. */ namespace Doctrine\Common\Cache; /** * Base class for cache driver implementations. * * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @link www.doctrine-project.org * @since 2.0 * @version $Revision: 3938 $ * @author Guilherme Blanco * @author Jonathan Wage * @author Roman Borschel */ abstract class AbstractCache implements Cache { /** @var string The cache id to store the index of cache ids under */ private $_cacheIdsIndexId = 'doctrine_cache_ids'; /** @var string The namespace to prefix all cache ids with */ private $_namespace = null; /** @var boolean Whether to manage cache keys or not. */ private $_manageCacheKeys = false; /** * Sets whether cache keys should be managed by the cache driver * separately from the cache entries. This allows more granular * cache clearing through {@link deleteByPrefix}, {@link deleteByRegex}, * {@link deleteBySuffix} and some other operations such as {@link count} * and {@link getIds}. Managing cache keys comes at the cost of a higher * probability for cache slams due to the single cache key used for * managing all other keys. * * @param boolean $bool */ public function setManageCacheKeys($bool) { $this->_manageCacheKeys = $bool; } /** * Checks whether cache keys are managed by this cache driver. * * @return boolean * @see setManageCacheKeys() */ public function getManageCacheKeys() { return $this->_manageCacheKeys; } /** * Set the namespace to prefix all cache ids with. * * @param string $namespace * @return void */ public function setNamespace($namespace) { $this->_namespace = $namespace; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function fetch($id) { return $this->_doFetch($this->_getNamespacedId($id)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function contains($id) { return $this->_doContains($this->_getNamespacedId($id)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function save($id, $data, $lifeTime = false) { $id = $this->_getNamespacedId($id); if ($this->_doSave($id, $data, $lifeTime)) { if ($this->_manageCacheKeys) { $this->_saveId($id); } return true; } return false; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function delete($id) { $id = $this->_getNamespacedId($id); if (strpos($id, '*') !== false) { return $this->deleteByRegex('/' . str_replace('*', '.*', $id) . '/'); } if ($this->_doDelete($id)) { if ($this->_manageCacheKeys) { $this->_deleteId($id); } return true; } return false; } /** * Delete all cache entries. * * @return array $deleted Array of the deleted cache ids */ public function deleteAll() { $this->_errorIfCacheKeysNotManaged(); $ids = $this->getIds(); foreach ($ids as $id) { $this->delete($id); } return $ids; } /** * Delete cache entries where the id matches a PHP regular expressions * * @param string $regex * @return array $deleted Array of the deleted cache ids */ public function deleteByRegex($regex) { $this->_errorIfCacheKeysNotManaged(); $deleted = array(); $ids = $this->getIds(); foreach ($ids as $id) { if (preg_match($regex, $id)) { $this->delete($id); $deleted[] = $id; } } return $deleted; } /** * Delete cache entries where the id has the passed prefix * * @param string $prefix * @return array $deleted Array of the deleted cache ids */ public function deleteByPrefix($prefix) { $this->_errorIfCacheKeysNotManaged(); $deleted = array(); $ids = $this->getIds(); foreach ($ids as $id) { if (strpos($id, $prefix) == 0) { $this->delete($id); $deleted[] = $id; } } return $deleted; } /** * Delete cache entries where the id has the passed suffix * * @param string $suffix * @return array $deleted Array of the deleted cache ids */ public function deleteBySuffix($suffix) { $this->_errorIfCacheKeysNotManaged(); $deleted = array(); $ids = $this->getIds(); foreach ($ids as $id) { if (substr($id, -1 * strlen($suffix)) == $suffix) { $this->delete($id); $deleted[] = $id; } } return $deleted; } /** * Count and return the number of cache entries. * * @return integer $count */ public function count() { $this->_errorIfCacheKeysNotManaged(); $ids = $this->getIds(); return $ids ? count($ids) : 0; } /** * Get an array of all the cache ids stored * * @return array $ids */ public function getIds() { $this->_errorIfCacheKeysNotManaged(); $ids = $this->fetch($this->_cacheIdsIndexId); return $ids ? $ids : array(); } /** * Prefix the passed id with the configured namespace value * * @param string $id The id to namespace * @return string $id The namespaced id */ private function _getNamespacedId($id) { if ( ! $this->_namespace || strpos($id, $this->_namespace) === 0) { return $id; } else { return $this->_namespace . $id; } } /** * Save a cache id to the index of cache ids * * @param string $id * @return boolean TRUE if the id was successfully stored in the cache, FALSE otherwise. */ private function _saveId($id) { $ids = $this->getIds(); $ids[] = $id; $cacheIdsIndexId = $this->_getNamespacedId($this->_cacheIdsIndexId); return $this->_doSave($cacheIdsIndexId, $ids, null); } /** * Delete a cache id from the index of cache ids * * @param string $id * @return boolean TRUE if the entry was successfully removed from the cache, FALSE otherwise. */ private function _deleteId($id) { $ids = $this->getIds(); $key = array_search($id, $ids); if ($key !== false) { unset($ids[$key]); $cacheIdsIndexId = $this->_getNamespacedId($this->_cacheIdsIndexId); return $this->_doSave($cacheIdsIndexId, $ids, null); } return false; } /** * @throws BadMethodCallException If the cache driver does not manage cache keys. */ private function _errorIfCacheKeysNotManaged() { if ( ! $this->_manageCacheKeys) { throw new \BadMethodCallException("Operation not supported if cache keys are not managed."); } } /** * Fetches an entry from the cache. * * @param string $id cache id The id of the cache entry to fetch. * @return string The cached data or FALSE, if no cache entry exists for the given id. */ abstract protected function _doFetch($id); /** * Test if an entry exists in the cache. * * @param string $id cache id The cache id of the entry to check for. * @return boolean TRUE if a cache entry exists for the given cache id, FALSE otherwise. */ abstract protected function _doContains($id); /** * Puts data into the cache. * * @param string $id The cache id. * @param string $data The cache entry/data. * @param int $lifeTime The lifetime. If != false, sets a specific lifetime for this cache entry (null => infinite lifeTime). * @return boolean TRUE if the entry was successfully stored in the cache, FALSE otherwise. */ abstract protected function _doSave($id, $data, $lifeTime = false); /** * Deletes a cache entry. * * @param string $id cache id * @return boolean TRUE if the cache entry was successfully deleted, FALSE otherwise. */ abstract protected function _doDelete($id); }