// add this your table definition to set the table as NestedSet tree implementation
// with many roots
$this->actsAsTree('NestedSet', array('has_many_roots' => true));
// you do not need to add any columns specific to the nested set implementation, these are added for you
// this __toString() function is used to get the name for the path, see node::getPath
public function __toString() {
return $this->get('name');
// set connections to database
$dsn = 'mysql:dbname=nestedset;host=localhost';
$user = 'user';
$password = 'pass';
try {
$dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo 'Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage();
$manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance();
$conn = $manager->openConnection($dbh);
// create root
$root = new Menu();
$root->set('name', 'root');
// build tree
$two = new Menu();
$two->set('name', '2');
$one = new Menu();
$one->set('name', '1');
// refresh as node's lft and rgt values have changed, zYne, can we automate this?
$three = new Menu();
$three->set('name', '3');
$one_one = new Menu();
$one_one->set('name', '1.1');
$one_two = new Menu();
$one_two->set('name', '1.2');
$one_two_one = new Menu();
$one_two_one->set('name', '1.2.1');
$four = new Menu();
$four->set('name', '4');
$five = new Menu();
$five->set('name', '5');
$six = new Menu();
$six->set('name', '6');
output_message('initial root');
// create a new root with a tree
$root2 = new Menu();
$root2->set('name', 'new root');
// build tree
$two2 = new Menu();
$two2->set('name', '2');
$one2 = new Menu();
$one2->set('name', '1');
// refresh as node's lft and rgt values have changed, zYne, can we automate this?
$three2 = new Menu();
$three2->set('name', '3');
$one_one2 = new Menu();
$one_one2->set('name', '1.1');
$one_two2 = new Menu();
$one_two2->set('name', '1.2');
$one_two_one2 = new Menu();
$one_two_one2->set('name', '1.2.1');
$four2 = new Menu();
$four2->set('name', '4');
output_message('new root');
$six->set('name', '1.0 (was 6)');
$five->set('name', '1.3 (was 5)');
$four->set('name', '1.1.1 (was 4)');
$one_two_one->set('name', 'last (was 1.2.1)');
output_message('transformed initial root');
function output_tree($root)
// display tree
// first we must refresh the node as the tree has been transformed
// next we must get the iterator to traverse the tree from the root node
$traverse = $root->getNode()->traverse();
// now we traverse the tree and output the menu items
while($item = $traverse->next())
function output_node($record)
echo str_repeat('-', $record->getNode()->getLevel()) . $record->get('name') . ' (has children:'.$record->getNode()->hasChildren().') '. ' (is leaf:'.$record->getNode()->isLeaf().') '.'
function output_message($msg)
echo "