*/ if(!defined("__PHPCOVERAGE_HOME")) { define("__PHPCOVERAGE_HOME", dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); } require_once __PHPCOVERAGE_HOME . "/conf/phpcoverage.conf.php"; require_once __PHPCOVERAGE_HOME . "/util/Utility.php"; // ###################################################################### // ###################################################################### function usage() { global $util; echo "Usage: " . $_SERVER['argv'][0] . " \n"; echo "\n"; echo " Options: \n"; echo " --phpcoverage-home OR -p Path to PHPCoverage home (defaults to PHPCOVERAGE_HOME environment property)\n"; echo " --init Initialize PHPCoverage Reporting\n"; echo " --report Generate PHPCoverage Reports\n"; echo " --cleanup Remove existing PHPCoverage data\n"; echo " init options \n"; echo " --cov-url Specify application default url\n"; echo " --tmp-dir Specify tmp directory location (Defaults to '" . $util->getTmpDir() . "')\n"; echo " --cov-file-name Specify coverage data file name (Defaults to 'phpcoverage.data.xml')\n"; echo " report options \n"; echo " --cov-data-files Coverage data file path [use this instead of --cov-url for a local file path]\n"; echo " --report-name Report name\n"; echo " --report-dir Report directory path (Defaults to 'report')\n"; echo " --appbase-path Application base path (Defaults to PHPCOVERAGE_APPBASE_PATH if specified on the command line)\n"; echo " --include-paths Comma-separated paths to include in code coverage report. (Includes appbase-path by default)\n"; echo " --exclude-paths Comma-separated paths to exclude from code coverage report.\n"; echo " --print-summary Print coverage report summary to console.\n"; echo " other options \n"; echo " --verbose OR -v Print verbose information\n"; echo " --help OR -h Display this usage information\n"; exit; } // // Setup command line argument processing // $OPTION["p"] = false; $OPTION['verbose'] = false; $OPTION['init'] = false; $OPTION['report'] = false; $OPTION['cleanup'] = false; $OPTION['cov-url'] = false; $OPTION['report-name'] = false; $OPTION['report-dir'] = false; $OPTION['tmp-dir'] = false; $OPTION['cov-file-name'] = false; $OPTION['cov-data-files'] = false; $OPTION['appbase-path'] = false; // // loop through our arguments and see what the user selected // for ($i = 1; $i < $_SERVER["argc"]; $i++) { switch($_SERVER["argv"][$i]) { case "--phpcoverage-home": case "-p": $OPTION['p'] = $_SERVER['argv'][++$i]; break; case "-v": case "--verbose": $OPTION['verbose'] = true; break; case "--init": $OPTION['init'] = true; break; case "--report": $OPTION['report'] = true; break; case "--cleanup": $OPTION['cleanup'] = true; break; case "--cov-url": $OPTION['cov-url'] = $_SERVER['argv'][++$i] . "/" . "phpcoverage.remote.top.inc.php"; break; case "--tmp-dir": $OPTION['tmp-dir'] = $_SERVER['argv'][++$i]; break; case "--cov-file-name": $OPTION['cov-file-name'] = $_SERVER['argv'][++$i]; break; case "--cov-data-files": $OPTION['cov-data-files'] = $_SERVER['argv'][++$i]; break; case "--report-name": $OPTION['report-name'] = $_SERVER['argv'][++$i]; break; case "--report-dir": $OPTION['report-dir'] = $_SERVER['argv'][++$i]; break; case "--appbase-path": $OPTION['appbase-path'] = $_SERVER['argv'][++$i]; break; case "--include-paths": $OPTION['include-paths'] = $_SERVER['argv'][++$i]; break; case "--exclude-paths": $OPTION['exclude-paths'] = $_SERVER['argv'][++$i]; break; case "--print-summary": $OPTION['print-summary'] = true; break; case "--help": case "-h": usage(); break; } } if($OPTION['p'] == false) { $OPTION['p'] = __PHPCOVERAGE_HOME; if(empty($OPTION['p']) || !is_dir($OPTION['p'])) { die("PHPCOVERAGE_HOME does not exist. [" . $OPTION['p'] . "]"); } } putenv("PHPCOVERAGE_HOME=" . $OPTION['p']); require_once $OPTION['p'] . "/phpcoverage.inc.php"; require_once PHPCOVERAGE_HOME . "/remote/RemoteCoverageRecorder.php"; require_once PHPCOVERAGE_HOME . "/reporter/HtmlCoverageReporter.php"; // Initializations $includePaths = array(); $excludePaths = array(); if (!$OPTION['cov-url']){ if(!$OPTION['report'] && !$OPTION['cov-data-files']) { echo "ERROR: No --cov-url option specified.\n"; exit(1); } } if($OPTION['init']) { if(!$OPTION['tmp-dir']) { $OPTION['tmp-dir'] = $util->getTmpDir(); } if(!$OPTION['cov-file-name']) { $OPTION['cov-file-name'] = "phpcoverage.data.xml"; } } if($OPTION['report']) { if (!$OPTION['report-name']){ echo "ERROR: No --report-name option specified.\n"; exit(1); } if(!$OPTION['report-dir']) { if(!empty($PHPCOVERAGE_REPORT_DIR)) { $OPTION["report-dir"] = $PHPCOVERAGE_REPORT_DIR; } else { $OPTION["report-dir"] = "report"; } } if(empty($OPTION['appbase-path']) && !empty($PHPCOVERAGE_APPBASE_PATH)) { $OPTION['appbase-path'] = realpath($PHPCOVERAGE_APPBASE_PATH); } if(isset($OPTION['include-paths'])) { $includePaths = explode(",", $OPTION['include-paths']); } if(isset($OPTION['appbase-path']) && !empty($OPTION["appbase-path"])) { $includePaths[] = $OPTION['appbase-path']; } if(isset($OPTION['exclude-paths'])) { $excludePaths = explode(",", $OPTION['exclude-paths']); } } if ($OPTION['verbose']){ echo "Options: " . print_r($OPTION, true) . "\n"; echo "include-paths: " . print_r($includePaths, true) . "\n"; echo "exclude-paths: " . print_r($excludePaths, true) . "\n"; } // // // if ($OPTION['init']){ echo "PHPCoverage: init " . $OPTION['cov-url'] . "?phpcoverage-action=init&cov-file-name=". urlencode($OPTION["cov-file-name"]) . "&tmp-dir=" . urlencode($OPTION['tmp-dir']) . "\n"; // // Initialize the PHPCoverage reporting framework // file_get_contents($OPTION['cov-url'] . "?phpcoverage-action=init&cov-file-name=". urlencode($OPTION["cov-file-name"]) . "&tmp-dir=" . urlencode($OPTION['tmp-dir'])); } else if ($OPTION['report']){ // // Retrieve coverage data (xml) from the PHPCoverage reporting framework // if($OPTION['cov-data-files']) { $OPTION['cov-data-fileset'] = explode(",", $OPTION['cov-data-files']); foreach($OPTION['cov-data-fileset'] as $covDataFile) { if(!is_readable($covDataFile)) { echo "Error: Cannot read cov-data-file: " . $covDataFile . "\n"; exit(1); } $xmlUrl[] = $covDataFile; } } else { echo "PHPCoverage: report " . $OPTION['cov-url'] . "?phpcoverage-action=get-coverage-xml" . "\n"; $xmlUrl = $OPTION['cov-url'] . "?phpcoverage-action=get-coverage-xml"; } // // Configure reporter, and generate the PHPCoverage report // $covReporter = new HtmlCoverageReporter($OPTION['report-name'], "", $OPTION["report-dir"]); // // Notice the coverage recorder is of type RemoteCoverageRecorder // $cov = new RemoteCoverageRecorder($includePaths, $excludePaths, $covReporter); $cov->generateReport($xmlUrl, true); $covReporter->printTextSummary($OPTION["report-dir"] . "/report.txt"); // Should the summary be printed to console ? if(isset($OPTION['print-summary']) && $OPTION['print-summary']) { $covReporter->printTextSummary(); } } else if ($OPTION['cleanup']){ echo "PHPCoverage: cleanup " . $OPTION['cov-url'] . "?phpcoverage-action=cleanup"; file_get_contents($OPTION['cov-url'] . "?phpcoverage-action=cleanup"); } ?>