. */ namespace Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Cli\Tasks; use Doctrine\Common\Cache\AbstractDriver; /** * CLI Task to clear the cache of the various cache drivers * * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @link www.doctrine-project.org * @since 2.0 * @version $Revision$ * @author Guilherme Blanco * @author Jonathan Wage * @author Roman Borschel */ class ClearCacheTask extends AbstractTask { public function basicHelp() { $this->_writeSynopsis($this->getPrinter()); } public function extendedHelp() { $printer = $this->getPrinter(); $printer->write('Task: ')->writeln('clear-cache', 'KEYWORD') ->write('Synopsis: '); $this->_writeSynopsis($printer); $printer->writeln('Description: Clear cache from configured query, result and metadata drivers.') ->writeln('Options:') ->write('--query', 'OPT_ARG') ->writeln("\t\t\tClear the query cache.") ->write('--result', 'OPT_ARG') ->writeln("\t\tClear the result cache.") ->write('--metadata', 'OPT_ARG') ->writeln("\t\tClear the metadata cache.") ->write('--id=', 'REQ_ARG') ->writeln("\t\tThe id of the cache entry to delete (accepts * wildcards).") ->write('--regex=', 'REQ_ARG') ->writeln("\t\tDelete cache entries that match the given regular expression.") ->write('--prefix=', 'REQ_ARG') ->writeln("\tDelete cache entries that have the given prefix.") ->write('--suffix=', 'REQ_ARG') ->writeln("\tDelete cache entries that have the given suffix."); } private function _writeSynopsis($printer) { $printer->write('clear-cache', 'KEYWORD') ->write(' (--query | --result | --metadata)', 'OPT_ARG') ->write(' [--id=]', 'REQ_ARG') ->write(' [--regex=]', 'REQ_ARG') ->write(' [--prefix=]', 'REQ_ARG') ->writeln(' [--suffix=]', 'REQ_ARG'); } public function validate() { $printer = $this->getPrinter(); $args = $this->getArguments(); // When clearing the query cache no need to specify // id, regex, prefix or suffix. if ((isset($args['query']) || isset($args['metadata'])) && (isset($args['id']) || isset($args['regex']) || isset($args['prefix']) || isset($args['suffix']))) { $printer->writeln('When clearing the query or metadata cache do not specify any --id, --regex, --prefix or --suffix.', 'ERROR'); return false; } return true; } public function run() { $printer = $this->getPrinter(); $args = $this->getArguments(); $query = isset($args['query']); $result = isset($args['result']); $metadata = isset($args['metadata']); $id = isset($args['id']) ? $args['id'] : null; $regex = isset($args['regex']) ? $args['regex'] : null; $prefix = isset($args['prefix']) ? $args['prefix'] : null; $suffix = isset($args['suffix']) ? $args['suffix'] : null; $all = false; if ( ! $query && ! $result && ! $metadata) { $all = true; } $configuration = $this->getEntityManager()->getConfiguration(); if ($query || $all) { $this->_doDelete( 'query', $configuration->getQueryCacheImpl(), $id, $regex, $prefix, $suffix ); } if ($result || $all) { $this->_doDelete( 'result', $configuration->getResultCacheImpl(), $id, $regex, $prefix, $suffix ); } if ($metadata || $all) { $this->_doDelete( 'metadata', $configuration->getMetadataCacheImpl(), $id, $regex, $prefix, $suffix ); } } private function _doDelete($type, $cacheDriver, $id, $regex, $prefix, $suffix) { $printer = $this->getPrinter(); if ( ! $cacheDriver) { $printer->writeln('No driver has been configured for the ' . $type . ' cache.', 'ERROR'); return false; } if ($id) { $printer->writeln('Clearing ' . $type . ' cache entries that match the id "' . $id . '"', 'INFO'); $deleted = $cacheDriver->delete($id); if (is_array($deleted)) { $this->_printDeleted($printer, $type, $deleted); } else if (is_bool($deleted) && $deleted) { $this->_printDeleted($printer, $type, array($id)); } } if ($regex) { $printer->writeln('Clearing ' . $type . ' cache entries that match the regular expression "' . $regex . '"', 'INFO'); $this->_printDeleted($printer, $type, $cacheDriver->deleteByRegex('/' . $regex. '/')); } if ($prefix) { $printer->writeln('Clearing ' . $type . ' cache entries that have the prefix "' . $prefix . '"', 'INFO'); $this->_printDeleted($printer, $type, $cacheDriver->deleteByPrefix($prefix)); } if ($suffix) { $printer->writeln('Clearing ' . $type . ' cache entries that have the suffix "' . $suffix . '"', 'INFO'); $this->_printDeleted($printer, $type, $cacheDriver->deleteBySuffix($suffix)); } if ( ! $id && ! $regex && ! $prefix && ! $suffix) { $printer->writeln('Clearing all ' . $type . ' cache entries', 'INFO'); $this->_printDeleted($printer, $type, $cacheDriver->deleteAll()); } } private function _printDeleted($printer, $type, array $ids) { if ( ! empty($ids)) { foreach ($ids as $id) { $printer->writeln(' - ' . $id); } } else { $printer->writeln('No ' . $type . ' cache entries found', 'ERROR'); } $printer->writeln(""); } }