. */ namespace Doctrine\ORM\Tools; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadataInfo, Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\AssociationMapping, Doctrine\Common\Util\Inflector; /** * Generic class used to generate PHP5 entity classes from ClassMetadataInfo instances * * [php] * $classes = $em->getClassMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata(); * * $generator = new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\EntityGenerator(); * $generator->setGenerateAnnotations(true); * $generator->setGenerateStubMethods(true); * $generator->setRegenerateEntityIfExists(false); * $generator->setUpdateEntityIfExists(true); * $generator->generate($classes, '/path/to/generate/entities'); * * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @link www.doctrine-project.org * @since 2.0 * @version $Revision$ * @author Benjamin Eberlei * @author Guilherme Blanco * @author Jonathan Wage * @author Roman Borschel */ class EntityGenerator { /** * @var bool */ private $_backupExisting = true; /** The extension to use for written php files */ private $_extension = '.php'; /** Whether or not the current ClassMetadataInfo instance is new or old */ private $_isNew = true; private $_staticReflection = array(); /** Number of spaces to use for indention in generated code */ private $_numSpaces = 4; /** The actual spaces to use for indention */ private $_spaces = ' '; /** The class all generated entities should extend */ private $_classToExtend; /** Whether or not to generation annotations */ private $_generateAnnotations = false; /** * @var string */ private $_annotationsPrefix = ''; /** Whether or not to generated sub methods */ private $_generateEntityStubMethods = false; /** Whether or not to update the entity class if it exists already */ private $_updateEntityIfExists = false; /** Whether or not to re-generate entity class if it exists already */ private $_regenerateEntityIfExists = false; private static $_classTemplate = ' use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; { }'; private static $_getMethodTemplate = '/** * * * @return */ public function () { return $this->; }'; private static $_setMethodTemplate = '/** * * * @param $ * @return */ public function ($) { $this-> = $; return $this; }'; private static $_addMethodTemplate = '/** * * * @param $ */ public function ($) { $this->[] = $; }'; private static $_lifecycleCallbackMethodTemplate = '/** * @ */ public function () { // Add your code here }'; private static $_constructorMethodTemplate = 'public function __construct() { } '; public function __construct() { if (version_compare(\Doctrine\Common\Version::VERSION, '2.2.0-DEV', '>=')) { $this->_annotationsPrefix = 'ORM\\'; } } /** * Generate and write entity classes for the given array of ClassMetadataInfo instances * * @param array $metadatas * @param string $outputDirectory * @return void */ public function generate(array $metadatas, $outputDirectory) { foreach ($metadatas as $metadata) { $this->writeEntityClass($metadata, $outputDirectory); } } /** * Generated and write entity class to disk for the given ClassMetadataInfo instance * * @param ClassMetadataInfo $metadata * @param string $outputDirectory * @return void */ public function writeEntityClass(ClassMetadataInfo $metadata, $outputDirectory) { $path = $outputDirectory . '/' . str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $metadata->name) . $this->_extension; $dir = dirname($path); if ( ! is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0777, true); } $this->_isNew = !file_exists($path) || (file_exists($path) && $this->_regenerateEntityIfExists); if ( ! $this->_isNew) { $this->_parseTokensInEntityFile(file_get_contents($path)); } if ($this->_backupExisting && file_exists($path)) { $backupPath = dirname($path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($path) . "~"; if (!copy($path, $backupPath)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Attempt to backup overwritten entitiy file but copy operation failed."); } } // If entity doesn't exist or we're re-generating the entities entirely if ($this->_isNew) { file_put_contents($path, $this->generateEntityClass($metadata)); // If entity exists and we're allowed to update the entity class } else if ( ! $this->_isNew && $this->_updateEntityIfExists) { file_put_contents($path, $this->generateUpdatedEntityClass($metadata, $path)); } } /** * Generate a PHP5 Doctrine 2 entity class from the given ClassMetadataInfo instance * * @param ClassMetadataInfo $metadata * @return string $code */ public function generateEntityClass(ClassMetadataInfo $metadata) { $placeHolders = array( '', '', '', '' ); $replacements = array( $this->_generateEntityNamespace($metadata), $this->_generateEntityDocBlock($metadata), $this->_generateEntityClassName($metadata), $this->_generateEntityBody($metadata) ); $code = str_replace($placeHolders, $replacements, self::$_classTemplate); return str_replace('', $this->_spaces, $code); } /** * Generate the updated code for the given ClassMetadataInfo and entity at path * * @param ClassMetadataInfo $metadata * @param string $path * @return string $code; */ public function generateUpdatedEntityClass(ClassMetadataInfo $metadata, $path) { $currentCode = file_get_contents($path); $body = $this->_generateEntityBody($metadata); $body = str_replace('', $this->_spaces, $body); $last = strrpos($currentCode, '}'); return substr($currentCode, 0, $last) . $body . (strlen($body) > 0 ? "\n" : ''). "}"; } /** * Set the number of spaces the exported class should have * * @param integer $numSpaces * @return void */ public function setNumSpaces($numSpaces) { $this->_spaces = str_repeat(' ', $numSpaces); $this->_numSpaces = $numSpaces; } /** * Set the extension to use when writing php files to disk * * @param string $extension * @return void */ public function setExtension($extension) { $this->_extension = $extension; } /** * Set the name of the class the generated classes should extend from * * @return void */ public function setClassToExtend($classToExtend) { $this->_classToExtend = $classToExtend; } /** * Set whether or not to generate annotations for the entity * * @param bool $bool * @return void */ public function setGenerateAnnotations($bool) { $this->_generateAnnotations = $bool; } /** * Set an annotation prefix. * * @param string $prefix */ public function setAnnotationPrefix($prefix) { $this->_annotationsPrefix = $prefix; } /** * Set whether or not to try and update the entity if it already exists * * @param bool $bool * @return void */ public function setUpdateEntityIfExists($bool) { $this->_updateEntityIfExists = $bool; } /** * Set whether or not to regenerate the entity if it exists * * @param bool $bool * @return void */ public function setRegenerateEntityIfExists($bool) { $this->_regenerateEntityIfExists = $bool; } /** * Set whether or not to generate stub methods for the entity * * @param bool $bool * @return void */ public function setGenerateStubMethods($bool) { $this->_generateEntityStubMethods = $bool; } /** * Should an existing entity be backed up if it already exists? */ public function setBackupExisting($bool) { $this->_backupExisting = $bool; } private function _generateEntityNamespace(ClassMetadataInfo $metadata) { if ($this->_hasNamespace($metadata)) { return 'namespace ' . $this->_getNamespace($metadata) .';'; } } private function _generateEntityClassName(ClassMetadataInfo $metadata) { return 'class ' . $this->_getClassName($metadata) . ($this->_extendsClass() ? ' extends ' . $this->_getClassToExtendName() : null); } private function _generateEntityBody(ClassMetadataInfo $metadata) { $fieldMappingProperties = $this->_generateEntityFieldMappingProperties($metadata); $associationMappingProperties = $this->_generateEntityAssociationMappingProperties($metadata); $stubMethods = $this->_generateEntityStubMethods ? $this->_generateEntityStubMethods($metadata) : null; $lifecycleCallbackMethods = $this->_generateEntityLifecycleCallbackMethods($metadata); $code = array(); if ($fieldMappingProperties) { $code[] = $fieldMappingProperties; } if ($associationMappingProperties) { $code[] = $associationMappingProperties; } $code[] = $this->_generateEntityConstructor($metadata); if ($stubMethods) { $code[] = $stubMethods; } if ($lifecycleCallbackMethods) { $code[] = $lifecycleCallbackMethods; } return implode("\n", $code); } private function _generateEntityConstructor(ClassMetadataInfo $metadata) { if ($this->_hasMethod('__construct', $metadata)) { return ''; } $collections = array(); foreach ($metadata->associationMappings AS $mapping) { if ($mapping['type'] & ClassMetadataInfo::TO_MANY) { $collections[] = '$this->'.$mapping['fieldName'].' = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();'; } } if ($collections) { return $this->_prefixCodeWithSpaces(str_replace("", implode("\n".$this->_spaces, $collections), self::$_constructorMethodTemplate)); } return ''; } /** * @todo this won't work if there is a namespace in brackets and a class outside of it. * @param string $src */ private function _parseTokensInEntityFile($src) { $tokens = token_get_all($src); $lastSeenNamespace = ""; $lastSeenClass = false; $inNamespace = false; $inClass = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($tokens); $i++) { $token = $tokens[$i]; if (in_array($token[0], array(T_WHITESPACE, T_COMMENT, T_DOC_COMMENT))) { continue; } if ($inNamespace) { if ($token[0] == T_NS_SEPARATOR || $token[0] == T_STRING) { $lastSeenNamespace .= $token[1]; } else if (is_string($token) && in_array($token, array(';', '{'))) { $inNamespace = false; } } if ($inClass) { $inClass = false; $lastSeenClass = $lastSeenNamespace . ($lastSeenNamespace ? '\\' : '') . $token[1]; $this->_staticReflection[$lastSeenClass]['properties'] = array(); $this->_staticReflection[$lastSeenClass]['methods'] = array(); } if ($token[0] == T_NAMESPACE) { $lastSeenNamespace = ""; $inNamespace = true; } else if ($token[0] == T_CLASS) { $inClass = true; } else if ($token[0] == T_FUNCTION) { if ($tokens[$i+2][0] == T_STRING) { $this->_staticReflection[$lastSeenClass]['methods'][] = $tokens[$i+2][1]; } else if ($tokens[$i+2] == "&" && $tokens[$i+3][0] == T_STRING) { $this->_staticReflection[$lastSeenClass]['methods'][] = $tokens[$i+3][1]; } } else if (in_array($token[0], array(T_VAR, T_PUBLIC, T_PRIVATE, T_PROTECTED)) && $tokens[$i+2][0] != T_FUNCTION) { $this->_staticReflection[$lastSeenClass]['properties'][] = substr($tokens[$i+2][1], 1); } } } private function _hasProperty($property, ClassMetadataInfo $metadata) { if ($this->_extendsClass()) { // don't generate property if its already on the base class. $reflClass = new \ReflectionClass($this->_getClassToExtend()); if ($reflClass->hasProperty($property)) { return true; } } return ( isset($this->_staticReflection[$metadata->name]) && in_array($property, $this->_staticReflection[$metadata->name]['properties']) ); } private function _hasMethod($method, ClassMetadataInfo $metadata) { if ($this->_extendsClass()) { // don't generate method if its already on the base class. $reflClass = new \ReflectionClass($this->_getClassToExtend()); if ($reflClass->hasMethod($method)) { return true; } } return ( isset($this->_staticReflection[$metadata->name]) && in_array($method, $this->_staticReflection[$metadata->name]['methods']) ); } private function _hasNamespace(ClassMetadataInfo $metadata) { return strpos($metadata->name, '\\') ? true : false; } private function _extendsClass() { return $this->_classToExtend ? true : false; } private function _getClassToExtend() { return $this->_classToExtend; } private function _getClassToExtendName() { $refl = new \ReflectionClass($this->_getClassToExtend()); return '\\' . $refl->getName(); } private function _getClassName(ClassMetadataInfo $metadata) { return ($pos = strrpos($metadata->name, '\\')) ? substr($metadata->name, $pos + 1, strlen($metadata->name)) : $metadata->name; } private function _getNamespace(ClassMetadataInfo $metadata) { return substr($metadata->name, 0, strrpos($metadata->name, '\\')); } private function _generateEntityDocBlock(ClassMetadataInfo $metadata) { $lines = array(); $lines[] = '/**'; $lines[] = ' * '.$metadata->name; if ($this->_generateAnnotations) { $lines[] = ' *'; $methods = array( '_generateTableAnnotation', '_generateInheritanceAnnotation', '_generateDiscriminatorColumnAnnotation', '_generateDiscriminatorMapAnnotation' ); foreach ($methods as $method) { if ($code = $this->$method($metadata)) { $lines[] = ' * ' . $code; } } if ($metadata->isMappedSuperclass) { $lines[] = ' * @' . $this->_annotationsPrefix . 'MappedSuperClass'; } else { $lines[] = ' * @' . $this->_annotationsPrefix . 'Entity'; } if ($metadata->customRepositoryClassName) { $lines[count($lines) - 1] .= '(repositoryClass="' . $metadata->customRepositoryClassName . '")'; } if (isset($metadata->lifecycleCallbacks) && $metadata->lifecycleCallbacks) { $lines[] = ' * @' . $this->_annotationsPrefix . 'HasLifecycleCallbacks'; } } $lines[] = ' */'; return implode("\n", $lines); } private function _generateTableAnnotation($metadata) { $table = array(); if (isset($metadata->table['schema'])) { $table[] = 'schema="' . $metadata->table['schema'] . '"'; } if (isset($metadata->table['name'])) { $table[] = 'name="' . $metadata->table['name'] . '"'; } return '@' . $this->_annotationsPrefix . 'Table(' . implode(', ', $table) . ')'; } private function _generateInheritanceAnnotation($metadata) { if ($metadata->inheritanceType != ClassMetadataInfo::INHERITANCE_TYPE_NONE) { return '@' . $this->_annotationsPrefix . 'InheritanceType("'.$this->_getInheritanceTypeString($metadata->inheritanceType).'")'; } } private function _generateDiscriminatorColumnAnnotation($metadata) { if ($metadata->inheritanceType != ClassMetadataInfo::INHERITANCE_TYPE_NONE) { $discrColumn = $metadata->discriminatorValue; $columnDefinition = 'name="' . $discrColumn['name'] . '", type="' . $discrColumn['type'] . '", length=' . $discrColumn['length']; return '@' . $this->_annotationsPrefix . 'DiscriminatorColumn(' . $columnDefinition . ')'; } } private function _generateDiscriminatorMapAnnotation($metadata) { if ($metadata->inheritanceType != ClassMetadataInfo::INHERITANCE_TYPE_NONE) { $inheritanceClassMap = array(); foreach ($metadata->discriminatorMap as $type => $class) { $inheritanceClassMap[] .= '"' . $type . '" = "' . $class . '"'; } return '@' . $this->_annotationsPrefix . 'DiscriminatorMap({' . implode(', ', $inheritanceClassMap) . '})'; } } private function _generateEntityStubMethods(ClassMetadataInfo $metadata) { $methods = array(); foreach ($metadata->fieldMappings as $fieldMapping) { if ( ! isset($fieldMapping['id']) || ! $fieldMapping['id'] || $metadata->generatorType == ClassMetadataInfo::GENERATOR_TYPE_NONE) { if ($code = $this->_generateEntityStubMethod($metadata, 'set', $fieldMapping['fieldName'], $fieldMapping['type'])) { $methods[] = $code; } } if ($code = $this->_generateEntityStubMethod($metadata, 'get', $fieldMapping['fieldName'], $fieldMapping['type'])) { $methods[] = $code; } } foreach ($metadata->associationMappings as $associationMapping) { if ($associationMapping['type'] & ClassMetadataInfo::TO_ONE) { $nullable = $this->_isAssociationIsNullable($associationMapping) ? 'null' : null; if ($code = $this->_generateEntityStubMethod($metadata, 'set', $associationMapping['fieldName'], $associationMapping['targetEntity'], $nullable)) { $methods[] = $code; } if ($code = $this->_generateEntityStubMethod($metadata, 'get', $associationMapping['fieldName'], $associationMapping['targetEntity'])) { $methods[] = $code; } } else if ($associationMapping['type'] & ClassMetadataInfo::TO_MANY) { if ($code = $this->_generateEntityStubMethod($metadata, 'add', $associationMapping['fieldName'], $associationMapping['targetEntity'])) { $methods[] = $code; } if ($code = $this->_generateEntityStubMethod($metadata, 'get', $associationMapping['fieldName'], 'Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection')) { $methods[] = $code; } } } return implode("\n\n", $methods); } private function _isAssociationIsNullable($associationMapping) { if (isset($associationMapping['joinColumns'])) { $joinColumns = $associationMapping['joinColumns']; } else { //@todo thereis no way to retreive targetEntity metadata $joinColumns = array(); } foreach ($joinColumns as $joinColumn) { if(isset($joinColumn['nullable']) && !$joinColumn['nullable']) { return false; } } return true; } private function _generateEntityLifecycleCallbackMethods(ClassMetadataInfo $metadata) { if (isset($metadata->lifecycleCallbacks) && $metadata->lifecycleCallbacks) { $methods = array(); foreach ($metadata->lifecycleCallbacks as $name => $callbacks) { foreach ($callbacks as $callback) { if ($code = $this->_generateLifecycleCallbackMethod($name, $callback, $metadata)) { $methods[] = $code; } } } return implode("\n\n", $methods); } return ""; } private function _generateEntityAssociationMappingProperties(ClassMetadataInfo $metadata) { $lines = array(); foreach ($metadata->associationMappings as $associationMapping) { if ($this->_hasProperty($associationMapping['fieldName'], $metadata)) { continue; } $lines[] = $this->_generateAssociationMappingPropertyDocBlock($associationMapping, $metadata); $lines[] = $this->_spaces . 'private $' . $associationMapping['fieldName'] . ($associationMapping['type'] == 'manyToMany' ? ' = array()' : null) . ";\n"; } return implode("\n", $lines); } private function _generateEntityFieldMappingProperties(ClassMetadataInfo $metadata) { $lines = array(); foreach ($metadata->fieldMappings as $fieldMapping) { if ($this->_hasProperty($fieldMapping['fieldName'], $metadata) || $metadata->isInheritedField($fieldMapping['fieldName'])) { continue; } $lines[] = $this->_generateFieldMappingPropertyDocBlock($fieldMapping, $metadata); $lines[] = $this->_spaces . 'private $' . $fieldMapping['fieldName'] . (isset($fieldMapping['default']) ? ' = ' . var_export($fieldMapping['default'], true) : null) . ";\n"; } return implode("\n", $lines); } private function _generateEntityStubMethod(ClassMetadataInfo $metadata, $type, $fieldName, $typeHint = null, $defaultValue = null) { if ($type == "add") { $addMethod = explode("\\", $typeHint); $addMethod = end($addMethod); $methodName = $type . $addMethod; } else { $methodName = $type . Inflector::classify($fieldName); } if ($this->_hasMethod($methodName, $metadata)) { return; } $this->_staticReflection[$metadata->name]['methods'][] = $methodName; $var = sprintf('_%sMethodTemplate', $type); $template = self::$$var; $variableType = $typeHint ? $typeHint . ' ' : null; $types = \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::getTypesMap(); $methodTypeHint = $typeHint && ! isset($types[$typeHint]) ? '\\' . $typeHint . ' ' : null; $replacements = array( '' => ucfirst($type) . ' ' . $fieldName, '' => $methodTypeHint, '' => $variableType, '' => Inflector::camelize($fieldName), '' => $methodName, '' => $fieldName, '' => (($defaultValue !== null ) ? ('='.$defaultValue) : ''), '' => $this->_getClassName($metadata) ); $method = str_replace( array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $template ); return $this->_prefixCodeWithSpaces($method); } private function _generateLifecycleCallbackMethod($name, $methodName, $metadata) { if ($this->_hasMethod($methodName, $metadata)) { return; } $this->_staticReflection[$metadata->name]['methods'][] = $methodName; $replacements = array( '' => $this->_annotationsPrefix . $name, '' => $methodName, ); $method = str_replace( array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), self::$_lifecycleCallbackMethodTemplate ); return $this->_prefixCodeWithSpaces($method); } private function _generateJoinColumnAnnotation(array $joinColumn) { $joinColumnAnnot = array(); if (isset($joinColumn['name'])) { $joinColumnAnnot[] = 'name="' . $joinColumn['name'] . '"'; } if (isset($joinColumn['referencedColumnName'])) { $joinColumnAnnot[] = 'referencedColumnName="' . $joinColumn['referencedColumnName'] . '"'; } if (isset($joinColumn['unique']) && $joinColumn['unique']) { $joinColumnAnnot[] = 'unique=' . ($joinColumn['unique'] ? 'true' : 'false'); } if (isset($joinColumn['nullable'])) { $joinColumnAnnot[] = 'nullable=' . ($joinColumn['nullable'] ? 'true' : 'false'); } if (isset($joinColumn['onDelete'])) { $joinColumnAnnot[] = 'onDelete="' . ($joinColumn['onDelete'] . '"'); } if (isset($joinColumn['columnDefinition'])) { $joinColumnAnnot[] = 'columnDefinition="' . $joinColumn['columnDefinition'] . '"'; } return '@' . $this->_annotationsPrefix . 'JoinColumn(' . implode(', ', $joinColumnAnnot) . ')'; } private function _generateAssociationMappingPropertyDocBlock(array $associationMapping, ClassMetadataInfo $metadata) { $lines = array(); $lines[] = $this->_spaces . '/**'; if ($associationMapping['type'] & ClassMetadataInfo::TO_MANY) { $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * @var \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection'; } else { $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * @var ' . $associationMapping['targetEntity']; } if ($this->_generateAnnotations) { $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' *'; $type = null; switch ($associationMapping['type']) { case ClassMetadataInfo::ONE_TO_ONE: $type = 'OneToOne'; break; case ClassMetadataInfo::MANY_TO_ONE: $type = 'ManyToOne'; break; case ClassMetadataInfo::ONE_TO_MANY: $type = 'OneToMany'; break; case ClassMetadataInfo::MANY_TO_MANY: $type = 'ManyToMany'; break; } $typeOptions = array(); if (isset($associationMapping['targetEntity'])) { $typeOptions[] = 'targetEntity="' . $associationMapping['targetEntity'] . '"'; } if (isset($associationMapping['inversedBy'])) { $typeOptions[] = 'inversedBy="' . $associationMapping['inversedBy'] . '"'; } if (isset($associationMapping['mappedBy'])) { $typeOptions[] = 'mappedBy="' . $associationMapping['mappedBy'] . '"'; } if ($associationMapping['cascade']) { $cascades = array(); if ($associationMapping['isCascadePersist']) $cascades[] = '"persist"'; if ($associationMapping['isCascadeRemove']) $cascades[] = '"remove"'; if ($associationMapping['isCascadeDetach']) $cascades[] = '"detach"'; if ($associationMapping['isCascadeMerge']) $cascades[] = '"merge"'; if ($associationMapping['isCascadeRefresh']) $cascades[] = '"refresh"'; $typeOptions[] = 'cascade={' . implode(',', $cascades) . '}'; } if (isset($associationMapping['orphanRemoval']) && $associationMapping['orphanRemoval']) { $typeOptions[] = 'orphanRemoval=' . ($associationMapping['orphanRemoval'] ? 'true' : 'false'); } $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * @' . $this->_annotationsPrefix . '' . $type . '(' . implode(', ', $typeOptions) . ')'; if (isset($associationMapping['joinColumns']) && $associationMapping['joinColumns']) { $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * @' . $this->_annotationsPrefix . 'JoinColumns({'; $joinColumnsLines = array(); foreach ($associationMapping['joinColumns'] as $joinColumn) { if ($joinColumnAnnot = $this->_generateJoinColumnAnnotation($joinColumn)) { $joinColumnsLines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * ' . $joinColumnAnnot; } } $lines[] = implode(",\n", $joinColumnsLines); $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * })'; } if (isset($associationMapping['joinTable']) && $associationMapping['joinTable']) { $joinTable = array(); $joinTable[] = 'name="' . $associationMapping['joinTable']['name'] . '"'; if (isset($associationMapping['joinTable']['schema'])) { $joinTable[] = 'schema="' . $associationMapping['joinTable']['schema'] . '"'; } $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * @' . $this->_annotationsPrefix . 'JoinTable(' . implode(', ', $joinTable) . ','; $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * joinColumns={'; foreach ($associationMapping['joinTable']['joinColumns'] as $joinColumn) { $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * ' . $this->_generateJoinColumnAnnotation($joinColumn); } $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * },'; $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * inverseJoinColumns={'; foreach ($associationMapping['joinTable']['inverseJoinColumns'] as $joinColumn) { $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * ' . $this->_generateJoinColumnAnnotation($joinColumn); } $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * }'; $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * )'; } if (isset($associationMapping['orderBy'])) { $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * @' . $this->_annotationsPrefix . 'OrderBy({'; foreach ($associationMapping['orderBy'] as $name => $direction) { $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * "' . $name . '"="' . $direction . '",'; } $lines[count($lines) - 1] = substr($lines[count($lines) - 1], 0, strlen($lines[count($lines) - 1]) - 1); $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * })'; } } $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' */'; return implode("\n", $lines); } private function _generateFieldMappingPropertyDocBlock(array $fieldMapping, ClassMetadataInfo $metadata) { $lines = array(); $lines[] = $this->_spaces . '/**'; $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * @var ' . $fieldMapping['type'] . ' $' . $fieldMapping['fieldName']; if ($this->_generateAnnotations) { $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' *'; $column = array(); if (isset($fieldMapping['columnName'])) { $column[] = 'name="' . $fieldMapping['columnName'] . '"'; } if (isset($fieldMapping['type'])) { $column[] = 'type="' . $fieldMapping['type'] . '"'; } if (isset($fieldMapping['length'])) { $column[] = 'length=' . $fieldMapping['length']; } if (isset($fieldMapping['precision'])) { $column[] = 'precision=' . $fieldMapping['precision']; } if (isset($fieldMapping['scale'])) { $column[] = 'scale=' . $fieldMapping['scale']; } if (isset($fieldMapping['nullable'])) { $column[] = 'nullable=' . var_export($fieldMapping['nullable'], true); } if (isset($fieldMapping['columnDefinition'])) { $column[] = 'columnDefinition="' . $fieldMapping['columnDefinition'] . '"'; } if (isset($fieldMapping['unique'])) { $column[] = 'unique=' . var_export($fieldMapping['unique'], true); } $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * @' . $this->_annotationsPrefix . 'Column(' . implode(', ', $column) . ')'; if (isset($fieldMapping['id']) && $fieldMapping['id']) { $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * @' . $this->_annotationsPrefix . 'Id'; if ($generatorType = $this->_getIdGeneratorTypeString($metadata->generatorType)) { $lines[] = $this->_spaces.' * @' . $this->_annotationsPrefix . 'GeneratedValue(strategy="' . $generatorType . '")'; } if ($metadata->sequenceGeneratorDefinition) { $sequenceGenerator = array(); if (isset($metadata->sequenceGeneratorDefinition['sequenceName'])) { $sequenceGenerator[] = 'sequenceName="' . $metadata->sequenceGeneratorDefinition['sequenceName'] . '"'; } if (isset($metadata->sequenceGeneratorDefinition['allocationSize'])) { $sequenceGenerator[] = 'allocationSize="' . $metadata->sequenceGeneratorDefinition['allocationSize'] . '"'; } if (isset($metadata->sequenceGeneratorDefinition['initialValue'])) { $sequenceGenerator[] = 'initialValue="' . $metadata->sequenceGeneratorDefinition['initialValue'] . '"'; } $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * @' . $this->_annotationsPrefix . 'SequenceGenerator(' . implode(', ', $sequenceGenerator) . ')'; } } if (isset($fieldMapping['version']) && $fieldMapping['version']) { $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' * @' . $this->_annotationsPrefix . 'Version'; } } $lines[] = $this->_spaces . ' */'; return implode("\n", $lines); } private function _prefixCodeWithSpaces($code, $num = 1) { $lines = explode("\n", $code); foreach ($lines as $key => $value) { $lines[$key] = str_repeat($this->_spaces, $num) . $lines[$key]; } return implode("\n", $lines); } private function _getInheritanceTypeString($type) { switch ($type) { case ClassMetadataInfo::INHERITANCE_TYPE_NONE: return 'NONE'; case ClassMetadataInfo::INHERITANCE_TYPE_JOINED: return 'JOINED'; case ClassMetadataInfo::INHERITANCE_TYPE_SINGLE_TABLE: return 'SINGLE_TABLE'; case ClassMetadataInfo::INHERITANCE_TYPE_TABLE_PER_CLASS: return 'PER_CLASS'; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid provided InheritanceType: ' . $type); } } private function _getChangeTrackingPolicyString($policy) { switch ($policy) { case ClassMetadataInfo::CHANGETRACKING_DEFERRED_IMPLICIT: return 'DEFERRED_IMPLICIT'; case ClassMetadataInfo::CHANGETRACKING_DEFERRED_EXPLICIT: return 'DEFERRED_EXPLICIT'; case ClassMetadataInfo::CHANGETRACKING_NOTIFY: return 'NOTIFY'; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid provided ChangeTrackingPolicy: ' . $policy); } } private function _getIdGeneratorTypeString($type) { switch ($type) { case ClassMetadataInfo::GENERATOR_TYPE_AUTO: return 'AUTO'; case ClassMetadataInfo::GENERATOR_TYPE_SEQUENCE: return 'SEQUENCE'; case ClassMetadataInfo::GENERATOR_TYPE_TABLE: return 'TABLE'; case ClassMetadataInfo::GENERATOR_TYPE_IDENTITY: return 'IDENTITY'; case ClassMetadataInfo::GENERATOR_TYPE_NONE: return 'NONE'; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid provided IdGeneratorType: ' . $type); } } }