<?php namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Schema; class SchemaException extends \Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException { const TABLE_DOESNT_EXIST = 10; const TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS = 20; const COLUMN_DOESNT_EXIST = 30; const COLUMN_ALREADY_EXISTS = 40; const INDEX_DOESNT_EXIST = 50; const INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS = 60; const SEQUENCE_DOENST_EXIST = 70; const SEQUENCE_ALREADY_EXISTS = 80; const INDEX_INVALID_NAME = 90; const FOREIGNKEY_DOESNT_EXIST = 100; /** * @param string $tableName * @return SchemaException */ static public function tableDoesNotExist($tableName) { return new self("There is no table with name '".$tableName."' in the schema.", self::TABLE_DOESNT_EXIST); } /** * @param string $indexName * @return SchemaException */ static public function indexNameInvalid($indexName) { return new self("Invalid index-name $indexName given, has to be [a-zA-Z0-9_]", self::INDEX_INVALID_NAME); } /** * @param string $indexName * @return SchemaException */ static public function indexDoesNotExist($indexName) { return new self("Index '".$indexName."' does not exist.", self::INDEX_DOESNT_EXIST); } /** * @param string $indexName * @return SchemaException */ static public function indexAlreadyExists($indexName) { return new self("An index with name $indexName was already defined.", self::INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS); } /** * @param string $columnName * @return SchemaException */ static public function columnDoesNotExist($columnName) { return new self("An unknown column-name $columnName was given.", self::COLUMN_DOESNT_EXIST); } /** * * @param string $tableName * @return SchemaException */ static public function tableAlreadyExists($tableName) { return new self("The table with name '".$tableName."' already exists.", self::TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS); } /** * * @param string $tableName * @param string $columnName * @return SchemaException */ static public function columnAlreadyExists($tableName, $columnName) { return new self( "The column '".$columnName."' on table '".$tableName."' already exists.", self::COLUMN_ALREADY_EXISTS ); } /** * @param string $sequenceName * @return SchemaException */ static public function sequenceAlreadyExists($sequenceName) { return new self("The sequence '".$sequenceName."' already exists.", self::SEQUENCE_ALREADY_EXISTS); } /** * @param string $sequenceName * @return SchemaException */ static public function sequenceDoesNotExist($sequenceName) { return new self("There exists no sequence with the name '".$sequenceName."'.", self::SEQUENCE_DOENST_EXIST); } /** * @param string $fkName * @return SchemaException */ static public function foreignKeyDoesNotExist($fkName) { return new self("There exists no foreign key with the name '".$fkName."'.", self::FOREIGNKEY_DOESNT_EXIST); } static public function invalidCaseModeGiven() { return new self("Invalid case mode given to Schema Asset."); } }