table = $table; $exists = ( ! $this->table->isNewEntry()); } else { $this->table = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentSession()->getTable(get_class($this)); $exists = false; } // Check if the current session has the records table in its registry // If not this is record is only used for creating table definition and setting up // relations. if($this->table->getSession()->hasTable($this->table->getComponentName())) { $this->oid = self::$index; self::$index++; if( ! $exists) { // listen the onPreCreate event $this->table->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onPreCreate($this); } else { // listen the onPreLoad event $this->table->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onPreLoad($this); } // get the data array $this->data = $this->table->getData(); // clean data array $cols = $this->cleanData(); if( ! $exists) { if($cols > 0) $this->state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_TDIRTY; else $this->state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_TCLEAN; // listen the onCreate event $this->table->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onCreate($this); } else { $this->state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN; if($cols <= 1) $this->state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_PROXY; else $this->loaded = true; // id property is protected $keys = $this->table->getPrimaryKeys(); if(count($keys) == 1) { $this->id = $this->data[$keys[0]]; } else { /** $this->id = array(); foreach($keys as $key) { $this->id[] = $this->data[$key]; } */ } // listen the onLoad event $this->table->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onLoad($this); } // add data access object to registry $this->table->getRepository()->add($this); unset($this->data['id']); $this->table->setData(array()); } } /** * setUp * implemented by child classes */ public function setUp() { } /** * return the object identifier * @return integer */ public function getOID() { return $this->oid; } /** * isLoaded */ public function isLoaded() { return $this->loaded; } /** * cleanData * modifies data array * example: * * $data = array("name"=>"John","lastname"=> null,"id"=>1,"unknown"=>"unknown"); * $names = array("name","lastname","id"); * $data after operation: * $data = array("name"=>"John","lastname" => array(),"id"=>1); */ private function cleanData() { $cols = 0; $tmp = $this->data; $this->data = array(); foreach($this->table->getColumnNames() as $name) { if( ! isset($tmp[$name])) { $this->data[$name] = array(); } else { $cols++; $this->data[$name] = $tmp[$name]; } } return $cols; } /** * this method is automatically called when this Doctrine_Record is serialized */ public function __sleep() { $this->table->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onSleep($this); $this->table = $this->table->getComponentName(); // unset all vars that won't need to be serialized unset($this->modified); unset($this->associations); unset($this->state); unset($this->collections); unset($this->references); unset($this->originals); unset($this->oid); unset($this->loaded); foreach($this->data as $k=>$v) { if($v instanceof Doctrine_Record) $this->data[$k] = array(); } return array_keys(get_object_vars($this)); } /** * __wakeup * this method is automatically called everytime a Doctrine_Record object is unserialized */ public function __wakeup() { $this->modified = array(); $this->state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN; $name = $this->table; $manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance(); $sess = $manager->getCurrentSession(); $this->oid = self::$index; self::$index++; $this->table = $sess->getTable($name); $this->table->getRepository()->add($this); $this->loaded = true; $this->cleanData(); unset($this->data['id']); $this->table->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onWakeUp($this); } /** * addCollection * @param Doctrine_Collection $collection * @param mixed $key */ final public function addCollection(Doctrine_Collection $collection,$key = null) { if($key !== null) { if(isset($this->collections[$key])) throw InvalidKeyException(); $this->collections[$key] = $collection; } else { $this->collections[] = $collection; } } /** * getCollection * @param integer $key * @return Doctrine_Collection */ final public function getCollection($key) { return $this->collections[$key]; } /** * hasCollections * @return boolean whether or not this dao is part of a collection */ final public function hasCollections() { return (! empty($this->collections)); } /** * getState * @see Doctrine_Record::STATE_* constants * @return integer the current state */ final public function getState() { return $this->state; } /** * refresh refresh internal data from the database * @return boolean */ final public function refresh() { if($this->getID() == null) return false; $query = $this->table->getQuery()." WHERE ".implode(" = ? && ",$this->table->getPrimaryKeys())." = ?"; $this->data = $this->table->getSession()->execute($query,array($this->getID()))->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); unset($this->data["id"]); $this->modified = array(); $this->cleanData(); $this->loaded = true; $this->state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN; return true; } /** * factoryRefresh * @throws Doctrine_Exception * @return void */ final public function factoryRefresh() { $data = $this->table->getData(); if($this->id != $data["id"]) throw new Doctrine_Refresh_Exception(); $this->data = $data; $this->cleanData(); unset($this->data["id"]); $this->state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN; $this->modified = array(); $this->loaded = true; } /** * return the factory that created this data access object * @return object Doctrine_Table a Doctrine_Table object */ final public function getTable() { return $this->table; } /** * return all the internal data * @return array an array containing all the properties */ final public function getData() { return $this->data; } /** * get * returns a value of a property or related component * * @param $name name of the property or related component * @throws InvalidKeyException * @return mixed */ public function get($name) { if(isset($this->data[$name])) { // check if the property is not loaded (= it is an empty array) if(is_array($this->data[$name])) { if( ! $this->loaded) { // no use trying to load the data from database if the Doctrine_Record is new or clean if($this->state != Doctrine_Record::STATE_TDIRTY && $this->state != Doctrine_Record::STATE_TCLEAN && $this->state != Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN) { if( ! empty($this->collections)) { foreach($this->collections as $collection) { $collection->load($this); } } else { $this->refresh(); } $this->state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN; } $this->loaded = true; } if(is_array($this->data[$name])) return null; } return $this->data[$name]; } if($name == "id") return $this->id; if( ! isset($this->references[$name])) $this->loadReference($name); return $this->references[$name]; } /** * rawSet * doctrine uses this function internally, not recommended for developers * * @param mixed $name name of the property or reference * @param mixed $value value of the property or reference */ final public function rawSet($name,$value) { if($value instanceof Doctrine_Record) $id = $value->getID(); if( ! empty($id)) $value = $id; $this->data[$name] = $value; } /** * set * method for altering properties and Doctrine_Record references * * @param mixed $name name of the property or reference * @param mixed $value value of the property or reference * @throws InvalidKeyException * @throws InvalidTypeException * @return void */ public function set($name,$value) { if(isset($this->data[$name])) { $old = $this->get($name); if($value instanceof Doctrine_Record) { $id = $value->getID(); if( ! empty($id)) $value = $value->getID(); } if($old !== $value) { $this->data[$name] = $value; $this->modified[] = $name; switch($this->state): case Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN: case Doctrine_Record::STATE_PROXY: $this->state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_DIRTY; break; case Doctrine_Record::STATE_TCLEAN: $this->state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_TDIRTY; break; endswitch; } } else { // if not found, throws InvalidKeyException $fk = $this->table->getForeignKey($name); if($value->getTable()->getComponentName() != $name) throw new InvalidKeyException(); // one-to-many or one-to-one relation if($fk instanceof Doctrine_ForeignKey || $fk instanceof Doctrine_LocalKey) { switch($fk->getType()): case Doctrine_Table::MANY_COMPOSITE: case Doctrine_Table::MANY_AGGREGATE: // one-to-many relation found if( ! ($value instanceof Doctrine_Collection)) throw new InvalidTypeException("Couldn't call Doctrine::set(), second argument should be an instance of Doctrine_Collection when setting one-to-many references."); $value->setReference($this,$fk); break; case Doctrine_Table::ONE_COMPOSITE: case Doctrine_Table::ONE_AGGREGATE: // one-to-one relation found if( ! ($value instanceof Doctrine_Record)) throw new InvalidTypeException("Couldn't call Doctrine::set(), second argument should be an instance of Doctrine_Record when setting one-to-one references."); if($fk->getLocal() == "id") { $this->references[$name]->set($fk->getForeign(),$this); } else { $this->set($fk->getLocal(),$value); } break; endswitch; } elseif($fk instanceof Doctrine_Association) { // many-to-many relation found if( ! ($value instanceof Doctrine_Collection)) throw new InvalidTypeException("Couldn't call Doctrine::set(), second argument should be an instance of Doctrine_Collection when setting one-to-many references."); } $this->references[$name] = $value; } } /** * applies the changes made to this object into database * this method is smart enough to know if any changes are made * and whether to use INSERT or UPDATE statement * * this method also saves the related composites * * @return void */ final public function save() { $this->table->getSession()->beginTransaction(); // listen the onPreSave event $this->table->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onPreSave($this); $saveLater = $this->table->getSession()->saveRelated($this); $this->table->getSession()->save($this); foreach($saveLater as $fk) { $table = $fk->getTable(); $foreign = $fk->getForeign(); $local = $fk->getLocal(); $name = $table->getComponentName(); if(isset($this->references[$name])) { $obj = $this->references[$name]; $obj->save(); } } // save the MANY-TO-MANY associations $this->saveAssociations(); $this->table->getSession()->commit(); } /** * returns an array of modified fields and associated values * @return array */ final public function getModified() { $a = array(); foreach($this->modified as $k=>$v) { $a[$v] = $this->data[$v]; } return $a; } /** * this class implements countable interface * @return integer the number of columns */ public function count() { return count($this->data); } /** * getIterator * @return ArrayIterator an ArrayIterator that iterates through the data */ public function getIterator() { return new ArrayIterator($this->data); } /** * saveAssociations * save the associations of many-to-many relations * this method also deletes associations that do not exist anymore * @return void */ final public function saveAssociations() { foreach($this->table->getForeignKeys() as $fk): $table = $fk->getTable(); $name = $table->getComponentName(); if($fk instanceof Doctrine_Association) { switch($fk->getType()): case Doctrine_Table::MANY_COMPOSITE: break; case Doctrine_Table::MANY_AGGREGATE: $asf = $fk->getAssociationFactory(); if(isset($this->references[$name])) { $new = $this->references[$name]; if( ! isset($this->originals[$name])) { $this->loadReference($name); } $r = $this->getRelationOperations($name,$new); foreach($r["delete"] as $record) { $query = "DELETE FROM ".$asf->getTableName()." WHERE ".$fk->getForeign()." = ?" ." && ".$fk->getLocal()." = ?"; $this->table->getSession()->execute($query, array($record->getID(),$this->getID())); } foreach($r["add"] as $record) { $reldao = $asf->create(); $reldao->set($fk->getForeign(),$record); $reldao->set($fk->getLocal(),$this); $reldao->save(); } $this->originals[$name] = clone $this->references[$name]; } break; endswitch; } elseif($fk instanceof Doctrine_ForeignKey || $fk instanceof Doctrine_LocalKey) { switch($fk->getType()): case Doctrine_Table::ONE_COMPOSITE: if(isset($this->originals[$name]) && $this->originals[$name]->getID() != $this->references[$name]->getID()) $this->originals[$name]->delete(); break; case Doctrine_Table::MANY_COMPOSITE: if(isset($this->references[$name])) { $new = $this->references[$name]; if( ! isset($this->originals[$name])) $this->loadReference($name); $r = $this->getRelationOperations($name,$new); foreach($r["delete"] as $record) { $record->delete(); } $this->originals[$name] = clone $this->references[$name]; } break; endswitch; } endforeach; } /** * get the records that need to be added * and/or deleted in order to change the old collection * to the new one * * The algorithm here is very simple and definitely not * the fastest one, since we have to iterate through the collections twice. * the complexity of this algorithm is O(2*n^2) * * First we iterate through the new collection and get the * records that do not exist in the old collection (Doctrine_Records that need to be added). * * Then we iterate through the old collection and get the records * that do not exists in the new collection (Doctrine_Records that need to be deleted). */ final public function getRelationOperations($name, Doctrine_Collection $new) { $r["add"] = array(); $r["delete"] = array(); foreach($new as $k=>$record) { $found = false; if($record->getID() !== null) { foreach($this->originals[$name] as $k2 => $record2) { if($record2->getID() == $record->getID()) { $found = true; break; } } } if( ! $found) { $this->originals[$name][] = $record; $r["add"][] = $record; } } foreach($this->originals[$name] as $k => $record) { if($record->getID() === null) continue; $found = false; foreach($new as $k2=>$record2) { if($record2->getID() == $record->getID()) { $found = true; break; } } if( ! $found) { $r["delete"][] = $record; unset($this->originals[$name][$k]); } } return $r; } /** * getOriginals */ final public function getOriginals($name) { if( ! isset($this->originals[$name])) throw new InvalidKeyException(); return $this->originals[$name]; } /** * deletes this data access object and all the related composites * this operation is isolated by a transaction * * this event can be listened by the onPreDelete and onDelete listeners * * @return boolean true on success, false on failure */ public function delete() { $this->table->getSession()->delete($this); } /** * returns a copy of this object * @return DAO */ public function copy() { return $this->table->create($this->data); } /** * @param integer $id * @return void */ final public function setID($id = null) { if($id === null) { $this->id = null; $this->cleanData(); $this->state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_TCLEAN; $this->modified = array(); } else { $this->id = $id; $this->state = Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN; $this->modified = array(); } } /** * return the primary key this object is pointing at * @return int id */ final public function getID() { return $this->id; } /** * hasRefence * @param string $name */ public function hasReference($name) { return isset($this->references[$name]); } /** * @param Doctrine_Collection $coll * @param string $connectorField */ public function initReference(Doctrine_Collection $coll, Doctrine_Relation $connector) { $name = $coll->getTable()->getComponentName(); $coll->setReference($this, $connector); $this->references[$name] = $coll; $this->originals[$name] = clone $coll; } /** * addReference */ public function addReference(Doctrine_Record $record) { $name = $record->getTable()->getComponentName(); $this->references[$name]->add($record); $this->originals[$name]->add($record); } /** * getReferences * @return array all references */ public function getReferences() { return $this->references; } /** * @throws InvalidKeyException * @param name * @return void */ final public function loadReference($name) { $fk = $this->table->getForeignKey($name); $table = $fk->getTable(); $name = $table->getComponentName(); $local = $fk->getLocal(); $foreign = $fk->getForeign(); $graph = $table->getDQLParser(); switch($this->getState()): case Doctrine_Record::STATE_TDIRTY: case Doctrine_Record::STATE_TCLEAN: if($fk->getType() == Doctrine_Table::ONE_COMPOSITE || $fk->getType() == Doctrine_Table::ONE_AGGREGATE) { // ONE-TO-ONE $this->references[$name] = $table->create(); if($fk instanceof Doctrine_ForeignKey) { $this->references[$name]->set($fk->getForeign(),$this); } else { $this->set($fk->getLocal(),$this->references[$name]); } } else { $this->references[$name] = new Doctrine_Collection($table); if($fk instanceof Doctrine_ForeignKey) { // ONE-TO-MANY $this->references[$name]->setReference($this,$fk); } $this->originals[$name] = new Doctrine_Collection($table); } break; case Doctrine_Record::STATE_DIRTY: case Doctrine_Record::STATE_CLEAN: case Doctrine_Record::STATE_PROXY: switch($fk->getType()): case Doctrine_Table::ONE_COMPOSITE: case Doctrine_Table::ONE_AGGREGATE: // ONE-TO-ONE $id = $this->get($local); if($fk instanceof Doctrine_LocalKey) { if(empty($id)) { $this->references[$name] = $table->create(); $this->set($fk->getLocal(),$this->references[$name]); } else { try { $this->references[$name] = $table->find($id); } catch(Doctrine_Find_Exception $e) { } } } elseif ($fk instanceof Doctrine_ForeignKey) { } break; default: // ONE-TO-MANY if($fk instanceof Doctrine_ForeignKey) { $id = $this->get($local); $query = "FROM ".$name." WHERE ".$name.".".$fk->getForeign()." = ?"; $coll = $graph->query($query,array($id)); $this->references[$name] = $coll; $this->references[$name]->setReference($this,$fk); $this->originals[$name] = clone $coll; } elseif($fk instanceof Doctrine_Association) { $asf = $fk->getAssociationFactory(); $query = "SELECT ".$foreign." FROM ".$asf->getTableName()." WHERE ".$local." = ?"; $graph = new Doctrine_DQL_Parser($table->getSession()); $query = "FROM ".$table->getComponentName()." WHERE ".$table->getComponentName().".id IN ($query)"; $coll = $graph->query($query, array($this->getID())); $this->references[$name] = $coll; $this->originals[$name] = clone $coll; } endswitch; break; endswitch; } /** * @param string $objTableName * @param string $fkField * @return void */ final public function ownsOne($componentName,$foreignKey, $localKey = "id") { $this->table->bind($componentName,$foreignKey,Doctrine_Table::ONE_COMPOSITE, $localKey); } /** * @param string $objTableName * @param string $fkField * @return void */ final public function ownsMany($componentName,$foreignKey, $localKey = "id") { $this->table->bind($componentName,$foreignKey,Doctrine_Table::MANY_COMPOSITE, $localKey); } /** * @param string $objTableName * @param string $fkField * @return void */ final public function hasOne($componentName,$foreignKey, $localKey = "id") { $this->table->bind($componentName,$foreignKey,Doctrine_Table::ONE_AGGREGATE, $localKey); } /** * @param string $objTableName * @param string $fkField * @return void */ final public function hasMany($componentName,$foreignKey, $localKey = "id") { $this->table->bind($componentName,$foreignKey,Doctrine_Table::MANY_AGGREGATE, $localKey); } /** * setInheritanceMap * @param array $inheritanceMap * @return void */ final public function setInheritanceMap(array $inheritanceMap) { $this->table->setInheritanceMap($inheritanceMap); } /** * setPrimaryKey * @param string $key */ final public function setPrimaryKey($key) { $this->table->setPrimaryKey($key); } /** * setTableName * @param string $name table name * @return void */ final public function setTableName($name) { $this->table->setTableName($name); } /** * setAttribute * @param integer $attribute * @param mixed $value * @see Doctrine::ATTR_* constants * @return void */ final public function setAttribute($attribute, $value) { $this->table->setAttribute($attribute,$value); } /** * hasColumn * @param string $name * @param string $type * @param integer $length * @param mixed $options * @return void */ final public function hasColumn($name, $type, $length = 20, $options = "") { $this->table->setColumn($name, $type, $length, $options); } /** * returns a string representation of this object */ public function __toString() { return Doctrine_Lib::getRecordAsString($this); } } ?>