. */ namespace Doctrine\ORM\Mapping; /** * Represents a one-to-many mapping. * * NOTE: One-to-many mappings can currently not be uni-directional (one -> many). * They must either be bidirectional (one <-> many) or unidirectional (many -> one). * In other words, the many-side MUST be the owning side and the one-side MUST be * the inverse side. * * IMPORTANT NOTE: * * The fields of this class are only public for 2 reasons: * 1) To allow fast, internal READ access. * 2) To drastically reduce the size of a serialized instance (private/protected members * get the whole class name, namespace inclusive, prepended to every property in * the serialized representation). * * @author Roman Borschel * @author Giorgio Sironi * @since 2.0 */ class OneToManyMapping extends AssociationMapping { /** Whether to delete orphaned elements (removed from the collection) */ public $orphanRemoval = false; /** FUTURE: The key column mapping, if any. The key column holds the keys of the Collection. */ //public $keyColumn; /** * TODO: Allow any combination of source/target columns in lazy loading. * What is supported now is primary key (that can spread on multiple fields) * pointed to foreign keys on the target public $targetColumns; */ /** * Initializes a new OneToManyMapping. * * @param array $mapping The mapping information. */ public function __construct(array $mapping) { parent::__construct($mapping); } /** * Validates and completes the mapping. * * @param array $mapping The mapping to validate and complete. * @return array The validated and completed mapping. * @override */ protected function _validateAndCompleteMapping(array $mapping) { parent::_validateAndCompleteMapping($mapping); // one-side MUST be inverse (must have mappedBy) if ( ! isset($mapping['mappedBy'])) { throw MappingException::oneToManyRequiresMappedBy($mapping['fieldName']); } $this->orphanRemoval = isset($mapping['orphanRemoval']) ? (bool) $mapping['orphanRemoval'] : false; } /** * Whether orphaned elements (removed from the collection) should be deleted. * * @return boolean TRUE if orphaned elements should be deleted, FALSE otherwise. */ public function shouldDeleteOrphans() { return $this->deleteOrphans; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @override */ public function isOneToMany() { return true; } public function load($sourceEntity, $targetCollection, $em, array $joinColumnValues = array()) { $persister = $em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityPersister($this->targetEntityName); // a one-to-many is always inverse (does not have foreign key) $sourceClass = $em->getClassMetadata($this->sourceEntityName); $owningAssoc = $em->getClassMetadata($this->targetEntityName)->getAssociationMapping($this->mappedByFieldName); // TRICKY: since the association is specular source and target are flipped foreach ($owningAssoc->getTargetToSourceKeyColumns() as $sourceKeyColumn => $targetKeyColumn) { // getting id if (isset($sourceClass->reflFields[$sourceKeyColumn])) { $conditions[$targetKeyColumn] = $this->_getPrivateValue($sourceClass, $sourceEntity, $sourceKeyColumn); } else { $conditions[$targetKeyColumn] = $joinColumnValues[$sourceKeyColumn]; } } $persister->loadCollection($conditions, $targetCollection); } }