<?php /* * $Id$ * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see * <http://www.phpdoctrine.org>. */ /** * The hydrator has the tedious task to construct object or array graphs out of * a database result set. * * @package Doctrine * @subpackage Hydrator * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @link www.phpdoctrine.org * @since 1.0 * @version $Revision: 3192 $ * @author Konsta Vesterinen <kvesteri@cc.hut.fi> * @author Roman Borschel <roman@code-factory.org> * @deprecated */ class Doctrine_Hydrator extends Doctrine_Hydrator_Abstract { /** * hydrateResultSet * * This is method defines the core of Doctrine's object population algorithm. * * The key idea is the loop over the rowset only once doing all the needed operations * within this massive loop. * * @todo: Detailed documentation. Refactor (too long & nesting level). * * @param mixed $stmt * @param array $aliasMap Array that maps DQL aliases to their components * (DQL alias => array( * 'table' => Table object, * 'parent' => Parent DQL alias (if any), * 'relation' => Relation object (if any), * 'map' => Custom index to use as the key in the result (if any), * 'agg' => List of aggregate values (sql alias => dql alias) * ) * ) * @return mixed The created object/array graph. */ public function hydrateResultSet($parserResult) { if ($parserResult->getHydrationMode() === null) { $hydrationMode = $this->_hydrationMode; } else { $hydrationMode = $parserResult->getHydrationMode(); } $stmt = $parserResult->getDatabaseStatement(); if ($hydrationMode == Doctrine::HYDRATE_NONE) { return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM); } $this->_tableAliases = $parserResult->getTableToClassAliasMap(); $this->_queryComponents = $parserResult->getQueryComponents(); if ($hydrationMode == Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY) { $driver = new Doctrine_Hydrator_ArrayDriver(); } else { $driver = new Doctrine_Hydrator_RecordDriver($this->_em); } $event = new Doctrine_Event(null, Doctrine_Event::HYDRATE, null); //$s = microtime(true); // Used variables during hydration reset($this->_queryComponents); $rootAlias = key($this->_queryComponents); $rootComponentName = $this->_queryComponents[$rootAlias]['table']->getComponentName(); // if only one component is involved we can make our lives easier $isSimpleQuery = count($this->_queryComponents) <= 1; // Holds hydration listeners that get called during hydration $listeners = array(); // Lookup map to quickly discover/lookup existing records in the result // It's the identifier "memory" $identifierMap = array(); // Holds for each component the last previously seen element in the result set $prev = array(); // Holds the values of the identifier/primary key fields of components, // separated by a pipe '|' and grouped by component alias (r, u, i, ... whatever) // the $idTemplate is a prepared template. $id is set to a fresh template when // starting to process a row. $id = array(); $idTemplate = array(); // Holds the resulting hydrated data structure $result = $driver->getElementCollection($rootComponentName); if ($stmt === false || $stmt === 0) { return $result; } // Initialize foreach ($this->_queryComponents as $dqlAlias => $component) { // disable lazy-loading of related elements during hydration $component['table']->setAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LOAD_REFERENCES, false); $componentName = $component['table']->getClassName(); $listeners[$componentName] = $component['table']->getRecordListener(); $identifierMap[$dqlAlias] = array(); $prev[$dqlAlias] = array(); $idTemplate[$dqlAlias] = ''; } // Process result set $cache = array(); while ($data = $stmt->fetch(Doctrine::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $id = $idTemplate; // initialize the id-memory $nonemptyComponents = array(); $rowData = $this->_gatherRowData($data, $cache, $id, $nonemptyComponents); // // hydrate the data of the root entity from the current row // $class = $this->_queryComponents[$rootAlias]['table']; $componentName = $class->getComponentName(); // just event stuff $event->set('data', $rowData[$rootAlias]); $listeners[$componentName]->preHydrate($event); $index = false; if ($isSimpleQuery || ! isset($identifierMap[$rootAlias][$id[$rootAlias]])) { $element = $driver->getElement($rowData[$rootAlias], $componentName); // just event stuff $event->set('data', $element); $listeners[$componentName]->postHydrate($event); //-- // do we need to index by a custom field? if ($field = $this->_getCustomIndexField($rootAlias)) { if (isset($result[$field])) { throw new Doctrine_Hydrator_Exception("Couldn't hydrate. Found non-unique key mapping."); } else if ( ! isset($element[$field])) { throw new Doctrine_Hydrator_Exception("Couldn't hydrate. Found a non-existent key."); } $result[$element[$field]] = $element; } else { $result[] = $element; } $identifierMap[$rootAlias][$id[$rootAlias]] = $driver->getLastKey($result); } else { $index = $identifierMap[$rootAlias][$id[$rootAlias]]; } $this->_setLastElement($prev, $result, $index, $rootAlias, false); unset($rowData[$rootAlias]); // End hydrate data of the root component for the current row // $prev[$rootAlias] now points to the last element in $result. // now hydrate the rest of the data found in the current row, that belongs to other // (related) components. foreach ($rowData as $dqlAlias => $data) { $index = false; $map = $this->_queryComponents[$dqlAlias]; $componentName = $map['table']->getComponentName(); // just event stuff $event->set('data', $data); $listeners[$componentName]->preHydrate($event); //-- $parent = $map['parent']; $relation = $map['relation']; $relationAlias = $relation->getAlias(); $path = $parent . '.' . $dqlAlias; if ( ! isset($prev[$parent])) { continue; } // check the type of the relation if ( ! $relation->isOneToOne()) { $oneToOne = false; // append element if (isset($nonemptyComponents[$dqlAlias])) { $driver->initRelatedCollection($prev[$parent], $relationAlias); if ( ! isset($identifierMap[$path][$id[$parent]][$id[$dqlAlias]])) { $element = $driver->getElement($data, $componentName); // just event stuff $event->set('data', $element); $listeners[$componentName]->postHydrate($event); //-- if ($field = $this->_getCustomIndexField($dqlAlias)) { // TODO: we should check this earlier. Fields used in INDEXBY // must be unique. Then this can be removed here. if (isset($prev[$parent][$relationAlias][$field])) { throw Doctrine_Hydrator_Exception::nonUniqueKeyMapping(); } else if ( ! isset($element[$field])) { throw Doctrine_Hydrator_Exception::nonExistantFieldUsedAsIndex($field); } $prev[$parent][$relationAlias][$element[$field]] = $element; } else { $prev[$parent][$relationAlias][] = $element; } $identifierMap[$path][$id[$parent]][$id[$dqlAlias]] = $driver->getLastKey($prev[$parent][$relationAlias]); } else { $index = $identifierMap[$path][$id[$parent]][$id[$dqlAlias]]; } // register collection for later snapshots //$driver->registerCollection($prev[$parent][$relationAlias]); } else if ( ! isset($prev[$parent][$relationAlias])) { $prev[$parent][$relationAlias] = $driver->getNullPointer(); } } else { // 1-1 relation $oneToOne = true; if ( ! isset($nonemptyComponents[$dqlAlias])) { $prev[$parent][$relationAlias] = $driver->getNullPointer(); } else if ( ! isset($prev[$parent][$relationAlias])) { $element = $driver->getElement($data, $componentName); $prev[$parent][$relationAlias] = $element; } } if ($prev[$parent][$relationAlias] !== null) { $coll =& $prev[$parent][$relationAlias]; $this->_setLastElement($prev, $coll, $index, $dqlAlias, $oneToOne); } } } $stmt->closeCursor(); $driver->flush(); // Re-enable lazy loading foreach ($this->_queryComponents as $dqlAlias => $data) { $data['table']->setAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LOAD_REFERENCES, true); } //$e = microtime(true); //echo 'Hydration took: ' . ($e - $s) . ' for '.count($result).' records<br />'; return $result; } /** * _setLastElement * * sets the last element of given data array / collection * as previous element * * @param array $prev The array that contains the pointers to the latest element of each class. * @param array|Collection The object collection. * @param boolean|integer $index Index of the element in the collection. * @param string $dqlAlias * @param boolean $oneToOne Whether it is a single-valued association or not. * @return void * @todo Detailed documentation */ protected function _setLastElement(&$prev, &$coll, $index, $dqlAlias, $oneToOne) { if ($coll === $this->_nullObject) { return false; } if ($index !== false) { // Link element at $index to previous element for the component // identified by the DQL alias $alias $prev[$dqlAlias] =& $coll[$index]; return; } if (is_array($coll) && $coll) { if ($oneToOne) { $prev[$dqlAlias] =& $coll; } else { end($coll); $prev[$dqlAlias] =& $coll[key($coll)]; } } else if ($coll instanceof Doctrine_Entity) { $prev[$dqlAlias] = $coll; } else if (count($coll) > 0) { $prev[$dqlAlias] = $coll->getLast(); } else if (isset($prev[$dqlAlias])) { unset($prev[$dqlAlias]); } } /** * _gatherRowData * * Puts the fields of a data row into a new array, grouped by the component * they belong to. The column names in the result set are mapped to their * field names during this procedure. * * @return array An array with all the fields (name => value) of the data row, * grouped by their component (alias). */ protected function _gatherRowData(&$data, &$cache, &$id, &$nonemptyComponents) { $rowData = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { // Parse each column name only once. Cache the results. if ( ! isset($cache[$key])) { // cache general information like the column name <-> field name mapping $e = explode('__', $key); $columnName = strtolower(array_pop($e)); $cache[$key]['dqlAlias'] = $this->_tableAliases[strtolower(implode('__', $e))]; $mapper = $this->_queryComponents[$cache[$key]['dqlAlias']]['mapper']; $classMetadata = $mapper->getClassMetadata(); // check whether it's an aggregate value or a regular field if (isset($this->_queryComponents[$cache[$key]['dqlAlias']]['agg'][$columnName])) { $fieldName = $this->_queryComponents[$cache[$key]['dqlAlias']]['agg'][$columnName]; } else { $fieldName = $mapper->getFieldName($columnName); } $cache[$key]['fieldName'] = $fieldName; // cache identifier information if ($classMetadata->isIdentifier($fieldName)) { $cache[$key]['isIdentifier'] = true; } else { $cache[$key]['isIdentifier'] = false; } // cache type information $type = $classMetadata->getTypeOfColumn($columnName); if ($type == 'integer' || $type == 'string') { $cache[$key]['isSimpleType'] = true; } else { $cache[$key]['type'] = $type; $cache[$key]['isSimpleType'] = false; } } $mapper = $this->_queryComponents[$cache[$key]['dqlAlias']]['mapper']; $dqlAlias = $cache[$key]['dqlAlias']; $fieldName = $cache[$key]['fieldName']; if ($cache[$key]['isIdentifier']) { $id[$dqlAlias] .= '|' . $value; } if ($cache[$key]['isSimpleType']) { $rowData[$dqlAlias][$fieldName] = $value; } else { $rowData[$dqlAlias][$fieldName] = $mapper->prepareValue( $fieldName, $value, $cache[$key]['type']); } if ( ! isset($nonemptyComponents[$dqlAlias]) && $value !== null) { $nonemptyComponents[$dqlAlias] = true; } } return $rowData; } /** * _getCustomIndexField * * Gets the custom field used for indexing for the specified component alias. * * @return string The field name of the field used for indexing or NULL * if the component does not use any custom field indices. */ protected function _getCustomIndexField($alias) { return isset($this->_queryComponents[$alias]['map']) ? $this->_queryComponents[$alias]['map'] : null; } }