. */ /** * Doctrine_AuditLog * * @package Doctrine * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @category Object Relational Mapping * @link www.phpdoctrine.com * @since 1.0 * @version $Revision$ * @author Konsta Vesterinen */ class Doctrine_AuditLog { protected $_options = array( 'className' => '%CLASS%Version', 'deleteTrigger' => '%TABLE%_ddtr', 'updateTrigger' => '%TABLE%_dutr', 'versionTable' => '%TABLE%_dvt', 'versionColumn' => 'version', ); protected $_table; protected $_auditTable; public function __construct(Doctrine_Table $table) { $this->_table = $table; } /** * __get * an alias for getOption * * @param string $option */ public function __get($option) { if (isset($this->options[$option])) { return $this->_options[$option]; } return null; } /** * __isset * * @param string $option */ public function __isset($option) { return isset($this->_options[$option]); } /** * getOptions * returns all options of this table and the associated values * * @return array all options and their values */ public function getOptions() { return $this->_options; } /** * setOption * sets an option and returns this object in order to * allow flexible method chaining * * @see slef::$_options for available options * @param string $name the name of the option to set * @param mixed $value the value of the option * @return Doctrine_AuditLog this object */ public function setOption($name, $value) { if ( ! isset($this->_options[$name])) { throw new Doctrine_Exception('Unknown option ' . $name); } $this->_options[$name] = $value; } /** * getOption * returns the value of given option * * @param string $name the name of the option * @return mixed the value of given option */ public function getOption($name) { if (isset($this->_options[$name])) { return $this->_options[$name]; } return null; } public function audit() { $conn = $this->_table->getConnection(); // begin new transaction $conn->beginTransaction(); try { // create the version table and the triggers $this->createVersionTable(); $conn->execute($this->deleteTriggerSql()); $conn->execute($this->updateTriggerSql()); // commit structure changes $conn->commit(); } catch(Doctrine_Connection_Exception $e) { $conn->rollback(); } } public function getVersion(Doctrine_Record $record, $version) { $className = str_replace('%CLASS%', $this->_table->getComponentName(), $this->_options['className']); $q = new Doctrine_Query(); $values = array(); foreach ((array) $this->_table->getIdentifier() as $id) { $conditions[] = $className . '.' . $id . ' = ?'; $values[] = $record->get($id); } $where = implode(' AND ', $conditions) . ' AND ' . $className . '.' . $this->_options['versionColumn'] . ' = ?'; $values[] = $version; return $q->from($className) ->where($where) ->execute($values, Doctrine::FETCH_ARRAY); } public function createVersionTable() { $data = $this->_table->getExportableFormat(false); $conn = $this->_table->getConnection(); $data['tableName'] = str_replace('%TABLE%', $data['tableName'], $this->_options['versionTable']); foreach ($data['columns'] as $name => $def) { unset($data['columns'][$name]['autoinc']); unset($data['columns'][$name]['autoincrement']); unset($data['columns'][$name]['sequence']); unset($data['columns'][$name]['seq']); } $data['columns'][$this->_options['versionColumn']]['primary'] = true; $className = str_replace('%CLASS%', $this->_table->getComponentName(), $this->_options['className']); $definition = 'class ' . $className . ' extends Doctrine_Record { ' . 'public function setTableDefinition() { ' . '$this->hasColumns(' . var_export($data['columns'], true) . ');' . '$this->option(\'tableName\', \'' . $data['tableName'] . '\'); } }'; $this->_table->getRelationParser()->bind($className, array( 'local' => $this->_table->getIdentifier(), 'foreign' => $this->_table->getIdentifier(), 'type' => Doctrine_Relation::MANY)); $this->_table->addListener(new Doctrine_AuditLog_Listener($this)); eval($definition); $data['options']['primary'][] = $this->_options['versionColumn']; $this->_auditTable = $this->_table->getConnection()->getTable($className); } /** * deleteTriggerSql * * returns the sql needed for the delete trigger creation */ public function deleteTriggerSql() { $conn = $this->_table->getConnection(); $columnNames = $this->_table->getColumnNames(); $oldColumns = array_map(array($this, 'formatOld'), $columnNames); $sql = 'CREATE TRIGGER ' . $conn->quoteIdentifier($this->_table->getTableName()) . '_ddt' . ' BEFORE DELETE ON ' . $conn->quoteIdentifier($this->_table->getTableName()) . ' BEGIN' . ' INSERT INTO ' . $this->_table->getTableName() . '_dvt (' . implode(', ', array_map(array($conn, 'quoteIdentifier'), $columnNames)) . ') VALUES (' . implode(', ', array_map(array($conn, 'quoteIdentifier'), $oldColumns)) . ');' . ' END;'; return $sql; } /** * updateTriggerSql * * returns the sql needed for the update trigger creation */ public function updateTriggerSql() { $conn = $this->_table->getConnection(); $columnNames = $this->_table->getColumnNames(); $oldColumns = array_map(array($this, 'formatOld'), $columnNames); $sql = 'CREATE TRIGGER ' . $conn->quoteIdentifier($this->_table->getTableName()) . '_dut' . ' UPDATE ON ' . $conn->quoteIdentifier($this->_table->getTableName()) . ' BEGIN' . ' INSERT INTO ' . $this->_table->getTableName() . '_dvt (' . implode(', ', array_map(array($conn, 'quoteIdentifier'), $columnNames)) . ') VALUES (' . implode(', ', array_map(array($conn, 'quoteIdentifier'), $oldColumns)) . ');' . ' END;'; return $sql; } public function formatOld($column) { return 'old.' . $column; } }