
namespace Doctrine\Tests\ORM\Functional;

use Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\DebugStack;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\SQLLogger;
use Doctrine\ORM\Configuration;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Doctrine\ORM\Tools\SchemaTool;
use Doctrine\Tests\Models\Generic\DateTimeModel;
use Doctrine\Tests\OrmFunctionalTestCase;

class MergeProxiesTest extends OrmFunctionalTestCase
     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected function setUp()


     * @group DDC-1392
     * @group DDC-1734
     * @group DDC-3368
     * @group #1172
    public function testMergeDetachedUnInitializedProxy()
        $detachedUninitialized = $this->_em->getReference(DateTimeModel::CLASSNAME, 123);


        $managed = $this->_em->getReference(DateTimeModel::CLASSNAME, 123);

        $this->assertSame($managed, $this->_em->merge($detachedUninitialized));


     * @group DDC-1392
     * @group DDC-1734
     * @group DDC-3368
     * @group #1172
    public function testMergeUnserializedUnInitializedProxy()
        $detachedUninitialized = $this->_em->getReference(DateTimeModel::CLASSNAME, 123);


        $managed = $this->_em->getReference(DateTimeModel::CLASSNAME, 123);



     * @group DDC-1392
     * @group DDC-1734
     * @group DDC-3368
     * @group #1172
    public function testMergeManagedProxy()
        $managed = $this->_em->getReference(DateTimeModel::CLASSNAME, 123);

        $this->assertSame($managed, $this->_em->merge($managed));


     * @group DDC-1392
     * @group DDC-1734
     * @group DDC-3368
     * @group #1172
    public function testMergingProxyFromDifferentEntityManagerWithExistingManagedInstanceDoesNotReplaceInitializer()
        $em1 = $this->createEntityManager($logger1 = new DebugStack());
        $em2 = $this->createEntityManager($logger2 = new DebugStack());

        $file1 = new DateTimeModel();
        $file2 = new DateTimeModel();


        $queryCount1 = count($logger1->queries);
        $queryCount2 = count($logger2->queries);

        $proxy1  = $em1->getReference(DateTimeModel::CLASSNAME, $file1->id);
        $proxy2  = $em2->getReference(DateTimeModel::CLASSNAME, $file1->id);
        $merged2 = $em2->merge($proxy1);

        $this->assertNotSame($proxy1, $merged2);
        $this->assertSame($proxy2, $merged2);



            $queryCount1 + 1,
            'Loading the first proxy was done through the first entity manager'
            'No queries were executed on the second entity manager, as it is unrelated with the first proxy'


            $queryCount1 + 1,
            'Loading the second proxy does not affect the first entity manager'
            $queryCount2 + 1,
            'Loading of the second proxy instance was done through the second entity manager'

     * @group DDC-1392
     * @group DDC-1734
     * @group DDC-3368
     * @group #1172
    public function testMergingUnInitializedProxyDoesNotInitializeIt()
        $em1 = $this->createEntityManager($logger1 = new DebugStack());
        $em2 = $this->createEntityManager($logger2 = new DebugStack());

        $file1 = new DateTimeModel();
        $file2 = new DateTimeModel();


        $queryCount1 = count($logger1->queries);
        $queryCount2 = count($logger1->queries);

        $unManagedProxy = $em1->getReference(DateTimeModel::CLASSNAME, $file1->id);
        $mergedInstance = $em2->merge($unManagedProxy);

        $this->assertNotInstanceOf('Doctrine\Common\Proxy\Proxy', $mergedInstance);
        $this->assertNotSame($unManagedProxy, $mergedInstance);

            'Loading the merged instance affected only the first entity manager'
            $queryCount1 + 1,
            'Loading the merged instance was done via the second entity manager'


            $queryCount1 + 1,
            'Loading the first proxy was done through the first entity manager'
            $queryCount2 + 1,
            'No queries were executed on the second entity manager, as it is unrelated with the first proxy'

     * @param SQLLogger $logger
     * @return EntityManager
    private function createEntityManager(SQLLogger $logger)
        $config = new Configuration();

        $config->setProxyDir(realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../Proxies'));
            array(realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../Models/Cache')),

        // always runs on sqlite to prevent multi-connection race-conditions with the test suite
        // multi-connection is not relevant for the purpose of checking locking here, but merely
        // to stub out DB-level access and intercept it
        $connection = DriverManager::getConnection(
                'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite',
                'memory' => true

        $entityManager = EntityManager::create($connection, $config);

        (new SchemaTool($entityManager))->createSchema([$entityManager->getClassMetadata(DateTimeModel::CLASSNAME)]);

        return $entityManager;