<?php // Read Unix Time and put into a variable for uptime logging $starttime = time(); // Prevent PHP from stopping the script after 30 sec set_time_limit(0); require_once '../Doctrine/trunk/lib/Doctrine.php'; spl_autoload_register(array('Doctrine', 'autoload')); class DBot { protected $_options = array('server' => 'irc.freenode.net', 'port' => 6667, 'username' => 'Doctrine', 'hostname' => 'phpdoctrine.net', 'servername' => 'Doctrine', 'realname' => 'Doctrine bot', 'nick' => 'Doctrine', 'channels' => array('#doctrine-test')); protected $_socket; public function connect() { // Open the socket to the IRC server $this->_socket = fsockopen($this->_options['server'], $this->_options['port']); unlink('log.txt'); sleep(1); Doctrine_Manager::connection('sqlite::memory:'); // Send auth info $this->execute('USER ' . $this->_options['username'] . ' ' . $this->_options['hostname'] . ' ' . $this->_options['servername'] . ' :' . $this->_options['realname'] . "\n"); $this->execute('NICK ' . $this->_options['nick'] . "\n"); foreach ($this->_options['channels'] as $channel) { $this->execute('JOIN ' . $channel . "\n"); } } public function execute($command) { fputs($this->_socket, $command); $this->log('>>> ' . $command); } public function log($command) { $fp = fopen('log.txt', 'a+'); fwrite($fp, $command); fclose($fp); } public function disconnect() { $this->execute('QUIT' . "\n"); fclose($this->_socket); } // IRC Functions [BEGIN] // Joins channel public function join($channel) { $this->execute('JOIN ' . $channel . "\r\n"); } // Leaves the channel public function part($channel){ $this->execute('PART ' . $channel . "\r\n"); } // send message to channel/user public function say($to, $msg){ $this->execute('PRIVMSG '. $to . ' :' . $msg . "\r\n"); } // modes: +o, -o, +v, -v, etc. public function setMode($user, $mode){ $this->execute('MODE ' . $this->channel . ' ' . $mode . ' ' . $user . "\r\n"); } // kicks user from the channel public function kick($user, $from, $reason = "") { $this->execute('KICK ' . $from . ' ' . $user . ' :' . $reason . "\r\n"); } // changes the channel topic public function topic($channel, $topic) { $this->execute('TOPIC ' . $channel . ' :' . $topic . "\r\n"); } public function run() { $this->connect(); // Force an endless while while( ! feof($this->_socket)) { // Continue the rest of the script here $data = fgets($this->_socket, 4096); print $data . "<br>"; // Separate all data $ex = explode(' ', $data); // Send PONG back to the server if ($ex[0] == 'PING') { $this->execute('PONG ' . $ex[1] . "\n"); } //$this->log($data); // Say something in the channel $command = str_replace(array(chr(10), chr(13)), '', $ex[3]); // strip out ':' $command = substr($command, 1); array_shift($ex); array_shift($ex); $scope = array_shift($ex); array_shift($ex); $argsStr = implode(' ', $ex); //$this->log($command . ' ' . $scope); switch ($command) { case '!shutdown': $this->disconnect(); exit; break; case '!native-expr': $portableExpr = $ex[0]; break; } } } } $bot = new Dbot(); $bot->run();