<?php /* * $Id: instrument.php 14672 2005-03-23 21:37:47Z npac $ * * Copyright(c) 2004-2006, SpikeSource Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the Open Software License version 2.1 * (See http://www.spikesource.com/license.html) */ ?> <?php #!/bin/php if( ! defined("__PHPCOVERAGE_HOME")) { define("__PHPCOVERAGE_HOME", dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); } require_once __PHPCOVERAGE_HOME . "/conf/phpcoverage.conf.php"; require_once __PHPCOVERAGE_HOME . "/util/Utility.php"; ## Instruments the PHP Source files /** * Print help message and exit * * @access public */ function help() { echo "Usage: " . basename(__FILE__) . " -b <application-base-path> [-p <phpcoverage-home>] [-r] [-u] [-e <exclude-file-list>]" . "[-v] [-h] [path1 [path2 [...]]]\n"; echo "\n"; echo " Options: \n"; echo " -b <application-base-path> Application directory accessible via HTTP " . "where PHPCoverage files should be copied.\n"; echo " -p <phpcoverage-home> Path to PHPCoverage Home.\n"; echo " -r Recursively instrument PHP files.\n"; echo " -u Undo instrumentation.\n"; echo " -e <file1,file2,...> Execlude files in the file list.\n"; echo " -v Be verbose.\n"; echo " -h Print this help and exit.\n"; echo "\n"; exit(0); } /** * Print error message and exit * * @param $msg Message to write to console. * @access public */ function error($msg) { echo basename(__FILE__) . ": [ERROR] " . $msg . "\n"; exit(1); } /** * Write a information message * * @param $msg Message to write to console. * @access public */ function writeMsg($msg) { global $VERBOSE; if($VERBOSE) { echo basename(__FILE__) . ": [INFO] " . $msg . "\n"; } } /** * Instrument the PHP file. * * @param $file File path * @access public */ function instrument($file) { global $LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION, $top, $bottom; $tmpfile = "$file.tmp"; $contents = file_get_contents($file); $len = strlen($contents); if(strpos($contents, $top) === 0 && strrpos($contents, $bottom) === ($len - strlen($bottom))) { writeMsg("Skipping $file."); return; } $fp = fopen($tmpfile, "w"); if( ! $fp) { error("Cannot write to file: $tmpfile"); } fputs($fp, $top); fwrite($fp, $contents); fputs($fp, $bottom); fclose($fp); // Delete if already exists - 'rename()' on Windows will return false otherwise if(file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } $ret = rename($tmpfile, $file); if( ! $ret) { error("Cannot save file: $file"); } writeMsg("Instrumented: $file."); } /** * Uninstrument the PHP file * * @param $file File path * @access public */ function uninstrument($file) { global $LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION, $top, $bottom; $tmpfile = "$file.tmp"; $contents = file_get_contents($file); $len = strlen($contents); if(strpos($contents, $top) !== 0 && strrpos($contents, $bottom) !== ($len - strlen($bottom))) { writeMsg("Skipping $file."); return; } $fr = fopen($file, "r"); $fw = fopen($tmpfile, "w"); if( ! $fr) { error("Cannot read file: $file"); } if( ! $fr) { error("Cannot write to file: $tmpfile"); } while( ! feof($fr)) { $line = fgets($fr); if(strpos($line, $top) === false && strpos($line, $bottom) === false) { fputs($fw, $line); } } fclose($fr); fclose($fw); // Delete if already exists - 'rename()' on Windows will return false otherwise if(file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } $ret = rename($tmpfile, $file); if( ! $ret) { error("Cannot save file: $file"); } writeMsg("Uninstrumented: $file"); } /** * Retrive a list of all PHP files in the given directory * * @param $dir Directory to scan * @param $recursive True is directory is scanned recursively * @return Array List of PHP files * @access public */ function get_all_php_files($dir, &$excludeFiles, $recursive) { global $spc_config; $phpExtensions = $spc_config["extensions"]; $dirs[] = $dir; while(count($dirs) > 0) { $currDir = realpath(array_pop($dirs)); if( ! is_readable($currDir)) { continue; } $currFiles = scandir($currDir); for($j = 0; $j < count($currFiles); $j++) { if($currFiles[$j] == "." || $currFiles[$j] == "..") { continue; } $currFiles[$j] = $currDir . "/" . $currFiles[$j]; if(is_file($currFiles[$j])) { $pathParts = pathinfo($currFiles[$j]); // Ignore phpcoverage bottom and top stubs if(strpos($pathParts['basename'], "phpcoverage.remote.") !== false) { continue; } // Ignore files specified in the exclude list if(in_array(realpath($currFiles[$j]), $excludeFiles) !== false) { continue; } if(isset($pathParts['extension']) && in_array($pathParts['extension'], $phpExtensions)) { $files[] = $currFiles[$j]; } } else if(is_dir($currFiles[$j]) && $recursive) { $dirs[] = $currFiles[$j]; } } } return $files; } // Initialize $RECURSIVE = false; $UNDO = false; $top_file = "/phpcoverage.remote.top.inc.php"; $bottom_file = "/phpcoverage.remote.bottom.inc.php"; //print_r($argv); for($i = 1; $i < $argc; $i++) { switch($argv[$i]) { case "-r": $RECURSIVE = true; break; case "-p": $PHPCOVERAGE_HOME = $argv[++$i]; break; case "-b": $LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION = $argv[++$i]; break; case "-u": $UNDO = true; break; case "-e": $EXCLUDE_FILES = explode(",", $argv[++$i]); break; case "-v": $VERBOSE = true; break; case "-h": help(); break; default: $paths[] = $argv[$i]; break; } } if( ! is_dir($LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION)) { error("LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION [$LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION] not found."); } if(empty($PHPCOVERAGE_HOME) || !is_dir($PHPCOVERAGE_HOME)) { $PHPCOVERAGE_HOME = __PHPCOVERAGE_HOME; if(empty($PHPCOVERAGE_HOME) || !is_dir($PHPCOVERAGE_HOME)) { error("PHPCOVERAGE_HOME does not exist. [" . $PHPCOVERAGE_HOME . "]"); } } $LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION = realpath($LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION); if(file_exists($LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION . $top_file)) { unlink($LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION . $top_file); } $ret = copy($PHPCOVERAGE_HOME . $top_file, $LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION . $top_file); if( ! $ret) { error("Cannot copy to $LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION"); } if(file_exists($LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION . $bottom_file)) { unlink($LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION . $bottom_file); } $ret = copy($PHPCOVERAGE_HOME . $bottom_file, $LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION . $bottom_file); if( ! $ret) { error("Cannot copy to $LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION"); } $top="<?php require_once \"" . $LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION . $top_file ."\"; ?>\n"; $bottom="<?php require \"" . $LOCAL_PHPCOVERAGE_LOCATION . $bottom_file . "\"; ?>\n"; if(empty($paths)) { $paths[] = getcwd(); } if( ! isset($EXCLUDE_FILES) || empty($EXCLUDE_FILES)) { $EXCLUDE_FILES = array(); } for($i = 0; $i < count($EXCLUDE_FILES); $i++) { // Remove a file from the array if it does not exist if( ! file_exists($EXCLUDE_FILES[$i])) { array_splice($EXCLUDE_FILES, $i, 1); $i --; continue; } $EXCLUDE_FILES[$i] = realpath($EXCLUDE_FILES[$i]); } //print_r($paths); foreach($paths as $path) { unset($files); if(is_dir($path)) { $files = get_all_php_files($path, $EXCLUDE_FILES, $RECURSIVE); } else if(is_file($path)) { $files[] = $path; } else { error("Unknown entity: $path"); } //print_r($files); foreach($files as $file) { if($UNDO) { uninstrument($file); } else { instrument($file); } } } ?>