language: php php: - 5.6 - 7.0 - 7.1 - nightly env: - DB=mysql - DB=pgsql - DB=sqlite before_script: - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION = '7.0' && $DB = 'sqlite' ]]; then PHPUNIT_FLAGS="--coverage-clover ./build/logs/clover.xml"; else PHPUNIT_FLAGS=""; fi - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION -lt '7.0' && $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION != 'hhv*' ]]; then phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini; fi - composer self-update - composer install --prefer-source script: - ENABLE_SECOND_LEVEL_CACHE=0 ./vendor/bin/phpunit -v -c tests/travis/$DB.travis.xml $PHPUNIT_FLAGS - ENABLE_SECOND_LEVEL_CACHE=1 ./vendor/bin/phpunit -v -c tests/travis/$DB.travis.xml --exclude-group performance,non-cacheable,locking_functional after_script: - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION = '7.0' && $DB = 'sqlite' ]]; then wget; fi - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION = '7.0' && $DB = 'sqlite' ]]; then php ocular.phar code-coverage:upload --format=php-clover build/logs/clover.xml; fi matrix: fast_finish: true include: - php: hhvm-3.15 sudo: true dist: trusty group: edge # until the next update addons: apt: packages: - mysql-server-5.6 - mysql-client-core-5.6 - mysql-client-5.6 services: - mysql env: DB=mysql - php: hhvm-3.15 sudo: true dist: trusty group: edge # until the next update services: - postgresql env: DB=pgsql - php: hhvm-3.15 sudo: true dist: trusty group: edge # until the next update env: DB=sqlite - php: 5.6 env: DB=mariadb addons: mariadb: 5.5 - php: 7.0 env: DB=mariadb addons: mariadb: 5.5 - php: 7.1 env: DB=mariadb addons: mariadb: 5.5 - php: hhvm-3.15 sudo: true dist: trusty group: edge # until the next Trusty update addons: mariadb: 5.5 env: DB=mariadb - php: 5.6 env: DB=mariadb addons: mariadb: 10.1 - php: 7.0 env: DB=mariadb addons: mariadb: 10.1 - php: 7.1 env: DB=mariadb addons: mariadb: 10.1 - php: hhvm-3.15 sudo: true dist: trusty group: edge # until the next Trusty update addons: mariadb: 10.1 env: DB=mariadb allow_failures: - php: 7.1 - php: nightly - php: hhvm-3.15 sudo: false cache: directories: - $HOME/.composer/cache