<?php /* * $Id: Table.php 1397 2007-05-19 19:54:15Z zYne $ * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see * <http://www.phpdoctrine.org>. */ /** * Doctrine_Relation_Parser * * @package Doctrine * @subpackage Relation * @author Konsta Vesterinen <kvesteri@cc.hut.fi> * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @version $Revision: 1397 $ * @link www.phpdoctrine.com * @since 1.0 * @todo Composite key support? */ class Doctrine_Relation_Parser { /** * @var Doctrine_Table $_table the table object this parser belongs to */ protected $_table; /** * @var array $_relations an array containing all the Doctrine_Relation objects for this table */ protected $_relations = array(); /** * @var array $_pending relations waiting for parsing */ protected $_pending = array(); /** * constructor * * @param Doctrine_Table $table the table object this parser belongs to */ public function __construct(/*Doctrine_Table*/ $table) { $this->_table = $table; } /** * getTable * * @return Doctrine_Table the table object this parser belongs to */ public function getTable() { return $this->_table; } /** * getPendingRelation * * @return array an array defining a pending relation */ public function getPendingRelation($name) { if ( ! isset($this->_pending[$name])) { throw new Doctrine_Relation_Exception('Unknown pending relation ' . $name); } return $this->_pending[$name]; } public function hasRelation($name) { if ( ! isset($this->_pending[$name]) && ! isset($this->_relations[$name])) { return false; } return true; } /** * binds a relation * * @param string $name * @param string $field * @return void */ public function bind($name, $options = array()) { if (isset($this->_relations[$name])) { unset($this->_relations[$name]); } $e = explode(' as ', $name); $name = $e[0]; $alias = isset($e[1]) ? $e[1] : $name; if ( ! isset($options['type'])) { throw new Doctrine_Relation_Exception('Relation type not set.'); } $this->_pending[$alias] = array_merge($options, array('class' => $name, 'alias' => $alias)); return $this->_pending[$alias]; } /** * getRelation * * @param string $alias relation alias */ public function getRelation($alias, $recursive = true) { if (isset($this->_relations[$alias])) { return $this->_relations[$alias]; } if (isset($this->_pending[$alias])) { $this->_loadRelation($alias); } if ($recursive) { $this->getRelations(); return $this->getRelation($alias, false); } else { try { throw new Exception(); } catch (Exception $e) { //echo "" . "<br />"; ///echo $e->getTraceAsString() . "<br /><br /><br />"; } throw new Doctrine_Relation_Exception("Unknown relation '$alias'."); } } public function addRelation($name, Doctrine_Relation $relation) { if (isset($this->_relations[$name])) { throw new Doctrine_Relation_Exception("Relation '$name' does already exist."); } $this->_relations[$name] = $relation; } /** * Loads a relation and puts it into the collection of loaded relations. * In the process of initializing a relation it is common that multiple other, closely related * relations are initialized, too. * * @param string $alias The name of the relation. */ protected function _loadRelation($alias) { $def = $this->_pending[$alias]; // check if reference class name exists // if it does we are dealing with an association relation (many-many) if (isset($def['refClass'])) { $def = $this->completeAssocDefinition($def); $localClasses = array_merge($this->_table->getOption('parents'), array($this->_table->getClassName())); // if the two many-many related components share the same table, we need // custom relation names to distinguish the relations. /*if ($this->_table->getInheritanceType() == Doctrine::INHERITANCETYPE_SINGLE_TABLE && in_array($def['class'], $this->_table->getOption('subclasses'))) { if ( ! isset($def['refRelationName']) || ! isset($def['refReverseRelationName'])) { throw new Doctrine_Relation_Exception("Incomplete relation. Many-to-many relations between " . "classes that share the same table (single table inheritance) need to specify " . "a 'refRelationName' and a 'refReverseRelationName' to distinguish relations."); } $relationName = $def['refRelationName']; } else {*/ $relationName = $def['refClass']; //} if ( ! isset($this->_pending[$relationName]) && ! isset($this->_relations[$relationName])) { $this->_completeManyToManyRelation($def); } if (in_array($def['class'], $localClasses)) { $rel = new Doctrine_Relation_Nest($def); } else { $rel = new Doctrine_Relation_Association($def); } } else { // simple foreign key relation $def = $this->completeDefinition($def); if (isset($def['localKey'])) { $rel = new Doctrine_Relation_LocalKey($def); } else { $rel = new Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey($def); } } if (isset($rel)) { unset($this->_pending[$alias]); $this->_relations[$alias] = $rel; return $rel; } } /** * Completes the initialization of a many-to-many relation by adding * two uni-directional relations between this parser's table and the intermediary table. * * @param array The relation definition. */ protected function _completeManyToManyRelation(array $def) { $identifierColumnNames = $this->_table->getIdentifierColumnNames(); $idColumnName = array_pop($identifierColumnNames); // if the two many-many related components shared the same table, we need a relation name // to distinguish the relations. $relationName = $def['refClass']; /*if (isset($def['refRelationName'])) { $relationName .= ' as ' . $def['refRelationName']; }*/ // add a relation pointing from the intermediary table to the table of this parser $parser = $def['refTable']->getRelationParser(); if ( ! $parser->hasRelation($this->_table->getClassName())) { $parser->bind($this->_table->getClassName(), array('type' => Doctrine_Relation::ONE, 'local' => $def['local'], 'foreign' => $idColumnName, 'localKey' => true ) ); } // add a relation pointing from this parser's table to the xref table if ( ! $this->hasRelation($relationName/*$def['refClass']*/)) { $this->bind($relationName, array( 'type' => Doctrine_Relation::MANY, 'foreign' => $def['local'], 'local' => $idColumnName) ); } } /** * getRelations * returns an array containing all relation objects * * @return array an array of Doctrine_Relation objects */ public function getRelations() { foreach ($this->_pending as $k => $v) { $this->getRelation($k); } return $this->_relations; } /** * getImpl * returns the table class of the concrete implementation for given template * if the given template is not a template then this method just returns the * table class for the given record * * @param string $template */ public function getImpl(array &$def, $key) { $conn = $this->_table->getConnection(); if (in_array('Doctrine_Template', class_parents($def[$key]))) { $impl = $this->_table->getImpl($def[$key]); if ($impl === null) { throw new Doctrine_Relation_Parser_Exception("Couldn't find concrete implementation for template " . $def[$key]); } $def[$key] = $impl; } return $conn->getMetadata($def[$key]); } protected function _isTemplate($className) { return in_array('Doctrine_Template', class_parents($className)); } /** * Completes the given association definition * * @param array $def definition array to be completed * @return array completed definition array */ public function completeAssocDefinition($def) { $conn = $this->_table->getConnection(); $def['table'] = $this->getImpl($def, 'class'); $def['localTable'] = $this->_table; $def['refTable'] = $this->getImpl($def, 'refClass'); $id = $def['refTable']->getIdentifierColumnNames(); if (count($id) > 1) { if ( ! isset($def['foreign'])) { // foreign key not set // try to guess the foreign key $def['foreign'] = ($def['local'] === $id[0]) ? $id[1] : $id[0]; } if ( ! isset($def['local'])) { // foreign key not set // try to guess the foreign key $def['local'] = ($def['foreign'] === $id[0]) ? $id[1] : $id[0]; } } else { if ( ! isset($def['foreign'])) { // foreign key not set // try to guess the foreign key $columns = $this->getIdentifiers($def['table']); $def['foreign'] = $columns; } if ( ! isset($def['local'])) { // local key not set // try to guess the local key $columns = $this->getIdentifiers($this->_table); $def['local'] = $columns; } } return $def; } /** * getIdentifiers * gives a list of identifiers from given table * * the identifiers are in format: * [componentName].[identifier] * * @param Doctrine_Table $table table object to retrieve identifiers from */ public function getIdentifiers($table) { $componentNameToLower = strtolower($table->getComponentName()); if (is_array($table->getIdentifier())) { $columns = array(); foreach ((array) $table->getIdentifierColumnNames() as $identColName) { $columns[] = $componentNameToLower . '_' . $identColName; } } else { $columns = $componentNameToLower . '_' . $table->getColumnName( $table->getIdentifier()); } return $columns; } /** * guessColumns * * @param array $classes an array of class names * @param Doctrine_Table $foreignTable foreign table object * @return array an array of column names */ public function guessColumns(array $classes, $foreignTable) { $conn = $this->_table->getConnection(); foreach ($classes as $class) { try { $table = $conn->getClassMetadata($class); } catch (Doctrine_Table_Exception $e) { continue; } $columns = $this->getIdentifiers($table); $found = true; foreach ((array) $columns as $column) { if ( ! $foreignTable->hasColumn($column)) { $found = false; break; } } if ($found) { break; } } if ( ! $found) { throw new Doctrine_Relation_Exception("Couldn't find columns."); } return $columns; } /** * Completes the given definition * * @param array $def definition array to be completed * @return array completed definition array * @todo Description: What does it mean to complete a definition? What is done (not how)? * Refactor (too long & nesting level) */ public function completeDefinition($def) { $conn = $this->_table->getConnection(); $def['table'] = $this->getImpl($def, 'class'); //$def['class'] = $def['table']->getComponentName(); $def['localTable'] = $this->_table; $foreignClasses = array_merge($def['table']->getOption('parents'), array($def['class'])); $localClasses = array_merge($this->_table->getOption('parents'), array($this->_table->getClassName())); $localIdentifierColumnNames = $this->_table->getIdentifierColumnNames(); if ((count($localIdentifierColumnNames) - 1) < 0) { echo $this->_table->getClassName(); var_dump($this->_table->getIdentifier()); try { throw new Exception(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getTraceAsString() . "<br />"; } } $localIdColumnName = $localIdentifierColumnNames[count($localIdentifierColumnNames) - 1]; $foreignIdentifierColumnNames = $def['table']->getIdentifierColumnNames(); $foreignIdColumnName = $foreignIdentifierColumnNames[count($foreignIdentifierColumnNames) - 1]; if (isset($def['local'])) { if ( ! isset($def['foreign'])) { // local key is set, but foreign key is not // try to guess the foreign key if ($def['local'] == $localIdColumnName) { $def['foreign'] = $this->guessColumns($localClasses, $def['table']); } else { // the foreign field is likely to be the // identifier of the foreign class $def['foreign'] = $foreignIdColumnName; $def['localKey'] = true; } } else { if ((array)$def['local'] != $localIdentifierColumnNames && $def['type'] == Doctrine_Relation::ONE) { $def['localKey'] = true; } } } else { if (isset($def['foreign'])) { // local key not set, but foreign key is set // try to guess the local key if ($def['foreign'] === $foreignIdColumnName) { $def['localKey'] = true; try { $def['local'] = $this->guessColumns($foreignClasses, $this->_table); } catch (Doctrine_Relation_Exception $e) { $def['local'] = $localIdColumnName; } } else { $def['local'] = $localIdColumnName; } } else { // neither local or foreign key is being set // try to guess both keys $conn = $this->_table->getConnection(); // the following loops are needed for covering inheritance foreach ($localClasses as $class) { $table = $conn->getClassMetadata($class); $identifierColumnNames = $table->getIdentifierColumnNames(); $idColumnName = array_pop($identifierColumnNames); $column = strtolower($table->getComponentName()) . '_' . $idColumnName; foreach ($foreignClasses as $class2) { $table2 = $conn->getClassMetadata($class2); if ($table2->hasColumn($column)) { $def['foreign'] = $column; $def['local'] = $idColumnName; return $def; } } } foreach ($foreignClasses as $class) { $table = $conn->getClassMetadata($class); $identifierColumnNames = $table->getIdentifierColumnNames(); $idColumnName = array_pop($identifierColumnNames); $column = strtolower($table->getComponentName()) . '_' . $idColumnName; foreach ($localClasses as $class2) { $table2 = $conn->getClassMetadata($class2); if ($table2->hasColumn($column)) { $def['foreign'] = $idColumnName; $def['local'] = $column; $def['localKey'] = true; return $def; } } } // auto-add columns and auto-build relation $columns = array(); foreach ((array) $this->_table->getIdentifierColumnNames() as $id) { // ?? should this not be $this->_table->getComponentName() ?? $column = strtolower($table->getComponentName()) . '_' . $id; $col = $this->_table->getColumnDefinition($id); $type = $col['type']; $length = $col['length']; unset($col['type']); unset($col['length']); unset($col['autoincrement']); unset($col['sequence']); unset($col['primary']); $def['table']->setColumn($column, $type, $length, $col); $columns[] = $column; } if (count($columns) > 1) { $def['foreign'] = $columns; } else { $def['foreign'] = $columns[0]; } $def['local'] = $localIdColumnName; } } return $def; } }