$new_array[strtoupper($key)] = $value;
return $new_array;
return $an_array;
Parse arguments, treat "text" (text) and 'text' as quotation marks.
To escape, use "" or '' or ))
Will read in "abc def" sans quotes, as: abc def
Same with 'abc def'.
However if `abc def`, then will read in as `abc def`
@param endstmtchar Character that indicates end of statement
@param tokenchars Include the following characters in tokens apart from A-Z and 0-9
@returns 2 dimensional array containing parsed tokens.
function Lens_ParseArgs($args,$endstmtchar=',',$tokenchars='_.-')
$pos = 0;
$intoken = false;
$stmtno = 0;
$endquote = false;
$tokens = array();
$tokens[$stmtno] = array();
$max = strlen($args);
$quoted = false;
while ($pos < $max) {
$ch = substr($args,$pos,1);
switch($ch) {
case ' ':
case "\t":
case "\n":
case "\r":
if (!$quoted) {
if ($intoken) {
$intoken = false;
$tokens[$stmtno][] = implode('',$tokarr);
$tokarr[] = $ch;
case '`':
if ($intoken) $tokarr[] = $ch;
case '(':
case ')':
case '"':
case "'":
if ($intoken) {
if (empty($endquote)) {
$tokens[$stmtno][] = implode('',$tokarr);
if ($ch == '(') $endquote = ')';
else $endquote = $ch;
$quoted = true;
$intoken = true;
$tokarr = array();
} else if ($endquote == $ch) {
$ch2 = substr($args,$pos+1,1);
if ($ch2 == $endquote) {
$pos += 1;
$tokarr[] = $ch2;
} else {
$quoted = false;
$intoken = false;
$tokens[$stmtno][] = implode('',$tokarr);
$endquote = '';
} else
$tokarr[] = $ch;
}else {
if ($ch == '(') $endquote = ')';
else $endquote = $ch;
$quoted = true;
$intoken = true;
$tokarr = array();
if ($ch == '`') $tokarr[] = '`';
if (!$intoken) {
if ($ch == $endstmtchar) {
$stmtno += 1;
$tokens[$stmtno] = array();
$intoken = true;
$quoted = false;
$endquote = false;
$tokarr = array();
if ($quoted) $tokarr[] = $ch;
else if (ctype_alnum($ch) || strpos($tokenchars,$ch) !== false) $tokarr[] = $ch;
else {
if ($ch == $endstmtchar) {
$tokens[$stmtno][] = implode('',$tokarr);
$stmtno += 1;
$tokens[$stmtno] = array();
$intoken = false;
$tokarr = array();
$tokens[$stmtno][] = implode('',$tokarr);
$tokens[$stmtno][] = $ch;
$intoken = false;
$pos += 1;
if ($intoken) $tokens[$stmtno][] = implode('',$tokarr);
return $tokens;
class ADODB_DataDict {
var $connection;
var $debug = false;
var $dropTable = 'DROP TABLE %s';
var $renameTable = 'RENAME TABLE %s TO %s';
var $dropIndex = 'DROP INDEX %s';
var $addCol = ' ADD';
var $alterCol = ' ALTER COLUMN';
var $dropCol = ' DROP COLUMN';
var $renameColumn = 'ALTER TABLE %s RENAME COLUMN %s TO %s'; // table, old-column, new-column, column-definitions (not used by default)
var $nameRegex = '\w';
var $nameRegexBrackets = 'a-zA-Z0-9_\(\)';
var $schema = false;
var $serverInfo = array();
var $autoIncrement = false;
var $invalidResizeTypes4 = array('CLOB','BLOB','TEXT','DATE','TIME'); // for changetablesql
var $blobSize = 100; /// any varchar/char field this size or greater is treated as a blob
/// in other words, we use a text area for editting.
var $metaTablesSQL;
var $metaColumnsSQL;
var $debug_echo = true;
var $fetchMode;
var $raiseErrorFn;
function SetFetchMode($mode)
return $old;
function outp($text)
$this->debug_output = "
\n(" . $this->dbtype . "): ".htmlspecialchars($text)."
echo $this->debug_output;
function GetCommentSQL($table,$col)
return false;
function SetCommentSQL($table,$col,$cmt)
return false;
* @param ttype can either be 'VIEW' or 'TABLE' or false.
* If false, both views and tables are returned.
* "VIEW" returns only views
* "TABLE" returns only tables
* @param showSchema returns the schema/user with the table name, eg. USER.TABLE
* @param mask is the input mask - only supported by oci8 and postgresql
* @return array of tables for current database.
function MetaTables()
$false = false;
if ($mask) {
return $false;
if ($this->metaTablesSQL) {
if ($this->fetchMode !== false) $savem = $this->SetFetchMode(false);
$rs = $this->Execute($this->metaTablesSQL);
if (isset($savem)) $this->SetFetchMode($savem);
if ($rs === false) return $false;
$arr =& $rs->GetArray();
$arr2 = array();
if ($hast = ($ttype && isset($arr[0][1]))) {
$showt = strncmp($ttype,'T',1);
for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($arr); $i++) {
if ($hast) {
if ($showt == 0) {
if (strncmp($arr[$i][1],'T',1) == 0) $arr2[] = trim($arr[$i][0]);
} else {
if (strncmp($arr[$i][1],'V',1) == 0) $arr2[] = trim($arr[$i][0]);
} else
$arr2[] = trim($arr[$i][0]);
return $arr2;
return $false;
* List columns in a database as an array of ADOFieldObjects.
* See top of file for definition of object.
* @param table table name to query
* @param upper uppercase table name (required by some databases)
* @schema is optional database schema to use - not supported by all databases.
* @return array of ADOFieldObjects for current table.
function MetaColumns($table, $upper=true, $schema=false)
$false = false;
if (!empty($this->metaColumnsSQL)) {
$schema = false;
if ($this->fetchMode !== false) $savem = $this->SetFetchMode(false);
$stmt = $this->connection->query(sprintf($this->metaColumnsSQL,($upper)?strtoupper($table):$table));
if (isset($savem)) $this->SetFetchMode($savem);
if ($stmt === false)
return $false;
$retarr = array();
while ($rs = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
$fld = new ADOFieldObject();
$fld->name = $rs[0];
$fld->type = $rs[1];
if (isset($rs[3]) && $rs[3]) {
if ($rs[3]>0) $fld->max_length = $rs[3];
$fld->scale = $rs[4];
if ($fld->scale>0) $fld->max_length += 1;
} else
$fld->max_length = $rs[2];
if ($ADODB_FETCH_MODE == ADODB_FETCH_NUM) $retarr[] = $fld;
else $retarr[strtoupper($fld->name)] = $fld;
return $retarr;
return $false;
function _findschema(&$table,&$schema)
if (!$schema && ($at = strpos($table,'.')) !== false) {
$schema = substr($table,0,$at);
$table = substr($table,$at+1);
* @returns an array with the primary key columns in it.
function MetaPrimaryKeys($tab,$owner=false,$intkey=false)
// owner not used in base class - see oci8
$p = array();
$objs =& $this->MetaColumns($table);
if ($objs) {
foreach($objs as $v) {
if (!empty($v->primary_key))
$p[] = $v->name;
if (sizeof($p)) return $p;
if (function_exists('ADODB_VIEW_PRIMARYKEYS'))
return ADODB_VIEW_PRIMARYKEYS($this->databaseType, $this->database, $table, $owner);
return false;
* List indexes on a table as an array.
* @param table table name to query
* @param primary true to only show primary keys. Not actually used for most databases
* @return array of indexes on current table. Each element represents an index, and is itself an associative array.
Array (
[name_of_index] => Array
[unique] => true or false
[columns] => Array
[0] => firstname
[1] => lastname
function MetaIndexes($table, $primary = false, $owner = false)
$false = false;
return $false;
function MetaType($t,$len=-1,$fieldobj=false)
if (is_object($t)) {
$fieldobj = $t;
$t = $fieldobj->type;
$len = $fieldobj->max_length;
// changed in 2.32 to hashing instead of switch stmt for speed...
static $typeMap = array(
'VARCHAR' => 'C',
'VARCHAR2' => 'C',
'CHAR' => 'C',
'C' => 'C',
'STRING' => 'C',
'NCHAR' => 'C',
'NVARCHAR' => 'C',
'VARYING' => 'C',
'BPCHAR' => 'C',
'INTERVAL' => 'C', # Postgres
'LONGCHAR' => 'X',
'TEXT' => 'X',
'NTEXT' => 'X',
'M' => 'X',
'X' => 'X',
'CLOB' => 'X',
'NCLOB' => 'X',
'LVARCHAR' => 'X',
'BLOB' => 'B',
'IMAGE' => 'B',
'BINARY' => 'B',
'B' => 'B',
'YEAR' => 'D', // mysql
'DATE' => 'D',
'D' => 'D',
'TIME' => 'T',
'DATETIME' => 'T',
'T' => 'T',
'BOOL' => 'L',
'BOOLEAN' => 'L',
'BIT' => 'L',
'L' => 'L',
'COUNTER' => 'R',
'R' => 'R',
'SERIAL' => 'R', // ifx
'INT' => 'I',
'INT2' => 'I',
'INT4' => 'I',
'INT8' => 'I',
'INTEGER' => 'I',
'SHORT' => 'I',
'TINYINT' => 'I',
'SMALLINT' => 'I',
'I' => 'I',
'LONG' => 'N', // interbase is numeric, oci8 is blob
'BIGINT' => 'N', // this is bigger than PHP 32-bit integers
'DECIMAL' => 'N',
'DEC' => 'N',
'REAL' => 'N',
'DOUBLE' => 'N',
'FLOAT' => 'N',
'NUMBER' => 'N',
'NUM' => 'N',
'NUMERIC' => 'N',
'MONEY' => 'N',
## informix 9.2
'SQLINT' => 'I',
'SQLSMINT' => 'I',
'SQLFLOAT' => 'N',
'SQLMONEY' => 'N',
'SQLDATE' => 'D',
'SQLVCHAR' => 'C',
'SQLCHAR' => 'C',
'SQLDTIME' => 'T',
'SQLBYTES' => 'B',
'SQLTEXT' => 'X'
$tmap = false;
$t = strtoupper($t);
$tmap = (isset($typeMap[$t])) ? $typeMap[$t] : 'N';
switch ($tmap) {
case 'C':
// is the char field is too long, return as text field...
if ($this->blobSize >= 0) {
if ($len > $this->blobSize) return 'X';
} else if ($len > 250) {
return 'X';
return 'C';
case 'I':
if (!empty($fieldobj->primary_key)) return 'R';
return 'I';
case false:
return 'N';
case 'B':
if (isset($fieldobj->binary))
return ($fieldobj->binary) ? 'B' : 'X';
return 'B';
case 'D':
if (!empty($this->datetime)) return 'T';
return 'D';
if ($t == 'LONG' && $this->dataProvider == 'oci8') return 'B';
return $tmap;
function NameQuote($name = NULL,$allowBrackets=false)
if (!is_string($name)) {
return FALSE;
$name = trim($name);
if ( !is_object($this->connection) ) {
return $name;
$quote = "'";
// if name is of the form `name`, quote it
if ( preg_match('/^`(.+)`$/', $name, $matches) ) {
return $quote . $matches[1] . $quote;
// if name contains special characters, quote it
$regex = ($allowBrackets) ? $this->nameRegexBrackets : $this->nameRegex;
if ( !preg_match('/^[' . $regex . ']+$/', $name) ) {
return $quote . $name . $quote;
return $name;
function TableName($name)
if ( $this->schema ) {
return $this->NameQuote($this->schema) .'.'. $this->NameQuote($name);
return $this->NameQuote($name);
// Executes the sql array returned by GetTableSQL and GetIndexSQL
function ExecuteSQLArray($sql, $continueOnError = true)
$rez = 2;
$conn = &$this->connection;
$saved = $conn->debug;
foreach($sql as $line) {
if ($this->debug) $conn->debug = true;
$ok = $conn->Execute($line);
$conn->debug = $saved;
if (!$ok) {
if ($this->debug) $this->outp($conn->ErrorMsg());
if (!$continueOnError) return 0;
$rez = 1;
return $rez;
Returns the actual type given a character code.
C: varchar
X: CLOB (character large object) or largest varchar size if CLOB is not supported
C2: Multibyte varchar
X2: Multibyte CLOB
B: BLOB (binary large object)
D: Date
T: Date-time
L: Integer field suitable for storing booleans (0 or 1)
I: Integer
F: Floating point number
N: Numeric or decimal number
function ActualType($meta)
return $meta;
function CreateDatabase($dbname,$options=false)
$options = $this->_Options($options);
$sql = array();
$s = 'CREATE DATABASE ' . $this->NameQuote($dbname);
if (isset($options[$this->upperName]))
$s .= ' '.$options[$this->upperName];
$sql[] = $s;
return $sql;
Generates the SQL to create index. Returns an array of sql strings.
function CreateIndexSQL($idxname, $tabname, $flds, $idxoptions = false)
if (!is_array($flds)) {
$flds = explode(',',$flds);
foreach($flds as $key => $fld) {
# some indexes can use partial fields, eg. index first 32 chars of "name" with NAME(32)
$flds[$key] = $this->NameQuote($fld,$allowBrackets=true);
return $this->_IndexSQL($this->NameQuote($idxname), $this->TableName($tabname), $flds, $this->_Options($idxoptions));
function DropIndexSQL ($idxname, $tabname = NULL)
return array(sprintf($this->dropIndex, $this->NameQuote($idxname), $this->TableName($tabname)));
function SetSchema($schema)
$this->schema = $schema;
function AddColumnSQL($tabname, $flds)
$tabname = $this->TableName ($tabname);
$sql = array();
list($lines,$pkey) = $this->_GenFields($flds);
$alter = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tabname . $this->addCol . ' ';
foreach($lines as $v) {
$sql[] = $alter . $v;
return $sql;
* Change the definition of one column
* As some DBM's can't do that on there own, you need to supply the complete defintion of the new table,
* to allow, recreating the table and copying the content over to the new table
* @param string $tabname table-name
* @param string $flds column-name and type for the changed column
* @param string $tableflds='' complete defintion of the new table, eg. for postgres, default ''
* @param array/string $tableoptions='' options for the new table see CreateTableSQL, default ''
* @return array with SQL strings
function AlterColumnSQL($tabname, $flds, $tableflds='',$tableoptions='')
$tabname = $this->TableName ($tabname);
$sql = array();
list($lines,$pkey) = $this->_GenFields($flds);
$alter = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tabname . $this->alterCol . ' ';
foreach($lines as $v) {
$sql[] = $alter . $v;
return $sql;
* Rename one column
* Some DBM's can only do this together with changeing the type of the column (even if that stays the same, eg. mysql)
* @param string $tabname table-name
* @param string $oldcolumn column-name to be renamed
* @param string $newcolumn new column-name
* @param string $flds='' complete column-defintion-string like for AddColumnSQL, only used by mysql atm., default=''
* @return array with SQL strings
function RenameColumnSQL($tabname,$oldcolumn,$newcolumn,$flds='')
$tabname = $this->TableName ($tabname);
if ($flds) {
list($lines,$pkey) = $this->_GenFields($flds);
list(,$first) = each($lines);
list(,$column_def) = split("[\t ]+",$first,2);
return array(sprintf($this->renameColumn,$tabname,$this->NameQuote($oldcolumn),$this->NameQuote($newcolumn),$column_def));
* Drop one column
* Some DBM's can't do that on there own, you need to supply the complete defintion of the new table,
* to allow, recreating the table and copying the content over to the new table
* @param string $tabname table-name
* @param string $flds column-name and type for the changed column
* @param string $tableflds='' complete defintion of the new table, eg. for postgres, default ''
* @param array/string $tableoptions='' options for the new table see CreateTableSQL, default ''
* @return array with SQL strings
function DropColumnSQL($tabname, $flds, $tableflds='',$tableoptions='')
$tabname = $this->TableName ($tabname);
if (!is_array($flds)) $flds = explode(',',$flds);
$sql = array();
$alter = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tabname . $this->dropCol . ' ';
foreach($flds as $v) {
$sql[] = $alter . $this->NameQuote($v);
return $sql;
function DropTableSQL($tabname)
return array (sprintf($this->dropTable, $this->TableName($tabname)));
function RenameTableSQL($tabname,$newname)
return array (sprintf($this->renameTable, $this->TableName($tabname),$this->TableName($newname)));
Generate the SQL to create table. Returns an array of sql strings.
function CreateTableSQL($tabname, $flds, $tableoptions=false)
if (!$tableoptions) $tableoptions = array();
list($lines,$pkey) = $this->_GenFields($flds, true);
$taboptions = $this->_Options($tableoptions);
$tabname = $this->TableName ($tabname);
$sql = $this->_TableSQL($tabname,$lines,$pkey,$taboptions);
$tsql = $this->_Triggers($tabname,$taboptions);
foreach($tsql as $s) $sql[] = $s;
return $sql;
function _GenFields($flds,$widespacing=false)
if (is_string($flds)) {
$padding = ' ';
$txt = $flds.$padding;
$flds = array();
$flds0 = Lens_ParseArgs($txt,',');
$hasparam = false;
foreach($flds0 as $f0) {
$f1 = array();
foreach($f0 as $token) {
switch (strtoupper($token)) {
case 'DEFAULT':
$hasparam = $token;
if ($hasparam) $f1[$hasparam] = $token;
else $f1[] = $token;
$hasparam = false;
$flds[] = $f1;
$this->autoIncrement = false;
$lines = array();
$pkey = array();
foreach($flds as $fld) {
$fld = _array_change_key_case($fld);
$fname = false;
$fdefault = false;
$fautoinc = false;
$ftype = false;
$fsize = false;
$fprec = false;
$fprimary = false;
$fnoquote = false;
$fdefts = false;
$fdefdate = false;
$fconstraint = false;
$fnotnull = false;
$funsigned = false;
// Parse attributes
foreach($fld as $attr => $v) {
if ($attr == 2 && is_numeric($v)) $attr = 'SIZE';
else if (is_numeric($attr) && $attr > 1 && !is_numeric($v)) $attr = strtoupper($v);
switch($attr) {
case '0':
case 'NAME':
$fname = $v;
case '1':
case 'TYPE':
$ty = $v; $ftype = $this->ActualType(strtoupper($v));
case 'SIZE':
$dotat = strpos($v,'.');
if ($dotat === false) $dotat = strpos($v,',');
if ($dotat === false) $fsize = $v;
else {
$fsize = substr($v,0,$dotat);
$fprec = substr($v,$dotat+1);
case 'UNSIGNED':
$funsigned = true;
case 'AUTO':
$fautoinc = true;
$fnotnull = true;
case 'KEY':
case 'PRIMARY':
$fprimary = $v;
$fnotnull = true;
case 'DEF':
case 'DEFAULT':
$fdefault = $v;
case 'NOTNULL':
$fnotnull = $v;
case 'NOQUOTE':
$fnoquote = $v;
case 'DEFDATE':
$fdefdate = $v;
$fdefts = $v;
$fconstraint = $v;
if (!strlen($fname)) {
if ($this->debug) $this->outp("Undefined NAME");
return false;
$fid = strtoupper(preg_replace('/^`(.+)`$/', '$1', $fname));
$fname = $this->NameQuote($fname);
if (!strlen($ftype)) {
if ($this->debug) $this->outp("Undefined TYPE for field '$fname'");
return false;
} else {
$ftype = strtoupper($ftype);
$ftype = $this->_GetSize($ftype, $ty, $fsize, $fprec);
if ($ty == 'X' || $ty == 'X2' || $ty == 'B') $fnotnull = false; // some blob types do not accept nulls
if ($fprimary) $pkey[] = $fname;
// some databases do not allow blobs to have defaults
if ($ty == 'X') $fdefault = false;
if ($fdefts) {
if (substr($this->dbtype,0,5) == 'mysql') {
$ftype = 'TIMESTAMP';
} else {
$fdefault = $this->connection->sysTimeStamp;
} else if ($fdefdate) {
if (substr($this->dbtype,0,5) == 'mysql') {
$ftype = 'TIMESTAMP';
} else {
$fdefault = $this->connection->sysDate;
} else if ($fdefault !== false && !$fnoquote)
if ($ty == 'C' or $ty == 'X' or
( substr($fdefault,0,1) != "'" && !is_numeric($fdefault)))
if (strlen($fdefault) != 1 && substr($fdefault,0,1) == ' ' && substr($fdefault,strlen($fdefault)-1) == ' ')
$fdefault = trim($fdefault);
else if (strtolower($fdefault) != 'null')
$fdefault = $this->connection->qstr($fdefault);
$suffix = $this->_CreateSuffix($fname,$ftype,$fnotnull,$fdefault,$fautoinc,$fconstraint,$funsigned);
if ($widespacing) $fname = str_pad($fname,24);
$lines[$fid] = $fname.' '.$ftype.$suffix;
if ($fautoinc) $this->autoIncrement = true;
} // foreach $flds
return array($lines,$pkey);
$ftype is the actual type
$ty is the type defined originally in the DDL
function _GetSize($ftype, $ty, $fsize, $fprec)
if (strlen($fsize) && $ty != 'X' && $ty != 'B' && strpos($ftype,'(') === false) {
$ftype .= "(".$fsize;
if (strlen($fprec)) $ftype .= ",".$fprec;
$ftype .= ')';
return $ftype;
// return string must begin with space
function _CreateSuffix($fname,$ftype,$fnotnull,$fdefault,$fautoinc,$fconstraint,$funsigned = null)
$suffix = '';
if (strlen($fdefault)) $suffix .= " DEFAULT $fdefault";
if ($fnotnull) $suffix .= ' NOT NULL';
if ($fconstraint) $suffix .= ' '.$fconstraint;
return $suffix;
function _IndexSQL($idxname, $tabname, $flds, $idxoptions)
$sql = array();
if ( isset($idxoptions['REPLACE']) || isset($idxoptions['DROP']) ) {
$sql[] = sprintf ($this->dropIndex, $idxname);
if ( isset($idxoptions['DROP']) )
return $sql;
if ( empty ($flds) ) {
return $sql;
$unique = isset($idxoptions['UNIQUE']) ? ' UNIQUE' : '';
$s = 'CREATE' . $unique . ' INDEX ' . $idxname . ' ON ' . $tabname . ' ';
if ( isset($idxoptions[$this->upperName]) )
$s .= $idxoptions[$this->upperName];
if ( is_array($flds) )
$flds = implode(', ',$flds);
$s .= '(' . $flds . ')';
$sql[] = $s;
return $sql;
function _DropAutoIncrement($tabname)
return false;
function _TableSQL($tabname,$lines,$pkey,$tableoptions)
$sql = array();
if (isset($tableoptions['REPLACE']) || isset ($tableoptions['DROP'])) {
$sql[] = sprintf($this->dropTable,$tabname);
if ($this->autoIncrement) {
$sInc = $this->_DropAutoIncrement($tabname);
if ($sInc) $sql[] = $sInc;
if ( isset ($tableoptions['DROP']) ) {
return $sql;
$s = "CREATE TABLE $tabname (\n";
$s .= implode(",\n", $lines);
if (sizeof($pkey)>0) {
$s .= ",\n PRIMARY KEY (";
$s .= implode(", ",$pkey).")";
if (isset($tableoptions['CONSTRAINTS']))
$s .= "\n".$tableoptions['CONSTRAINTS'];
if (isset($tableoptions[$this->upperName.'_CONSTRAINTS']))
$s .= "\n".$tableoptions[$this->upperName.'_CONSTRAINTS'];
$s .= "\n)";
if (isset($tableoptions[$this->upperName])) $s .= $tableoptions[$this->upperName];
$sql[] = $s;
return $sql;
used when table has auto-incrementing field that is emulated using triggers
function _Triggers($tabname,$taboptions)
return array();
Sanitize options, so that array elements with no keys are promoted to keys
function _Options($opts)
if (!is_array($opts)) return array();
$newopts = array();
foreach($opts as $k => $v) {
if (is_numeric($k)) $newopts[strtoupper($v)] = $v;
else $newopts[strtoupper($k)] = $v;
return $newopts;
"Florian Buzin [ easywe ]"
This function changes/adds new fields to your table. You don't
have to know if the col is new or not. It will check on its own.
function ChangeTableSQL($tablename, $flds, $tableoptions = false)
if ($this->fetchMode !== false) $savem = $this->SetFetchMode(false);
// check table exists
$save_handler = $this->raiseErrorFn;
$this->raiseErrorFn = '';
$cols = $this->MetaColumns($tablename);
$this->raiseErrorFn = $save_handler;
if (isset($savem)) $this->SetFetchMode($savem);
if ( empty($cols)) {
return $this->CreateTableSQL($tablename, $flds, $tableoptions);
if (is_array($flds)) {
// Cycle through the update fields, comparing
// existing fields to fields to update.
// if the Metatype and size is exactly the
// same, ignore - by Mark Newham
$holdflds = array();
foreach($flds as $k=>$v) {
if ( isset($cols[$k]) && is_object($cols[$k]) ) {
$c = $cols[$k];
$ml = $c->max_length;
$mt = &$this->MetaType($c->type,$ml);
if ($ml == -1) $ml = '';
if ($mt == 'X') $ml = $v['SIZE'];
if (($mt != $v['TYPE']) || $ml != $v['SIZE']) {
$holdflds[$k] = $v;
} else {
$holdflds[$k] = $v;
$flds = $holdflds;
// already exists, alter table instead
list($lines,$pkey) = $this->_GenFields($flds);
$alter = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this->TableName($tablename);
$sql = array();
foreach ( $lines as $id => $v ) {
if ( isset($cols[$id]) && is_object($cols[$id]) ) {
$flds = Lens_ParseArgs($v,',');
// We are trying to change the size of the field, if not allowed, simply ignore the request.
if ($flds && in_array(strtoupper(substr($flds[0][1],0,4)),$this->invalidResizeTypes4)) continue;
$sql[] = $alter . $this->alterCol . ' ' . $v;
} else {
$sql[] = $alter . $this->addCol . ' ' . $v;
return $sql;