<?php /* * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see * <http://www.doctrine-project.org>. */ namespace Doctrine\ORM\Internal\Hydration; use PDO, Doctrine\DBAL\Connection, Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type, Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager; /** * Base class for all hydrators. A hydrator is a class that provides some form * of transformation of an SQL result set into another structure. * * @since 2.0 * @author Konsta Vesterinen <kvesteri@cc.hut.fi> * @author Roman Borschel <roman@code-factory.org> */ abstract class AbstractHydrator { /** @var ResultSetMapping The ResultSetMapping. */ protected $_rsm; /** @var EntityManager The EntityManager instance. */ protected $_em; /** @var AbstractPlatform The dbms Platform instance */ protected $_platform; /** @var UnitOfWork The UnitOfWork of the associated EntityManager. */ protected $_uow; /** @var array The cache used during row-by-row hydration. */ protected $_cache = array(); /** @var Statement The statement that provides the data to hydrate. */ protected $_stmt; /** @var array The query hints. */ protected $_hints; /** * Initializes a new instance of a class derived from <tt>AbstractHydrator</tt>. * * @param Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager $em The EntityManager to use. */ public function __construct(EntityManager $em) { $this->_em = $em; $this->_platform = $em->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform(); $this->_uow = $em->getUnitOfWork(); } /** * Initiates a row-by-row hydration. * * @param object $stmt * @param object $resultSetMapping * @return IterableResult */ public function iterate($stmt, $resultSetMapping, array $hints = array()) { $this->_stmt = $stmt; $this->_rsm = $resultSetMapping; $this->_hints = $hints; $this->_prepare(); return new IterableResult($this); } /** * Hydrates all rows returned by the passed statement instance at once. * * @param object $stmt * @param object $resultSetMapping * @return mixed */ public function hydrateAll($stmt, $resultSetMapping, array $hints = array()) { $this->_stmt = $stmt; $this->_rsm = $resultSetMapping; $this->_hints = $hints; $this->_prepare(); $result = $this->_hydrateAll(); $this->_cleanup(); return $result; } /** * Hydrates a single row returned by the current statement instance during * row-by-row hydration with {@link iterate()}. * * @return mixed */ public function hydrateRow() { $row = $this->_stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ( ! $row) { $this->_cleanup(); return false; } $result = array(); $this->_hydrateRow($row, $this->_cache, $result); return $result; } /** * Excutes one-time preparation tasks, once each time hydration is started * through {@link hydrateAll} or {@link iterate()}. */ protected function _prepare() {} /** * Excutes one-time cleanup tasks at the end of a hydration that was initiated * through {@link hydrateAll} or {@link iterate()}. */ protected function _cleanup() { $this->_rsm = null; $this->_stmt->closeCursor(); $this->_stmt = null; } /** * Hydrates a single row from the current statement instance. * * Template method. * * @param array $data The row data. * @param array $cache The cache to use. * @param mixed $result The result to fill. */ protected function _hydrateRow(array $data, array &$cache, array &$result) { throw new HydrationException("_hydrateRow() not implemented by this hydrator."); } /** * Hydrates all rows from the current statement instance at once. */ abstract protected function _hydrateAll(); /** * Processes a row of the result set. * Used for identity-based hydration (HYDRATE_OBJECT and HYDRATE_ARRAY). * Puts the elements of a result row into a new array, grouped by the class * they belong to. The column names in the result set are mapped to their * field names during this procedure as well as any necessary conversions on * the values applied. * * @return array An array with all the fields (name => value) of the data row, * grouped by their component alias. */ protected function _gatherRowData(array $data, array &$cache, array &$id, array &$nonemptyComponents) { $rowData = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { // Parse each column name only once. Cache the results. if ( ! isset($cache[$key])) { if (isset($this->_rsm->scalarMappings[$key])) { $cache[$key]['fieldName'] = $this->_rsm->scalarMappings[$key]; $cache[$key]['isScalar'] = true; } else if (isset($this->_rsm->fieldMappings[$key])) { $fieldName = $this->_rsm->fieldMappings[$key]; $classMetadata = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($this->_rsm->declaringClasses[$key]); $cache[$key]['fieldName'] = $fieldName; $cache[$key]['type'] = Type::getType($classMetadata->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['type']); $cache[$key]['isIdentifier'] = $classMetadata->isIdentifier($fieldName); $cache[$key]['dqlAlias'] = $this->_rsm->columnOwnerMap[$key]; } else if (!isset($this->_rsm->metaMappings[$key])) { // this column is a left over, maybe from a LIMIT query hack for example in Oracle or DB2 // maybe from an additional column that has not been defined in a NativeQuery ResultSetMapping. continue; } else { // Meta column (has meaning in relational schema only, i.e. foreign keys or discriminator columns). $fieldName = $this->_rsm->metaMappings[$key]; $cache[$key]['isMetaColumn'] = true; $cache[$key]['fieldName'] = $fieldName; $cache[$key]['dqlAlias'] = $this->_rsm->columnOwnerMap[$key]; $classMetadata = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($this->_rsm->aliasMap[$cache[$key]['dqlAlias']]); $cache[$key]['isIdentifier'] = isset($this->_rsm->isIdentifierColumn[$cache[$key]['dqlAlias']][$key]); } } if (isset($cache[$key]['isScalar'])) { $rowData['scalars'][$cache[$key]['fieldName']] = $value; continue; } $dqlAlias = $cache[$key]['dqlAlias']; if ($cache[$key]['isIdentifier']) { $id[$dqlAlias] .= '|' . $value; } if (isset($cache[$key]['isMetaColumn'])) { if (!isset($rowData[$dqlAlias][$cache[$key]['fieldName']]) || $value !== null) { $rowData[$dqlAlias][$cache[$key]['fieldName']] = $value; } continue; } // in an inheritance hierachy the same field could be defined several times. // We overwrite this value so long we dont have a non-null value, that value we keep. // Per definition it cannot be that a field is defined several times and has several values. if (isset($rowData[$dqlAlias][$cache[$key]['fieldName']]) && $value === null) { continue; } $rowData[$dqlAlias][$cache[$key]['fieldName']] = $cache[$key]['type']->convertToPHPValue($value, $this->_platform); if ( ! isset($nonemptyComponents[$dqlAlias]) && $value !== null) { $nonemptyComponents[$dqlAlias] = true; } } return $rowData; } /** * Processes a row of the result set. * Used for HYDRATE_SCALAR. This is a variant of _gatherRowData() that * simply converts column names to field names and properly converts the * values according to their types. The resulting row has the same number * of elements as before. * * @param array $data * @param array $cache * @return array The processed row. */ protected function _gatherScalarRowData(&$data, &$cache) { $rowData = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { // Parse each column name only once. Cache the results. if ( ! isset($cache[$key])) { if (isset($this->_rsm->scalarMappings[$key])) { $cache[$key]['fieldName'] = $this->_rsm->scalarMappings[$key]; $cache[$key]['isScalar'] = true; } else if (isset($this->_rsm->fieldMappings[$key])) { $fieldName = $this->_rsm->fieldMappings[$key]; $classMetadata = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($this->_rsm->declaringClasses[$key]); $cache[$key]['fieldName'] = $fieldName; $cache[$key]['type'] = Type::getType($classMetadata->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['type']); $cache[$key]['dqlAlias'] = $this->_rsm->columnOwnerMap[$key]; } else if (!isset($this->_rsm->metaMappings[$key])) { // this column is a left over, maybe from a LIMIT query hack for example in Oracle or DB2 // maybe from an additional column that has not been defined in a NativeQuery ResultSetMapping. continue; } else { // Meta column (has meaning in relational schema only, i.e. foreign keys or discriminator columns). $cache[$key]['isMetaColumn'] = true; $cache[$key]['fieldName'] = $this->_rsm->metaMappings[$key]; $cache[$key]['dqlAlias'] = $this->_rsm->columnOwnerMap[$key]; } } $fieldName = $cache[$key]['fieldName']; if (isset($cache[$key]['isScalar'])) { $rowData[$fieldName] = $value; } else if (isset($cache[$key]['isMetaColumn'])) { $rowData[$cache[$key]['dqlAlias'] . '_' . $fieldName] = $value; } else { $rowData[$cache[$key]['dqlAlias'] . '_' . $fieldName] = $cache[$key]['type'] ->convertToPHPValue($value, $this->_platform); } } return $rowData; } protected function registerManaged($class, $entity, $data) { if ($class->isIdentifierComposite) { $id = array(); foreach ($class->identifier as $fieldName) { if (isset($class->associationMappings[$fieldName])) { $id[$fieldName] = $data[$class->associationMappings[$fieldName]['joinColumns'][0]['name']]; } else { $id[$fieldName] = $data[$fieldName]; } } } else { if (isset($class->associationMappings[$class->identifier[0]])) { $id = array($class->identifier[0] => $data[$class->associationMappings[$class->identifier[0]]['joinColumns'][0]['name']]); } else { $id = array($class->identifier[0] => $data[$class->identifier[0]]); } } $this->_em->getUnitOfWork()->registerManaged($entity, $id, $data); } }