346 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
346 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
class Orm_Query_LanguageRecognitionTest extends Doctrine_OrmTestCase
public function assertValidDql($dql, $method = '')
try {
$query = new Doctrine_Query;
$parserResult = $query->parse();
} catch (Doctrine_Exception $e) {
public function assertInvalidDql($dql)
try {
$query = new Doctrine_Query;
$parserResult = $query->parse();
$this->fail('No syntax errors were detected, when syntax errors were expected');
} catch (Doctrine_Exception $e) {
// It was expected!
public function testEmptyQueryString()
public function testPlainFromClauseWithoutAlias()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT * FROM CmsUser');
public function testPlainFromClauseWithAlias()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.* FROM CmsUser u');
public function testSelectSingleComponentWithAsterisk()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.* FROM CmsUser u');
public function testInvalidSelectSingleComponentWithAsterisk()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT p.* FROM CmsUser u');
public function testSelectSingleComponentWithMultipleColumns()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.name, u.username FROM CmsUser u');
public function testSelectMultipleComponentsWithAsterisk()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.*, p.* FROM CmsUser u, u.phonenumbers p');
public function testSelectDistinctIsSupported()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT DISTINCT u.name FROM CmsUser u');
public function testAggregateFunctionInSelect()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT COUNT(u.id) FROM CmsUser u');
public function testAggregateFunctionWithDistinctInSelect()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT u.name) FROM CmsUser u');
public function testFunctionalExpressionsSupportedInWherePart()
$this->assertValidDql("SELECT u.name FROM CmsUser u WHERE TRIM(u.name) = 'someone'");
public function testArithmeticExpressionsSupportedInWherePart()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.* FROM CmsUser u WHERE ((u.id + 5000) * u.id + 3) < 10000000');
public function testInExpressionSupportedInWherePart()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT * FROM CmsUser WHERE CmsUser.id IN (1, 2)');
public function testNotInExpressionSupportedInWherePart()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT * FROM CmsUser WHERE CmsUser.id NOT IN (1)');
public function testExistsExpressionSupportedInWherePart()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT * FROM CmsUser u WHERE EXISTS (SELECT p.user_id FROM CmsPhonenumber p WHERE p.user_id = u.id)');
public function testNotExistsExpressionSupportedInWherePart()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT * FROM CmsUser u WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT p.user_id FROM CmsPhonenumber p WHERE p.user_id = u.id)');
public function testLiteralValueAsInOperatorOperandIsSupported()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.id FROM CmsUser u WHERE 1 IN (1, 2)');
public function testUpdateWorksWithOneColumn()
$this->assertValidDql("UPDATE CmsUser u SET u.name = 'someone'");
public function testUpdateWorksWithMultipleColumns()
$this->assertValidDql("UPDATE CmsUser u SET u.name = 'someone', u.username = 'some'");
public function testUpdateSupportsConditions()
$this->assertValidDql("UPDATE CmsUser u SET u.name = 'someone' WHERE u.id = 5");
public function testDeleteAll()
$this->assertValidDql('DELETE FROM CmsUser');
public function testDeleteWithCondition()
$this->assertValidDql('DELETE FROM CmsUser WHERE id = 3');
public function testDeleteWithLimit()
// LIMIT is not supported in DELETE
$this->assertValidDql('DELETE FROM CmsUser LIMIT 20');
public function testDeleteWithLimitAndOffset()
// LIMIT and OFFSET are not supported in DELETE
$this->assertValidDql('DELETE FROM CmsUser LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20');
public function testAdditionExpression()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.*, (u.id + u.id) addition FROM CmsUser u');
public function testSubtractionExpression()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.*, (u.id - u.id) subtraction FROM CmsUser u');
public function testDivisionExpression()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.*, (u.id/u.id) division FROM CmsUser u');
public function testMultiplicationExpression()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.*, (u.id * u.id) multiplication FROM CmsUser u');
public function testNegationExpression()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.*, -u.id negation FROM CmsUser u');
public function testExpressionWithPrecedingPlusSign()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.*, +u.id FROM CmsUser u');
public function testAggregateFunctionInHavingClause()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.name FROM CmsUser u LEFT JOIN u.phonenumbers p HAVING COUNT(p.phonenumber) > 2');
$this->assertValidDql("SELECT u.name FROM CmsUser u LEFT JOIN u.phonenumbers p HAVING MAX(u.name) = 'zYne'");
public function testMultipleAggregateFunctionsInHavingClause()
$this->assertValidDql("SELECT u.name FROM CmsUser u LEFT JOIN u.phonenumbers p HAVING MAX(u.name) = 'zYne'");
public function testLeftJoin()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT * FROM CmsUser u LEFT JOIN u.phonenumbers');
public function testJoin()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.* FROM CmsUser u JOIN u.phonenumbers');
public function testInnerJoin()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT * FROM CmsUser u INNER JOIN u.phonenumbers');
public function testMultipleLeftJoin()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT * FROM CmsUser u LEFT JOIN u.articles LEFT JOIN u.phonenumbers');
public function testMultipleInnerJoin()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.name FROM CmsUser u INNER JOIN u.articles INNER JOIN u.phonenumbers');
public function testMultipleInnerJoin2()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.name FROM CmsUser u INNER JOIN u.articles, u.phonenumbers');
public function testMixingOfJoins()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.name, a.topic, p.phonenumber FROM CmsUser u INNER JOIN u.articles a LEFT JOIN u.phonenumbers p');
public function testMixingOfJoins2()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.name, u.articles.topic, c.text FROM CmsUser u INNER JOIN u.articles.comments c');
public function testOrderBySingleColumn()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.name FROM CmsUser u ORDER BY u.name');
public function testOrderBySingleColumnAscending()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.name FROM CmsUser u ORDER BY u.name ASC');
public function testOrderBySingleColumnDescending()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.name FROM CmsUser u ORDER BY u.name DESC');
public function testOrderByMultipleColumns()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.name, u.username FROM CmsUser u ORDER BY u.username DESC, u.name DESC');
public function testOrderByWithFunctionExpression()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT u.name FROM CmsUser u ORDER BY COALESCE(u.id, u.name) DESC');
public function testSubselectInInExpression()
$this->assertValidDql("SELECT * FROM CmsUser u WHERE u.id NOT IN (SELECT u2.id FROM CmsUser u2 WHERE u2.name = 'zYne')");
public function testSubselectInSelectPart()
// Semantical error: Unknown query component u (probably in subselect)
$this->assertValidDql("SELECT u.name, (SELECT COUNT(p.phonenumber) FROM CmsPhonenumber p WHERE p.user_id = u.id) pcount FROM CmsUser u WHERE u.name = 'zYne' LIMIT 1");
public function testPositionalInputParameter()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT * FROM CmsUser u WHERE u.id = ?');
public function testNamedInputParameter()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT * FROM CmsUser u WHERE u.id = :id');
public function testCustomJoinsAndWithKeywordSupported()
// We need existant classes here, otherwise semantical will always fail
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT c.*, c2.*, d.* FROM Record_Country c INNER JOIN c.City c2 WITH c2.id = 2 WHERE c.id = 1');
public function testJoinConditionsSupported()
$this->assertValidDql("SELECT u.name, p.* FROM CmsUser u LEFT JOIN u.phonenumbers p ON p.phonenumber = '123 123'");
public function testIndexByClauseWithOneComponent()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT * FROM CmsUser u INDEX BY id');
public function testIndexBySupportsJoins()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT * FROM CmsUser u LEFT JOIN u.articles INDEX BY id'); // INDEX BY is now referring to articles
public function testIndexBySupportsJoins2()
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT * FROM CmsUser u INDEX BY id LEFT JOIN u.phonenumbers p INDEX BY phonenumber');
public function testBetweenExpressionSupported()
$this->assertValidDql("SELECT * FROM CmsUser u WHERE u.name BETWEEN 'jepso' AND 'zYne'");
public function testNotBetweenExpressionSupported()
$this->assertValidDql("SELECT * FROM CmsUser u WHERE u.name NOT BETWEEN 'jepso' AND 'zYne'");
public function testAllExpression()
// We need existant classes here, otherwise semantical will always fail
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT * FROM Employee e WHERE e.salary > ALL (SELECT m.salary FROM Manager m WHERE m.department = e.department)');
public function testAnyExpression()
// We need existant classes here, otherwise semantical will always fail
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT * FROM Employee e WHERE e.salary > ANY (SELECT m.salary FROM Manager m WHERE m.department = e.department)');
public function testSomeExpression()
// We need existant classes here, otherwise semantical will always fail
$this->assertValidDql('SELECT * FROM Employee e WHERE e.salary > SOME (SELECT m.salary FROM Manager m WHERE m.department = e.department)');
public function testLikeExpression()
$this->assertValidDql("SELECT u.id FROM CmsUser u WHERE u.name LIKE 'z%'");
public function testNotLikeExpression()
$this->assertValidDql("SELECT u.id FROM CmsUser u WHERE u.name NOT LIKE 'z%'");
public function testLikeExpressionWithCustomEscapeCharacter()
$this->assertValidDql("SELECT u.id FROM CmsUser u WHERE u.name LIKE 'z|%' ESCAPE '|'");