++ Welcome Doctrine 2 is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for PHP 5.3.0+ that provides transparent persistence for PHP objects. It sits on top of a powerful database abstraction layer (DBAL). One of its key features is the option to write database queries in a proprietary object oriented SQL dialect called Doctrine Query Language (DQL), inspired by Hibernates HQL. This provides developers with a powerful alternative to SQL that maintains flexibility without requiring unnecessary code duplication. ++ Disclaimer This is the Doctrine 2 reference documentation. Introductory guides and tutorials that you can follow along from start to finish, like the "Guide to Doctrine" book known from the Doctrine 1.x series, will be available at a later date. ++ Requirements Doctrine 2 requires a minimum of PHP 5.3.0. For greatly improved performance it is also recommended that you use APC with PHP. ++ Doctrine 2 Packages Doctrine 2 is divided into three main packages. * Common * DBAL (includes Common) * ORM (includes DBAL+Common) This manual mainly covers the ORM package, sometimes touching parts of the underlying DBAL and Common packages. The Doctrine code base is split in to these packages for a few reasons and they are to... * ...make things more maintainable and decoupled * ...allow you to use the code in Doctrine Common without the ORM or DBAL * ...allow you to use the DBAL without the ORM +++ The Common Package The Common package contains highly reusable components that have no dependencies beyond the package itself (and PHP, of course). The root namespace of the Common package is `Doctrine\Common`. +++ The DBAL Package The DBAL package contains an enhanced database abstraction layer on top of PDO but is not strongly bound to PDO. The purpose of this layer is to provide a single API that bridges most of the differences between the different RDBMS vendors. The root namespace of the DBAL package is `Doctrine\DBAL`. +++ The ORM Package The ORM package contains the object-relational mapping toolkit that provides transparent relational persistence for plain PHP objects. The root namespace of the ORM package is `Doctrine\ORM`. ++ Installing Doctrine can be installed many different ways. We will describe all the different ways and you can choose which one suits you best. +++ PEAR You can easily install any of the three Doctrine packages from the PEAR command line installation utility. To install just the `Common` package you can run the following command: $ sudo pear install pear.phpdoctrine.org/DoctrineCommon-2.0.0 If you want to use the Doctrine Database Abstraction Layer you can install it with the following command. $ sudo pear install pear.phpdoctrine.org/DoctrineDBAL-2.0.0 Or, if you want to get the works and go for the ORM you can install it with the following command. $ sudo pear install pear.phpdoctrine.org/DoctrineORM-2.0.0 When you have a package installed via PEAR you can required and load the `ClassLoader` with the following code. [php] require 'Doctrine/Common/ClassLoader.php'; $classLoader = new \Doctrine\Common\ClassLoader(); The packages are installed in to your shared PEAR PHP code folder in a folder named `Doctrine`. You also get a nice command line utility installed and made available on your system. Now when you run the `doctrine` command you will see what you can do with it. $ doctrine Doctrine Command Line Interface Available Tasks: core:help dbal:run-sql (--file= | --sql=) --depth= orm:clear-cache (--query | --metadata | --result [--id=] [--regex=] [--prefix=] [--suffix=]) orm:convert-mapping (--from= | --from-database) --to= --dest= orm:ensure-production-settings orm:generate-proxies --class-dir= [--to-dir=] orm:run-dql --dql= --depth= orm:schema-tool (--create | --drop | --update | --complete-update | --re-create) [--dump-sql] [--class-dir=] orm:version +++ Package Download You can also use Doctrine 2 by downloading the latest release package from [the download page](http://www.doctrine-project.org/download). +++ Subversion Alternatively you can check out the latest version of Doctrine 2 via SVN. $ svn co http://svn.doctrine-project.org/trunk doctrine ++ Sandbox Quickstart > **NOTE** > The sandbox is only available via SVN or soon as a separate download on the downloads > page. The sandbox is a pre-configured environment for evaluating and playing with Doctrine 2. +++ Overview After navigating to the sandbox directory, you should see the following structure: sandbox/ Entities/ Address.php User.php xml/ Entities.Address.dcm.xml Entities.User.dcm.xml yaml/ Entities.Address.dcm.yml Entities.User.dcm.yml cli-config.php doctrine doctrine.php index.php Here is a short overview of the purpose of these folders and files: * The `Entities` folder is where any model classes are created. Two example entities are already there. * The `xml` folder is where any XML mapping files are created (if you want to use XML mapping). Two example mapping documents for the 2 example entities are already there. * The `yaml` folder is where any YAML mapping files are created (if you want to use YAML mapping). Two example mapping documents for the 2 example entities are already there. * The `cli-config.php` contains bootstrap code for a configuration that is used by the CLI tool `doctrine` whenever you execute a task. * `doctrine`/`doctrine.php` is a command-line tool. * `index.php` is a basic classical bootstrap file of a php application that uses Doctrine 2. +++ Mini-tutorial 1) From within the tools/sandbox folder, run the following command and you should see the same output. $ php doctrine orm:schema-tool --create Creating database schema... Database schema created successfully. 2) Take another look into the tools/sandbox folder. A SQLite database should have been created with the name `database.sqlite`. 3) Open `index.php` and edit it so that it looks as follows: [php] //... bootstrap stuff ## PUT YOUR TEST CODE BELOW $user = new \Entities\User; $user->setName('Garfield'); $em->persist($user); $em->flush(); echo "User saved!"; Open index.php in your browser or execute it on the command line. You should see the output "User saved!". 5) Inspect the SQLite database. Again from within the tools/sandbox folder, execute the following command: $ php doctrine dbal:run-sql --sql="select * from users" You should get the following output: array(1) { [0]=> array(2) { ["id"]=> string(1) "1" ["name"]=> string(8) "Garfield" } } You just saved your first entity with a generated ID in an SQLite database. 6) Replace the contents of index.php with the following: [php] //... bootstrap stuff ## PUT YOUR TEST CODE BELOW $q = $em->createQuery('select u from Entities\User u where u.name = ?1'); $q->setParameter(1, 'Garfield'); $garfield = $q->getSingleResult(); echo "Hello " . $garfield->getName() . "!"; You just created your first DQL query to retrieve the user with the name 'Garfield' from an SQLite database (Yes, there is an easier way to do it, but we wanted to introduce you to DQL at this point. Can you **find** the easier way?). > **TIP** > When you create new model classes or alter existing ones you can recreate the database > schema with the command `doctrine orm:schema-tool --drop` followed by > `doctrine orm:schema-tool --create`. 7) Explore Doctrine 2!