.php
Runtime classes - Doctrine_Manager.php
Runtime classes - Doctrine_Record.php
Runtime classes - Doctrine_Session.php
Runtime classes - Doctrine_Table.php
Schema reference - Data types - Array.php
Schema reference - Foreign keys - Introduction.php
Technology - Architecture.php
Technology - Design patterns used.php
Technology - Internal optimizations - DELETE.php
Technology - Internal optimizations - INSERT.php
Technology - Internal optimizations - UPDATE.php
Technology - Speed.php
Transactions - Deadlocks.php
Transactions - Introduction.php
Transactions - Isolation levels.php
Transactions - Lock modes.php
Transactions - Locking strategies - Optimistic locking.php
Transactions - Locking strategies - Pessimistic locking.php
Transactions - Nesting.php
Transactions - Savepoints.php
Transactions - Unit of work.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Collection - Accessing elements.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Collection - Adding new elements.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Collection - Collection expanding.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Collection - Deleting collection.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Collection - Fetching strategies.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Collection - Getting collection count.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Collection - Introduction.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Collection - Key mapping.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Collection - Loading related records.php
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2007-05-21 13:42:09 +00:00
Working with objects - Component overview - Collection - Saving the collection.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Connection - Available drivers.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Connection - Availible drivers.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Connection - Flushing the connection.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Connection - Getting a table object.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Connection - Getting connection state.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Connection - Introduction.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Connection - Querying the database.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Db - Chaining listeners.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Db - Connecting to a database.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Db - Introduction.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Db - Using event listeners.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Exceptions - List of exceptions.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Exceptions - Overview.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Manager - Introduction.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Manager - Managing connections.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Manager - Opening a new connection.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Query - Aggregate functions.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Query - Bound parameters.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Query - DQL - SQL conversion.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Query - Fetching strategies.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Query - FROM - selecting tables.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Query - HAVING conditions.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Query - Introduction.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Query - Lazy property fetching.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Query - LIMIT and OFFSET - limiting the query results.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Query - Method overloading.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Query - ORDER BY - sorting query results.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Query - Relation operators.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Query - WHERE - setting query conditions.php
Working with objects - Component overview - RawSql - Adding components.php
Working with objects - Component overview - RawSql - Introduction.php
Working with objects - Component overview - RawSql - Method overloading.php
Working with objects - Component overview - RawSql - Using SQL.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Record - Accessing properties.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Record - Adding records.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Record - Callbacks.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Record - Checking Existence.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Record - Creating new records.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Record - Deleting records.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Record - Getting object copy.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Record - Getting record state.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Record - Introduction.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Record - Retrieving existing records.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Record - Serializing.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Record - Updating records.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Table - Custom finders.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Table - Custom table classes.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Table - Finder methods.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Table - Getting relation objects.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Table - Getting table information.php
Working with objects - Component overview - Table - Introduction.php
Working with objects - Dealing with relations - Creating related records.php
Working with objects - Dealing with relations - Deleting related records.php
Working with objects - Dealing with relations - Retrieving related records.php
Working with objects - Dealing with relations - Updating related records.php
Working with objects - Dealing with relations - Working with associations.php