. */ /** * Doctrine_ClassTableInheritance_TestCase * * @package Doctrine * @author Konsta Vesterinen * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @category Object Relational Mapping * @link www.phpdoctrine.com * @since 1.0 * @version $Revision$ */ class Doctrine_ClassTableInheritance_TestCase extends Doctrine_UnitTestCase { public function prepareTables() { } public function prepareData() { } public function testClassTableInheritanceIsTheDefaultInheritanceType() { $class = new CTITest(); $table = $class->getTable(); $this->assertEqual($table->getOption('joinedParents'), array('CTITestParent2', 'CTITestParent3')); } public function testExportGeneratesAllInheritedTables() { $sql = $this->conn->export->exportClassesSql(array('CTITest')); $this->assertEqual($sql[0], 'CREATE TABLE c_t_i_test_parent4 (id INTEGER, age INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(id))'); $this->assertEqual($sql[1], 'CREATE TABLE c_t_i_test_parent3 (id INTEGER, added INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(id))'); $this->assertEqual($sql[2], 'CREATE TABLE c_t_i_test_parent2 (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name VARCHAR(200), verified INTEGER)'); foreach ($sql as $query) { $this->conn->exec($query); } } public function testInheritedPropertiesGetOwnerFlags() { $class = new CTITest(); $table = $class->getTable(); $columns = $table->getColumns(); $this->assertEqual($columns['verified']['owner'], 'CTITestParent2'); $this->assertEqual($columns['name']['owner'], 'CTITestParent2'); $this->assertEqual($columns['added']['owner'], 'CTITestParent3'); } public function testNewlyCreatedRecordsHaveInheritedPropertiesInitialized() { $profiler = new Doctrine_Connection_Profiler(); $this->conn->addListener($profiler); $record = new CTITest(); $this->assertEqual($record->toArray(), array('id' => null, 'age' => null, 'name' => null, 'verified' => null, 'added' => null)); $record->age = 13; $record->name = 'Jack Daniels'; $record->verified = true; $record->added = time(); $record->save(); // pop the commit event $profiler->pop(); $this->assertEqual($profiler->pop()->getQuery(), 'INSERT INTO c_t_i_test_parent4 (age, id) VALUES (?, ?)'); // pop the prepare event $profiler->pop(); $this->assertEqual($profiler->pop()->getQuery(), 'INSERT INTO c_t_i_test_parent3 (added, id) VALUES (?, ?)'); // pop the prepare event $profiler->pop(); $this->assertEqual($profiler->pop()->getQuery(), 'INSERT INTO c_t_i_test_parent2 (name, verified) VALUES (?, ?)'); } public function testParentalJoinsAreAddedAutomaticallyWithDql() { $q = new Doctrine_Query(); $q->from('CTITest c')->where('c.id = 1'); $this->assertEqual($q->getSql(), 'SELECT c.id AS c__id, c2.name AS c__name, c2.verified AS c__verified, c3.added AS c__added, c.age AS c__age FROM c_t_i_test_parent4 c LEFT JOIN c_t_i_test_parent2 c2 ON c.id = c2.id LEFT JOIN c_t_i_test_parent3 c3 ON c.id = c3.id WHERE c.id = 1'); $record = $q->fetchOne(); $this->assertEqual($record->id, 1); $this->assertEqual($record->name, 'Jack Daniels'); $this->assertEqual($record->verified, true); $this->assertTrue(isset($record->added)); $this->assertEqual($record->age, 13); } public function testFetchingCtiRecordsSupportsLimitSubqueryAlgorithm() { $q = new Doctrine_Query(); $q->from('CTITestOneToManyRelated c')->leftJoin('c.CTITest c2')->where('c.id = 1')->limit(1); print $q->getSql(); } } class CTITestParent1 extends Doctrine_Record { public function setTableDefinition() { $this->hasColumn('name', 'string', 200); } } class CTITestParent2 extends CTITestParent1 { public function setTableDefinition() { parent::setTableDefinition(); $this->hasColumn('verified', 'boolean', 1); } } class CTITestParent3 extends CTITestParent2 { public function setTableDefinition() { $this->hasColumn('added', 'integer'); } } class CTITestParent4 extends CTITestParent3 { public function setTableDefinition() { $this->hasColumn('age', 'integer', 4); } } class CTITest extends CTITestParent4 { } class CTITestOneToManyRelated extends Doctrine_Record { public function setTableDefinition() { $this->hasColumn('name', 'string'); $this->hasColumn('cti_id', 'integer'); } public function setUp() { $this->hasMany('CTITest', array('local' => 'cti_id', 'foreign' => 'id')); } }