<?php /** * A table factory is used to create table objects and load them with meta data. * * @todo Support different drivers for loading the meta data from different sources. * @package Doctrine */ class Doctrine_Table_Factory { protected $_conn; protected $_driver; public function __construct(Doctrine_Connection $conn /*Doctrine_Table_Factory_Driver $driver*/) { $this->_conn = $conn; //$this->_driver = $driver; $name = "Doctrine_Table_Factory"; //call_user_func_array(array($name, 'foobar'), array()); } /** * Loads the metadata of the class in question and all it's ancestors whose metadata * is still not loaded. * * @param string $name The name of the class for which the metadata should get loaded. * @param array $tables The metadata collection to which the loaded metadata is added. */ public function loadTables($name, array &$tables) { $parentClass = $name; $parentClasses = array(); $parentClassWithTable = false; while ($parentClass = get_parent_class($parentClass)) { if ($parentClass == 'Doctrine_Record') { break; } if (isset($tables[$parentClass])) { $parentClassWithTable = $parentClass; break; } $class = new ReflectionClass($parentClass); if ($class->isAbstract()) { continue; } $parentClasses[] = $parentClass; } $parentClasses = array_reverse($parentClasses); $parentClasses[] = $name; if ($parentClassWithTable) { $table = $tables[$parentClassWithTable]; } else { $rootClassOfHierarchy = count($parentClasses) > 0 ? array_shift($parentClasses) : $name; $table = new Doctrine_Table($rootClassOfHierarchy, $this->_conn); $this->_loadMetaDataFromCode($table, $rootClassOfHierarchy); $tables[$rootClassOfHierarchy] = $table; } if (count($parentClasses) == 0) { return $table; } //var_dump($parentClasses); //echo "<br /><br />"; // load meta data of subclasses if ($table->getInheritanceType() == Doctrine::INHERITANCETYPE_JOINED) { foreach ($parentClasses as $subclass) { $subTable = new Doctrine_Table($subclass, $this->_conn); $subTable->setInheritanceType(Doctrine::INHERITANCETYPE_JOINED); $this->_loadMetaDataFromCode($subTable, $subclass); $tables[$subclass] = $subTable; } } else if ($table->getInheritanceType() == Doctrine::INHERITANCETYPE_SINGLE_TABLE) { foreach ($parentClasses as $subclass) { $this->_mergeInto($table, $subclass); $tables[$subclass] = $table; } } else if ($table->getInheritanceType() == Doctrine::INHERITANCETYPE_TABLE_PER_CLASS) { $parents = array(); foreach ($parentClasses as $subclass) { $class = new ReflectionClass($subclass); if ($class->isAbstract()) { $parents[] = $subclass; continue; } $subTable = new Doctrine_Table($subclass, $this->_conn); $subTable->setInheritanceType(Doctrine::INHERITANCETYPE_TABLE_PER_CLASS); $this->_loadMetaDataFromCode($subTable, $subclass); $this->_mergeColumnsInto($table, $subTable, true); foreach ($parents as $parent) { $this->_mergeColumnsInto($this->_conn->getTable($parent), $subTable, true); } // currently relying on parent::setTableDefinition(); /*foreach ($abstracts as $abstractParent) { Doctrine_Table_Factory::mergeInto($subTable, $abstractParent); }*/ $tables[$subclass] = $subTable; $parents[] = $subclass; } } else { throw new Doctrine_Table_Factory_Exception("Failed to load meta data. Unknown inheritance type " . "or no inheritance type specified for hierarchy."); } } /** * Initializes the in-memory metadata for the domain class this mapper belongs to. * Uses reflection and code setup. */ protected function _loadMetaDataFromCode(Doctrine_Table $table, $name) { if ($name == 'Doctrine_Locator_Injectable') { try { throw new Exception(); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getTraceAsString() . "<br /><br />"; } } if ( ! class_exists($name) || empty($name)) { //try { throw new Doctrine_Exception("Couldn't find class " . $name); //} catch (Exception $e) { // echo $e->getTraceAsString() . "<br /><br />"; //} } $record = new $name($table); $names = array(); $class = $name; // get parent classes do { if ($class === 'Doctrine_Record') { break; } $name = $class; $names[] = $name; } while ($class = get_parent_class($class)); if ($class === false) { throw new Doctrine_Table_Exception('Unknown component.'); } // reverse names $names = array_reverse($names); // save parents array_pop($names); $table->setOption('parents', $names); /*echo "<br />"; var_dump($names); echo "<br /><br />";*/ // set up metadata mapping if (method_exists($record, 'setTableDefinition')) { $record->setTableDefinition(); // get the declaring class of setTableDefinition method $method = new ReflectionMethod($name, 'setTableDefinition'); $class = $method->getDeclaringClass(); } else { $class = new ReflectionClass($class); } if ($table->getInheritanceType() == Doctrine::INHERITANCETYPE_JOINED) { $joinedParents = array(); foreach (array_reverse($names) as $parent) { $parentTable = $table->getConnection()->getTable($parent); $parentColumns = $parentTable->getColumns(); $thisColumns = $table->getColumns(); foreach ($parentColumns as $columnName => $definition) { if ( ! isset($definition['primary'])) { if (isset($thisColumns[$columnName])) { continue; } else { /*if ( ! isset($parentColumns[$columnName]['owner'])) { $parentColumns[$columnName]['owner'] = $parentTable->getComponentName(); } $joinedParents[] = $parentColumns[$columnName]['owner'];*/ $joinedParents[] = $parentTable->getComponentName(); } }/* else { //echo "adding primary key $columnName on ".$table->getComponentName().".<br />"; unset($definition['autoincrement']); $fullName = $columnName . ' as ' . $parentTable->getFieldName($columnName); $table->setColumn($fullName, $definition['type'], $definition['length'], $definition, true); }*/ } } $table->setOption('joinedParents', array_values(array_unique($joinedParents))); } $table->setOption('declaringClass', $class); // set the table definition for the given tree implementation /*if ($table->isTree()) { $table->getTree()->setTableDefinition(); }*/ $tableName = $table->getOption('tableName'); if ( ! isset($tableName)) { $table->setOption('tableName', Doctrine::tableize($class->getName())); } $this->_initIdentifier($table); // set up domain class relations $record->setUp(); // if tree, set up tree relations /*if ($table->isTree()) { $table->getTree()->setUp(); }*/ return $table; } protected function _mergeInto(Doctrine_Table $table, $domainClassName) { if ( ! class_exists($domainClassName) || empty($domainClassName)) { throw new Doctrine_Exception("Couldn't find class " . $domainClassName); } $record = new $domainClassName($table); $record->setTableDefinition(); $record->setUp(); } protected function _mergeColumnsInto(Doctrine_Table $sourceTable, Doctrine_Table $targetTable, $skipPk = false) { $sourceColumns = $sourceTable->getColumns(); foreach ($sourceColumns as $columnName => $definition) { if ($skipPk && isset($definition['primary'])) { continue; } $fullName = $columnName . ' as ' . $sourceTable->getFieldName($columnName); $targetTable->setColumn($fullName, $definition['type'], $definition['length'], $definition); } } protected function _mergeRelationsInto(Doctrine_Table $table, $domainClassName) { } /** * Initializes the table identifier(s)/primary key(s) * */ protected function _initIdentifier(Doctrine_Table $table) { switch (count($table->getIdentifier())) { case 0: if ($table->getInheritanceType() == Doctrine::INHERITANCETYPE_JOINED && count($table->getOption('joinedParents')) > 0) { $root = current($table->getOption('joinedParents')); $rootTable = $table->getConnection()->getTable($root); $table->setIdentifier($rootTable->getIdentifier()); if ($table->getIdentifierType() !== Doctrine::IDENTIFIER_AUTOINC) { $table->setIdentifierType($rootTable->getIdentifierType()); } else { $table->setIdentifierType(Doctrine::IDENTIFIER_NATURAL); } // add all inherited primary keys foreach ((array) $table->getIdentifier() as $id) { $definition = $rootTable->getDefinitionOf($id); // inherited primary keys shouldn't contain autoinc // and sequence definitions unset($definition['autoincrement']); unset($definition['sequence']); // add the inherited primary key column $fullName = $rootTable->getColumnName($id) . ' as ' . $id; $table->setColumn($fullName, $definition['type'], $definition['length'], $definition, true); } } else { $definition = array('type' => 'integer', 'length' => 20, 'autoincrement' => true, 'primary' => true); $table->setColumn('id', $definition['type'], $definition['length'], $definition, true); $table->setIdentifier('id'); $table->setIdentifierType(Doctrine::IDENTIFIER_AUTOINC); } break; case 1: foreach ($table->getIdentifier() as $pk) { $columnName = $table->getColumnName($pk); $thisColumns = $table->getColumns(); $e = $thisColumns[$columnName]; $found = false; foreach ($e as $option => $value) { if ($found) { break; } $e2 = explode(':', $option); switch (strtolower($e2[0])) { case 'autoincrement': case 'autoinc': $table->setIdentifierType(Doctrine::IDENTIFIER_AUTOINC); $found = true; break; case 'seq': case 'sequence': $table->setIdentifierType(Doctrine::IDENTIFIER_SEQUENCE); $found = true; if ($value) { $table->setOption('sequenceName', $value); } else { if (($sequence = $table->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_DEFAULT_SEQUENCE)) !== null) { $table->setOption('sequenceName', $sequence); } else { $table->setOption('sequenceName', $table->getConnection() ->getSequenceName($this->getOption('tableName'))); } } break; } } $identifierType = $table->getIdentifierType(); if ( ! isset($identifierType)) { $table->setIdentifierType(Doctrine::IDENTIFIER_NATURAL); } } $table->setIdentifier($pk); break; default: $table->setIdentifierType(Doctrine::IDENTIFIER_COMPOSITE); } } public static function foobar() { echo "bar!"; } }