. */ namespace Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\MappingException; /** * XmlDriver is a metadata driver that enables mapping through XML files. * * @author Roman Borschel * @since 2.0 */ class XmlDriver { /** * The FILE_PER_CLASS mode is an operating mode of the XmlDriver where it loads * the mapping files of individual classes on demand. This requires the user to * adhere to the convention of 1 mapping file per class and the file names of * the mapping files must correspond to the full class name, including namespace, * with the namespace delimiters '\', replaced by dots '.'. * * Example: * Class: My\Project\Model\User * Mapping file: My.Project.Model.User.dcm.xml * * @var integer */ const FILE_PER_CLASS = 1; /** * The PRELOAD mode is an operating mode of the XmlDriver where it loads * all mapping files in advance. This is the default behavior. It does not * require a naming convention or the convention of 1 class per mapping file. * * @var integer */ const PRELOAD = 2; /** The paths where to look for mapping files. */ private $_paths; /** The operating mode. Either FILE_PER_CLASS or PRELOAD. */ private $_mode; /** The file extension of mapping documents. */ private $_fileExtension = '.dcm.xml'; /** Any preloaded XML elements. */ private $_xmlElements = array(); /** * Initializes a new XmlDriver that looks in the given path(s) for mapping * documents and operates in the specified operating mode. * * @param string|array $paths One or multiple paths where mapping documents can be found. * @param integer $mode The operating mode. Either PRELOAD (default) or FILE_PER_CLASS. */ public function __construct($paths, $mode = self::PRELOAD) { $this->_paths = $paths; $this->_mode = $mode; } /** * Gets any preloaded XML documents. * * @return array */ public function getPreloadedXmlElements() { return $this->_xmlElements; } /** * Loads the metadata for the specified class into the provided container. * * @param string $className * @param ClassMetadata $metadata */ public function loadMetadataForClass($className, ClassMetadata $metadata) { if (isset($this->_xmlElements[$className])) { $xmlRoot = $this->_xmlElements[$className]; unset($this->_xmlElements[$className]); } else { $result = $this->_loadMappingFile($this->_findMappingFile($className)); $xmlRoot = $result[$className]; } if ($xmlRoot->getName() == 'entity') { // Evaluate attributes if (isset($xmlRoot['table'])) { $metadata->primaryTable['name'] = (string)$xmlRoot['table']; } if (isset($xmlRoot['schema'])) { $metadata->primaryTable['schema'] = (string)$xmlRoot['schema']; } if (isset($xmlRoot['inheritance-type'])) { $metadata->setInheritanceType((string)$xmlRoot['inheritance-type']); } // Evaluate mappings if (isset($xmlRoot->field)) { foreach ($xmlRoot->field as $fieldMapping) { $mapping = array( 'fieldName' => (string)$fieldMapping['name'], 'type' => (string)$fieldMapping['type'] ); if (isset($fieldMapping['column'])) { $mapping['columnName'] = (string)$fieldMapping['column']; } if (isset($fieldMapping['length'])) { $mapping['length'] = (int)$fieldMapping['length']; } $metadata->mapField($mapping); } } // Evaluate mappings foreach ($xmlRoot->id as $idElement) { $mapping = array( 'id' => true, 'fieldName' => (string)$idElement['name'], 'type' => (string)$idElement['type'] ); if (isset($idElement['column'])) { $mapping['columnName'] = (string)$idElement['column']; } $metadata->mapField($mapping); if (isset($idElement->generator)) { $metadata->setIdGeneratorType((string)$idElement->generator['strategy']); } } // Evaluate mappings if (isset($xmlRoot->{'one-to-one'})) { foreach ($xmlRoot->{'one-to-one'} as $oneToOneElement) { $mapping = array( 'fieldName' => (string)$oneToOneElement['field'], 'targetEntity' => (string)$oneToOneElement['targetEntity'] ); if (isset($oneToOneElement['mappedBy'])) { $mapping['mappedBy'] = (string)$oneToOneElement['mappedBy']; } else { $joinColumns = array(); if (isset($oneToOneElement->{'join-column'})) { $joinColumns[] = $this->_getJoinColumnMapping($oneToOneElement->{'join-column'}); } else if (isset($oneToOneElement->{'join-columns'})) { foreach ($oneToOneElement->{'join-columns'}->{'join-column'} as $joinColumnElement) { $joinColumns[] = $this->_getJoinColumnMapping($joinColumnElement); } } else { throw MappingException::invalidMapping($mapping['fieldName']); } $mapping['joinColumns'] = $joinColumns; } if (isset($oneToOneElement->cascade)) { $mapping['cascade'] = $this->_getCascadeMappings($oneToOneElement->cascade); } $metadata->mapOneToOne($mapping); } } // Evaluate mappings if (isset($xmlRoot->{'one-to-many'})) { foreach ($xmlRoot->{'one-to-many'} as $oneToManyElement) { $mapping = array( 'fieldName' => (string)$oneToManyElement['field'], 'targetEntity' => (string)$oneToManyElement['targetEntity'], 'mappedBy' => (string)$oneToManyElement['mappedBy'] ); if (isset($oneToManyElement->cascade)) { $mapping['cascade'] = $this->_getCascadeMappings($oneToManyElement->cascade); } $metadata->mapOneToMany($mapping); } } // Evaluate mappings if (isset($xmlRoot->{'many-to-one'})) { foreach ($xmlRoot->{'many-to-one'} as $manyToOneElement) { $mapping = array( 'fieldName' => (string)$manyToOneElement['field'], 'targetEntity' => (string)$manyToOneElement['targetEntity'] ); $joinColumns = array(); if (isset($manyToOneElement->{'join-column'})) { $joinColumns[] = $this->_getJoinColumnMapping($manyToOneElement->{'join-column'}); } else if (isset($manyToOneElement->{'join-columns'})) { foreach ($manyToOneElement->{'join-columns'}->{'join-column'} as $joinColumnElement) { $joinColumns[] = $this->_getJoinColumnMapping($joinColumnElement); } } else { throw MappingException::invalidMapping($mapping['fieldName']); } $mapping['joinColumns'] = $joinColumns; if (isset($manyToOneElement->cascade)) { $mapping['cascade'] = $this->_getCascadeMappings($manyToOneElement->cascade); } $metadata->mapManyToOne($mapping); } } // Evaluate mappings if (isset($xmlRoot->{'many-to-many'})) { foreach ($xmlRoot->{'many-to-many'} as $manyToManyElement) { $mapping = array( 'fieldName' => (string)$manyToManyElement['field'], 'targetEntity' => (string)$manyToManyElement['targetEntity'] ); if (isset($manyToManyElement['mappedBy'])) { $mapping['mappedBy'] = (string)$manyToManyElement['mappedBy']; } else if (isset($manyToManyElement->{'join-table'})) { $joinTableElement = $manyToManyElement->{'join-table'}; $joinTable = array( 'name' => (string)$joinTableElement['name'] ); if (isset($joinTableElement['schema'])) { $joinTable['schema'] = (string)$joinTableElement['schema']; } foreach ($joinTableElement->{'join-columns'}->{'join-column'} as $joinColumnElement) { $joinTable['joinColumns'][] = $this->_getJoinColumnMapping($joinColumnElement); } foreach ($joinTableElement->{'inverse-join-columns'}->{'join-column'} as $joinColumnElement) { $joinTable['inverseJoinColumns'][] = $this->_getJoinColumnMapping($joinColumnElement); } $mapping['joinTable'] = $joinTable; } else { throw MappingException::invalidMapping($mapping['fieldName']); } if (isset($manyToManyElement->cascade)) { $mapping['cascade'] = $this->_getCascadeMappings($manyToManyElement->cascade); } $metadata->mapManyToMany($mapping); } } } else if ($xmlRoot->getName() == 'mapped-superclass') { throw MappingException::notImplemented('Mapped superclasses are not yet supported.'); } } /** * Whether the class with the specified name should have its metadata loaded. * This is only the case if it is either mapped as an Entity or a * MappedSuperclass. * * @param string $className * @return boolean */ public function isTransient($className) { $isTransient = true; if ($this->_mode == self::FILE_PER_CLASS) { // check whether file exists foreach ((array)$this->_paths as $path) { if (file_exists($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('\\', '.', $className) . $this->_fileExtension)) { $isTransient = false; break; } } } else { $isTransient = isset($this->_xmlElements[$className]); } return $isTransient; } /** * Preloads all mapping information found in any documents within the * configured paths and returns a list of class names that have been preloaded. * * @return array The list of class names that have been preloaded. */ public function preload() { if ($this->_mode != self::PRELOAD) { return array(); } foreach ((array)$this->_paths as $path) { if (is_dir($path)) { $files = glob($path . '/*' . $this->_fileExtension); foreach ($files as $file) { $this->_xmlElements = array_merge($this->_xmlElements, $this->_loadMappingFile($file)); } } else if (is_file($path)) { $this->_xmlElements = array_merge($this->_xmlElements, $this->_loadMappingFile($path)); } } return array_keys($this->_xmlElements); } /** * Loads a mapping file with the given name and returns a map * from class/entity names to their corresponding SimpleXMLElement nodes. * * @param string $file The mapping file to load. * @return array */ private function _loadMappingFile($file) { $result = array(); $xmlElement = simplexml_load_file($file); if (isset($xmlElement->entity)) { foreach ($xmlElement->entity as $entityElement) { $entityName = (string)$entityElement['name']; $result[$entityName] = $entityElement; } } else if (isset($xmlElement->{'mapped-superclass'})) { foreach ($xmlElement->{'mapped-superclass'} as $mapperSuperClass) { $className = (string)$mappedSuperClass['name']; $result[$className] = $mappedSuperClass; } } return $result; } /** * Finds the mapping file for the class with the given name by searching * through the configured paths. * * @param $className * @return string The (absolute) file name. * @throws MappingException */ private function _findMappingFile($className) { $fileName = null; foreach ((array)$this->_paths as $path) { $fileName = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('\\', '.', $className) . $this->_fileExtension; if (file_exists($fileName)) { break; } } if ($fileName === null) { throw MappingException::mappingFileNotFound($className); } return $fileName; } /** * Constructs a joinColumn mapping array based on the information * found in the given SimpleXMLElement. * * @param $joinColumnElement The XML element. * @return array The mapping array. */ private function _getJoinColumnMapping(\SimpleXMLElement $joinColumnElement) { $joinColumn = array( 'name' => (string)$joinColumnElement['name'], 'referencedColumnName' => (string)$joinColumnElement['referencedColumnName'] ); if (isset($joinColumnElement['unique'])) { $joinColumn['unique'] = (bool)$joinColumnElement['unique']; } if (isset($joinColumnElement['nullable'])) { $joinColumn['nullable'] = (bool)$joinColumnElement['nullable']; } if (isset($joinColumnElement['onDelete'])) { $joinColumn['onDelete'] = (string)$joinColumnElement['onDelete']; } if (isset($joinColumnElement['onUpdate'])) { $joinColumn['onUpdate'] = (string)$joinColumnElement['onUpdate']; } return $joinColumn; } /** * Gathers a list of cascade options found in the given cascade element. * * @param $cascadeElement The cascade element. * @return array The list of cascade options. */ private function _getCascadeMappings($cascadeElement) { $cascades = array(); if (isset($cascadeElement->{'cascade-save'})) { $cascades[] = 'save'; } if (isset($cascadeElement->{'cascade-delete'})) { $cascades[] = 'delete'; } if (isset($cascadeElement->{'cascade-merge'})) { $cascades[] = 'merge'; } if (isset($cascadeElement->{'cascade-refresh'})) { $cascades[] = 'refresh'; } return $cascades; } }