. */ /** * Doctrine_Cache * * @package Doctrine * @subpackage Doctrine_Cache * @author Konsta Vesterinen * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @category Object Relational Mapping * @link www.phpdoctrine.com * @since 1.0 * @version $Revision$ */ class Doctrine_Cache extends Doctrine_Db_EventListener implements Countable, IteratorAggregate { /** * @var array $_options an array of general caching options */ protected $_options = array('size' => 1000, 'lifeTime' => 3600, 'addStatsPropability' => 0.25, 'savePropability' => 0.10, 'cleanPropability' => 0.01, 'statsFile' => '../data/stats.cache', ); /** * @var array $_queries query stack */ protected $_queries = array(); /** * @var Doctrine_Cache_Interface $_driver the cache driver object */ protected $_driver; /** * @var array $data current cache data array */ protected $_data; /** * @var boolean $success the success of last operation */ protected $_success = false; /** * constructor * * @param Doctrine_Cache_Interface|string $driver cache driver name or a driver object * @param array $options cache driver options */ public function __construct($driver, $options = array()) { if (is_object($driver)) { if ( ! ($driver instanceof Doctrine_Cache_Interface)) { throw new Doctrine_Cache_Exception('Driver should implement Doctrine_Cache_Interface.'); } $this->_driver = $driver; $this->_driver->setOptions($options); } else { $class = 'Doctrine_Cache_' . ucwords(strtolower($driver)); if ( ! class_exists($class)) { throw new Doctrine_Cache_Exception('Cache driver ' . $driver . ' could not be found.'); } $this->_driver = new $class($options); } } /** * getDriver * returns the current cache driver * * @return Doctrine_Cache_Driver */ public function getDriver() { return $this->_driver; } /** * setOption * * @param mixed $option the option name * @param mixed $value option value * @return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */ public function setOption($option, $value) { // sanity check (we need this since we are using isset() instead of array_key_exists()) if ($value === null) { throw new Doctrine_Cache_Exception('Null values not accepted for options.'); } if (isset($this->_options[$option])) { $this->_options[$option] = $value; return true; } return false; } /** * getOption * * @param mixed $option the option name * @return mixed option value */ public function getOption($option) { if ( ! isset($this->_options[$option])) { throw new Doctrine_Cache_Exception('Unknown option ' . $option); } return $this->_options[$option]; } /** * add * adds a query to internal query stack * * @param string|array $query sql query string * @param string $namespace connection namespace * @return void */ public function add($query, $namespace = null) { if (isset($namespace)) { $this->_queries[$namespace][] = $query; } else { $this->_queries[] = $query; } } /** * getQueries * * @param string $namespace optional query namespace * @return array an array of sql query strings */ public function getAll($namespace = null) { if (isset($namespace)) { if( ! isset($this->_queries[$namespace])) { return array(); } return $this->_queries[$namespace]; } return $this->_queries; } /** * pop * * pops a query from the stack * @return string */ public function pop() { return array_pop($this->_queries); } /** * reset * * removes all queries from the query stack * @return void */ public function reset() { $this->_queries = array(); } /** * count * * @return integer the number of queries in the stack */ public function count() { return count($this->_queries); } /** * getIterator * * @return ArrayIterator an iterator that iterates through the query stack */ public function getIterator() { return new ArrayIterator($this->_queries); } /** * @return boolean whether or not the last cache operation was successful */ public function isSuccessful() { return $this->_success; } /** * save * * @return boolean */ public function clean() { $rand = (mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax()); if ($rand <= $this->_options['cleanPropability']) { $queries = $this->readStats(); $stats = array(); foreach ($queries as $query) { if (isset($stats[$query])) { $stats[$query]++; } else { $stats[$query] = 1; } } sort($stats); $i = $this->_options['size']; while ($i--) { $element = next($stats); $query = key($stats); $hash = md5($query); $this->_driver->delete($hash); } } } /** * readStats * * @return array */ public function readStats() { if ($this->_options['statsFile'] !== false) { $content = file_get_contents($this->_options['statsFile']); $e = explode("\n", $content); return array_map('unserialize', $e); } return array(); } /** * appendStats * * adds all queries to stats file * @return void */ public function appendStats() { if ($this->_options['statsFile'] !== false) { if ( ! file_exists($this->_options['statsFile'])) { throw new Doctrine_Cache_Exception("Couldn't save cache statistics. Cache statistics file doesn't exists!"); } $rand = (mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax()); if ($rand <= $this->_options['addStatsPropability']) { file_put_contents($this->_options['statsFile'], implode("\n", array_map('serialize', $this->_queries))); } } } /** * onPreQuery * listens the onPreQuery event of Doctrine_Db * * adds the issued query to internal query stack * and checks if cached element exists * * @return boolean */ public function onPreQuery(Doctrine_Db_Event $event) { $query = $event->getQuery(); $data = false; // only process SELECT statements if (substr(trim(strtoupper($query)), 0, 6) == 'SELECT') { $this->add($query, $event->getInvoker()->getName()); $data = $this->_driver->fetch(md5(serialize($query))); $this->success = ($data) ? true : false; if ( ! $data) { $rand = (mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax()); if ($rand < $this->_options['savePropability']) { $stmt = $event->getInvoker()->getAdapter()->query($query); $data = $stmt->fetchAll(Doctrine::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->success = true; $this->_driver->save(md5(serialize($query)), $data); } } $this->_data = $data; } return (bool) $data; } /** * onPreFetch * listens the onPreFetch event of Doctrine_Db_Statement * * advances the internal pointer of cached data and returns * the current element * * @return array */ public function onPreFetch(Doctrine_Db_Event $event) { $ret = current($this->_data); next($this->_data); return $ret; } /** * onPreFetch * listens the onPreFetchAll event of Doctrine_Db_Statement * * returns the current cache data array * * @return array */ public function onPreFetchAll(Doctrine_Db_Event $event) { return $this->_data; } /** * onPreExecute * listens the onPreExecute event of Doctrine_Db_Statement * * adds the issued query to internal query stack * and checks if cached element exists * * @return boolean */ public function onPreExecute(Doctrine_Db_Event $event) { $query = $event->getQuery(); $data = false; // only process SELECT statements if (substr(trim(strtoupper($query)), 0, 6) == 'SELECT') { $this->add($query, $event->getInvoker()->getDbh()->getName()); $data = $this->_driver->fetch(md5(serialize(array($query, $event->getParams())))); $this->success = ($data) ? true : false; if ( ! $data) { $rand = (mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax()); if ($rand <= $this->_options['savePropability']) { $stmt = $event->getInvoker()->getStatement(); $stmt->execute($event->getParams()); $data = $stmt->fetchAll(Doctrine::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->success = true; $this->_driver->save(md5(serialize(array($query, $event->getParams()))), $data); } } $this->_data = $data; } return (bool) $data; } }