. */ /** * class Doctrine_Export_Schema * * Different methods to import a XML schema. The logic behind using two different * methods is simple. Some people will like the idea of producing Doctrine_Record * objects directly, which is totally fine. But in fast and growing application, * table definitions tend to be a little bit more volatile. importArr() can be used * to output a table definition in a PHP file. This file can then be stored * independantly from the object itself. * * @package Doctrine * @category Object Relational Mapping * @link www.phpdoctrine.com * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @version $Revision: 1838 $ * @author Nicolas BĂ©rard-Nault */ abstract class Doctrine_Export_Schema { /** * build * * Build the schema string to be dumped to file * * @param string $array * @return void */ abstract function build($array); /** * dump * * Dump the array to the schema file * * @param string $array * @param string $schema * @return void */ public function dump($array, $schema) { $data = $this->build($array); file_put_contents($schema, $data); } public function getDirectoryTables($directory) { $parent = new ReflectionClass('Doctrine_Record'); $declared = get_declared_classes(); if ($directory !== null) { foreach ((array) $directory as $dir) { $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY); foreach ($it as $file) { $e = explode('.', $file->getFileName()); if (end($e) === 'php' && strpos($file->getFileName(), '.inc') === false) { require_once $file->getPathName(); } } } $declared = get_declared_classes(); $tables = array(); foreach($declared as $name) { $class = new ReflectionClass($name); if ($class->isSubclassOf($parent) AND !$class->isAbstract()) { $tables[$name] = $name; } } return $tables; } } /** * buildSchema * * Build schema array that can be dumped to file * * @param string $directory * @return void */ public function buildSchema($directory) { $array = array('tables' => array()); $tables = $this->getDirectoryTables($directory); $parent = new ReflectionClass('Doctrine_Record'); $sql = array(); $fks = array(); // we iterate trhough the diff of previously declared classes // and currently declared classes foreach ($tables as $name) { $class = new ReflectionClass($name); $conn = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getConnectionForComponent($name); // check if class is an instance of Doctrine_Record and not abstract // class must have method setTableDefinition (to avoid non-Record subclasses like symfony's sfDoctrineRecord) // we have to recursively iterate through the class parents just to be sure that the classes using for example // column aggregation inheritance are properly exported to database while ($class->isAbstract() || ! $class->isSubclassOf($parent) || ! $class->hasMethod('setTableDefinition') || ( $class->hasMethod('setTableDefinition') && $class->getMethod('setTableDefinition')->getDeclaringClass()->getName() !== $class->getName())) { $class = $class->getParentClass(); if ($class === false) { break; } } if ($class === false) { continue; } $record = new $name(); $table = $record->getTable(); $data = $table->getExportableFormat(); $table = array(); $table['name'] = $data['tableName']; $table['class'] = get_class($record); $table['columns'] = $data['columns']; $array['tables'][$data['tableName']] = $table; } return $array; } /** * exportSchema * * @param string $schema * @param string $directory * @return void */ public function exportSchema($schema, $directory) { $array = $this->buildSchema($directory); return $this->dump($array, $schema); } }